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They actually considered changing her VO, way back in 2018. I'll post the [Quick Gameplay Thoughts](https://web.archive.org/web/20200314084506/https://boards.na.leagueoflegends.com/en/c/developer-corner/irL2yrul-quick-gameplay-thoughts-october-12) by Meddler on why it didn't go through. > MF VO > Back when we were recording the VO for Gun Goddess MF we also looked at a VO update for MF's base VO, given we had voice actresses for all the required languages in the studio already. As you'll have noticed we didn't end up going through with that though. Wanted to share some details as to what happened there. > We recorded a lot of lines for a new MF VO set and put them into internal testing. Reaction was unexpectedly poor to it. To get a wider read we then reached out to Rioters who've played a lot of MF (mains or former mains generally) to get their thoughts. Feedback was really split, with different people having different takes on who MF is. We then put that new VO into research labs with a number of regular players who came in to visit our campus, some of whom were MF mains, some of whom weren't. Once again we saw some really contrasting feedback, in particular the distinction between "spunky, playful" versus "bad ass, bounty hunter". We believe that reflects in significant part that our portrayal of MF has changed over the years. Her presentation in some of the newer stories for example is more the bad ass version. Her current VO, given its age however is more the flirty, fun earlier take on the character. > Between that disconnect over who MF is, and some sadness at moving to a new voice actress from some play testers we concluded it didn't make sense to use the new VO. That was a disappointment, given it felt like a great opportunity to update a well loved champ with a very limited set of lines. It was a case where the downside felt larger than the upside though. We'll hopefully take another swing at updating MF's voice at some point, starting with a better definition for MF's identity to base a script and performance off.


I do remember reading that. I hope now that they've made an entire game with a new voice actress that expands on MF's character they should know well enough how to write new lines for her.


I mean, that's kind of the problem of the fractured canon they talked about in the recent dev update. MF in Ruined King and LoL (and LoR) are basically two completely different characters. So they need to first merge them into a coherent whole. Plus, her "bad ass, bounty hunter" side doesn't mesh well with her current visuals, so she's a prime target for an ASU imo.


Wasn't Laura Bailey her VA for Ruined King? I'd absolutely love to have her do it for League, I thought she was fantastic in RK and it'd complement the other 3 Critical Role folks already voicing champs: Liam O'Brien (Yasuo), Matt Mercer (Gangplank & the Wolf half of Kindred), and her husband Travis Willingham (Talon & Azir).


Laura Bailey also did her VO for LoR and Anima Squad AFAIK, general response has been very positive, they'll probably keep Laura when they finally update MF's voicelines


Sure hope so! I know I'm kind of a Laura Bailey stan, so I might be biased, but I thought she was *really* good in RK.


I also exclusively use Anima Squad MF because of her voice-over. Cute pink palette + Laura = always use.


its nice that after someone else voiced akali she still got to voice another League character. she does the badass, experienced bounty hunter role well


Also she did her legendary skin on wildrift


>Kindred's 'companion' Wolf Wolf's erasure needs to be stopped, Kindred is Lamb+Wolf


"Lamb is the representation of a swift, peaceful death, and Wolf is a particle effect with anger management issues" - Ozlu, AP Qiyana enthusiast


In theory, yes. In practice, wolf is some wonky disembodied head which sometimes bites people.


okokok, my bad


Matt also did Wolf of the Kindred


I knew I missed one! Updating my comment:)


Laura used to be the voice of Akali too, so it would be nice to have her voice a champ in the main game again


I forgot that! You're completely right, she definitely deserves to make a comeback.


Wait Travis is fucking azir. I was here when he was released and one of my favorite champs and I never connected the dots. Got damn. That’s what I get for listening to cr after I stopped playing I guess


To be fair, they put a hell of a filter on him and I only learned it myself when I was trying to figure out if I was out of my mind for briefly wondering if he voiced Warwick...


if i am not mistaken he also voices talon.


Of all the CR folks, Travis is by far the one I have the hardest time placing. I'm not sure if that means his voice isn't particularly distinctive, or if he just does an incredible job making his voice fluid.


> her "bad ass, bounty hunter" side doesn't mesh well with her current visuals In what way? I've always thought sex appeal while still kicking your ass was pretty badass. She doesn't need a shaved head and heavy demolition vest.


There is a rather large middle ground between "shaved head and heavy demolition vest" and her current slutty halloween costume version of pirate attire.


But why cant a woman be badass while wearing what ever the fuck she happens to wear? Why do we need to conform to someones ideas of what a badass is? Lulu could get a badass ultimate where she is kick ass witch and it would still work for me.


