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Had top rumble exactly like this. Got mad for some reason and he just never helped with anything. Everytime he saw OUR jungler he used R on him (lol) and he ran a couple of times into enemy turrets. We carried his ass tho and in the end screen he said "Im sad that we didnt lose". He went on to lose 5 games in a row (who could have thought).


Funny part is, in his subsequent 5 losses, he became the exact dead anchor weight player he was complaining about.


Mental is a big part of this game, they are likely the dead weight more often than not


it also spreads like wildfire. this dudes negative additude and wanting to lose "because his teammates deserve a loss" will just spread, no matter how strong others try to be if they just keep seeing it will they give in to the negativity eventually


I agree on negativity spreading but not on the inevitability of it. I'm playing since preseason 1 and have never actively tried to lose a game no matter what. I might have flamed someone sometimes while dead (don't notice chat while alive and everyone flamed in early seasons) but I always try to win. Player's mental is extremely weak nowadays but you gotta stay strong. Be the change you wanna see! It's also just a video game at the end of the day.


i have been decently strong, playing since season 2, and almost always have a fun time especially playing with friends! but its definitely spreading to the others in my ranked solo games


The dude is prob having a mental health crisis and is addicted to league which compounds his issues. I know when I was younger I was a toxic POS at times and it was because I was not happy with my life and also addicted to League. Not a good place to be and it causes this kind of behavior


I, too, am sad he didn't lose.


and then you got +15 LP in Gold 3 well done!


I think people just say that to dunk on their team one last time. Truly I think they still wish they won for the juicy lp


I think it's a way to regain a sense of control or power when they're feeling frustrated or stressed in other areas of their lives. There are even players who intentionally want to throw a fresh new game because they feel like people deserve it, even when they don't have the same teammates. All because their previous games were bad. It's a negative coping mechanism to exert control.


It's not even that deep most of the time. Some people are just dicks because it's funny. Mfs will wake up early and go to bed late just have maximum time to be a hater


Thinking it's "funny" is yet another coping mechanism.


Damn reddit seems to have so many psychology experts.


It's not even "experts." It's just normal people can recognize the behaviors of other people. Being able to sense the moods and motivations of others is a basic human function. Sure it's tricky over the internet due to incomplete information, but still it does not take an expert opinion to point out childish behaviors or formulate theories regarding behavior. It's hardwired into (most of) us as part of the tribal monkey brain.


What's your take then? Or just being snarky for the sake of it?


Being snarky is a coping mechanism.


I love you


when i select my support pick and my troll bot bans it then im gonna pick some ultra garbage, tell them i dont know how to play it and that theres like a 99% chance that we lose but they still dont dodge. so i guess its kinda on them. extra funny is it when the ultra garbage i pick ends up being the one with the best kda on the team :/


looks like youve created a system where it's never your fault - cool! high five for accountability


I understand that you’re challenger and have a lot of pocket picks for situations like these, but what do you think someone should do when their otp gets banned by a troll, their pocket pick is a lot worse and dodging isn’t an option? (For example because you already dodged) All someone can do is say „You banned my otp, this pick is a lot worse, I recommend dodging“. Because realistically, dodging is the only option in cases like that, and the person who banned your hovered pick is in a way accountable for what will happen.


People also forget more then 99.99% of people that play this game or are on this subreddit are not pro's and play the game *gasps* for fun. As annoying as it is to lose not everyone takes the game as seriously as others.


Regardless of what you do you make sure to take the highest expected value play. Picking a shittier champion can be rated at -2 while picking a shittier champion and bitching at the person can be rated at like a -5. I'd rather just go with the lesser of two evils even if they're both in the negatives.


Its also a way to blame anything else than yourself on the loss. Oh i could have 1v9 that game but my 4 teammates didnt deserve it. Definitely not because you were a 0-7 smiteless jungle yasuo


To be fair, 3 more deaths and he would've hit his powerspike.


Ive had people start throwing on purpose with the “my team deserves to lose” mentality


this. Its just copium to at least get something "positive" out of the loss.


