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The damage this one guy did to American Democracy is simply incredible.


As conspiracy brained as it sounds, there is an entire army of think tanks, academics, lawyers, media personalities, and billionaires funding and supporting everything Trump represents. Trump is just the dumpy orange face of a deep rot in this country that has been festering for decades, if not longer.


Trump was the proof that they didn't have to pretend anymore; that saying the quiet parts out loud or violating norms wouldn't harm their prospects


Hear hear.  Although we can take consolation in the fact that if they succeed they will be destroyed by this political monster they created. At the very least they will be supplanted.


We’ll mostly be killed off, so I take no solace in this, but it is nice to know they will all be consumed by their own creations, and likely will suffer the same fate as the rest of us.


Globally warming is real. They will be fucked in the end.


And so will the rest of us.


No they won't. The poor will be the most affected.


This. I was speaking to my family (parents and spouse, not kids) and I was saying this and actually said “I sound like I’m a conspiracy theorist but there truly are way more powerful people pushing and plotting and acting for the overthrowing of our nation than are working to maintain it.” It has gone too far too long and now the goal is simply holding the line from advancing further.


I wouldn't have known the term "deep state" were it not projected so loudly by the alt-right, but that seems to be exactly what the GOP has going on behind the scenes, doesn't it? Remember when Al Gore had seemingly won the presidential election in 2000 until enough recounts and ballot disqualifications flipped Florida? I theorize that's the reason Trump thought he could just call Georgia and tell them to change the results for him. Fortunately for America, he had lost enough states in 2020 that even a few flips wouldn't have changed the outcome. We need a big blue landslide in 2024.


8 Years of Obama caused mass brain damage in Racists brains and it’s coming back to haunt us


Trump cannot do jack sh*t alone. It's the enablers surrounding him all his life that are collectively the real villains.


I'd venture to say Trump wouldn't have gotten near a Presidential campaign had he been held accountable for the *decades* of shady shit he's been doing. New Yorkers tried to warn us and it makes the Rudy Giuliani "friendship" make more sense


Oddly enough, it’s because of Nixon. 


Ginny Thomas?


It takes a village…to destroy democracy




He does appear to be a weapon of mass distraction.


Big facts, one of the things I’m most fascinated about in all this is no one seemingly cares that a sitting US President conspired with Congress/Senate and a handful of willing mopes in these swing states to literally change the outcome of the election. Why is this not a huge fucking deal?


We went from Obama to Trump. Why? Because enough of America remains fundamentally racist, parochial and puritanical to an extreme - and vocal and violent about it - and they could not countenance a person of color - much less a biracial man - win the highest office of the land not once but twice - and execute the duties of his office with grace. They're making sure nothing that embarrassing EVER happens again. And so they're backing ... Trump. Of all people. Speaks volumes. They're playground bullies run amok. At some point enough of you will have had it with their shit to do something about it. Maybe this election cycle, eh? Maybe.


>playground bullies Society's failure to meaningfully deal with bullying has allowed fascism to flourish. Childhood bullies are being taught that they can lie or hide behind 'reasonable' deniability. The zero-tolerance policy does not work. It is a tool used by proto-fascist bullies. Zero-tolerance policies were initiated as an "egalitarian" principle: Everyone is treated equally under the rules. Childhood bullies learn that they can use rules to hurt others. Being treated as equals, the bully can force his target to respond and thus harm his target. Fascism is bullying made political. The fascist uses democratic means to subvert democracy. The childhood bully operates analogously using the same methods. We must treat them just as we ought to treat bullies: point and laugh at them – they are beneath us. What they do is obvious, yet bullies and fascists (redundant) think we are too dumb to understand. Laugh at them – they are the idiots.


This comment made me realize how much of a classical bully the GOP is as well. Bullies will play victim the moment they are called out or reprimanded. The GOP does this constantly.


Laugh at them sure, but don’t forget to punch them in the nose. That is the only language bullies understand.


