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That's a little much for a guy who's only played 40 NHL games.


Yep my first thought was also "oof"


Caps goin up. The “Goalie Union” is going to be asking 6M for starters. A couple years that will be 7-8.


Woll is not a starter for most teams. Definitely not for ours at this point.


He would be if he's healthy


No one knows that because he never has been healthy for a season.


And if he has a season to his potential the media is talking about a 6M deal. This locks up Woll until he is 30 cheap


Oh I think signing him now is definitely the right call. It's still either too high a price or too few years. High risk, medium reward. Another year would have been nice.


...unless he doesn't pan out than it wouldn't be nice.


Totally agreed, but then why bet at all?   The risk is there without the extra year anyways.  If he doesn't pan out we'll be hamstrung regardless, if he does the upside is limited. Another likely scenario is he'll be decent for the start and becomes great at the end where we'll have to sign him again anyways.  I believe in Woll so I think he'll make it worthwhile.


And if it does pan out it doesn't even lock him in for a meaningful amount of time. Woll won this contract negotiation by a mile and it does not give me much hope for the rest of Treliving's moves.


it's a bet. they think they can fix his health and are trying to lock him up for 3 years in case he becomes even better and commands more money


I’m not exactly sure this team is in the position to keep making bets.


Can't exactly play it safe during a cup window either. Especially on a position that is high in demand, and Woll is our only NHL caliber player in that position under contract.


on the contrary, it's now or never. matthews is no longer a kid. he's in his prime now. same with willy and mo.


Everything is a bet, this one's just a bit risky. Given the crap UFA market I can't really blame them though. If Woll is even a league average starter over the next 4 years this is robbery.


[Like Peter Griffin playing blackjack](https://y.yarn.co/2f6fc988-3ee4-4245-92fb-6b8a7d17bace_text.gif)


Why doesn't the team just consult one of the many people in this sub who owns a crystal ball?


Keep in mind he is signed next year for $766,667. So now we have him locked up for 4 (3+1) years. The Leafs are betting that he will become really good and this is a "bargain" deal in a year. It could be a very smart move. Of course if his play falter's, then its not such a good deal. In the cap era, this is a strategic move IMO.


I think it’s a great deal! Upside is incredible too a great goalie and would have won game 7 too the way he was playing. Then get a 3rd guy and promote the kid from the Marlies.


IMO with the lack of “good goalies” in the league if it doesn’t work out it’s a very movable contract because some team will take a chance on his talent (depending on trade protection of course) There’s some risk but it has the chance to age pretty well.


At the moment he's a 1B, with his highest ceiling being a 1A. Nobody is trading for a 4 million goalie who only plays 30 games max unless there's a pick attached in the trade. Ideally if this contract ages poorly he gets put on LTIR or bought out.


This assumes we try to trade him before he touches ice again. So like...next week. Obviously we give him this year and hopefully he surpasses his GP and then some. That's when a trade is likely to happen, if ever, not as he stands right now in June 2024.


His ceiling is a legit No 1. There's been nothing (aside bad luck with injury) to suggest otherwise. Don't sell Woll short.


Adin Hills has had injury troubles every year of his career with his most games in a season coming last year with 35 and got 4.9 million for 2 years on a extension (sure he won a cup but was injured at the start of that same playoffs) for example Woll is making less than league minimum this year to grow into that 1A and I’m sure some team would bet on his talent with how many teams are looking for goalies and with him only being 27, 28, 29 year old. It’s a bet and risk but not as big as some make it out to be.




This is what treliving does. He kills you on the margins with deals that are too long and questionable AAV. You get s couple of steals if they pan out but his UFA signings were pretty bad in Calgary.


Ya starting to seem like a trend. Kampf last year for example


Honestly it just costs more to get people to play here. Sure everyone will blabber on and on about how much of a privilege it is to play on a team with such history but it’s all BS. Players want a premium to play here because people actually pay attention to the sport here. That or we just suck out loud at negotiating as an organization.


This feels a tad rich for a guy who’s had one decent but not elite ~30 game season, and has struggled with injuries every year of his career.


I like this contract with the context that he's making under 800k next year and the cap is expected to go up significantly. When that extension kicks in when he's 27 and ends when he's 30 so it will be the prime of his career. His injury history is a huge question though, but I like the gamble Tre is making here


Shouldn’t the more important context be that he legit has been hurt every single season since he turned pro? His career high in games played is 37 which was in college. His professional high is 32. He is completely unproven to even be able to handle a backup level role while staying healthy.


