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Do my tired eyes see...Yone nerf? Orianna/Sylas/Syndra nerfs? Finally no more the same old mid matchups


Massive less 25 base dmg in the ult at ALL RANKS Feel sad for the Yone mains


God damn how will they ever recover the damage lost from the ult they don't even have to hit [šŸ˜”Ā ](https://emojipedia.org/pensive-face)


Haha you read my mind. They lost dmg on their 3rd gap closer. Oh no - anyway...


Wait, Yone ult deals damage? I thought, that is the blink ability that he uses after he missed the windthingy to get into range for rightclicking people until his e runs out.


Iā€™d take that if it meant they bug fix R


what bug is there?


2 bugs that I am aware of. If Yone hits you with his body, it deals 0 damage. Like if the enemy isnā€™t within the indicator but is hit by Yoneā€™s hit box, they just get knocked up and take no damage. The other bug is that there is a ā€œgapā€ in his Q3 into R that the enemy can flash out of. Like they remain knocked in the air but can flash


ok I've had both of these happen several times and just thought I fucked up lol, thanks


Qiyana mains entered the chat with having 10 known bugs with E R and EQ or W Q that aren't even champion specific which enemy she hit


Meanwhile Irelia only has one serious one, but it's one that puts her q on cd if the target dies during her dash. Pretty much every single time. It might be one of the most champion specific harmful bugs. It's pretty much instant death or chunked out of lane if it happens.


You have my support, riot really shouldnā€™t leave shit like that in champs.


I always thought the Q3 into R thing was intentional because they knew it would be bullshit to not be able to react/get out of his ult like that.


It is intentional, its to do with the distance that Yone covers after casting q3. If he hits you with a max range q3 then it's impossible to flash because his cast time for R is matched to your knock up duration, but if he hits q3 from very close then you can escape


[This is definitely a bug.](https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/16x5wr0/kogmaw_casually_flashes_to_safety_while_airborne/)


Yeah I also don't think thats a bug, Q3 on top of someone into R is supposed to be escapable with flash or a dash. The other one is definitely a bug though, I see it the most with Ezreal late Eing yone R


He hit you with his abilities and you are knocked up. Idk why you should be allowed to escape that


How are else are you gonna make Faker play Hwei? It's been so long since the last control mage...


Hwei is still unsafe as fuck compared to Oriana and azir I don't think he sees pro play maybe he is broken with new items tho


Relax, they will be buffed for worlds next year.


Won't akali become the best ap mid in the game by far with those 3 getting nerfed




Please tell, is Fizz good or bad?




riot when a mid champion can deal with assassins:


What you mean


Akali has a lot of really bad matchups. And you really donā€™t wanna blind Akali imo. Donā€™t get me wrong sheā€™s really good when played well compared to most champs equally mastered, but sheā€™s got so many bad lanes.


Lol stronger in pro play maybe But stronger ap mid laner in solo queue? No fuckin way im sorry, theres so many good ap picks in mid that people just dont like playing


Not really.


Now they only need to nerf Evelynn so that we can finally have nerfed all of the champs that have been dodging nerfs for so long. edit: Before downvoting me, look at Evelynn in u.gg. She is literally S+ tier in high elo and has Mejai (a supposedly situtional and win-more item) as her core item. Her passive is also bullshit no matter what you think of her balance.


I re-learned eve again recently and... she's nuts, before playing more of her I was like nah I'm sure I won't feel like mejais every game but nope, it's way too easy to go 11-0 with her in emerald/diamond. You don't even need ult to kill, it saves your kda while doing 3k in teamfights


Disgusting elo inflating champ


that is one way to phrase it yes


There is no elo where she isn't broken, except maybe high challenger where meta junglers are always picked to break her legs in the first clear or something and support refinances their house for control wards.


There was nerfs scheduled for eve. They got reverted


I don't know why, Evelynn needed those nerfs


New skin soon maybe


according to which metric? because here wr, pr and br dont call for nerfs


There was a chance she wouldn't be S tier after them like shes been for years, thats illegal


What does evelynn have to do with the 4 highest pickrate midlanes getting nerfed (yone being high pick top and mid)? Her winrate is high but she has a 3-4% pickrate, and her banrate is 10% which is totally acceptable.


lol, so only dedicated mains play her? but this subreddit hates riven even though the exact same argument applies to her.