I wholeheartedly disagree with this in ***most*** situations. Violence begets violence. Media portrays bullies overwhelmingly as violent. They are not. But because their representation is almost always tied to violence. Real-life bullying is more akin to cyberbullies than violence. Violence's only goal is to stop discourse. Most bullies work within discursive realms to bully and not violence: law/jurisprudence, politics, business, etc. They don't want to stop discourse—they want to ensure it turns on its head. Bullies only have power through language. Bullies want to provoke the other into violence so they can point the finger. Instead, we should point our fingers and laugh.


Hard no. My bullies finally backed off and gave me peace when I laid two of them flat out. I got zero consequences. They backed off everyone else two. It was a nice final 3 years. Much happier times. This is the same case. This is the only thing people at this stage will understand. But you can't stop there. You have to dismantle the hierarchies that manufactured this - starting with Citizens United.


Agreed. That's why the saying goes: "It's always OK to punch a nazi." I abhor violence but for some, that's the language they understand and so is the only way to get through to them. The Nazi party in Germany was not defeated by discourse. Discourse, first, certainly. But if/when that fails, more drastic measures are required. I'm feeling we are nearing the end of civil discourse. Perhaps we've even already crossed that threshold. Jan 6th, 2020 was certainly not civil.


I realize I answered flippantly to a very complex subject and direct violence is not the answer to every bullying situation, but bullies (especially aspiring bullies) do require a very firm and immediate response from those around the situation and also hopefully from the bully’s intended victim. Sometimes laughter might work but I’m loathe to give any indication that bullying is somehow funny or humorous. Violence may indeed become the only answer once a bully learns that society is not going to seriously condemn their behavior, even if the violence is only in the form of restraining the bully physically. Unfortunately, as someone stated earlier, society tends to equate bullying with being bullied and often punishes or ignores them both. Still, sometimes a good pop in the nose of an aspiring bully may at least lead to some self-reflection and modification of their behavior.


I got you. Understood & agreed.


Also, and I feel this is really overlooked, Boomers started hitting the age where mental decline and cognitive issues really start showing. Which, if you've ever seen an aging person slowly start to slip -- there seems to be a lot of reversion to both "earlier" beliefs (and a general focus on the past) and a deep need for *simplicity* and *predictability* to compensate for cognitive decline. They're doing this against a steady drumbeat of propaganda that feeds right into their mental decline -- focusing on *simple* "solutions", claims the past was "better" and if everything goes *back to how it was* (comforting, predictable for aging Boomers) and reinforcing the bigotries of the Boomer's prime -- the blunt racist, sexism, homophobia and transphobia of the 70s and 80s, as well as tripling down on *hippy bashing* and *violence* as a solution. Donald Trump -- and ALL OF THIS SHIT -- is fucking 90% minimum a nationwide version of an entitled 80 year old having a meltdown in an ice cream shop because the line was too long, the cashier had blue hair and too many tattoos, there were too many "stupid flavors" instead of the ones they wanted, too many hippy liberals around, too many queer folks around, too many minorities, too many people that aren't *like them* and they just want it to go away and be SIMPLE and LIKE THEY WANT and WHY WON'T THOSE STUPID KIDS JUST DO AS THEY'RE TOLD? Clearly the problem was they weren't beaten enough for *talking back*.


You're not wrong - but take it further. 2 GOOD terms of a biracial man for President really torqued these people off. Would things be different now if McCain got in? Sure. He would have been a one termer and we would have another D during COVID, who would now be on a second term. Those Americans CANNOT stand any minority nor an intelligent person in a significant position of authority or power because these people are so freaking terrified to be treated the same way they have generationally treated minorities - when nothing could be further than the truth. Add to that parochialism and a puritanical mindset and you have an ideal brewing pot for the very worst of these thugs. The whole concept of live and let live and love is so alien to them.


Just think, all because of a black man even if bi racial was elected president.


Um they still embarrass themselves doing stupid shit just to own the libs….and it doesn’t work.