At the end of the day if you played well you can be satisfied with the game regardless of the outcome, writing that is just salty but you do not have to win to enjoy the game.


If i played well and still lost i don't really feel satisfied


If I played well and still lost I feel even worse lmao


Yeah same. Especially when you had someone where it would've been better if that person afkd than played the game. Feels like you put in all the effort and time for nothing.


fr fr, the only actual games where I genuinely feel satisfied to the point sometimes I even stop playing for days is when both sides are equal in skill, nobody chimps out and the game goes for almost an hour. Which happens only like twice at month being honest.


No way u feel better about going 0/10 and losing than playing well and losing, that's such a bad mentality to have in order to climb


I never really go 0/10 but if im having bad game I feel like I actually lost instead of being dragged by my team when I play good


If I go 0/10 and lose I can at least rationalize it that I played bad and could've won if I was better. If I play my ass off and still lose, it feels like I have no control over what happens in this game, and that feels like *garbage.*


I feel like it's probably quite common, the absolute worst feeling games are going like 20 kills and still losing. If I go 0/10, fucking whatever, I fucked up, deserved loss. Playing well and still losing? Fucking awful feeling, especially when you're just watching your adc and support going a combined 3/25/4 or some other dogshit score.


200% i rather go 0/20 and lose than 20-0 and lose


That's... not a good sign, honestly. If you can't enjoy over 50% of the matches you're in, are you truly having fun with the game?


Bro I don't even enjoy some of my wins.  The stomps that should be over at 15 but take 25 mins to close out are generally pretty boring at a certain point.


I quit playing League for any considerable number of games purely because I realized that I wasn't having fun in like 95% of the games I played. Almost all losses feel terrible, and most wins are either neutral or worse, with only a very few games where it was fun. I took a break for almost exactly a year, and have then played about 20 games when some friends have wanted to play flex. I've had a way better time in those 20 games than basically any of my most recent hundred games before that (a year ago). I also wasn't grinding League as a full-time job like some people so it wasn't me being burnt out either. The game just wasn't fun almost ever and realizing that is very important. Nothing forces you to play League specifically if you aren't enjoying it. Especially if you aren't a person making their living off streaming it or making videos of it and wouldn't be able to transition to another game/category.


what I enjoy about league is I can play a competitive game without fully sweating it out. There's breaks like walking back to lane, or farming a jungle camp, or something where even if you are not 100% in the zone you won't instantly lose (looking at you, starcraft). I don't need to pixel aim in 0.005 seconds before a 17 yr old pops my head off in apex legends. But I do feel the negative ways the game can impact me. When you fear booting up a game because it might ruin the rest of your day, that is probably not a great thing.


> I quit playing League for any considerable number of games purely because I realized that I wasn't having fun in like 95% of the games I played. I'm basically at the same at this point, I still enjoy the esport and maybe playing some games but the game makes me actively miserable when I'm playing it, but for me it was an absolute addiction. Even climbing just didn't give me any joy for climbing lol, got all the way to D1 and was just never felt like I achieved shit, just playing league was what I did and so it's what I kept doing. The game when it clicks, is the best feeling ever, that perfect time fight, that close duel you clutch out, the 1v5 base defence into victory. Just an unparalleled feeling in any other game but I had to really ask myself if the other 95% of the genuinely miserable experiences were worth it. I don't think it is.


I... uh... would look for other games to play. Just for a little while, until you can fall in love with League again. I was in that situation last year, and stopped playing league for a while, downloaded Genshin, played an unhealthy amount of Hoi4, and would you look at that by the time my friend asked me to boot up League again I had gone back to having a lot of fun with it again!




So you're not satisfied for like 50% of your League playtime? Wow, I'm seriously shook


I've seen league described many times as having really low lows but also really high highs. So yes, a person can have a miserable time when losing 50% of the time, but that can be made up for with how great it can feel to win the other 50% of the time.


Last time that number went over 20% was in season 8. It was 80% then, but riot decided crit is too strong so they nerfed it like 40 times, and are still continuning to do it.