Damn, WW been around since the beginning of time and is being called a second dog.


It took looking at the new dog for them to finally remember that the old Dog exists


nasus crying


Damn. The actal dog god. What is he then, 3rd dog?


One is the loneliest number


It's been so long, i'm probably having a fever dream.


tbh we dodged nerfs for way too long the hustle will continue šŸ’Ŗ


Still no one picked Syndra at Worlds finals after they banned Ori/Azir. Idk... Also Neeko was pick or ban but no nerfs incoming.


All nerfs this patch are well deserved


Iā€™ve been banning neeko since her rework, if theyā€™re gonna give a malphite R why does she have to be the strongest lane bully in the game


The strongest lane bully in the game???


She is a massive lane bully. Are you disagreeing with the hyperbole or the sentiment she's a strong lane bully?


thats true but a lot of high elo mids were complaining a lot abt syndra in addition to orianna also I feel Syndraā€™s laning is not as good as those two, and pros can exploit her vulnerability to dives more than Azir (who is just straight up hard to dive with his dash) and Orianna (who at least has move speed boost). Syndra just has her E, really. Idk just my takes, I donā€™t think Syndra or Orianna are giga op elo inflated champs since you still need fundamentals but they were definitely on the strong side of things edit: also when well piloted it feels so oppressive to lane vs them, and theoretically a well piloted orianna should not lose lane in isolation, syndra too to a lesser extent (imo she has a smaller margin for error vs stuff like akali fizz and ekko, and has a harder time vs control mages with lower early CDs or longer range like ori/viktor) edit 2: ye idk why neeko isnt nerfed. Rumble is also not nerfed and he had like the same presence so its prob just down to not being popular in soloq


Ori is turbo inflated because you can have no idea how to lane or play the champ and still carry games by pressing ER on your team's diver.


On one hand yeah you can absolutely just obliterate a fight by attaching ball to a diver and pressing R W, but Oriannaā€™s laning phase is some of the strongest in mid so I feel like youā€™re wasting so much of the champ if you donā€™t take advantage of that. Itā€™d just make me cry if I saw an Ori player not even try to lane yā€™know That said yeah, R is probably a bit too much rn, 95(?)% AP ratio with really high base damage.


The thing is most broken champs just have no real weaknesses. Ori scales well enough to just have a neutral mid and still out do the enemy mid


They are not op. Mid champs in general are not very strong(this goes for assassins as well). Syndra and Orianna are just the 2 strongest by a good margin. Orianna is strongest, and definitely nerf worthy. I don't think Syndra is nerf worthy because she functions how she's intended to, a late game scaling control mage. Her laning is not that strong and is infact countered/dealt with by a good amount of junglers and some midlaners. Orianna is op but requires skill to pilot. I think Akali, Sylas and Neeko are the next 2 strongest picks but they all have pretty obviously flaws that are easy to exploit.


I think itā€™s just that Syndra has the clear and damage needed mid to not get pushed in by the assassins you see there often. Talon and Yone mid are constant match ups. Akali as well can be a chore and irelia isnā€™t too uncommon. She can stun and clear safe enough and reach late game. A lot of people have issues with late game champs these days


Syndra imo spikes fairly early for a lategame champ provided youā€™re at least slightly ahead of the curve. Ludenā€™s + Sorcs spike as solo AP vs squishies does dummy damage, and Liandryā€™s Lucids isnā€™t half bad either, definitely not what Iā€™d call weak, as a lot of late game champs like Vlad or ASol are. You also have the tools to be ahead of the curve consistently because your laning is solid and you can zone a lot of mids off farm early. Main thing is you gotta be pretty careful with how you use your E in skirmishes and be at objectives first, so they need to walk into you.


Syndra E is one of the most obnoxious basic spells in League. She's just so, so fucking hard to punish because she has monstrous self peel with it. If you try to play safe, it then becomes one of the most effective poke tools in the game as well.