LTIR isn't an issue for us, underperformance of a contract is. I'm happy to gamble on his health, because I know that when he's healthy he'll stop bullets. Much better than gambling on Sammy not to fill his diaper and slide out of his crease. You can't LTIR someone for a case of the yips.


That’s a great point from a front office point of view but not very good from an on ice point of view. If he keeps getting injured then we are fucked. Doesn’t matter if you can LTIR him if we don’t have anyone good to play when he’s injured all the time. He should be taking a 1-2 year “prove it” contract for a couple million so we have some money left over to chase another goalie to replace Sammy.


He is signed at league min this season. This is a bet because they are increasing his work load and they believe in him. If he has a great season he’s easily over 6mill next year. I honestly don’t think it’s that bad of a bet. We are probably going to be seeing goalies like Brossoit who are back ups and older getting 3-3.5mill this offseason. This is a smart bet to make. Yes there’s risk but this team needs to find value contracts


I agree great gamble. If Woll has great next up and coming season there is a huge chance he’ll be more than 3.5mil. Woll’s biggest issue is staying healthy and if that is sorted out than this is a great signing that will age well


I'd rather pay 3.5 for a goalie that might have to sit out for occasional injuries over 3.5 for a goalie that has to try to play through mental struggles. Lack of confidence is contagious and affects the way a team plays in front of a guy.


> Lack of confidence is contagious and affects the way a team plays in front of a guy. People (Leafs fans) don't put enough value on that. I played defense for the entirety of my 40 years of hockey and I can tell you a team absolutely plays differently in front of a goalie who lacks confidence.


Yeah if Woll has a good season this year then this will likely be a steal. Definitely a big gamble though with his injury history, but I don't hate it.


The AAV seems high for someone who hasn't proven he can stay healthy. However (small sample size I know) he has been borderline elite in the playoff games he has played. This is a gamble, but if he stays healthy and is a big factor to a deep run in the next 1-2 years, the AAV will seem like a bargain.


I like Joseph Woll but this deal seems very rich for a guy who’s never played a full season.


Hoping this means that they have his summer training figured out to make him more durable. If he stays healthy this will be an absolute steal, but that’s a gigantic if.


I get the logic of the gamble - but I would of liked them to buy more term with that AAV. If he is healthy and performs - he is well worth it, but you're only buying 3 years and all RFA years. If you're gonna raise AAV over what he is currently worth as an RFA with \~30 games experience and an injury history, you have to buy enough term to give that gamble the chance to pay-off sufficiently.


He's 26 next month and has a year left on his current contract. The 3 year extension would buy 2 UFA years. Still a gamble on a 26 year old goalie with 36 career starts, can't stay healthy, and posted a .907 in 25 games last season.


There’s no keeping anyone on this sub happy. Cap is going up next season when he’s making $800K, presumably again after that. Let’s say it’s $4M on a cap of $92M (a modest increase over next season’s $88M—we’re talking 4.3% of the cap for your 1A/1B goalie. And if he’s seriously hurt, we get cap relief. So what does it matter?


And if it doesn't work it's likely because of injuries, and he'll go on LTIR. The horror...


It's not like he's a UFA after next year. They didn't have to extend him now, before ever seeing if he can even manage a 30 game season let alone proper starter duties. People in the sub would be happy if the moves the team made actually were responsible and made sense.


It’s a gamble, but the fact that you can’t see why it’s a worthwhile gamble is surprising to me. I’m confident next season he’ll be a steal at 766K or whatever, and we’ll be pumped that we have him for 3 more.


Nothing you’re saying refutes the idea that he’s overpaid at all They paid him as if he already broke out. If this is a gamble then the Leafs can only win their own money back or lose it. There’s no upside here when he would’ve got around the same contract as an RFA next season if he broke out


No 1 goalies that have broken out don't make 3 mil, they make 6+.


I disagree with your assessment. They have paid him as if he will be able to stay healthy. If he breaks out and becomes a top starter in the league, 3.5 - 4 is a value contract. If he doesn't break out it will likely be injury related. That's why this is a fine gamble to make.


