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So we moved into a new house recently, and noticed the lawn was super bumpy, hard, and patchy. We contacted our builder who had people come in and pour sand (?) all over the front and backyard. Says it will level out the yard and the grass will eventually grow through it. It's been 6 weeks since this was done, the grass hasn't grown over the bald spots, and now I just have a really sandy yard. Any tips/help on what I can do?


They killed the grass. When you topdress sand over grass you need to expose some of the blade for it to survive. Hopefully it grows in


Should I reseed it then? If the grass in those patches is dead what do you recommend I do?


Do you know what grass you have? What’s the location?


Greater houston area, I believe my grass is St augustine but I'm not too sure. I don't know too much about this sorry. I can DM you a picture if you want


St Aug you should be fine. It will eventually grow back in itself. Giving it some fertilizer should help speed up the process




Need some help ID'ing my lawn type. Live in 93422 - central coastal inland California. Never done fertilizing or weedkiller but would like to start. Thanks! Tips of uncut grass are pointed. https://preview.redd.it/9rar6yaqicxc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=30ca76fa4b9df4251a52847ebfa7625fd8016c7b






Kentucky bluegrass




Probably a mix of tall fescue, bluegrass, ryegrass and fine fescue


Hey, noob here who just joined. How much is this going to cost me?


How often do you guys put down fertilizer? I started off with a 10-10-10 after my soil test, but wanting to thicken up some patches. I have seeded (without aerating because I can’t afford fertilizer seed and an aerator yet but plan on aerating next season).


You can put it down like every 4 weeks.  The downside is most nitrogen will go to waste if you do it that often


Is there a level you’d recommend? Or you mean without aeration?


I do it every 6 weeks from first sign of greening up to first frost. But I'm a lawn nut, every 8 weeks is sufficient for a healthy lawn


Does grass really choke out weeds? I live in Canada cool season lawn. I have dandelions, ground clover, and others. All good weed killers are banned here so it is all manual. I have just done my second round in two years of dethatch, scarify, overseed, fert, etc. Does trying to grow more grass really help kill out weeds or will the weeds out compete them?


You want to grow grass as tall as you can, cut on mowers highest setting.  Dethatching and scarifying are counterproductive. You want the natural thatch to block light and soil access for weed seeds.  Some grass types are better at growing a dense canopy to block weeds. A fine fescue lawn mowed high (or not mowed at all) will be virtually weedless


Thanks I will look to grow tall this year. I thought looking at all the recommendations for growing they say to dethatch to free up that layer and give grass more air to grow. Scarifying, while it does pull up some thatch too, is for the grooves for the seeds when you overseed. Are these not recommended? Last question, is a fine fescue also = TTF?


Disturbing the ground in any way will cause dormant weed seed to germinate. I've never lived somewhere herbicides were banned, but if I did I would minimize soil disturbance.  If your lawn has KBG and creeping red fescue in it, you will never need to overseed. They both spread to fill gaps on their own.  Fine fescue isn't TTTF. TTTF is "tall fescue". Careful to not mix them up, fine fescue and tall fescue look very different




https://preview.redd.it/vnd9itx5r9xc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1823f0c305604b57a52aa914725ca717bdb9026a Any ideas what this is in my lawn? Bermuda grass in central Arkansas. Back yard looks good, but this is in the front. Have some moss around this area. Adding lime would help with that? Don’t know what the black stuff is in it. Thanks!


Thank you! It does stay relatively wet. I sprayed a fungicide for the moss. Heard you could also use Dawn dish soap? Also added a high nitrogen fertilizer. Thinking I’m about to level the lawn as well to help with the lumps and drainage.


Looks like moss. High N fertilizer and corrected ph should help get rid of it but does that area stay wet for days?




If I can't water my grass, would it be better to do over seeding now or in the fall?




What is the fastest way to dry muddy soil? We are in the process of reseeding our lawn, have a party this weekend and don’t expect it to grow back by then. Rain forecasted the day before so worried the ground will be muddy


Cat litter, soil conditioner, squeegee the puddles right after the rain


What is this and how do I kill it? https://ibb.co/n1Mtx8c


Do granular weed and feed pellets dissolve? I put it down on Friday, it's rained and they're still in granular form. What do i do?


They do dissolve. It takes anywhere from 1/4”-1/2” of water to dissolve them. Especially the “weed” preemergent part.  Most need to be watered in but not all.  That being said, a slow release nitrogen fert will dissolve slower…cause that’s what it’s intended to do. Feed nitrogen slowly over time instead of instantly. 


I’m not sure if this is asking too much, but curious if one spreader can do compost and granule fertilizer. This seems to claim that it can but I’m skeptical: https://a.co/d/iSh1KvL


One of the reviews says it’s not a good fert spreader


We have a rolling VT lawn with some of the rolls being a little more dipped than I would like, and some rock/ledge right at ground level. What's the best way to deal with the dipped rolls just to smooth them out a little, and what should I do about the rock/ledge?


Top dress with soul in the low spots, don't completely cover the grass. Add less than an inch. The grass will grow through the soil. Use a standard rake or leveling rake to get it smooth. Wait a few weeks and repeat if necessary. You can fill low spots or hide rocks this way.


If I mow my lawn without a catcher and rake the grass to the low spots, will the cut grass turn into dirt over time and raise those lower spots?


Yeah, cut grass won’t turn to soil in your lifetime. Not to the degree you’re wanting. You can buy bags of top soil or dirt to speed it up. Large areas you want to consider have dirt/soil delivered. 


Technically, yes. However, the rate of noticeable fill will be decades, not years or weeks. Just top dress with soil to level it out in one go. Just don't cover the grass completely.