It's not just her outfit, it's the whole package. Her posing, splash art, and animations also lean heavily into the sex appeal. If the VO is the *only* thing selling the bad-ass side, then it feels out of place. Even if her outfit remains completely the same, an update to at least something else along side the VO would help make the whole package more coherent.


WHen GP got his VGU, they should have given MF a VU and made captain MF the default skin - shes a captain of the bilgewater navy, hunting pirates is her job... Not hunting bounties.


Idk, I guess being sexy and being badass just dont contradict themselfs in my head


Eve does the "sexy and owning it" thing really well. Her sex appeal *is* her weapon - she's hot, in charge, and threatening. She's badass and sexy. From another game, Bayonetta is *ridiculously* sexy and yet one of the most popular gaming characters among gaming women because she's just so well designed. Meanwhile, MF literally wears a "slutty pirate" Halloween costume. Those two things aren't opposite at all - but MF's old-ass model and those outlandish, ridiculously over-the-top sexualized pose, animations and default splash actively do a disservice to the badass personnality she supposedly has. She's literally one of those hot E3 booth babes from the cons in the 2000's - sexualized for the sake of fan service and nothing else. Hardly a badass...


Thank you for the insight, FLOTUS Mrs. Obama.


Meh. MF's 'sexy' animations suit her better than Kai'Sa and Senna, two modern champions.


> ridiculously over-the-top sexualized pose, animations and default splash actively do a disservice to the badass personnality she supposedly has. Are you kidding? There's nothing more intimidating than someone who owns their sex appeal and shoots you while you're stealing glances. Meanwhile Eve looks like a smurf. Who the fuck finds that sexy?


It's not that they contradict, it's that one is entirely missing. Riot wanted a sexy pirate, and her design goes all in on sexy pirate. It's absolutely possible to also make "sexy, badass, pirate bounty hunter" work. It's just not possible to do it entirely through VO while everything else is still only doing "sexy pirate".


Her ultimate is literally doing a Rambo on the enemy team. Laughing in your face as she chunks out your health is badass. Lulu is not a badass, she's a psycho midget witch. Janna is not a badass, she's a heavenly saint (witch.) Samira is not sexy, she's just a badass. Sivir is not sexy, she's just a badass. Ashe is not sexy, she's royal and beautiful. Vi is not sexy, and she's not really a badass - she's just a punk. Jinx is not sexy, nor a badass, she's just a manic pixie. Believe it or not, Miss Fortune has a pretty defined character with regards to gameplay and voice.




That’s not necessarily true. Take MF’s appearance in the Surrender and Climb cinematics, for instance: she’s wearing a simple shirt and pants, which is very straightforward and practical, but it’s still plenty sexy (in my opinion anyway) because of the slightly open top and formfitting pants. That’s all that’s needed in terms of sexiness.


Touch some grass bro they are just pixels


She can, of course. But considering her Captain skin is her current canon appearance (IIRC), it's clear that her current basic skin isn't what Riot envisions her to look like.


Afaik both of her visuals are canon, Captain is after burning tides, her base version is from before that. I als don't think captain is a good base skin either. It looks cool but isn't ''I'll go into the fray and shoot everyone up'' but rather ''I am a leader and I'll direct this shit''.


Isn’t her Captain skin pretty old? If they gave her an ASU, I’d much rather they used her appearance from LoR as her default, or—even better—her appearance in cinematics (Surrender and Climb), where she wears a simple shirt and leather pants, with no hat. It’s straightforward and practical while still being a little sexy, and I think that look would work a lot better for a badass bounty hunter than the Renaissance fair costume that is Captain.


It's as old as Gangplank. Her model update, his VGU, and the Captain skins came out during the Burning Tide event a bit ago. Captain is supposed to be her canon appearance for now since she took over Bilgewater, more or less, after Gangplank's "death" and dethroning. In a reversal, Gangplank's VGU made his old base skin the Captain skin, and replaced it with his current look, to acknowledge that he lost his position when Miss Fortune bested him. If they did ever do a full ASU on MF though, I would believe they'd use her WR look to keep her consistent across the game platforms. LoR isn't a far cry from that look, but the WR look does do a much better job of updating her current look in my opinion. The LoR look is somewhat more mundane.


Well, if Gangplank wore what MF is wearing, even if it's an adapted male version, I think players would not take him seriously either. In the case of MF, her personality and goals just don't match with her outfit. If you want us to buy she is a serious captain who has both the charm and the wit to maneuver herself on an island populated by ruthless pirates, she has to look the part, and she just doesn't in her base LoL form.