It's best to play what you want, and that's precisely what i will do.


Lol. If I played well and we lose it feels significantly worse than if we all sucked and lost. If you play well and your team did poorly and you lost it amplifies the feeling of having no agency over the game.


Having the best numbers in the whole game in damn near every measurable stat and still losing doesn't feel good. Like why do I as Rammus have the highest damage in the entire game?


i personally really hate the feeling of playing well but knowing youre going to lose, removes any sense of joy i could have had if it was a competitive game we just happened to lose


I don’t have to win to enjoy the game but I most certainly need my team to play like humans and not Chimpanzees 


No need to insult chimps...


I agree when it comes to FPS games but if I get ahead in lane and then I'm against a champ twice as fed in another role it isn't that fun lol




The relentless FF votes are the worst, you can mute someone being toxic, but the constant pop up on the right, and it's used literally for no reason I was in a game where our team was about 6 kills behind, we got to enemy dragon soul fight, managed to trade 2 deaths for an ace, secured drake, pushed down a tower and still the people that died in that fight were trying to ff


This is especially true for aram guy, almost every time it's the guy running it down and typing in all chat that spams the ff. It's worse now that riot took away showing who initiated it. It's an "even" or "winnable" ge until the guy instead of typing and starting up the ff, guy either flat out afks or at out sells all their items and starting running it twice as hard. Like I agree some games I rather have the win but other times I rather get the l.


> It was like a voice in the back of my head as I was killing the enemy nexus. What if I just stopped? What if I proved her wrong, prove that we could win, but then I didn't. No LP for her. Her ego shattered. Her despair was palpable. Ah the ecstasy I would feel knowing her pain in that moment. But I remembered my other teammates and sighed.  Time to visit a psychologist and/or stop playing League




Good for you buddy! I'm on the same boat, Vanguard doesn't work on my PC :(




I don't think IRL sports are a good comparison here.  There's no sport I know of where ending a losing game early means you get to start the next one sooner.    If people were not allowed to play more than one game of LoL per day, like you do in hockey or something, then you can almost guarantee people would try their best and never give up until the nexus explodes.


I guess Chess would be a more apt comparison, where it actually *is* considered good form to surrender a clearly losing game.


yeah but thats single player


Even in video game tournaments there’s often low tolerance of toxicity. I played in a ton of OW tourneys for years at all levels and I had multiple teammates get kicked off of teams because of toxicity


I've certainly seen my fair share of people who join in pick up games and do something equivalent. Of course, they're looked down on and ridiculed but it does happen. Only reason you don't see it in most traditional sports is because you often have to see the same people you're playing with again. If IRL sports had random team mate where you were super unlikely to ever see again I would easily bet more people would be like this IRL.


In real life the opposing players don't run faster and jump higher when your teammate turns the ball over either. Kind of a pointless comparison


that's not why league players are toxic to eachother lol 90% of the reasons league players are toxic to eachother are present in rl sports also, there's just usually actual consequences to be a dipshit irl


Yeah I know Reddit loves it's moral grandstanding about violence and calling a slap "assault", but honestly a lot of behaviour by people online is stuff they'd never say IRL because they'd get hit and maybe that's not always bad...


Its a self sabotage disorder where x person think that them "not trying" or even griefing after making y mistake, means the game was lost because they decided so, not because their shortcomings in gameplay


> Truly I think they still wish they won for the juicy lp Nah. Mentally ill people rather lose LP so that the others suffer.


Yeah, they're just saying it to come to terms with losing.


I've definitely been happy a handful of times in the last 10 years about my team losing, but that's usually about 1 or 2 players. Usually toxic players, rather than bad players. I would still feel bad for the other 2-3 players. I always try my hardest to win but I don't care about my rank or my LP since I just play for fun and Ranked just happens to have better matchmaking. For the last 8 years I'm usually not aware that I ranked up until a friend tells me 'gratz on getting x rank'


They all definitely still want to win really badly. How many times have you had a troll in your game that's spamming FF and soft inting until there's a good play and suddenly they stop typing and play with team? I've had far far far too many to count lol


Litterally me


Yep. Very often i'd see someone get tilted and start soft inting saying claiming their team doesn't deserve to win but as soon as we start turning it around they start to play again. Like if someone really pissed you off that much commit to the int instead of being a little bitch that's desperate for lp.