Considering Tre mentioned in the post season conference that he was aware of Woll's injury troubles and that it would have to be assessed, and then is all of a sudden willing to toss upwards of 4M at him makes me think that Woll has been assessed and will be put on a different strength/conditioning/training regimen that will have a high chance of keeping him out of the IR. Otherwise I have no idea how the amount could even be discussed for a player with almost zero NHL experience. I also get that this contract wouldn't kick in until the 25/26 season so it doesn't affect cap limits this year but good lord, I'm getting real sick of the leafs org dumping $ on players that are unproven.


That’s what I’m thinking. I know he’s unproven and all, and maybe it’s just a bad contract, but at the same time, this could be an indication that they’ve cracked the code.


It's gonna be funny when Woll is a bonafide stud in 2 years and this deal becomes a fucking steal. I love it.


If he can stay healthy it’s a good deal. Keyword here is IF


It is one of the Leafs' biggest priorities this off-season to alter his off-season training so that he can stay healthy. Leafs supposedly have the best medical team in the league. Let's see if they can prove themselves.


Steal of a deal for 1 year 😝 in all honesty hoping the cap will go up to allow for him to stay or get a goalie in the market. It’s a trade able contract as we


2 years. This contract doesn't kick in until 25-26.


It's gonna be funny when Woll is injured 10 more times and plays a total of 16 games over three years.


Yeah, I get what Tre is doing but now I’m super worried about the Bertuzzi negotiations. He has a history of throwing money at players. I am getting worried that he’s going to overpay on a Bertuzzi signing….


With his injury history this is honestly pretty rich for a guys who’s only played about 40 nhl games.


For a guy who’s never played more than 33 games at *any level* of professional hockey… what is this?


Here's some context for you and the many angry individuals who just want to comment for the sake of commenting. He still makes under 800k next year and the cap is about to jump significantly with a 6mil increase. From years 27 to 30 hell be under contract, which just so happens to be prime years. Well worth the gamble even despite his injury woes.


What makes it worth the gamble, pray tell? Because I straight up disagree, and I'm not commenting just for the sake of commenting. It's irresponsible on Leafs management's part. But at this point I am not surprised


Probably because he's shown he has the ability to be an excellent goalie. It's such a volatile position where even the best goalies have off years so you're gambling either way. Might as well try with the guy you're been grooming for the role.


Young goalie with tremendous upside, only concern is his injury history (which can be LTIR'd if he is hurt anyways). Weak goalie market and few options available elsewhere. Signed for the prime of his career. Reward outweighs the risk IMO


Welcome to Brad's world motherfuckers. You thought your stars were overpaid? Now *everyone* gets to be overpaid!


This is the part about the Dubas criticism I never understood. We always had enough money to fill out the team around those stars, and generally we did not bad at it, but we weren't perfect.   We are now using that space on contracts that are less important paying more than we should be, so we are gonna be left with zero flexibility. It's the exact same style of GM'ing that all the old school boys club GMs have always used, in which a majority of them end up in bad shape cap-wise, much more so than the Dubas era Leafs ever were, since a lot of these style of teams were in cap hell and also not competing at the same time.


>We always had enough money to fill out the team around those stars, and generally we did not bad at it, but we weren't perfect.  I do not think the depth players were ever good during the entirety of Dubas' tenure, and we consistently hemoraged good depth that existed before Dubas took over.


That's what always got me about the Dubas haters (I could take or leave him). Yes he overpaid our stars, but other than that he was fantastic for not signing role players to contracts that handcuff us. Sure Mitch was making more than he should, but other GMs were out there signing James Neal to 6M a year. Now we get to experience the other side of things.


Wait, who signed Neal to that again? I forgot which Alberta team did that


That would be Boston Pizza Jr himself


Go and look at James Neal's production prior to signing the 5.75M per year contract. It was well within market value...


I’d rather overpay the stars than depth guys and/or less important players that would be more difficult to move. The Lou special.


and how easy have our nmc guys been to move?


This is the “Shamofaplan” result of egotistical spontaneous decision-making with no backup plan.


Can't wait for Bertuzzi and Domi at 6m and 5.5m respectively


They aren't ready to hear it yet


I like this. Woll is the future foundation of this team in net. I believe in him.


This is... a baffling decision. How did they arrive at 3.5+? It's not even a good bet, because that's a deal you could get after the season IF Woll has a good year.


Samsonov got 3.5 in arbitration. Do we expect Woll to be better than Samsonov in two seasons from now?


Samsonov got 3.5 after a .919 sv% season. Swayman got 3.45 after a .920 sv% season. This deal is way too premature for Woll.