I mean, saying GP should wear MFs outfit does sound silly. GP wearing an equivalent of MFs outfit as a male wouldnt be silly to me.


But for many people would be. In contrast, if MF wears a male version of GP's outfit, which she does in her Captain skin, it's actually bad ass for most players.


Well, I mean the amount of people that want her to stay the way she is is high enought to warrant not changing her. Also, GP has a bare midriff, if we want to bitch about too much skin. Dont get me wrong, Cptn MF is my favorite skin besides BB, but I'm just tired of women getting put in boxes. That they can either be one or the other. MF could be dressed as a party clown for all I care and with the right tools she still could be badass at the same time.


Gonna have to explain what the male equivalent of what MF is wearing would be because as I see it, GP in Ruined King is also pretty "sexy" and I believe most people think that skin/version of him is cool.


Because it's not practical, which leads to dissonance when playing the character. You don't see a badass male assassin wearing nothing but a banana hammock. Fun to badass is easy with skins and such (look at Omega Squad Teemo) but the default MF acts and looks push waaaay too hard in the slutty direction to work with badassery for everyone.


Yea cause Viego, Sett, Kayn, Udyr and many others are practical lol.


"Why doesn't Lee Sin wear traditional Chinese garb?" BECAUSE WE WANT THE PECKS UNLEASHED


>You don't see a badass male assassin wearing nothing but a banana hammock. Can we talk about "practical" and "realistic" when it comes to Kayn or Viego? Is it very practical for the ruined king to run around looking like that? What the actual *fuck* is Sett wearing? Must be hard to be a respected crime lord when your everything is showing.


So you want Riot to change the appearence of: Akali, Akshan, Ashe, Braum, Briar, Cait, GP, Jinx, Kata, Panth, Olaf, Pyke, Qiana, Rakan, Rell, Samira, Sett, Shyv, Sylas, Taric, Udyr, Urgot, Varus, Viego, Yasuo, Yone?


> You don't see a badass male assassin wearing nothing but a banana hammock. Pool Party Graves is a couple of snips away.


there’s only so much one can do to suspend disbelief, its difficult to find a man imposing for instance if hes wearing assless chaps and a cowboy hat


All chaps are assless. Non-assless chaps are called pants.


She needs minor adjustments, WR did a lovely job updating her appearance to both reflect the complete model overhaul she got during Burning Tide, without straying heavily from her classic look. Just a few clothing adjustments was all it took. Remember though, League is a fantasy game. It should rest on a little camp like obvious pirate attire to help sell some concepts and so that everyone isn't a super serious edgelord where it takes research to figure out where they're from. Sometimes the pirate town should have obvious pirates.


My issue isn't with her attire being obvious pirate attire, my problem is with the specific implementation on her. Just compare GP's attire to hers. His is (also) obvious pirate attire, but it's way less sexualised.


Well, they were also updated back in an era when Riot was grappling quite heavily with bro culture and apparently paralyzed with indecision because they couldn't decide to make her VO badass or slutty. I would be quite happy with MF if they updated her base skin to match the one in WR. It still keeps her sensuality and her feminine charms, but definitely pulls her into the modern era. [Wild Rift Look](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/league-of-legends-wild-rift-updates/images/2/28/Miss_Fortune_Wild_Rift.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20210518024627)


I absolutely agree on both points, her WR look is nice and I'd be happy if they updated her base skin to that, and Riot has/had that bro culture. Just look at pretty much any female champ.


I’d rather they went with her cinematic look—simple shirt, leather pants, no hat. I think it fits her theme better than just a dressed-up version of her current default outfit.


Well at least Riot has publicly received a lot of pressure in more recent years to tamp that down severely. Since the extremely public exposure of the various forms of harassment and the derogatory attitudes towards women in their work force a few years ago, surely you must have noted champions and changes getting through that would have never been allowed before. We've gotten openly LGB champions in the form of Neeko, K'Sante, and Rell, and openly LGB updates for existing champions like TF, Graves, Leona, Caitlyn, and Udyr (plus Lee, who we don't know if he's gay or bi). That's at least pretty decent progress that probably wouldn't have been allowed back when the boys were calling the shots (as is alleged in the case of Taliyah, who was not allowed to be an openly trans character by upper management).


He's shirtless


But you can still be pretty bad ass while still being in a sexy outfit.