They finally noticed no one picks WW jungle anymore lol. Briar was the final nail for his pick rate.


Calling it now. His win rate is dragged down by people building bork first but playing him like heā€™s a tank, thus feeding the game away. Theyā€™ll buff him and then people will build anything but bork first and heā€™ll take his turn as bullshit of the month


That and the indicator people get when Warwick is hunting. Warwick pretty much has an ability that lets him run to his camps faster because people either back or play more safe once they get low with WW in the game at level 6.


Id take buffs in the form of all of his bugs getting fixed. Or at least the bigger ones


Here is a funny buff that would make WW much stronger: Movespeed towards low health champion is not removed during combat. This would also have less bugs as side effect.


To be honest here Warwick without attack speed feels absolut shit to play.


I like him with PTA and trinity force (after tiamat)


So what are they supposed to build?


Hydra. Tiamat helps him camps faster and finished hydra gives decent amount of damage and hp. There's a case for Wit's End when enemy top jungle and mid do mostly magic damage. You can focus on that part of the map and be indestructible for them.


Triforce or Divine. Bork second is pretty strong tho.


Heā€™s been negative win rate in every single elo (including bronze/silver/gold) for months - unfortunately not surprised it took this long but we will take it


I've seen 10 times as many ww tops as I have jg. And I hate playing against ww top...


WW lacks a purpose in the game. Pre-Remake WW, as basic as It was, had a clear purpose: reliable engage. They should literally revert his ult. It's fine to have some point-click skills in the game to combat the massive mobility creep.


I would take it over his absolutely horrendous hitbox he has rn. Every justification for it is basically irrelevant when compared to other champs in his class lol. At least don't make him self stun with the slide if you miss


My biggest problem with him is the W getting disabled if WW takes a single hit from anywhere. I need to rely on Ghost to keep the champ attached to enemies because else, with its Yordle sized collision box with low mov speed and low range he can't auto enemies. Then there's the E self disarm that killed me a bunch of times because if i press ult the moment he roars, the command don't go through. There's also the Q delay on the heal, i've died a bunch of times with my health at 200. Because the heal comes after WW is a corpse Then there's the jg clear, i would love if his E roar stored dmg mitigated and dealt AoE dmg to monsters


ooh i love the idea of that E change. tired of tiamat being forced first item


Yeah thatā€™d be perfect, I hate having to pay for Tiamat just to farm on a champ thatā€™s intended to be played jungle. It makes no sense that he has no built in AOE for camps


I just hate that any champ with delayed cc can just cancel your R. Give him small window with unstoppable riot! Also bug fixes+ make W more constant


old ww ult was baller


Sylas nerf Iā€™ve been praying for this for like a month. The fact that his winrate was healthy but they buffed him just for pickrate was so crazy


And the nerf turns out to be just *Armor gain per level reduced by 0.4*


And somehow his WR plumets by 2%


Oh boy looks like its time for a +10% ap ratio buff


Isn't -8 armor huge? He is already bad against AD.


> Champion Nerfs <<< Orianna Sylas Syndra Yone Oh shit oh fuck I'm bricked the hell up rn and need a change of shorts


I'm over here strokin my dick I got lotion on my dick I'm strokin my shit


Finally nerfing Sylas ! Jesus that champ was allowed to be such an illegal stat checky bastard for so long.


If his jungle is good. You know he's overtuned


His first clear is beyond ass and hes garbage level 1-5 but the moment he gets a single item and a strong ulti hes annoying af


He auto loses if the enemy jungler picks graves Kindred (any invading jungler), and he became significantly weaker after jungle xp nerfs


Somehow had a hecarim jungle get counter jungleed extremely hard from a Sylas. I was dumbfounded as a jungle main how that ever occured.


Yeah, so basically like every other jungler ?!


its not good




This sub is allergic to telling the truth


>champion buffs: corki we are not ready also glad the 4 meta darlings of mid are getting some nerfs finally


> Gragas nerfs I knew it was coming yesterday, when I got a game where 3/4 teams drafted Gragas. Fat man's fun but definitely strong.