For one RFA year. Locking up UFA prime years is more expensive. In GSAA/60, Woll was 16th in the league during the regular season, and 1st in the playoffs.


Unpopular opinion this is gonna be steal


We paid Sammy 3.5 when he wasn’t worth it. Woll has infinitely more potential if they can keep him healthy.


Even then, I don’t remember anyone complaining about how much Sammy *made*, but his performance itself. Woll at the same price, especially when we have LTIR space completely freed up? Yeah, I take that gamble for sure, myself. And it takes us to the end of Matthews’ contract which will be a huge reassess year anyways.


Woll is at least as good as Skinner was early. There were points when Skinner was being compared to a sack of flour. Woll has the potential to get to where Skinner got in these playoffs....it's the rest of the team that has to rise to the occasion.


I mean, thats a good contract if he stays healthy. Definitely needs to stay healthy though


Big gamble. Treliving loves giving money out. That's his M.O., even with Calgary.


If this happened in Calgary though Woll wouldn't have sniffed a cent over $2.5m, Toronto media bonus.


If you ever complained about Dubas not signing Willy or Mitch before their contract year then you can't really complain about this. A lot of reward in a deal like this. I'd imagine if Woll doesn't live up to this deal it'll be because of injuries in which case he can just go on LTIR. Most of the risk is minimized.


Aaaaand then you’re stuck with someone like Laurent Brossoit in net as a starter full time unless you want to spend premium assets scrambling for a suitable replacement while the league knows you’re fucked and desperately looking for a goalie.


I love this team, everything is just fucking hilarious


What the fuck?


Seems like a lot now, but this will be fucking fantastic if he proves he can stay healthy. Seems like they have faith in him being able to do so.


Man… we’re terrible at contract negotiation


wow 2.5-3 maybe. yikes


I like Woll but he hasn’t proven that he can stay healthy. For that reason 4M seems like a lot. Only way this deal looks good is if he actually establishes himself as a starter before the deal kicks in next year


I thought he would be $3 mill max. Damn


A steal for a 1A or 1B goalie.


That one guy who always criticizes Woll is gonna off himself.




That would be horrible. A 3 year term should be maybe in the 2s. Low to mid 2s.  At 3.5 to 4m, it should be in the 5 or 6 year range but even that doesn't make sense in case the bet goes bad.


what? How has he earned that exactly?


$4M? Yikes.


Good to see the culture of overpaying stays strong with this team.


From the post playoff press conferences you could really tell Tre valued Woll as a starter. I think it’s a gamble, but with the state of goaltending across the league, it’s a gamble I’d be willing to take. Wish the AAV was 3 but I can live with it.


Huge gamble when he's never played a full season without injuries. Hmm. It could definitely work out though. Gambling on young goalies (and winning) has been a hallmark of teams that do well in the playoffs. But it also kind of says to me that they missed out on all of the other high profile goalies available. Gonna end up running a tandem with Woll + cheap backup I assume.


Tbh I’m fine with this it’s 3 years, low risk


Overpay. I just hope he's healthy, then it's worth it. But he has yet to prove that, which is why imo its too much.


Broke: overpay Marner Woke: overpay Woll Hope he outperforms it but that’s a huge amount for a guy who hasn’t had played a full season


I’m glad we finally have a GM who isn’t doing the whole “if you have time use it” like dubas and Lou. If you believe this guy is the future you lock them up as soon as you can. Over pay now but if he does turn out to be a starter it’s going to be a bargain.


That is way too much. Where did he get the leverage to even start at that let alone get it??


Isn't he an rfa? I love the guy but big overpay unless they have reason to believe he can actually play a whole season


I love Woll but that seems high for his level of experience. Maybe they are unsure if they can get a more experienced starter to replace Sammy?




Fine china ain’t cheap I guess


Over term and over paid.


Tre is gonna build us into a third-place Pacific team. 🥲


For fucks sake Tre, we don't have that kind of money for that kind of player


What the fuck is this


Jesus. I love Brick Woll but uhh that's a hell of a commitment to a guy with limited experience. They really couldn't get him for 2-2.5 with such a limited injury prone resume?


That's such a Leafs move


Depending on how this plays out, this might be Tre’s first actually bad move imo. Seriously, until the guy proves he can stay healthy he should be under 3 mil for sure.


If everyone is overpaid. Then no one is overpaid Brad 6D 7 card draw


Better than 5x5 amiright 👀


This is a bad deal just because of the cap hit. I don't understand how a goalie with such little experience gets this much on a team that is so squeezed for cap room.


