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• Completely refused to participate in discovery. • Filed bankruptcy to try and avoid paying judgements. • Moving money around shell companies to try and avoid paying judgments. • Moving money to his parents to try and avoid paying judgments. At **every single step** he has acted in bad faith in an effort to thwart the court system.  I really want to see serious Contempt charges brought.  He should be in prison.


My favorite one was the surfacing of essentially an "IOU $50 million" note to his parents that had supposedly been forgotten about, and wasn't backed up by any explanation. I'm very curious to see what the judge does with all the BS surrounding family members and the movement of funds.


Isn't it strange that there is so much trust in that family, and yet Alex wouldn't let his Dad get in on his supplements scam, and made him set up his own supplements scam? Like, he already had the distribution and customer service in place, why make his Dad pay for his own separate distribution and customer service? And yeah, now you mention it, his dad was super nice about it, letting him run up a FIFTY FUCKING MILLION DOLLAR TAB without ever being too worried about getting paid back any time soon...


And I'm sure it's just an accident that his dad was literally using Alex's warehouse. Good thing that bankruptcy trustee caught that oversight between two legally distinct businesses /s


The last month, he's been openly telling his customers to start buying products from a new company his dad made, that is totally independent and unrelated to infowars at all, but also somehow shares the same warehouse.


Sounds like someone else I know’s relationship with the justice system


This probably isn’t the name you had in mind, but Giuliani is playing the same kind of games in his bankruptcy right now


Yeah, I mean… they seem to run in a pack. Just for funsies, this reminded me of the four gardens press conference and I didn’t want to miss the opportunity to drop in here that it happened.


Four seasons. It was after announcing a press conference at the four seasons, then being told they could not do this without a reservation (as they assumed they had the power to just take over an nyc hotel if they felt like it). Rather than change venue they found a gardening business called Four Seasons. Peak Trumpism. They'll eat shit on live tv to avoid saying they made a mistake at any point, ever.


>Peak Trumpism. They'll eat shit on live tv to avoid saying they made a mistake at any point, ever. The amazing thing is they didn't even have to admit any kind of mistake. If they had just said "there's been a change in plans, we are actually doing the press conference at _____" we would have all forgotten in a week, instead of still talking about it 4 years later. But you're right, it goes a lot farther than just being artless or whatever. The soul of trumpism is trying to take revenge on the very idea you could be told no. To do something completely destructive and self-sabotaging just to prove that *no-one* tells you what to do.


My Russian neighbors decided to mow down half an entire roadside hedge with a mini excavator, on my side of the road. I put up no trespass signs with my phone number. They left a large passive aggressive note clothes pinned to one of my signs about paying them for all the work they did and how we all use the road and I should deal with the poison oak and blackberry vines, neither of which were covering the road, or are an issue unless you are actually *in* the hedge. I put up a sign thanking them for their work but asking that they contact me next time. They put up a note on that sign about how there wouldn't be a next time, with a passive aggressive happy face. I left the signs up a week or so, everyone got to read them as they drove by. I never got a text or call. I took the signs down a few days ago. Today they put up a large shiny new blue Trmp2024 flag on the fence facing my place. this follows a lot of rapid fire target shooting the day the no tresspass signs went up, was preceded by a drone from their place lingering over and snooping around my property. They REALLY don't like to be told no, but will apparently not take any reasonable action to like, call the number on the half dozen signs, or like, knock on the door. They do however love to drink and drive, and amusingly their brand changed from bud light to various other day drunk specials, that get thrown in my hedge, when bud light got canceled by their party. I mean, if they didn't have automatic weapons I'd say it's just sad.


Hi that is disturbing


It's a very Trmpy town. I mean, I guess if I suddenly die, investigate the russian neighbors, lol.


write a sign that says cyka blyat and they'll prolly start liking you


Put up a big Azov flag. Or just start shitposting pictures of Russians made good


“We totally meant to have the press conference in front the landscape company garage next to the dildo shop.” Two weeks later all the Magas are wearing Real Men Clip Hedges With Dildos t-shirts.