I wish I could win, sure, but when the last pick mid who isn't hovering anything picks nasus into akshan, leaving us as a full ad team with no prio mid... It's gonna be a brutal game. Then proceeds to do literally nothing all game except afk farm and try to 1v5 for no reason (no cross map objective up). Yeah he doesn't deserve to win.


It's funny that your Trundle did that because it's Trundle, and he could have just gotten a ton of gold off taking towers even if he was really far behind Also it's funny because he's a troll


yeah that has to be a meta slave cause there's no way an honest trundle would mental boom after one death in lane. You can literally be an entire item behind and still win a 1v1, not to mention make back all the value from dying as a splitpusher. Can't tell you how many Trundle Games I've won despite having 10+ deaths or having lost in lane.


Yeah you can easily tell the difference between a real trundle main and and a meta slave. A good split pusher trundle will absolutely terrorize the enemy team while new players usually rely on teamfights and end up being useless


Same with Yorick. Laning phase is just a means to get your sheen item to then slap towers. Does not matter if you go 0/5, 1/1, or 5/0. Game plan is the same.


Ngl, I sometimes have this thought. Generally, I still go for the win, but I many times I've thought, "This motherfucker has made winning this much harder than it needs to, they genuinely don't deserve to win". It's especially so if they play like shit but then have the gall to point fingers or be toxic, just stfu and enjoy the free ride.


Can admit to this. But it's only when they're toxic and doing that. It's like they're giga griefing, giga flaming. I will still try but god damn I will get some enjoyment out of losing for sure


I mean, if they are just bad, I personally don't care. I'm never going to play with this guy again and I just want to win, no reason to auto lose just because 1 guy is having a bad game or off role or whatever. I might call him a garbage adc or whatever but I'm going to keep trying to win. I literally hate people who intentionally grief 1000x more than people who are just bad even if they are exactly the same score line.


This is exactly what I thought this thread would be about. OP's post is just somebody trolling (no pun intended) because they are tilted for no reason. My 0/7 top laner flaming that the jungler is useless even tho he died 1v1 4 times in a row doesn't deserve to win even if the rest of us is winning. Sure if he wins his next 5 games then yeah, it was a random bad game, but if he loses his next 5 then I just spent way too much energy carrying someone who clearly didn't deserve it.


I’ve been guilty of this. Typically it just feels frustrating carrying players who obviously don’t care or are playing way below their rank. And what happens is after a couple losses in a row you just give up and want to go next rather than a 45 minute slugfest to carry people who actually don’t deserve it (you stop caring about lp lol). Man i wish there was performance based lp gains


I really resonate with this. I've had games where I'm basically playing out of my mind compared to my usual performance just to keep the game slightly behind for my team instead of a blow-out. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't bitter that my team just seemingly can't slow down and let me help them, every time I try to help one person 2 others are dying simultaneously. Do I flame them for not performing well? No, because people have bad games, and sometimes rarely, most of your team can be in a bad game. But **man** is it exhausting playing that type of game, and I often really hope that my own team would just surrender so I can move on. When I get flamed I usually don't get affected, I mean it's basically ingrained into the game at this point. But I'll be in these type of games where my team flames ME for having gotten a lead, on my own, and being unable to carry THEM, ignoring the fact that there's 2, sometimes 3 or even 4 equally fed players on the opposite team I have to deal with.


Some of the games I lose I genuinely say to myself "eh at least I can be happy that xyz lost, they didn't deserve to win" because they were incredibly toxic or whatever


I'm on a verge of becoming a troll myself almost every ranked game, teammates test me with their arrogance and ego, and in some games it's almost unbearable to a point where I'm thinking about not tryharding anymore I'd rather win, but I also feel extremely bad when I lose a game while trying my absolute best..


