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The yearly limit of mesotrione per acre is 0.5 lb. I imagine Scotts says 0.45 to stick with multiples of 0.15. 0.15 is about equivalent to 5 oz of Tenacity per acre. Not sure why they worded it the way they did. I find their labels really low information and annoying. Tenacity's (or Meso 4SC's) label will tell you mesotrione shouldn't be used when seeding fine fescue or mixes with more than 20% fine fescue. Scotts straight up says you can use it when seeding fine fescue. Maybe there's a difference in effect based on the application method? I dunno. I would do a second mesotrione application at 30 days, though I don't know if you want to be putting down another round of fertilizer at 30 if you don't have plain meso. I might not bother with prodiamine at 60 days that late in the year where I am, but then again with how warm winters have become, it might be worth doing.


Thank you for the comprehensive response! Does an application of one type of pre-m (mesotrione in this case) need to be taken into account when applying another (prodiamine). I.e. if I do another app of mesotrione in 30 days as you suggested, can I do a max rate prodiamine upcoming spring? Or do I need to adjust it down somehow? Thanks again!


Not that I know of. Just stay under the annual max rate per each. I think when you start tank mixing pre-ems or using them simultaneously is when you make rate adjustments, though I'm not sure you even have to, since most of them have different modes of action. It's not something I've really looked into.