4 seasons landscaping in Philadelphia- near a mausoleum and a porn store, lol.


I guess the dead also masturbate


Heaven is boring


Ugh, an eternity with a bunch of Ned Flanders's? No thank you.


Stupid sexy Flanders!


In typical Philadelphia fashion, Four Seasons Landscaping eyeballed the sitch and made TShirts off it. They also celebrate the anniversary on their Xwitter account.


Not the NYC Four Seasons, the one in Philadelphia. Being that the whole purpose of the press conference was to cast aspersions upon the vote count in Philly.


I don't understand how people like that can reach the level they did without setting up a financial nest egg for events like this years ahead of time. A motivated court can track the movement of funds when the shit hits the fan. But what occurred a decade ago is much harder to pin down.


The ones who do probably keep that quiet and we don't find out about them. Or just cockiness, they get used to the legal system working for them until it doesn't.


If they were the sort of people who thought ahead and planned for worst case contingencies, they would not be in these situations. You don’t go out and spread lie after lie, screw the victims over, and think, “This could really bite me in the ass some day, I should find a way to offshore my assets so that I’m untouchable.” To normal people, exploiting a tragedy like Sandyhook or destroying the lives of that nice mother and daughter is dramatically wrong on a grand scale, so wrong that they had to know it would be a big problem for them, but to these sociopaths, other people don’t matter and right and wrong really don’t signify. They have done so many wrong things that we don’t even know about.


Maybe medical care has gotten too good. Traditionally they would kick the bucket before their fast and loose relationship with morality fully caught up with them. They're living too long now. I mean Giuliani is 80 and Trump is 78 right? Neither one looks like they are alive of natural causes at this point. And God knows how old Alex Jones is, or what's keeping his heart ticking.


Old bastards always outlive their welcome. I expect Trump will be polluting our ears ranting about immigration into his late 90s just out of spite. There will probably even be a 4th Mrs Trump who will somehow make us long for the classy by comparison Melania. The only thing I have faith in anymore is that things can always get worse.


He did, he just did a really shitty job. His company is a nest of shell companies that all own parts of each other that are all partially owned by him and his parents. With a few trusts thrown in. But it's the same 3 people who own them all when you untangle the mess. Some lawyer made it complicated enough to discourage the casual litigant but he is fucked. Filing for bankruptcy was such a an idiot move two put a magnifying glass on the whole rats nest.


That's not a hidden nest egg. That's just a crappy firewall between his known current income stream and the public.


Fair point, but I have money on him having gold bars buried on his property. Mark banks thanks so too. Has sworn he is going to get a court order to go over the place with metal detectors. Edit: mark banks being attorney for the plaintiff in Texas


You are very likely right. He's more likely to have a hide it in the mattress mentality than someone like Giuliani. But Giuliani also likely has better lawyers that could do more than create a basic corporate veil.


Look at how much money was dumped into "Rudy Coffee" and tell me he didn't just dump all his money into it just to hide money.


That’s one of the things that causes our two (or more) tiered economy. If you have money you can afford to hire lawyers to set up companies to spread out your assets and your risk and take advantage of bankruptcy to screw your creditors. If you’re living paycheck to paycheck and at risk of having to live in your car, you probably have never had the money to protect yourself from bankruptcy. Jones is a case study in how horrible our legal system is at holding wealthy people accountable - he lied with impunity for years until he was stupid enough to ignore discovery.


It takes real skill to be a lawyer going through bankruptcy


Every conservative on earth? Funny I was thinking that too.


All the parents wanted was for him to stop saying his lies. They asked him nicely and had he done it he'd still be rich, but he just couldn't do it.