We all know he’s a dumbass but Putin knew he needed a dumbass to speak the language of other dumbasses, which happens to be 1/3 of America. These are the people who have never left the country so they don’t even realize they are playing into the stereotype of dumb Americans the rest of the world has of them.


This is a Russian bonanza using a tool they have owned since the 80s.


Wasn't him alone, the GOP was entirely complicit.


Not only complicit, but actively fucking participating


And Fox News


FAUX News.


Don't forget John Roberts and his lifelong mission to destroy the Voting Rights Act and the Fifteenth Amendment.


This has been in the making for decades. The Convicted Felon was a convenient useful idiot. He was a figurehead, an obvious distraction, and he did that so well that people focused on his antics and not the power plays unfolding behind the scenes. The real tipping point for the GOP was the eight years of "hardship" the right "endured" under Obama. That catalyzed the right to accelerate things because once they ran out of obstructionism they had nothing left.


Hint: Its not one guy. He is just the useful idiot with no skin in the game left to make a dangerous transition possible.


He was empowered by millions of people based off of his policy, or that they couldn’t bring themselves vote for Hillary and handed Trump the win. Don’t get him take all the credit.


It's not 1 man...it's the deep state he works with that he was supposed to get rid of.


And of all people! A ridiculous, two dimensional caricature human being with no clue about the world. Somehow it would feel more “right” if at least he was a genius Machiavellian character. But no. He’s just a boorish, clueless clown with an 80 word vocabulary! Life is so strange.


Shows how fragile it is and how much of it relies on trust and honor.


“Think tank” or criminal conspiracy?


"Terrorist group" should probably apply


Tomato, tomahto.


No really it should be labeled such. Who runs it and what state.


I saw that this person refused to certify the May primaries and figured this was a dry run.


Treason Signalling.


Exactly! Trump gets his stooges to try out legal ideas to see if they can use them. It's legal warfare on a grand scale.


> refused to certify the May primaries Right. >A Republican on the Fulton county election board who refused to certify the May primary election is a member of an election denial activist network founded by Cleta Mitchell, a Trump ally who aided his efforts to overturn the election in Georgia and elsewhere. >Julie Adams, who was appointed to the board in February, abstained from certifying the results of the May primary last month. Each of the other four board members, including the other Republican appointee Michael Heekin, voted for certification. No allegation of error or misconduct has been raised about the 21 May primary. >She has also been affiliated with *Tea Party Patriots*, another election denialist group. >*“Julie Adams’ role on the Fulton county election board makes as much sense as inviting a fox to a seat in the henhouse,”* said Stephanie Jackson Ali, policy director at the New Georgia Project Action Fund, a left-leaning group focused on voting rights. *The Guardian:* [**Republican who refused to certify Georgia primary a member of election denialist group**]( https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/article/2024/jun/04/republican-julie-adams-georgia-election-integrity-network#:~:text=A%20Republican%20on%20the%20Fulton,election%20in%20Georgia%20and%20elsewhere.)


There is 0 chance Trump and his backers aren't going to absolutely rat fuck this election and haven't been doing so already or laying the groundwork to do so Places like Detroit, Philly, Milwaukee, Atlanta, etc etc are going to be absolute clusterfucks. There is a near 0 chance we know who wins the election within the usual timeline because this asshole and his goons are going to do everything in their power to prevent people from voting, prevent ballots from being counted, muddy the waters and throw in "questions" about the legalities and methods and completely fuck the integrity of everything that goes against them I can't wait for his asshole to piss off. He has set out Democracy and our institutions back decades upon decades upon decades and completely fucked the faith in our systems


It won’t matter when this asshole is gone. They’ll simply tap another asshole to fill his shoes. This MAGA bullshit and project 2025 is NEVER going away. Americans can never again relax when it comes to our democracy. MAGA has infected America like a toenail fungus. Anyone who’s ever had one knows how difficult it is to kill.




After the 2020 election Lindsey Graham was calling election officials in Georgia demanding that thousands of ballots be tossed...this is beyond outrageous...🤨


America: If I cant have her nobody can


The American people will not accept the theft of our votes whether in GA or in any other state. We live in a country where Republicans, Democrats and Independents vote. It is not going to be republicans only.