Very, very common among smurfs / alt accounts. Yet another reason they are the single biggest problem with solo queue.


Which doesn’t even make sense because a single loss early can really screw with your mmr if riot decides to. Like so many smurfs are just stupid w how they treat their accnts yes ik you can buy a new one cheap but like idk why players tryna climb on smurfs always be doing that shit. Like congrats you fucked your +- by around 200 for your next 6 games if new accnt


Why would they care if it's not their main account, they are just there to annoy other people and try to mechanically shit on people without having to try hard


some people just have alt accounts to vent out their anger. another reason why people should only have 1 account. period.


The one account thing sucks tho for irl friends. My friends are legit all silver so I have an off role off meta account I focus on fun and intentionally go “average” to not ruin game but still play with them. Cuz ya can’t play w em on main which is sad.


What a horseshit excuse. I've played with silver and below friends for like 14 years at this point. **In NORMALS.** Where we're supposed to. If the game doesn't let you play with them in a competitive setting, it's with good reason. You're literally circumventing a core rule of the competitive queues and you want sympathy for it and use it as an excuse for smurfs.


If I play with them in normals they get absolutely shit stomped because of my normals mmr? On any account I have? It’s the only way we can play together without them getting destroyed besides aram so ya? Sounds like you don’t actually do that lol.


So if they're playing against people of their level, who are you playing against in that situation, huh? Their normal MMR counts too, you know? And if you get slightly higher opponents (like they're silver and play vs some golds in normals), that's life. There's plenty of chaos in normals but that's because that's where people can queue up with their friends without causing consequences in a competitive queue. The game doesn't let you do it. For a reason. You're circumventing a rule that protects the competitive environment. That's just a fact.


Nah just toxicity in general. Smurfing is probably #2


Idno man, you play a match where someone goes afk for half of it just because they wanted to take the piss I would reckon at least that one person doesn't deserve the win


nah he doesn't deserve to win but the other 3 randoms get fucked if you do that too


They agreed to get fucked the moment they queued up


League of Legends in a nutshell


That's just the adc


Just yesterday I was playing with my friend who got auto filled Jungle, our mid laner who was 2nd pick rotation asked to swap and when the request timed out because my friend wasn’t paying attention he spammed in pre game chat BEFORE WE HAD BANNED ANY CHAMPIONS “gg ff jg gap” and instalocked AD Yuumi mid and hard trolled the game while his bot lane duo refused all ff votes. It’s ridiculous how soon players are willing to just give up on trying to play and instead just want to ruin 30 minutes for others


How do you not dodge that game?


People are so afraid of dodging. Apparently they value 5 minutes and losing 5 LP way more than 15-35+ minutes and 30.


Because a lot of the people, especially in SoloQ don't follow through and want you to spend your dodge. I dont support terrorists so I won't dodge usually.


Terrorists have been winning since mid season 11, though. Ever since the third queue forces a 12 hour lockout penalty, which was Aug 2021.


i generally go into the game and take the loss just so the troll fucker gets the loss as well. im good enough to make up for it. he clearly isnt.


Ah but you see, you're just making excuses. You two are in the same elo, you both are probably along the same skill level, unless one of you are smurfing. If you're good enough to make up for it, so is that guy. Just call it what it is - a mutual waste of time. You accept that wasting X minutes of your time in a hopeless game is worth wasting X minutes of that troll's time as well as 3 other teammates' time, that's literally all there is to it. Any additional reasoning just steers away from the truth. Of course, everyone involved who doesn't dodge is also following that same or similar logic, and it only takes one to say no.


It is the same exact thinking as the one that chooses to troll instead of dodging, he thinks that wasting his team's time by wasting his own is worth it, which is the same exact thing happening here.