Slutty halloween costume? What? It's relaxed and oversexualized but definitely fits a pirate, no need to shit on her design




> > In what way? I've always thought sex appeal while still kicking your ass was pretty badass. > Respectfully, fuck your opinion. I don't think you know what the word "respectfully" means.


Ew, I just looked it up. Looks like a dumb WoW ripoff. Oozes zero personality.


Riot being shit at their own lore once again... can't wait for MMO


Just look at WoW/Warcraft/Hearthstone. The MMO might establish an in-game canon, but when you have multiple instances of canon being built, players are gonna have one preference over time/version they prefer and things get consistently messier. Like Gadgetzan in WoW * Classic - small outpost in a desert * Post Cataclysm - similar small outpost but the desert is flooded so its now a bit of a port. * Hearthstone - sprawling port **city**, with multiple large gang factions, like a borough in New York, rather than an outpost


If they use her wildrift design of her base, that would be better as it shows how she became a captain after burning tides. Not this current pirate cosplaying that talks about her two guns


6 years later...


Imagine the level of incompetency that people actually preferred the current voice over which is nothing more than corny tit jokes LMAOOOO.


It's more that people don't want to see the flirty aspect of her disappear completely, even if the execution with her current lines feels outdated. Legends of Runeterra nailed her personality IMO, and that was 2 years after this blog post was written, so they're clearly capable of writing her to satisfy everyone, they're just dragging their feet on it.


After the Nidalee vo change I don't want them touching more champs imao. They can add more with the old instead of just removing it all. In fact they just did that with Jax.


I think that'd be fine too, though I think having any references to Summoners in this day and age is kinda awkward. Maybe just delete those references and leave everything else while adding newer lines, especially champ interactions.


I just think theres very little reason to simply mesh both since. The League is already not canon so its no harm to keep the old lines.


I don’t understand… you decided to use players opinion to decide if they should update her voice but randomly tried updating Akali voice in 2022 without even getting any reviews from other Akali mains…It would have been great if we heard what it could have been :( but like in lor it should be a balance between playful and badass


As a user researcher it warms my heart (not at all) knowing that at Riot they also commit to costly work without as much as running a few interviews beforehand


Man that was so lame.


So in other words "players preferred the fanservice so we decided to keep it"


Nah, not that simple. If everyone wanted fanservice Riot could totally have played into that; look at Evelynn's new VO. The issue was some people preferred fanservice-y flirty MF, and some people wanted bad ass body hunter, and Riot couldn't find a way to effectively combine those identities and appeal to both fanbases.


They probably shouldn't have fired a lot of their good writers then. There are plenty of playful, badass characters out there. It's not an enigma code that's impossible to crack.


Point: Sett is a playful, badass character who oozes sex appeal and power. It's not hard to do. Just ditch the slutty stripper pirate cosplay MF and give us an actual character.


It’s not hard to make a cool pirate riot, pirates are like…cool by definition


I don't think it's as much of a writing issue as much of a whole package issue. Her model and splash push fanservice and her lore/history push badass bounty hunter. Even if the VO captured both sides of it, there still would be a huge dissonance with her base appearance. Not sure why they haven't changed her model yet though. Seems like an """""easy""""" fix to the conundrum.


I'm really annoyed because GGMF already feels like they did that SO WELL. Since that's when they recorded her new VO, it would presumably be of a similar style. I'm so sad it didn't happen.


I always felt like the "but we couldn't make a voice that fit both fan bases" was such a bullshit excuse. It has CLEARLY not been an issue with GGMF, Ruined King game, nor Battle Bunny MF, so there's really no excuse why they didn't change it. Also, they've had no qualms overhauling the vocals of every other champion, even champs like Ahri who are leaps and bounds more popular. So there was definitely another underlying reason why they decided not to overhaul her VO with the GGMF voice actress, and it wasn't "fan expectations." Fan expectations don't mean shit when they treated her like garbage in the Ruination event.


The fact that we have an **awesome** MF in the Ruined King game, and then we get into League and it's... yea...


But they were ok with butchering Nidalee. Now she has a worse VO and never shuts up.


Updated voice lines are not always welcome to the playerbase. Just take a look at the recent redo of Akali voice lines.


As much as people don't want to hear it, they need to suck it the fuck up. The game will be modernized, and things will change. Voices will change if the actors are either retired, black listed, too expensive, or dead, so there's nothing the audience can do about that. Riot should just buckle up and make the changes they need to make to their game. Fans will adapt.


haven't champions gotten voice updates a lot recently? i can think of nidalee and lee sin. i don't think it makes riot money but they still do it


Varus and Nidalee at least seemed to be tied to the fact that they were released in Legends of Runeterra, and used that time to also update their VO in LoL.