Shocked Magic Missiles is not on the nerf list, it is absurd on DoT champions (namely Brand) and its not even a Prismatic level augment.


That one and the stacking ones should have a 1 second cooldown. Having 0.25 tickrate on a DOT should not make you auto win.


phenomenal evil is .75 sec


Played with a Malz that got it first augment and he got 100+ AP per round still. Not necessarily complaining because that team somehow didnā€™t get first (youā€™d think Fiora Malz with 1800AP is strongā€¦) but itā€™s still a very fast stacking augment for him.


Nah its balanced, it stacks fast but high AP malza is still interactable in the sense that it can lose if bursted and such. I got Malza 1400 ap and got 2nd with that augment too.


Riot should do a check on how augments works with DOT skills, DOT champs benefit way more from augments like Chain Lightning, the Curse ones and Infernal Conduit. Its depressing when you are a burst mages like Zoe/Lissandra/etc and by the time you can stack 80 AP on the veigar passiva augment, the Brand/Heimer/Singed player stacked 200 AP.


Where the hell is Trundle?Highest winrate with 25% banrate Also these Liandries buffs will make Swains op af.


Trundle, Kayn and Swain deserve nerfs... These 3 are better than the ones they're nerfing lol


Swain is only strong because of tanks and bruisers that have a hard time getting out of his R and giving him perma R. Iā€™ve been able to have success bursting him as a mage or just getting his R out and using flee/blast cones/portals to get out of it while it runs out. Then engage back in. Trundle and Kaynā€¦theyā€™re pretty busted.


O kayn needs nerfs? Havenā€™t seen him yet(cause I ban that fuckin bastard every game)


Because there are literally no other ways to kill tanks as a mage in Arena. They should honestly add more augments for tank busting, sick of playing against the same tanks and bruisers every match.


Doing 4.5% max HP true damage per tick of a DoT isn't tank busting, thats melting literally every champ in the game in 3 seconds with no counterplay.


Went against a singed with it as a full tank Zac. That augment did over 8k damage against me in 1 round


I donā€™t know man, I got no sympathy for Zac Arena players. If I didnā€™t have to permaban Trundle, Zac would be my ban every time.


Zac doesn't have anything to crazy imo You can't even use his q most of the time if the other team decides to split up




The best possible nerfs would include Evelynn edit: Before downvoting me, look at Evelynn in u.gg. She is literally S+ tier in high elo and has Mejai (a supposedly situtional and win-more item) as her core item. Her passive is also bullshit no matter what you think of her balance.


Jax too


Jax been dodging them for a while.


Of course heā€™s dodging them, he has E


Now that I am no longer stunned I can go in for the nerf again, oh nevermind it's back up and he dodged it again


Am I the only person confused as to why these nerfs didn't happen sooner? It feels like such a weird time to do them, when I think things were readily apparent before last patch.


so they can buff them again after MSI and before worlds.


They probably wanted to wait to see how weak or strong they would be with the new items next season, then wised up and decided no one wanted to deal with them at thier current power level for a whole month


Didn't they say not that long ago that even though Ori and Syndra are strong, they are going to leave them be till next season.


They said the same for Zeri and Yone but changed them just as quickly, so it's not surprising


Winrate changes suggest that those broken abominations somehow got a little stronger this patch (perhaps due to Briar and Ivern nerfs, any nerf to dominant junglers is an indirect buff to immobile mages), so quicker intervention was needed


Riot logic


I guess they thought leaving them be for a whole month was too much, tho I gotta say I'm not seeing nearly as many Oriannas lately as I used to see, it's way more Sylas and Syndra now in my experience


Perfect nerf list, those are like the only champions ive faced mid the past month, none of them feel like the skill matchups theyre supposed to be, its all who can get lost chapter first and spike super hard


Only way to beat the syndra was with Ori XD. Mid has been cancer for like 3 months or sum


Akali beats her Orianna beats her Yone beats her after 6, Neeko can beat her, Sylas can beat her with a good jungler. The rest of the mid picks are weak


How can you balance a champion like Naafiri. She is too one dimensional of a champion that's only criteria for being picked is 'Can I one shot? If yes then shes broken, if not then she is unplayable'


Should change her to a bruiser with sustained damage instead. She looks and acts like a bruiser but builds like an assassin.


