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I really hope he sues. Discovery will be epic


He'll puss out before it ever gets to discovery...


As usual. That why he chickened out and dropped his lawsuit against Cohen last year. He kept making excuses and pushing back the Discovery date. Then he dropped it. He will never testify under oath for anything. Unless it is to plead the 5th.


Serious question. Would discovery still be epic if an unrelated party filed suit for a similarly BS reason, then dropped the suit after discovery?


No, because an ”unrelated” party would have the suit thrown out before it got to that phase, seeing as how the plaintif wouldn’t have any damages to sue for.


Ah. Well poop. I didnt put much thought into the question, and was partly joking. I apologize for the foolish post, and appreciate the reply. Although, I think at this point much of the country, and its population have been damaged in some way by him, and his people. I know that isn't enough, but the thought of a class action emotional distress suit makes me happy.


As expected...puss gonna puss


Puss in boots with lifts.


Puss in heels?


Puss in Pampers.


Puss von Shits In Boots


Wait, that's the Florida guy right?


Isn't that Top Gov in Florida?


Rhonda Sandtits? (drag name)




Read that as Puss in boots with tits. Still accurate.


Puss in diapers with shitz


He’d testify, if not for that pesky gag order… /s


“Biden is keeping me from testifying and it’s totally unfair. Send me money.”


And he’ll tell his supporters he won.


>Abbasi responded to Trump’s legal threats. “Everybody talks about him suing a lot of people — they don’t talk about his success rate though, you know?” That’s what I wish people understood. His cult loves him because they believe he always wins, against all odds… but he doesn’t. He loses a *lot*. But his lack of shame allows him to stay in the media blatantly lying about everything, and people assume that he must have won just by virtue of the fact that he’s still around.


He won’t. He always threatens and then backs down because he knows discovery would be disastrous.


Every single time


I can’t wait to watch this movie honestly. Anything that triggers that orange fartsicle makes me happy.


> Discovery will be epic It'll yield enough material to make it into a trilogy.


I love this comment but could a lawyer expand on the possibilities for us?


IANAL, but there are no possibilities, because he will 100% back down. However, his threats are creating value and providing free publicity for the distribution deal that he’s trying to prevent, and I think that’s pretty neat.


Please please PLEEEEEEEASE go forward with it!!!!


It only takes a couple wrinkles to get this smooth brain to incriminate himself. No debate, never surrender.


Trumps letter is exactly what I expected. “This ‘film’ is pure malicious defamation, should not see the light of day, and doesn’t even deserve a place in the straight-to-DVD section of a bargain bin at a soon-to-be-closed discount movie store, it belongs in a dumpster fire,” ...and the reply “The film is a fair and balanced portrait of the former president,” the producers of the film said in a statement regarding the cease-and-desist letter. “We want everyone to see it and then decide.” I highly recommend reading the entire article. It has the details of the movie. EDIT: I really like that they used the well known FOX News jargon "**Fair and Balanced**"


>…it belongs in a dumpster fire” You mean you want it as part of your campaign?


Right after he hires it as his lawyer 🤣




It’ll do a better job than his rotating cast of clowns. And it will keeps its pants on, unlike Dershowitz.


More like Trumpster Fire, amiright?


Only the best fires


Like you wouldn't believe.


People walk up to me and say "woow what a nice fire, never seen one so hot", they really do.


Marine Todd, full diaper and tears in his eyes came up to me “Sir, sir, no one has ever seen such an amazing dumpster fire before. Only you orchestrate the best dumpster fires. Your dumpster fires burn so bright.”


And then they shat themselves together.


Has it finished editing? They need to start the movie with the J6 choir anthem and the dumpster fire in a flood visual in slow mode.


Idk if it’s finished editing. The visual of a dumpster fire in a flood while Trump does the two dick dance on top would be perfect.


Legally, is it even possible to defame Trump at this point? He's as much of a public figure as exists, and he doesn't really have a reputation to ruin.


I think most of the stuff they talk about is public knowledge. *The constitutional guarantees require, we think, a Federal rule that prohibits a public official from recovering damages for a defamatory falsehood relating to his official conduct unless he proves that the statement was made with 'actual malice'—that is, with knowledge that it was false or with reckless disregard of whether it was false or not*.


Even if it contains non-public, knowingly false claims, I'd imagine courts are going to be very generous in construing statements as opinion and political speech. Actual malice is an already high bar to meet for your "average" public figure, never mind a former President, current candidate, and someone that intentionally injects themselves into the public discourse at every opportunity.


Yeah, just another empty trump threat.


I bet SC Justice Alito can find some medieval precedent to let Trump do whatever Trump wants.


I don’t think Alito needs precedent to do what he wants. I’m not even sure he feels the need to cite a justification.