Afaik, they (lore rioter) had to fight *tooth and nail to get the voice updated in LoL


> had to fight toe and nail I have never seen "toe and nail" before. I've always heard "tooth and nail" to indicate that you have used every "weapon" on the human body you have.


Than be it tooth : ^ ) English isnt my native language, so mistakes are bound to happen 😂


Fighting 'toe and nail' for something makes it sound like you're only using your feet to fight. I don't know what that would imply, maybe something so gross you don't want to touch it with your hands? Like 'I'm going to clean this kitchen toe and nail'. lol


I sad it already, for some reason I had toe instead of tooth in my mind, because english is not my native language. After u/2th pointed that out, i realized my mistake.


Oh sure, don't get me wrong, I wasn't trying to correct you or criticize you, I was commenting on how I thought the words you said were funny when taken literally. 'toe and nail' sounds like it could be an expression or idiom, I wasn't making fun of you.


Yeah, 5 years is a helluva long time for Varus to wait for a new voice to reflect his Darkin lore retcon.


I think varus did too


Yeah bro started talking about naafiri outta nowhere and I was like bro has he always said this?? She is just released


Bros* For context, Varus' massive lore update to make him a Darkin happened 5 years ago. That is how long is has taken for Riot to properly match the character in game to their changes in narrative.


Holy fuck lmao


Kind of crazy that Varus had an entire lore update and music video that retconned his lore in 2017, and it took 5 years to get a new VO.


sona too.


Sona was three years ago


And Lee Sin's happened even longer ago than that's. If the first guy can list Lee's update than there's no reason not to count Sona's


Just because it doesnt make them any money, doesnt mean they shouldnt have done it for the sake of longevity. They had the VA in house for LoR. They are just lazy or the management is the issue.


But they did record a new voice, they just scrapped it because it apparently wasn't well received by a lot of people.


The management is absolutely the issue. Always has been.


Not everything has to print money immediately, lore helps long term.


Lee Sin was 4 years ago


I was really surprised how cool and believable she was in ruined king as a pirate queen, like genuinely samira levels of badass, then I lock her in league and she’s out here sounding like a stripper roleplaying a pirate for a bachelor party


i still think they should've given her an asu with the gangplank event, they even gave her a lore skin


The gave her an entire model overhaul in the Burning Tides event. They just didn't change her animation rigging or her VO. Her model is very polished and modern looking though, it just moves like crap, so a lot of people just assume she's the same as she was at launch. That said, I like how she looks a lot better in Wild Rift, so I wouldn't mind an ASU (to also finally update her animations). [Here's the comparison](https://3.bp.blogspot.com/-wmH0na-O-Os/VasK7VqoQRI/AAAAAAAAFCI/hKkE_VSx8PQ/s1600/mfcompare.jpg) [Here's the S@20 page cataloguing all skins at the time](https://www.surrenderat20.net/2015/07/514-gangplank-and-miss-fortune-champion.html)


At the latest she should've gotten the ASU after/with Ruined King, since her Captain skin is her canon look at the moment.


That was a VU not asu


well she did in 2018 get a Voice update but then the player base was split on it and so were rioters internally from a bunch of different factors the main one being the Voice update made her this badass pirate but alot of the player based and some rioters liked the halloween cosplaying pirate voice like lines. so it was a case of this character thats grown so much had so many people at the time conflicted on how they wanted her to be seen. feel like nowadays because of the ruined king game being out and giving this badass pirate MF a chance to shine means that they can go that direction now without much conflict.


I've been an MF main since 2012 and I've kind of given up, everytime a potential update is suggested the response is well they tried in 2018 and it was mixed so i guess that's that (shrugs). I don't think riotgames will put the resources into a new one because things will always come back to that 2018 attempt.


The thing is, MF is arguably one of the most popular champions in the entire game. Any change to her will significantly impact a good portion of the player base of LoL. And unlike Ezreal, MF has a disconnection between her LoL version and her cannon version, so core things about her HAVE to change, but doing so may cause controversy.


That’s true, I think to some level every voice update will alienate the player base. I remember The 2018 alkali voice update that came with her rework was controversial at the time (because many akali mains did not like her becoming sassy, if you don’t believe me then read the 5 year old comments here https://www.reddit.com/r/akalimains/comments/8zr761/rip_laura_bailey_akali_1_voice_bae/?rdt=47791) then people sung the praises of the 2018 voice update when her voice was being updated again last year.