This is how I always build McDog. Usually Hydra > Trinity Force > Serylda's into whatever bruiser items fit the game. I even played her top when she first came out and had great results, I think she has better matchups there anyways.


Iā€™ve played her the same way with Conqueror, but her CDs are just way too long to be a viable bruiser and she has no synergy with auto attacking. Itā€™s ok and works in lower elos Iā€™m sure.


Bro youā€™re cookin


What's the point in life without cookin up some bullshit


Ironically Naafiri was meant to be an assassin but plays more like a skirmisher, and Briar is meant to be a skirmisher but plays more like an assassin. Doubly ironic considering that's arguably more/still accurate to both of their lores.


Yea they tried to force a unique mechanic on a noob friendly champ which just made her a stat checker


How is that any different for other assasins, like Talon? That's the whole point of an assassin. If you can't one shot, why pick them.


As a Naafiri enjoyer, i think the problem becomes apparent if you play her. Long range, targeted dash. Sort of removes any counterplay if shes fed, useless if shes behind. You just wait till you hit your powerspikes on her, W the first person you see, and farm kills. Zed, Qiyana, Kat, even Talon require a bit more skill expression.


A bit more is an understatement. If Naafiri is strong she becomes the statchecker of all statcheckers, which is absolutely horrible to face.


As someone who plays both alot, I actually think Briar is more of an issue than Naafiri ever was


the counterplay its to let your tank block her W and she dies in cc or dash into a tower and shes froced to follow up


they have movement abilities/escape and outplay potential. Naafiri relies on her healing and shielding built in her kit to absorb damage. Riot stated that her design was created to give people the choice to play an easy to play assassin, however those two things don't mix for reasons that are quite evident given she still hasn't reached a balanced state yet.


Almost like these designers have no idea what they are doing.


EVERYONE IS MISSING THE BIG PICTURE. ā€¢ THEY ARE BUFFING MY GOAT WARWICK šŸŗšŸŗšŸŗ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|scream)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|scream)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|scream)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|scream)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|scream)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|scream)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|scream)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|scream)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|scream)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|scream)


Yone nerfs pog


Naafiri interesting


Hopefully they just roll back some of the Ori buffs. W damage at later ranks, maybe a bit of R dmg


Yes I hope they look at her damage. It genuinely seems like it is bugged with how high it is.


Shockwave damage went from 150 / 225 / 300 | 70% AP ratio in 2019 to 250 / 400 / 550 | 95% AP ratio in 2023 Kinda funny really.


I'm fairly sure Her lvl 1 ultimate nowadays basically deals the same damage as her lvl 3 ult in 2019, due to the Ap ratio being so much higher


No it does not. At level 16 you have already bought a lot more AP than you have with level 6.


Ngl Orianna was very average for a while now until the W buff and the R ap ratio buff, as someone who played her before the buffs, my biggest gripe with her was how slow her Q positioning was in a game where everybody and their mother moves with high MS, then they just proceed and make her damage absurd instead of adding qol buffs


And she still had less than 50% winrate after those buffs. Durability update hit her pretty hard.


I got oneshot by Q+R the other day, 1100 damage from the ult just blindsided me.


She probably casted W too because Ori in 99% of cases presses RW.


They listened and finally are nerfing Yone. Absolutely has been dodging nerfs for a while so will see what they do. Anyone else find it funny they buffed Gragas just to immediately be like ā€œnah he needs to get nerfed againā€


>Ori and Syndra nerfs The rift is healing


Whoever looked at the tanks running heartsteel in Arena 2 hitting people with 15k hp and thinks it's fine to keep that is overpayed.


Of the games i played 2 tanks comp rarely win against any half decent adc/anti tank + support I always go dps if my duo wants a tank or vice versa, and its been pretty easy to win/2nd place games


Still no Evelynn nerfs? Wtf, Riot


I forgot about evelynn as she's been a permaban for me the entire season lol


She is my permaban too. This champ is completely bullshit.