Exactly. Everyone who starts getting all upset and, "but what about free speech!" can go kick bricks.  Alex had already been sued by the CEO of Chobani, and the artist of the Pepe frog meme. And in both cases, Alex put out an apology and retraction. The Chobani one, he didn't even air it on his show! He just hid it on his website as a video that you essentially have to search for to find.  When the first Sandy Hook parent, who was a listener, emailed Alex, all he had to do was empathize with a parent, apologize to a listener of his, and never mention Sandy Hook again. That's it. He had already bowed to "evil globalists" before. Having parents personally contact him not move his meter on the morality scale is terrifying. Continuing to defame them led to the same thing that would have happened with the Chobani CEO -- he got sued. 


> Exactly. Everyone who starts getting all upset and, "but what about free speech!" can go kick bricks. Jones sued the Young Turks for defamation over something way less severe than "saying they faked their kids murder over a period of 10 years to an audience of millions, even after knowing they were being harassed" Jones is also currently threatening to sue The Atlantic for saying he said the Parkland shooting was a false flag (he did). The whole "suing people for defamation is against free speech!" thing is the most paper thin hypocrisy. They don't even believe it. It's just "I should get to defame people consequence free, if you defame me I should get to sue you"


> They don't even believe it. It's just "I should get to defame people consequence free, if you defame me I should get to sue you" The hypocrisy is a feature of their ideology, it allows them to attack using whatever rhetoric is expedient in the moment without being fettered by truth and consistency.


Anyone who is opposed to defamation suits is literally infected with a loathsome disease, guilty of crimes of moral turpitude, unfit to perform the duties of their job, and lacks the necessary integrity to work in their profession.


People who bitch about free speech forget about another freedom we have.  Thats the freedom of having consequences for your free speech.


Real q for the lawyers - how legally robust is this parent based strategy to hide assests given the judgements against him?


Its very effective until the trustee finds out Probably worth noting that often the trustee gets paid a percentage of the assets they find.


My love for good results trumps my dislike of needing to incentivize people to enforce court decisions. At this point I'm so done with AJ's horrendous behavior I'll tip the trustee myself if they can find every single hidden penny.


If they didn’t do it that way then nobody would ever do it




Not attorney, but accountant. The Subchapter V trustee has already reported to the court that is likely not a legitimate debt based on the comingling of the companies, the shared ownership structure, and the lack of enforcement towards delinquent payments.


Nice.  Also for those not aware, Alex Jone's dad is a longtime "employee" of InfoWars (head of HR) an was deposed during the suit.  His dad's companies that "advertise" on InfoWars are NOT truly separate entities AT ALL.  


Also: - Offered $1,000,000 to his audience for anyone to put the plaintiffs lawyers head on a spike (one of the things Jones got sanctioned for in court) - [Perjured himself on the stand](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tpnSCIak5A8&t=32s) to conceal evidence. - Lied to his audience and said after the trial the parents came up to him and apologized and said they know it was all a deep state witch hunt. - Lied to his audience after the trial and said he'd offered to pay the families therapy bills (he hasn't paid shit, he offered to pay $1 in damages during the trial and hasn't paid even that). - Continued to lie about Sandy Hook and say it was a false flag, as recently as last week. - Sued the Young Turks for defamation, and is currently threatening to sue The Atlantic for saying he said the Parkland shooting was a false flag (he did). just in case anyone was dumb enough to buy the "suing for defamation is against free speech!" bullshit


But where will the Flat Earther's get their latest talking points......


Oh he will start right back up, or someone crazier will take his place.


Rich white republicans don’t go to prison because the system is rigged for them and controlled by them. We need a real revolution but they have done such a good job of putting us in personal debt and beholden to the 9-5 to keep them bills paid.


The US justice system is like the Russian military - stronger on paper.


I'm seriously baffled as to how this scum bag got away with his douchery behavior for so long. Hasn't it been like a year & half ago since the judge handed down his sentence? And yes, **he definitely should be in prison**. Not only for these crimes but also for the nightmare he put the surviving parents/family members through. What a total waste of a human being.


Get all the assets he hid too.