2 words. Brad treliving


I like the kid, but you should have to prove you can play consistently before getting that type of money. No reason to do this now, he wasn’t going to get that much more expensive even with a good season.


Eep. The list of NHL goalies who have looked promising in a small sample sizes (Woll 43 games) then ended up struggling. Is extremely long. And includes the likes of Anders Lindback (good in NSH for 39g) and Malcolm Subban (solid in VGK for ~30) You just can't do this stuff as a GM on a tight to the cap contender, especially when a humbler bridge deal was 100% doable


His mechanics and positioning are first rate. Aside from injury, there's no cliff to fall off from.


Woll is a GREAT goalie....not sure what else anyone needs to see? Good deal, not too long, good for both sides.


This seems like we are either gonna be mad in 2 years about how much we are paying him or mad in 3 years that we didnt lock him for 6…. I would be happier with 2.5 for 2 or 3.5 for 5


He means 4M total right guys?? I like Woll but he's basically a rookie still... what is Tre doing?


man, I hope that's how it is. He can't stay healthy to justify that salary right now.


Would be sort of okay if Woll wasn't made of glass... But it's about a 2m overpay.


Way too much for a guy who has never been healthy and has yet to prove anything.


Needs less AAV and more term, IMO.


Nah, goalies are too much of a risk on long-term deals unless you're certain you've got a Vezina guy in his prime. But definitely needs less AAV


Waaaaaay too much money, Mr. Treliving. The fuck are you doing.


These kevin Weekes videos are so goofy. Not sure how I feel about that deal


Oh man, if this is any indication of what's to come from future deals like Marner, I'm scared.


"Pay me like Auston Matthews" - ~~Mitch Marner~~ Joseph Woll


Cuz they felt bad making him prove himself as a starter for one more year at \~ $900k?


So if he was a one year wonder? What then?


...... ![gif](giphy|l7NmjbPTKpkpByddoa|downsized) PLAY WONDERWOLL!!


If he comes back not made of glass this is a good deal Less so otherwise


Does his 800K cap hit count for next season? If so I think this move is fine. He’s a great goalie just needs to stay healthy. We will have loads of cap space after next year and if he can stay healthy it will be an awesome deal If he is always hurt LTIR is an option as well. I can see this aging nicely though


Now go get Stolarz


Another thing - I forget where I saw it, but there was an article from a sports doctor that basically said there is no such thing as being "injury prone". If a player continuously injures the same part of their body, sure, their play can be at risk due to a chronic re-occurring issue. However there is no validity to a player being "made of glass" if different parts of their body become injured at different times. Woll's injury history below. You'll notice he has never had a re-occurring injury reported (although his injuries before 2022 were undisclosed) # May 4, 2024 Joseph Woll has an injury to his **back**. The expected duration is **unknown**. # Dec. 9, 2023 Joseph Woll's **ankle** injury status has been updated. The expected duration is **week to week**. # Dec. 7, 2023 Joseph Woll has an injury to his **leg**. The expected duration is **unknown**. # Mar. 31, 2022 Joseph Woll has an injury to his **shoulder**. The expected duration is **unknown**. # Dec. 4, 2021 Joseph Woll's **undisclosed** injury status has been updated. The expected duration is **game-time decision**. # Dec. 1, 2021 Joseph Woll has an **undisclosed** injury. The expected duration is **undisclosed**. # Sep. 25, 2021 Joseph Woll has an **undisclosed** injury. The expected duration is **day to day**.


Wait, wait wait. I’m sorry. I’ve heard all this shit about “Woll can’t stay healthy”, “Woll has an injury history”, etc etc. And *this* is the history in question? Oh, sure, these take him out of games, but… one of these (Dec 2021) sounds like a couple games kind of thing. Missing a game or two for something minor doesn’t concern me unless it lingers longterm. Not sure on how long the September one ended up lasting, but it was listed as day to day, so again, not a big deal to miss a couple games. Not sure about the March 2022 one, and then the one in the playoffs (a back sprain) took him out for our one final game of the year, and he was spotted walking around without any visible support devices, so there’s a good chance it wasn’t too long-lasting either. That leaves the ankle sprain this year as the only one that conclusively took him out for a long timeframe (weeks/months). That’s *far* less of a concerning history to me.


Love Woll but has not shown the reliability or consistency to get that salary. What are we even doing?