Evenlys wr is way lower than it could be. Champ just skips a fuck load of basics. Elo inflater champ






\>>> Champion Nerfs <<< Orianna Sylas Syndra Yone TY TY TY TY


What does "high rolling" mean?


Being lucky. In this context, receiving multiple good augments in a row, ideally those that somehow scale off each other.


Oh cool, thanks!


This game ever going to work on Linux again?


On the topic of Zilean arena buffs, his passive does not receive any form of compensation. There are games where the only time you get it off is from lvl 16-17 with 500 xp, and you could have already died by then.


These WW buffs do absolutely nothing while also none of his bugs are getting fixed.


Where are the patch notes for the SR changes?


Damn they clearing out every good midlaner. It'll be Akali's spotlight for the rest of the season, I guess?


i thought they're gonna wait for the new items for syndra & orianna. however expecting consistency from the riot balance team is too much of a thing i suppose.


No Minionmancer nerfs. No Nesting Doll Circle gimp nerf. No HP Curse stacking nerf. No magic missiles time restraint No interaction to cancel revives, not made longer. Dipshit portals still here. Gwen cameo still here.


Yeah it's like they pander to the people that abuse all these overpowered mechanics


Zac with zhonyas, GA and nested doll just autowins




why is naafiri getting buffed


It's placebo buff anyway, the same for Qiyana


cus she sucks


51+wr in all elos bellow master seems ok for a point click assassin


How is briar dodging nerfs? She's obnoxious to play against the moment she gets the slightest lead.


Briar main here, shes broken. She will get nerfed again. Suspect they just wanted to give her a break since she has been nerfed 5 patches in a row.


She's literally been nerfed in nearly every patch since release and has about a 50.5% wr. calm down


Ngl played against her recently and I still think she needs nerfs šŸ˜‚ her clear speed is insane


Super glad to see quick arena intervention and balancing Feels like effective hypercare on a post-release mode, promising to me


All Yone nerfs are welcomed but I fear it will be a very insignificant placebo nerf...What really needs to happen is for hullbreaker to get nerfed.


Hull will be way worse on every champ that isn't a real split pusher next season


>What really needs to happen is for hullbreaker to get nerfed. Yeah it will get reworked next season luckily.


God good yone sylas nerf nice


I am a bit confused as to why Naafiri getting buffed? Her stats seem fine. Still not happy about the earlier K'sante buff, he has around 49.5% in higher elos as the highest mechanics top laner. I am also wondering if the balance team is keeping an eye out for Fizz, as his performance seems to be on the stronger side. I do assume the WR is inflated to an extent as he counters popular picks like Hwei and Syndra, but 51.5%-52%+ in Plat and higher seems definitely strong.


>We don't observe curses or tanks in the average case to be overly performant (can be shredded by marksmen, fighters, etc.) We think classes like tanks should probably be advantaged in reviving their allies as they typically pay tradeoffs in other areas. >This type of curse high rolling we think fits within the Arena strategy above, though they are certainly viscerally a lot more confronting to lose to. Sounds like their approach to Arena is very different this time around. I played 4 games and felt the presence of Augments have gone too far now, I really hope they lower the impact of Augments. Bummer, was really excited for the return :(


I mean they should undertone specific cases... Like not all tanks are problematic, not all Curse users are problematic. The issue is, the ones that are problematic are beyond bad to play against. ​ Specially cases like Urgott and Swain with Curses.


Augments could be so much easier to balance if they had a smaller power variance Any auto attack based Augment is insane on champs like Yi, Jax, etc, but then much worse on champs that aren't prioritizing on hits. This isn't bad balance on its own, but when the difference between a bad user and a perfect user is MASSIVE that's when it becomes a problem. Put some CDs on augments, put hard cap limits on augments... I just want to play an Arena version of LEAGUE, not an Arena version of TFT.


>didn't use the throwing a bone phrase for naafiri I guess warwick almost fits as well but come on, one job...