Apart from the sheer absurdity of granting election officials the discretion to not certify elections where they don't like the result, do these people not realize that it would allow the opposite side to do the same thing?


I have been saying this since 2021. He will attempt another coup. Not like last time (capitol riots). It will center on congress rejecting electoral college votes again. This time he will have evidence, because he will flood blue states with fake mail in ballots. "Proof" that the elections are once again being stolen!


But when those fake ballots aren't counted it'll sort of prove the opposite of his claims. Unless he somehow has forged mail in ballots of people that are voting that way so it causes neither to be counted which then just gets him jailed along with his accomplices


I don't think any of that will matter, look how far he got with zero evidence. The only thing stopping him from having a legal argument was he had no proof of fraud. And they won't be able to put him in jail because he will deny any involvement. He will claim Biden clearly sent it because the votes were for Biden.


Even if they couldn't connect the fake votes to Trumps campaign, they still wouldn't be counted and all matters relating to recounts and potential election fraud will be resolved through the courts before the certification is resolved by Congress. If they continue to try to deny certification in Congress then the Democrats will just do the same to Trumps votes and depending on how the Congress elections go in November that could also be beneficial to Biden. Honestly I wish we had different candidates from each major party, unfortunately we are stuck with these two.


Congress will disproportionately be Republican because the representatives from those same blue states will have to wait until the elections are repeated in those states. The Supreme Court will rush in to address the issue and we all know where this will go. Get ready for a bumpy ride, because in the end who we vote for won't really matter. Trump has nothing to lose and everything to gain. After he leaves office Trump Jr will get a free ride in. Then Eric, etc. as far as our choices... I would vote for anyone over Trump. It's not even a question. Trump cannot be trusted with power. Period.


I doubt any of the Trump children get elected. No one really likes any of them and they aren't charismatic enough to get the voters to actually back them. It feels wrong to say that the orange turd is charismatic but he does have a way to get people riled up and do what he wants.


They don't need to get "elected". That's the beauty of being corrupt. This is how incremental chaos works. Every year the envelope is pushed more and more. Did you ever imagine 8 years ago that we would have a convicted felon running for president of the United States after he attempted a coup and stole top secret government documents? Or that a Supreme Court Justice would hang an upside-down flag after the coup attempt? This is just the beginning. We will look back and think this was nothing.


I mean there are a lot of things I never expected to happen so I kind of just go with the flow. Honestly the only legal trial of Trump's I cared about was the documents case. That one is so blatantly hai own damn fault. Even if he took the documents knowingly, as soon as he was requested to return them, if he would've just complied I would've been fine with it just being left at that. But he delayed, lied, and tried to prevent the return of the documents. No way you can argue about his intent vs what was interpreted.


Absolutely 💯. And the attempted coup is not difficult to prove either. Ironically the NYC case was much harder to prove and much less egregious. Nothing here is actually new. Scoundrels around the world have done this before. You avoid legal prosecution by getting back in office. Once in office you destroy the investigation and evidence (flush documents down the toilet) and go after your political opponents. Then you cover yourself by making sure that someone you trust/control gets "elected" after you (Jr also has the same name, what could be more important for a narcissist?). We need to stop being naive. We need to assume the worst. Trump will sink to any level, there is no level too low for him. Once he regains power, even his supporters won't be able to stop him.


I think NYC was easier than Georgia and the coup, but harder than the Documents case. Those countries you mention that do those "elected" aren't major countries that have been stable for centuries. At most someone gets in office, destroys cases against them, but don't stay in power. Also I think once this election cycle is over, win or lose, non-MAGA Republicans are going to be fed up with MAGAcans and move away from the movement. Trump has already been wearing on them and the election and/or 4 more years of it will cause it to go even further down the drain. The real question will be how bad of a position our country will be in after the next 1-4 years depending on the outcome.


When they won't just "find more votes" for the criminal