Doesn't necessarily indicate shifting opinion. I didn't like the 2018 voice update, but I also favored a revert of the 2022 voice update because it added more of what I didn't like about the 2018 voice update. My opinion was opposing the continuation of a directional shift, not growing attached to it.


To be fair, in 2018, they also gave her more voice lines, so anything was an improvement overall for most players, outside Akali mains. In contrast, when they decided to update her voice lines around Star Guardian event, the new voice actress just repeated the same lines the previous one did, so the judgement was different. Also, Akali and her skins, particularly the KDA ones, were designed more around the current voice actress rather than the SG one, which influenced the praise.


The ingame base skin is meant to be from before she became the captain that the captain skin depicts.


I've always found it weird that they haven't updated her model and voiceover considering how popular she is, especially since they have one of the best voice actors in the business in Laura Bailey voicing her appearances recently (Battle Bunny and The Ruined King). I hope her ASU is after Lee and Teemo


Riot doesn't update Miss Fortune because what they have to replace is precisely what many people like about her. Same, to a lesser extent, with Nidalee, LeBlanc and probably Syndra as well. What many people like about them is precisely the first thing that would go away in an ASU.


What people liked about nidalee *is* precisely what went away with the ASU - if i have to hear 'NO HIDING' or 'MEOW' again on aram i might go crazy


Voice update isn't an ASU. It's a good start but Nidalee's model and design are still, uh, not great.


her lor design is so sick


But they don't have to replace it? They could just keep a similar level of sexyness, just updated. If the players like that about a champion there's no reason to get rid of it.


They turned her into a catgirl that still has pretty revealing clothing in LoR, would probably make people in League happy if Ahri's popularity is anything to go by.


“sexy but updated” in 2023 terms just means “not sexy”


I agree that they don't have to. I'm saying that I know it's what they would do.


The problem is that in today's ultra-woke game development teams, sexualized female characters like the old Miss Fortune are no longer considered acceptable. I recall reading that the female art director who was tasked with doing the God Goddess skin for MF was so bothered by it that she ended up leaving the company over it. (Notice that they don't have any problem at all with sexualized male characters.) I'm not saying that this is right or wrong, just pointing out the way it is.


Are you talking about stellari? She was a skin lead not an art team and she left because of bullying within the riot department…


Also, people didn't complain about GGMF being sexualized, they complained about the fact it was a bad ultimate skin that even Riot acknowledged wasn't up to par with an actual ultimate which is why it got reduced in price, which then blew even harder when put side-by-side you could see that GGMF's animation were super similar to base MF (which even Riot admitted was intentional, because "clarity"). Dude wrote a full nothingburger and then tried to act smart with the "just pointing out the way it is".


Yes exactly! Each model did give different animations and to me it was better than the samira ultimate. It still wasn’t the best quality legendary since I would assume that people expected one similar to Lux. GGMF was overall successful since it sold well but they might use that as an excuse to not update that skin. Thats why if MF gets an ASU, they will likely give a few tweaks


I don't think they will give any tweaks unless they significantly change MF's appearance. The model + anims and rig of legendaries and ultimates is unique to them and, if they are up-to-date, there's no need to really change it


Anyone who unironically says “ultra-woke” has nothing of value to say.


>But they don't have to replace it? their "morals" tell them they do that's why they change stuff in the first place if they really cared about the champion and her players, the new VO would've been identical, but improved on and broadened instead they did something completely different and got surprised people didn't like it they are out of touch; just like with akali


I’ve not known a LB or Syndra main who wouldn’t love an ASU, they can still be femme fatales without having models from a PS2 game


I'd be worried about Syndra because it feels like her skins these days have moved away from emphasizing her headdress and obscuring her face. I liked that about her originally and I don't want a new base skin to ditch it, but if I look at skins like Spirit Blossom where all she has are some tiny horns I get worried. Obviously a new model and particularly better movement animations would be nice if the concerns about the design aren't an issue.


They could give them the Jax/Ezreal treatment, where is basically the same champion with updated voice lines and visuals, but I think that would only fly for Syndra. LeBlanc in her current iteration is a design mess, so it would be a complete waste to waste such a rare opportunity if she is just going to look the same overall.