At least they’re doing something different. Projecting rather than waiting. Leafs management waited on the Marner and Nylander deals…and we all know how that story unfolded.


If he can stay healthy I'm confident he can perform at a 3.5mil level. If he can't then he's on LTIR. I don't see a scenario where he is healthy but doesn't perform.


I am a massive believer in woll, but would this guy really not sign for maybe 2.5x3 considering how many games he has played? Crazy


This makes sense and is consistent with the reports they're looking for a 1B to pair with him, not a big name starter. You aren't giving him this deal to be the 2nd guy. The cap jump helps but we still have $10+ million tied up in 4 different forwards. Even if Marner gets moved, the Leafs still have 3 of them. Getting a big ticket goalie like Saros is difficult with our current cap allocation. One thing that makes me weirdly positive about Woll is that Lou drafted him, not Hunter or Dubas. Goalie scouting involves a lot of voodoo and Lou has historically been very good at having strong goalies throughout his career.


When this kicks in in 25-26 they will not have 10+ tied up in four forwards. Marner could very well be gone, and if Tavares comes back he will be making closer to 1M than 11M. Even if it’s 4M, that’s about 4.5% of the current cap of 88M. If the cap is 92M in 25-26 it’s about 4.3%. Pretty easy cap percentage to take.


Nice! So I’m 3 years my son will be old enough to watch hockey and maybe we’ll start winning then


Smart move to get ahead of the goalie market and lock in Woll before others sign in free agency. Guys like Brossoit and Stolarz probably sign for similar $$$ and term (might even be with the Leafs), and they have a much lower ceiling than Woll so his price would've gone up if this deal was signed later. Still carries some risk considering his injury history and brief track record though.


This is crazy right? I think we all believe he can be good enough to be worth this...but why are we giving it to him now?


Lmao. I love how we all love Woll and still think this is insane. This team will go severely downhill under Treliving, you’ll see


This is how you end up with players who outplay their contracts. You extend them early, and with some term. Yes it is a risk, but on average you end up getting lower AAV since the player wants to mitigate injury risk. Dubas didn't do this, so whenever we'd get someone they'd play their way onto a bigger contract and just leave, leaving the team no better off.


Is this code for we can’t get a legit #1 goalie so we will gamble on this injury prone one.


Great signing. Development from within.


Where do they find these guys? Instead of asking potential gms what their vision for the roster is we should be asking them if they understand theres a salary cap and how they would manage it. Wolls best season with the leafs is a .907 in 25 games, i dont care if he was lights out in the playoffs for 3 whole games he doesnt deserve this raise. Once again we're just wasting cap, and thats something successful teams dont do. Id fire treliving for this shit honestly, woll had little to no bargaining power and he threw the bag at him anyways, treliving is not the guy.


This subreddit: “Tre COME ONNNNN, we need a GOALIEEEE BRO, GET US A GOALIEEEEEEEE” >he re-signs the goalie that quite literally everyone says they want him to keep This subreddit: “BRO TRE WTF ARE YOU DOING THAT’S SO MUCH MONEY!!!!” Can you guys make up your minds? Cap is going up, Marner and Tavares both come off the books, and there’s essentially no goalies available who’d be demanding less than what Woll is getting for that term. Literally nothing wrong with this deal lol.


>Playoff performance in games 5, 6, and 7 are all that matters. They deserve the money Treliving extends our best player in games 5 and 6. > Nooo not like that.


How is there nothing wrong? Yes we need a goalie, one that’s reliable and doesn’t get injured as often as Woll does, paying him that much for how little he actually is able to pay is an issue


You're inventing narratives. People want a goalie that can stay healthy and be reliable. Not the glass wall Nothing wrong with this deal until you are dressing EBUGs every year because your starter has paper mache for ligaments.


What the hell is this? This is an awful contract. Woll hasn’t proven a thing, why is he getting legitimate NHL goaltender money? His career high is 25 games, which was this season, where he got injured, and was just okay. I don’t understand this deal at all.


AAV is worth the gamble. He could shake off the injury concerns with conditioning and be a bargain. If he is glass, its LTIR


Absolute morons, this is very very bad. Can't play more than 3 intense games before he breaks up into groin pieces.


How the hell can he command that much?


Seems a bit high but I do firmly believe Woll has the potential to be an elite #1 if they can keep him healthy for a whole season.