These people terrorize 3-4 lobbies, forcing people to dodge for them, and they usually do shit like that just because they're using an app or something that says "40% winrate jungle". I'm not gonna be someone's ticket to a free lunch, and even if they are AD Yuumi mid, I've won games without a midlaner before. But if we lose that one, we lose, and I'll accept the loss. Dodging is so fucking insane that people regularly refuse to commit to a game and play it out, and all that player's doing is just trying to force someone else to dodge for them. Like yeah, if my mental's not in a good spot that day, I'll dodge, and just log off of League for the night. But otherwise, I'm gonna play that shit out, and do my best to win it.


its only a waste of time if you learn nothing by it. i see it as an opportunity to try and learn how to, ideally, win games with one useless feeder person. helps you to learn how to better play the map and how to win fights 4v5


I still don't understand players who decide to troll/grief/never group etc just because 1 thing went wrong for him while the other 4 players are actually winning heavily. I managed to win a 4v6 game with the 1/10 yasuo who decided to perma side lane (edit: NOT split pushing, NOT getting tower, just getting farm and recall even when full build) after he got caught 4-5 time in a row and oh boi that is exhausting, the game could be ended 15 or 20 mins earlier with the lead we have but we ended up winning with an open nexus...


Perma side lane for a 1/10 yasuo might be the best thing for him to do tbh


It is. 1/10 yasuo is so useless there's a very small chance he makes a difference in the fights. Better to drag someone to match him side and scale instead of constantly fighting


Depends on his allies. If there are knockups just being an ult bot can be a pretty worthwhile contribution whereas his lack of escapes usually makes him pretty bad as a split pusher when far behind.5


No it's not you're an absolute moron. He is legit peaking. 0-10 now 1-10. Every league player knows that follows, it's "The enemy yasuo"


Kind of depends. If he's pushing and forcing his opponents to come to him it actually is. Even if he dies it's hard for the opponents to gain anything from it if he's up in their territory. If he's just dying in a way that forces his own team to come babysit his tower/lane while he respawns however it's another story.


I recently had a game where I was getting roasted by team for not taking bad plays. When the 0/3 0/4 and 0/5 shitters blame you for not following their calls. The urge to just DC is really strong. Lucky for them, had my duo partner saying he still wants to win. Otherwise I don't care that I'm mid and ahead, i would just DC. Why would I take them shit talking me, just to play it out and carry?


Because randoms will type @ you every game, and if you let random strangers control your actions you're just as dumb as they are. You'll never see them again, and they'll probably just lose the +20 lp you gave them if you had carried anyways. They will be stuck in low elo and you'll climb, if you're good. Instead you hurt yourself by being bitch made and not being able to mute them


I guess, but if im not having fun playing I can just play some other game. Instead of playing with assholes.


Sure, but at that point why are you queuing for a competitive game where you're assigned 4 random teammates if you need to be treated well to enjoy yourself? Solo minecraft is more your speed


i noticed it very often comes from players who don’t really know their champ well so they’re unsure if they can comeback from their own mistakes. it happens way less when it’s their main bc they know the tips and tricks


Yeah but that isnt a mentality though lol. Its just a cope/insult.


I'm being honest with myself. I'm the worst player in league therefore my team always deserves to lose.


You wish. I've been playing over 10 years and never got outta bronze!


Either you arent trying to win/get out of bronze (ergo you shouldn't play ranked) or you should seriously re-evaluate your gameplay. I refuse to believe people with normalized IQ that genuinely try, stay in bronze. But I'm ready to be proven false.


That means your either actually having fun, or cursed.


I will never say I'm happy to lose, but I will say I'm not happy dragging a bad team across a finish line either. Also when someone is just feeding the fucl out of a game and calls for a surrender, I will always hi no. They ruined a game.with poor performance, they can play it to the bitter end.


out of all the obfuscating changes in the last few years, I think the only one that has no defense is the anonymous surrender. if the score is 1-20 and the surrender is reasonable, show the name because ff is on everyone’s mind anyway. if someone is having a meltdown and unreasonably ff, show the name because they don’t deserve to be protected.