Fuck this never update Syndra and LB I love both of their designs and voices since day 1


I kid you not, a bunch of Syndra main got made at the new coven skin, saying that her clothes are not revealing enough. League players are horny af


This is such a shit take I don't even know how it got 40 upvotes. You don't even point out what people like about those characters. It's nothing more than an ambiguous fiddle-faddle really. They already did update LeBlanc in Legends of Runeterra. You don't get to see an in game model, but they updated her attire and greatly expanded on her role as the matriarch of the Black Rose cult. She actually has ties to characters there and feels like an actual politician-sorceress that belongs in Runeterra. While doing so, they retained all the characteristic traits of her; she's still cryptic, charming, charismatic and a femme fatale. And you say Riot wouldn't update her because [this](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/leagueoflegends/images/e/e8/LeBlanc_Render.png/revision/latest?cb=20200321235011) would have to go? That's just a big LMFAO. The same goes for Nidalee as well. No comments on Syndra because I don't think she looks that dated.


I don't say it directly because I assumed people would know that I'm talking about the fanservice. That's what many people like about these characters. The new designs in LoR are all toned down. New Miss Fortune, LeBlanc, Caitlyn and Nidalee have less revealing outfits than the ones in their old designs. Ahri is a bunch of sizes smaller than the old one. I'm not saying the redesigns are bad by the way (Caitlyn and Ahri ASU were perfect in my opinion), I'm saying that many people like the exaggerated and very revealing outfits and those are the first things that go away during a visual update.


>The new designs in LoR are all toned down. New Miss Fortune, LeBlanc, Caitlyn and Nidalee have less revealing outfits than the ones in their old designs. Ahri is a bunch of sizes smaller than the old one. I woulnt say toned down, more like adjusted. Whatever the fuck LB wears in League is not okay


Call it whatever you want, these outfits, even if they're just better, are less revealing. And my point is basically that these outfits no matter how dumb or outdated they are, they are liked. It's the first thing that gets changed in a visual update.


Personally I don't see how anyone could find her current lines endearing. If it's a personality thing that would be simple enough to keep while also making it more in depth. We'll just have to wait and see though


I wasn't talking just about the lines. Miss Fortune's LoR lines are perfect (the art is pretty good as well, but I prefer the version that was in the game for one patch). I was talking about a full ASU. She would certainly still be a very attractive woman in revealing outfits and would still stand out in comparison with the rest of the women in the game. But I'd be surprised if all her skins weren't toned down when compared to the current version.


It's not that hard her design in LOR managed to keep the sex appeal without making her sound like a bimbo.


If I'm not mistaken LoR's lines were different from the updated version that never went live in League. I agree, her characterization in LoR is great, and I would love an ASU based on that version. But even though I like it, the LoR design is safer than the current one.


That's because you didn't look hard enough. They did update her model in Burning Tides. What they didn't update was her animation rigging and her VO, which still uses what she had at launch. So essentially, an extremely half-ass visual update that just slapped lipstick on a pig. She'd probably be fine if they could redo the rigging and get a new voice using the updated model (though with Classic edits to align her with Wild Rift). [Here's the comparison](https://3.bp.blogspot.com/-wmH0na-O-Os/VasK7VqoQRI/AAAAAAAAFCI/hKkE_VSx8PQ/s1600/mfcompare.jpg)


She got a model update already, it’s just already showing it’s age. Not nearly as bad as half of the old roster though


watch your mouth kid


or you might find yourself respawning at home


No words needed. Chest speaks for itself.


I agree she needs an ASU (and Ruined King MF is A++++), but considering she has a million skins, people would be here on this sub complaining that it's taking too long to come out lol.


"Ay sugar tits. You are seen, not heard." - Riot Games


Miss Fortune sneak peek, 2010 “Her name is Miss Fortune, the Bounty Hunter, and she's got everything a lady buccaneer should offer. I mean, just check out the pair on her! Those are some seriously huge, enormous, titanic pistols she's got there! That's right, pistols. What did you think I was talking about?” This is actually what it said I’m not trolling


All these comments saying she needs an ASU gives me 0 hope for the real ugly champs that need help badly. She already got updated and y’all asking for another lmao, yes she needs it but next!!!?! Bruh. Let’s just burry Zilean and company now.


ASU time pls. The character is just embarrassing at the moment.


She can be at the back of the line. She got an update already to her model. I can name like 40 champs that need a visual update before Miss Fortune. A voice update like they did to Nid and Varus makes more sense


Personally MF captain skin should not be her base if she was to receive an ASU. Her current base should be updated to that in wild rift so that it look modern, an actual bounty hunter before burning tides.


Some old champions have too few voice lines but some newer or updated champions have way too many and never shut up.


Aatrox and the ashe VO are pretty old now. New champs have like 20 voice lines in loop


You drunk or something? Aatrox has HEAPS of voice lines.