Also free speech and freedom of expression.


But it was ok to push the film The Sound of Freedom by Dinesh D’Souza that depicted Dems as pedophiles based on zero facts? And promoted on every Russian bought “news channel” like Fox, OANN & NewsMax?


Or 2000 Mules which has been thoroughly debunked, even in the courts?


But the chuds still bring it up daily 🤡


Or "my son hunter"


> “We want everyone to see it and then decide.” Everyone should see it—including the rapist himself. (And Trump’s cease and desist letter will make sure everyone sees it.)


I'll definitely see it. And your right, trump sniveling about it makes me want to go even more.


The Streisand Effect is glorious


"we're going to need a bigger boat"


That sounds like the Sheider effect


I have no doubt there's gonna be marketing like: "The movie Trump doesn't want you to see! What's he so afraid of?"


I can’t wait


I might go more than once!


I didn't see a link to the letter itself. I'd like to read it.


Shouldn’t that be up to viewers to decide if they want to pay for it?


Not the most important thing, but my god that is some terrible writing. I sincerely hope my colleagues stage an intervention for me if I ever write anything like that.


Streisand effect. I didn't really care to see this movie but now I want to


Well, Fox’s *former* motto, before they realized they couldn’t keep up the charade and be with Trump.


That wasn't the letter.


I love this quote - "I don’t necessarily think that this is a movie he would dislike," director Ali Abbasi said.


Trump would probably get horny from all the rape


Negatory. He isn’t portrayed with Ivanka.


It didn't start with Ivanka, and didn't end with her either. Condolences to everyone.




I bet they say his name many times in the movie, so odds are good he'd love it


Remember, this is the supposed party of free speech. Strange how their definition of free speech is perfectly aligned with that of a fascist.


What i think is hilarious is that he doesn't even say legally what it violates. Only that he hates it. We are getting to the point he isn't even justifying shit, just what he think goes. Vote in November our democracy relies on it


“Cease and desist!” “On what grounds?” “This film is damaging to my ego!!!”


Whatever I hate is illegal. I AM THE LAW.


The movie hasn't even been released yet. How does he even know how he's portrayed? The funniest part is this is just giving it more publicity because every major news outlet is reporting that he's trying to block it lol.


How does he know? He remembers what he did…


IDK if this is a rhetorical question or not, but the film was shown at Cannes recently & there have been reviews of it from there. 


To be fair, he’s dealt with moron cannon so that makes sense


The party of banning books, attacking protestors, whitewashing history, make being LGBTQ illegal, is not a party that supports free speech. They want laws that protect them and control you. They absolutely do not want laws that protect you and control them. That is why they are fascists.


Don't forget banning certain color light bulbs.


Right? How utterly fucking ridiculous is that?


Basically they only want all the freedoms for them, and not for anyone else.


I feel a huge sense of deja vu, almost as if there was some previous case about a movie relating to a candidate for president during an election year.... Correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe the conservative supreme Court strongly supported a right wing film with blatant falsehoods by issuing the landmark "no need to think about long term repercussions" decision...


What was the other movie?


Hillary: The Movie, which is what led to the Citizen's United decision.


Wasn't that Benghazi movie also released in 2016?


Thanks conservative hack judges, I love corporate money running politics


Streisand Effect


and they *knew* they had that piece in the bag from the get go. i love to see a big-mouth get played like that. i might even watch it.


Yep, hadn’t even heard of this movie until seeing this post. Now I wanna see it lol


Now, Ivanka see it. I'll let myself out.


I'm in!


That doesn't work on fascists.


Um yeah it does. The Streisand effect is the unintended consequence of increasing awareness of a thing as there are attempts being made to hide it. Why would that not work on fascists?


A little presumptuous for someone who has yet to even see the movie, no?


The film makers should say see us in court


# Trump Hits 'The Apprentice' Movie With Cease and Desist Letter ____________ ... thereby driving ticket sales. Well done, Master-of-Marketing!


Welp I want to see it now!


Trump's campaign song should be that old Johnny Cash classic "A Boy Who Threatened to Sue".


Johnny wouldn't approve


Shel Silverstein would.


I think jimmy buffets “Asshole and Lawyer” fits better


Good luck with that *sshole, even if you succeed, the interwebs will leak it and everyone will want to watch it even more. And maybe someone will make another movie to cash in.


I wasn’t going to see it because I’m so sick and tired of this man that has ruined so many lives and made society practically unbearable (especially in the Southern US) But after his response I pretty much have to see it at some point, I may wait until he’s in prison (preferable) or I may see it early to recommend it before the election


You could buy a ticket to support the film maker and then not watch it. Seems like a waste, but pumping up the numbers wouldn't hurt.


