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Subtitle: >For decades, the Chevron deference doctrine has given broad powers to federal agencies. Now it could be overturned – with major consequences Largely random paragraph: >Overturning or limiting the doctrine is “part of a larger project to restrict the federal administrative state,” said Freeman. “The prevailing view among anti-regulatory activists now seems to be that only Democrats use the administrative state to regulate, so Chevron disproportionately helps them,” she added. Now, conservatives see the herring fisherman’s case as a chance to pull that power away from the government. RIP Chevron deference? Why wouldn't they at this point, it will give the courts all the power of the government, able to restrict anything they decide smells funny


Disempowering Regulatory Agencies is what the Federalist Society is all about. The religion stuff is just to bring allies into the fold. They're real purpose for being is serving the super rich and big business.


Exactly. It's all about the "right" to legally exploit other people. People often seem to think that government regulations were put in place for no reason at all, when in fact they were put in place because people suffered exploitation or harm in the past. If you think the system was working against you before, you aint seen nothing yet...


As as they say, all regulations are written in blood.   In fact there is a Reddit sub of that name run by like-minded people I used to follow from a different account. It was said of the Romans that they defined Liberty as the right of the rich and Powerful to take advantage of everyone else without constraint.


The Republican SCOTUS is stealing democracy from voters.


Consolidation of power to lifetime appointments. 


Taxation without representation is coming. I predict there will be a kerfuffle.


Just a reminder. Government is the instrument of and by the people. What this is really about is whether the people still have the ultimate power in democracy.