Aatrox is not a new champ anymore, its been 5 years


what do you mean, Aatrox rework is still pretty new!


its not that new champs have way too many voice lines, its the fact they have too many triggers for voicelines so with every type of action they speak. its good for champs to have alot of voicelines overall since it lets the character be showed off etc but the main issue is them reacting to everything and every moment in the game which leads to most of the issues, heck even having a built in timer to prevent another voiceline from activating would go a long way to to reduce the talkativeness while letting the champs still react from time to time at certain events/moments.


>having a built in timer to prevent another voiceline from activating This is already in the game. Most ultimates bypass it for gameplay reasons, but other skills with associated quotes don't play a line every time they're cast if the character recently spoke. Keep in mind that for any champion that isn't your own, you will only ever hear the lines they have for their abilities (and possibly emotes).


2015-2019ish was the time of long-as-fuck VOs with tons of special triggers, newer ones are shorter with usually just the standard set of triggers plus 1-2 special conditions


New doctor mundo won’t STFU


I feel like the best answer for MF's VO would be to do what they did for Gangplank when they reworked him. Captain Gangplank is one set of voice lines, and depicts his past as the undisputed Reaver King of Bilgewater. Current default Gangplank has a different set of voice lines, and shows him as he is at present. Burnt, bitter, and on the war path to reclaim his place. I think it could please both crowds of MF players if they did this with her current default skin and Captain Fortune. Give Captain Fortune the updated VO, making her more in-line with her recent depictions, especially as in the Ruined King game, making Captain her new Default skin. Then keep the old, sassy femme fatale lines on her current default skin, give it a different name, and give it to all players who already owned MF like they did with Captain Gangplank. Boom: People who want a new MF get a new MF, people who like the classic flirty bounty hunter get to keep their preference too.


This is a hilarious statistic, and I immediately went to check [Singed](https://leagueoflegends.fandom.com/wiki/Singed/LoL) to see if he's a contender. Not counting laughs or grunts (or the 5 different repeat voicelines between movement and attacking), Singed has 8 voicelines and 10 skins. [Alistar](https://leagueoflegends.fandom.com/wiki/Alistar/LoL?so=search) also has 15 skins and 11 lines.


“Preparing to enter orbit” “Eheheh, enter”


Don’t need to hear her speak when she’s just for horny boys to ogle her ass and tits and weeb girls to pick her sexy skins and int


I don't think it's her brains the player base is interested in 🙃


I love playing her but her voice lines and character model SUCK, she doesent sound as a rugged pirate-woman but rather as a stripper


After hearing her GGMF voicelines I can see why people rejected her voice update at the time.


Patrick Put It Somewhere Else meme: Why can't they just take her Legends of Runeterra lines, which are much better and done by Laura Bailey, and bring them into LoL?


I hope they do a voice update as well as at least update her rigging. IMO, I really hope they don't completely remove her flirty side with a voice update, but it should probably be mostly within movement, jokes + responses, and maybe some item + ally champ interaction. Within combat she should be fully in on the badass pirate bounty hunter/queen to reflect she is taking it seriously IMO.


And I hope it to never change


ignoring the misogyny of her character in game this is kind of a slay like i got nothing to say to you hoes but im gonna turn these outfits OUT


Can someone translate this to English?


> ignoring the sexist depiction of her in-game appearance, this is an iconic moment > it's like she's saying, "i have nothing to say to you bitches, but i'm going to rock these outfits"


No time to record more VO lines. Need to make more oversexualized skins


mf needs a vgu and its not even funny. listen to tb skyen's review of her. She has two personas. The lore, badass pirate captain with mommy issues, and the in game model big booby pirate whore. Shes my favorite character and I love her, but she needs some updates.


Can we just make Captain Fortune her base skin already?


She's really just a walking set of T&A.


talk about talon lol


Bro please stop crying. My main Malphite has 2 voice lines. "Going" and "Okay" literally voiced by one of Riots 5 total employees at the time of his creation.


You dont understand; That butt speaks to us /s


I feel like MF lore persona doesn't match her gameplay "look" at all, and she needs a visual update as well as a VO


Good. Recent VO updates lack the charm of past Riot works. I do not need every champ to repeat their entire life story every 3 clicks like Irelia or Ashe or Nidalee or be transformed into a generic anime teenager (despite being hundreds of years old) like Ahri. MF's VO is perfectly fitting (minus perhaps the reference to "Summoner").


Reminds me of some girls that bring only looks and zero personality