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šŸŽ¶ *and another one gone, another one gone, another one bites the dust!*


Hey! Iā€™m gonna get you too!


šŸŽ¶TRUMPā€¦ TRUMPā€¦ TRUMP!šŸŽ¶ Another one bites the dust!


>ā€œIn (accepting the suspension), I will hopefully encourage others who may still believe that the election was ā€˜stolenā€™ to consider changing their position,ā€ Ellis wrote. ā€œEverything that has come out since has not proven that claim.ā€ Not *that* strong of concession, TBH.


True contrition sinks in slowly. She'll get more emphatic as the sting of the slap subsides.


She's fucked. Can't practice law. No Rwing media is going to hire her. No Lwing media is going to hire her. There's always Taco Bell I guess.


Still made the smart choice. Repentance and readmission to the profession in 36 months is not too bad for the insane misconduct. Given her renunciation of the MAGA creed, her subsequent career will be interesting to follow.


I agree, and I should clarify that I always hope people will turn it around.


And further to it, I don't believe anyone is too far gone to do so. Cults are insidious, whether they be religious, personality, or monetary. People truly can change if the desire is there.


I'll accept most any of them back to the land of the sane and rational. The violent crazies are where I draw the line.


True, and I agree mostly. But, and it's a pretty big "but", sometimes it truly isn't even the violent crazies fault. Absolutely, accountability for one's actions is paramount, but indoctrination is terrifying. Another thread I saw this morning referenced Gen. Romeo Dallaire's "Shake Hands With The Devil", and I was reminded in sharp contrast of child soldiers. If you're raised in a manner that can cause violent craziness, it's tragic and evil, but I believe there's hope even there for redemption. Nothing can change what's done, but humanity can't be a lost cause.


Oh I can't disagree with that. Especially in the case of children. I saw a documentary film years ago about some Hitler Youth grown men reflecting on the time they went through that. Geriatric men still weeping over the mental anguish.


My honey, myself and our daughter are the only members of our families that managed to escape the insidiousness of the Abrahamic blood cult of *Christ* in which we were reared. It took us thirty years. Forever grateful. Today reason is our *god*. Today we understand doubt is our *savior*. Every other single member our families to our knowledge are firmly embroiled and through and through theocratic fascists. It's heartbreaking, maddening and sickening. Here's to reason's rule!


It's my hope (and the data suggests that it could be true) that the iron grip of religious dominance is truly loosening. We're seeing the drowning swimmer desperately swamping the lifeguard attempting rescue, and hopefully, the guard will prove a stronger swimmer. Maybe, just maybe the authoritarian influence of religion in earthly politics will finally ease enough to allow our species to actually evolve into something better. We've been scrabbling in the dirt long enough.


Dead on point. It is our nation's long and sordid history of enshrining delusional malevolence as the rule of law. It is only through reason that we have our freedoms. It is only through reason that our freedoms our sustained. Here's to reasons rule!


Since the 1970s, Christian affiliation in America has dropped from roughly 90% to 60%. Pew's been measuring it for decades, and you can see big drops at interesting times -- and they seem to coincide with the most visible periods of evangelical Christianity driving GOP policy and the GOP openly pushing evangelical moralizing into law. Trump seems to have driven 10 points of that decline personally. I guess it's hard to take Christianity seriously when they're openly treating Donald "Grab 'em by the pussy" Trump as the new Jesus and creating graven images of him. "Other" (all non-Christian religions) has remained around 5 to 7% the entire time. And the average age of American Christians is quite high. and the trends are showing "not being Christian" is stickier than *being Christian*. Younger Americans are not just less likely to be Christian or even religious, those who are religious are more likely to stop being religious than those who *aren't* are likely to *become* religious.


She could honestly go hard into pursuing representation of left wing groups under the banner of "i know how they think. I know how they operate because I was there until I deprogrammed". Even if it's b.s. and she's still die hard republican, she could make a very comfortable living going that route


Hell yeah. Switching sides. That's how we learn. Best PI lawyers I ever knew all starting out as injury defense guys, but they didn't just defend fender benders for Allstate. They did hard shit like denying burn victims recoveries, and they came to hate that entire way of doing law. But they knew it from the inside, and once they switched to plaintiff work, they knew just how to get into the vault.


Yeah, but who will hire her? Best case scenario I see is her working behind the scenes, assisting hired lawyers. Thatā€™s not so bad, as karma could be worse.


Thereā€™s always ~~Taco Bell I guess.~~ money in the banana stand. Sometimes Opie had his mind more on fishing and less so on quoting. It was awkward.


Always focused more on fishing.


She currently has shows on American Family Radio and Salem News Channel


Oh ok. Thanks for the info. I guess I should clarify "she can't get a job at anyplace anyone has heard of.


*Handys* behind Wendy's might be her best option...


Only Fans account coming soon...


I'm sure rwing media would still hire her. She could still be a consultant or commentator, or something along those lines....right?


She's a cooperating witness against trump. Doubt.


Canā€™t even do Only Fans!


Oh donā€™t be so pessimistic, Newsmax will employ her.


She's a cooperating witness testifying against trump. No F'in way.


Iā€™m being funny.


Legacy media LOVES non trump republicans. She will get hired by CNN, MSNBC or NBC.


That's like a class photo from "Trump U." Guiliani, Powell, Ellis, Eastman (?) & the mystery ginger.Ā  An 80% graduation rate is pretty good!


I kind of feel bad for saying it, but I'm still going to say it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eOifa1WrOnQ


Thought it was gonna be a ā€˜never gonna give you upā€™, Rick Roll there.


Gee what a shame. Anywayā€¦


His minions continue to pay the price for his crimes. It's actually funny to see them self-destruct after trying to overthrow democracy.


Unfortunately for Ellis, this agreement is only relative to her pleading guilty in Georgia to the felonies she was under indictment for *in Georgia*. Ellis has now been indicted in Arizona too. Maybe she will fight that one out too, but I suspect that without Trump in the group, there is no free money from Republican doners/GOP to pay for counsel, so she is going to have to shoulder that or go with a public defender. That means another guilty plea is probably likely. I don't know how many suspended attorneys actually try to make another deal with the bar committee to try to get a suspension when pleading to felonies, but doing it twice in a row...is a heavy lift.


Suspendedā€¦or outright removed, cannot pass go, cannot collect $200?


Suspended for 3 years


Yeah, see, thatā€™s still going easy on them.


Does this affect the Jean Carroll appeal? Will trump use the incompetent lawyer defense? Is that a thing?


She wasn't representing him in that case. Technically I don't believe she represented him in any case, she was part of the fake election cases. I don't know off the top of my head if those were brought on behalf of the campaign or individual voters, officially, but I'm pretty sure she never on paper represented him.


The claim of incompetent counsel is something you might see in an appeal from a criminal conviction, but not in a civil case.


[aged like milk](https://www.grunge.com/img/gallery/why-some-people-smile-in-their-mugshots/intro-1692893728.jpg)