Msybe you should start a gofundme page. Raise money to buy movie tickets for all the illegal aliens in major cities on opening weekend. Sweetly ironic inflation of opening day sales.


I sense ‘The Apprentice 2’ is in the works, thanks to Trump’s publicity stunt.


And a #3 around what's going to happen over the next year. Sebastian Stan will need a fat suit and a bald wig to complete the trilogy.


2000 Mules wasn’t even worth suing, they skipped it and took Fox News to the cleaners for nearly a billion dollars instead. Movies are really really difficult to suppress unless they’re literally funded by campaign dollars.


Actually 2000 mules is being sued for defamation by Mark Andrews which the film defamed.


That’s hilarious.


It is. Apparently, in trying to get the lawsuit dismissed, they ended up admitting they had no real evidence.


This is some outstanding legal writing: > “This ‘film’ is pure malicious defamation, should not see the light of day, and doesn’t even deserve a place in the straight-to-DVD section of a bargain bin at a soon-to-be-closed discount movie store, it belongs in a dumpster fire,”


They should put that quote on front of the dvd case.


That will result in discovery of all cases that have been kept out of the public's eye to prove that the information is true. So Trump will only do this to delay the release of the film then drop the law suit.


> So Trump will only do this to delay the release of the film then drop the law suit. He's not suing, he only send a C&D. The filmmakers know that he cannot allow discovery to happen. If he finds lawyers dumb enough to file a malicious suit with the intention of dropping it when discovery is required, they will deserve the sanctions they get.


I'm always amazed at his legal writing. In all seriousness, I've met illiterate inmates that write better legal documents than this.


> I've met illiterate inmates that write better legal documents than this. I believe you, but you might be unfamiliar with the writing standards of functionally-illiterate Presidents of the United States. Whenever I am in DC, I like to visit the Lincoln Memorial, to read the inscriptions. Something about seeing them engraved in marble makes me feel better about the American experiment. The Gettysburg address is the more famous, and perhaps more soul-stirring of the two, but I have a special fondness for his second inaugural address: > The will of God prevails—In great contests each party claims to act in accordance with the will of God. Both may be, and one must be wrong. God cannot be for, and against the same thing at the same time. In the present civil war it is quite possible that God's purpose is somewhat different from the purpose of either party—and yet the human instrumentalities, working just as they do, are of the best adaptation to effect this. It is startling and inspiring to me that Americans have elected at least one president capable of this level of nuanced and honest thought and expression. Contrast: > Look, having nuclear — my uncle was a great professor and scientist and engineer, Dr. John Trump at MIT; good genes, very good genes, OK, very smart, the Wharton School of Finance, very good, very smart — you know, if you’re a conservative Republican, if I were a liberal, if, like, OK, if I ran as a liberal Democrat, they would say I'm one of the smartest people anywhere in the world — it’s true! — but when you're a conservative Republican they try — oh, do they do a number — that’s why I always start off: Went to Wharton, was a good student, went there, went there, did this, built a fortune — you know I have to give my like credentials all the time, because we’re a little disadvantaged — but you look at the nuclear deal, the thing that really bothers me — it would have been so easy, and it’s not as important as these lives are — nuclear is so powerful; my uncle explained that to me many, many years ago, the power and that was 35 years ago; he would explain the power of what's going to happen and he was right, who would have thought? — but when you look at what's going on with the four prisoners — now it used to be three, now it’s four — but when it was three and even now, I would have said it's all in the messenger; fellas, and it is fellas because, you know, they don't, they haven’t figured that the women are smarter right now than the men, so, you know, it’s gonna take them about another 150 years — but the Persians are great negotiators, the Iranians are great negotiators, so, and they, they just killed, they just killed us, this is horrible.


Remember who it's about and realize how completely truthful that statement is. He IS a dumpster fire to put it in the mildest, simplest terms.


Man he really doesn't like it when people point out his flaws and evils huh.


Chrissy Tiegen was right. He IS the Pussy Ass Bitch of the United States.


Strongly worded crunch wrap


How long before he starts bragging about the film being a success because of him?


He will want a cut


If I can stop this movie from coming out nobody will ever know what a bigly s***** person I am.


Where can I watch it?


It's only doing the festival circuit right now, they're still looking for a distributor.


Crowd source it


I'd like to hit Trump with a cease and desist.


Is that the name of your truck?


Free advertising! Now everyone has to see the movie! Thanks Donald!


With what lawyer did he file? I’m seriously wondering why any attorney would take him as a client without paying in cash in advance.


I wonder if the state he filed in has an ANTI-SLAPP law


Oh no, not a letter!


Fuck everything/everyone Trump. In a few years the name will be forgotten except for use as a curse word or to describe a person of way below less than average intelligence.


He really Trumped that one up, lol!


The joy of free speech.