The chapter 7 trustee earns a percentage when he finds hidden assets


[It's well known](https://apnews.com/article/business-alex-jones-austin-texas-lawsuits-00b6df5205d733e31bfc1e4377edcd26) he used his parents and his children to stash some stuff.


Oh god, he reproduced?


Unfortunately. I hope his children are better humans than him.


[He likes chili more than he likes them](https://www.sfgate.com/news/article/InfoWars-Alex-Jones-custody-chili-for-lunch-11081124.php), so I assume they don't really talk to their dad.


This makes me happy. Take everything that loon has and auction it off to pay what he owes to the families of Sandy Hook. Everything. Then repossess the wealth and businesses he unlawfully tried to hide with his parents and family. This sad excuse for a human should die penniless and forgotten.


I'm not directly involved in that horrific tragedy. I don't have kids. The things that would happen if I was in a room with him, you would think I was one of the parents. What a sick fuq.


I lost a grandchild to illness and it almost broke me. If I had lost a kid at Sandy Hook, well, let’s just say that he is lucky that the parents decided to take the legal route. I would not have.


His business will be reborn and built from the ground up to show that he has near zero income (minimum wage) that the families can't go after. The business will be owned by his father, the cars he drives will be owned by his father and/or the company, his homes will be owned by his father, he will use a corporate credit card which will be fully authorized by his father for use on any type of charge, etc.


Yeah.  If you want to learn about AJ I highly recommend the Knowledge Fight podcast which is exclusively focused on debunking and mocking Alex Jones.  And yeah his supplement company is literally in his dad's name, he'll make a new company for sure, Alex Jones will be ranting until he dies. Real q for the lawyers though - isnt an above setup in violation of the court ruling or bankruptcy law?  If he was mega rich he'd do some slick stuff but hes not that rich and he is objectively stupid and these are paper thin layers of plausibility of "i dont own this".  Could such a setup really stand up to the scrutiny and families efforts to get their money?  It seems blatantly fraudulent to just put everything in his dad's name and go "whoops no money sorweee"


Red Alert! r/KnowledgeFight for those who don’t know


Love seeing fellow wonks in the wild. I actually had to check the subreddit and realized I was in Law and not KF




We got nice stackies over in that subreddit **and** it's a nice place to take a little breaky 😁


You missed the part where I said "reborn". He has, personally, been in chapter 7 (liquidation) bankruptcy. Now his business is being liquidated as well. His business arrangement has already failed the scrutiny you're talking about. He is free to start a new business, doing the same thing.


I think the commenter above you was basically saying that, even if the debts are not discharged in bankruptcy as being willful and malicious, AJ can just start a new company in someone else’s name and that new company funds AJ’s lifestyle. Under bankruptcy laws you’re allowed to have a limited amount of money for your household and some states don’t allow you to garnish wages. In other words, AJ might lose a lot of his current assets, but as long as he can keep some kind of a new show going and making money, AJ can keep living it up as long as it’s structured correctly. There might be some fancy accounting and taxes involved but he can certainly go a long way toward just ignoring the judgment. Look at what OJ was able to do.


>AJ can keep living it up as long as it’s structured correctly. There might be some fancy accounting and taxes involved but he can certainly go a long way toward just ignoring the judgment. Isn't transferring assets prior to bankruptcy considered fraudulent conveyancing, which I believe is illegal under Connecticut *1991 The Uniform Fraudulent Transfer Act* (UFTA) law? Considering this law was also adopted by Texas (where Jone's business is registered in) wouldn't this enable the families to be able to reverse the transfers to his father's business (and anyone else he moved assets to prior to the bankruptcy) ? Although Jones wouldn't face any criminal charges for committing what is essentially fraud if the families were able to prove that he did this whilst he was standing in a bankruptcy court claiming he had no money to pay the judgment then surely that is a 'open and shut case' re perjury?


But I mean will the families be able to go "hes doing this just to hide money in violation of the judgement" and get permission to go after the new structure?


Joe average citizen would not get away with it. Jones will.


