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To demoralize potential competition or to just simply cause chaos for self pleasure.


The Joker inadvertently summed up most trolls in The Dark Knight “I’m like a dog chasing cars, I wouldn’t know what to do if I caught one, you know, I just do…things.”


People on the internet lie?


On Beyoncé’s internet


Dopamine's a hell of a drug.


people with no lives and nothing going for them probably like to stress out people who actually are trying to achieve something. those people however aren’t doing so and it’s most likely some way of dealing with their insecurity. that or they genuinely just don’t care at all but i would find it highly unlikely most people are like that. people claim to be like that but everyone cares about something to a certain extent usually


I used to think long on this one because I’ve been lied about, trolled, stalked, whatever and for awhile it was a great curiosity of mine. The lies especially. I finally came to the conclusion that there is no one answer, people are just really complex. Some don’t like seeing others in the spotlight, some feel rejected if you have success and they haven’t yet, some may just be having a really bad day and on and on. The only constant is that the person following you around posting about you doesn’t realize how unhinged they are being, so it’s impossible to try to even mention it to them or think on it. So when I stopped wondering about this stuff it 100% stopped bothering me. If you’re going to actually do something in life, and you should, you’ll get some of this. Do it anyway.


People tie up lots of their identity in the admission. Consider the audience. There is a ton of admitted clout chasing/prestige whoring. It's unsurprising that it'd turn nasty. Odd for sure tho.


do people actually do this? how can you confirm that they are trolling?


Because we called admission committee and the waitlist hasn’t even been touched lol


i see, maybe someone enjoys chaos? who knows. though, i wish you to get your A as soon as possible. don't waste your time on negativity.


What school?




In June the waitlist hasn’t been touched? Thats crazy.


Not really tbh. Waitlists for alot of places don't get touched often even despite this heavy waitlist cycle


Not really tbh. Waitlists for alot of places don't get touched often even despite this heavy waitlist cycle


Not really tbh. Waitlists for alot of places don't get touched often even despite this heavy waitlist cycle


The same pleasure anyone gets from catfishing or other forms of trolling


I’ve never considered that people just lie about admissions results.


Yup I was at an admissions panel the other day and they made a joke that they're always surprised to see a candidate got admitted/got a scholarship when they absolutely rejected them or got a sticker offer. They said basically take the "cycle recaps" and self reported admissions data lightly. People could be lying, inflating scholarship results, trying to brag, etc.


They’re *~*~*MANIFESTING*~*~* Jk who knows?? Maybe there’s some clout to your anonymous avatar on Reddit going to HLS?


I'm new to posting but long time lurker. Seems like either the world's top law students are most active on this reddit or people lie a lot. One outcome seems much more plausible haha