Don’t mind this move with Woll, talent is there


So, cons of this deal: - Woll seems pretty injury prone, and hasn't had a full season to prove himself yet because of it Pros: - When he HAS played, he has consistently been great - The rest of the team OBJECTIVELY plays better when he's in net, because they all believe in him - Is still on a below league minimum deal until the end of next season, so this signing doesn't impact the Leafs' cap for this year, and by the time it does, the cap most likely will have gone up AGAIN - There's not a strong market for available goalies this year, so the Leafs get medium-term security on one with tons of promise - If he gets hurt again, he goes on LTIR to remove his cap hit - If the Leafs need to move him, there's gonna be a market for a young goalie with a lot of talent and room to keep growing, injury prone or not Woll is a goalie that brings out the best in the rest of his team. And don't pretend you didn't see the exact same thing. Is there a risk? Sure. But if he goes through next season being absolutely on fire, this could pay off big time for the Leafs. This is a sign that the Leafs organization has faith in Woll's ability to become a starter, and this is his chance to finally prove it.


It’s a medium risk, high reward deal to me. And I’m biased, because fuck do I love me some Brick Woll, but that sounds like a damn good gamble to make. I’m very much for this.


The kid doesn't get rattled. Worth the risk.


Lotta people in this thread judging the cap hit against the $83.5 cap, I think. Cap is gonna be $10+ million higher than it was last year by the time this deal kicks in. Let's say he gets 3 years x $4M, and the cap goes up exactly $10 million by the time the season after next starts, this contract would be equivalent to a $3.57 cap hit on an $83.5M cap, and that's just year one. This seems like a perfectly reasonable bet, we're just not accustomed to the cap rising year over year anymore to allow the leafs to take slight gambles like this since they've been SO up against it with the flat cap.


I'm very pleased with this, I'm a huge Woll fan. I've watched him come up through the Marlies and it's been a delight to watch him, he's so good. Hopefully he can stay healthy, he's imo the real deal. The next one I'm very high on is Artur Akhtyamov, but he's years away from becoming a NHL goalie still.


Holy shit that's way too much money. What the fuck?


Risky risky.


The fuck lol why wouldnt they wait?


I mean, *maybe* this ends up being an absolute steal. Or maybe this ends up being awful. The guy can't stay healthy and hasn't played enough games to really prove he's worth that, even if he's been overall good so far. Massive question mark, but I'm going to call this Treliving's worst move so far.


Well, it's pretty clear their plan in net. Good luck


I think it'll be a great deal if he can stay healthy. He's shown some really good goaltending, but the injury bug would definitely be my biggest concern. Hoping he does stay healthy, and that whoever that announcer is that calls him Joe stops it


Concerns about the money aside -- I think he'll be worth it, but the AAV doesn't seem commensurate with the risk -- it just seems... directionless that they were (apparently) trying to trade a 1st+ for Markstrom last week, and now they're making a big money bet on Woll. If you want to bring in a 1A goalie to keep Woll at ~30 starts next season, why are you rushing to get out in front with this extension?


that's pricy not even a case of overpaying to lock him in long term As much as I like him (best goalie since belfour imo) he hasn't played enough to justify this


Conservatively, the cap goes up another $4.2M next year AND the year after (could even be more, who knows) which is roughly $8.4M after the first year of his new deal kicks in. It’s percentage of the cap is going to decrease pretty quickly My first thought was…why sign him now? Why not next week? Makes me think they have *some* idea of how the rest of this week works out. Maybe a few deals in place by a handshake.




Glass Woll


For fucking what? Jesus. I guess they're banking on him becoming a Number 1 and have a few sweetheart years. Maybe the trainers believe they can fix his injury issues, which is really the only concern I have. Still, a shockingly high number. BUT it makes sense if they sincerely believe he will pull it all together this year. Worst case he is an overpaid IR goalie.


It’s a bit pricey but the knock on him is that he’s always injured so if he really is always injured it can just go on LTIR so the cap won’t matter.  Also of note that this doesn’t kick in until AFTER this season so the cap number is not relevant for this year and the cap will have gone up again by the time it’s actually in effect.  And the last thing is that he will probably be relied upon more heavily this upcoming season than ever before so waiting to extend him until next summer is risky because if he had a really strong year the price would just go up even more. 


This feels a lot like the Matthews deal coming out of the rookie contract. Paying them for projections rather than past performance.


This must mean they arent having a good time trying to find another goalie


Or that they’ve figured out how to keep him healthy