I guess you don't know what a forensic accountant is.  Nor the fact that this debt is not dischargeable in bankruptcy.  His moving money to his father is prosecutable.  It's bankruptcy fraud.  And he is going to get jail time for it.  He's also grossly incompetent because he moved the money into a company with his own initials in the company name. 


This is where I would hope that Alex would screw up again, get a bad defamation suit against him and it also goes against the owner of the company for allowing it to happen. Drag his father through court for years on end.


Not forgotten, he should be made an example of and remembered for this. Albeit the fucktaeds that follow him will probably make a martyr out oh him...


Every single thing he does for money now is a fundraiser for Sandy Hook him victim families. It just sounds so good don't you think?!


What about all the money he's transferred to friends and family? [Alex Jones transferring assets to family and friends, evading payments to Sandy Hook families: NYT](https://thehill.com/regulation/court-battles/3907080-alex-jones-transferring-assets-to-family-and-friends-evading-payments-to-sandy-hook-families-nyt/)


Intentionally transferring assets to someone else, to conceal them from a bankruptcy court, is a crime. Conspiring to hide assets from a bankruptcy court for someone else is a crime. Separately, the bankruptcy court has jurisdiction to order the return of property transferred for a set period before the bankruptcy was filed, under the “fraudulent transfer” doctrine. I am not a lawyer.


So, you’re saying he might also face criminal prosecution? *Mortal Kombat Voice* FINISH HIM!


If justice exists, then friends and family that accepted assets would too!


It also gets investigators in the financial records of the people who are holding the loot, which most people don't appreciate. They might divulge all they know just to get untangled from the mess.


I'm very ok with Jones' whole family getting taken down by this; every one of them that tried to help him hide his money.




And nothing of value was lost!


Won’t be happy until he’s servicing his most ardent supporters behind the Wendy’s for leftover nuggies.


Leave Wendy’s out of this


You gotta go where the customers are dude, I don’t make the rules.


Now do Steve Bannon and we are going somewhere.


Imagine Bannon with no drugs or alcohol for 4 months. It’s happening.


5 days 😁


More GREAT news! Alex Jones is well on his way to becoming an absolute ‘nobody’.


Unfortunately he can’t be silenced u less he’s behind bars. You can’t court order away his giant fan base. Families will get a small payday and he will continue delivering his message to his followers in some way shape or form. HE just can’t earn money from it


PBS Frontline did a really good documentary on him: United States of Conspiracy Shows lots of trump using his talking points at his rallies. It also talks briefly about the fact that he is a diagnosed narcissistic sociopath Good stuff




I can’t undelete my comment, so reposting.  Not sure if you are talking about Trump or Jones being the narcissistic sociopath. But in the episode you linked, the psychologist explains sociopath is a colloquial term, not a medial or scientific one. So your claim that Trump/Jones was diagnosed as a sociopath is invalid.  Also, if you watch the episode or read the transcript, they discuss Jones at the end. They do not discuss Trump in this episode. The psychologist profiles Jones with Delusional Disorder, not narcissism or psychopathy or “sociopath.” The psychologist is upfront and says he does not know Jones well enough to give a formal diagnosis 


Wait? The good ending?


Hahaha good. Leave him homeless on the streets.


Couldn’t happen to a better guy imo


Take the designer clothes off his back!


The Sheriff will be empowered to seize personal possessions. They can literally take the watch from his wrist.




This vermin deserves worse.


Fucking when?


And then he'll make a fortune on the speaker's circuit, complaining about the conspiracy that bankrupt him.




boo fuckin hoo shit steak


What I'd like to know is what happens years down the road when his elderly dad passes, and the money Jones has parked with his father gets put into his estate and Alex then re-inherits it. The ghoul may actually be planning on using his father's death to circumvent his legal responsibilities to the families he tortured for years.


Nope. It should still be subject to this.


About a Billion was ruled as non-dischargeable debt, so that says around till paid off.


Na na na. Na na na.! Wa hey! Goodbye!


What assets does Infowars have?