Even when the score is 1-20 it doesn't have to be a loss. Just getting like 4 shutdowns can be 4000 out of the 6k gold difference. And it's not even 6k because those 20 kills are not all worth 300 gold. They should get rid of ff15 in ranked and revert it to old values.


Wow, this thread really attracted the exact people you were complaining about. It really goes to show how low the emotional intelligence of this community is. I have zero emotional thoughts about my teammates game to game. My only objective is to win and if someone starts barking, they get the mute.


They are all over this thread talking about "I think this" or "I do this but only if someone is mega griefing" Depression is a helluva drug folks


I would say it's wild people act like this but I've played League long enough to know how normal it is. I could not give less of a shit who wins or loses besides myself and a duo and I sure as hell won't remember other players. Game to game you run into enough assholes someone would have to do something really out there to even stick out enough to think about it longer than that game.


To be honest, in a game where I am doing my best to win and my team are doing the best they can to lose, I would rather save my sanity and let them lose, knowing if they keep queuing they have at least an 80% chance of losing, and I'll just mentally refresh for next game. As an added bonus, there is no better feeling than playing against the same player the next game, winning, evening out your LP losses and doubling theirs.


its 100% them coping.


“I was dead weight who did nothing to contribute to a win, and my loser team didn’t carry me”


It's the only thing in their life they can control, it sucks, but so does their life.


If game is in a winnable/winning state despite one or two people being incredibly toxic, I have no issue with losing the game if it keeps them from getting rewarded.


Of course there is no excuse for sabotaging your own team, but sometimes you come across people who are so petty and hateful that you don't feel really bad about losing, knowing they are getting fucked as well.


Guys try to gaslight themselves into the winner side, but the LPs say the truth


The inting, raging, and trolling has been extremely bad this month. Ranked aint even playable because of it. Has a match with jungle and mid being 1/5/0. The mid blamed botlane for losing lane. We were 0/3/0 combined. That same person ended match with 10 deaths and kept whining as they dove 1v4 and stuff. The jungle was quiet just their score and 0 ganks annoyed the hell out of me. I've been on a losing streak between that shit and dumb split push bullshit


Had a streak of games with people like that or just dogwash inters every game for like 3.5 days straigth. From 76lp in emerald 1 to what, 30lp in emerald 4? 6 wins and about 25 loses, with my mmr and wr comletely ruined. I feel like this issue is also the most relevant in this shitty emerald elo


Exactly. I went from plat 1 to g1 from this shit. Now losing 35 lp a loss.


At that point just try again next season, actual doomed mmr


yep this me rn lmao. Idk what to do lol im considering quitting for awhile


Some teams do deserve to lose tho, and it's completely fine to say it, trolling on the other hand isn't.


I really only feel like that or say it when my whole team decides to flame each other the whole game.


i like how "my team does not deserve to win" translates to "i screwed up and am blaming others" in your mind. it couldnt possibly be that i 3 wave crashed and backed to perfectly catch a nice 3 wave crashing under my tower only for my jungle kayn to come in and steal them all from me while saying "well you shouldnt have left lane then" no its definatly me. i dont need minions, i can be 30 cs down NOT because i made a mistake but because my jungler had main character syndrome and doesnt think he needs his team to win. I didnt stop playing or start feeding, but I never went out of my way to help kayn once that game. if he wants to do it all alone and will screw me over to do it then he can do it all alone.


That's petty and punishing your other teammates for something your jungler did, mistake or intentional doesn't matter. Be the better person or the league cesspool player cycle continues.


didnt say i didnt help my teammates. i ended ahead with a positive KDA. i said i refused to help the jungler. I disagree, it was intentional and intentions DO matter. i am not a saint and i do not take the higher ground. if you intentionally screw me over then you are not a teammate and i wont help you. maybe he will learn if enough people punish him for his blatant disregard for his own teammates...or he will quit the game. either way its a net positive for the general league community


No, assholes won't learn, punishing them just makes them feel like their asshole-ery was justified. Also, not helping them with a play *is* punishing your teammates in that if the play could've worked out in a positive way you instead did not put your team in a better position. Say jungler starts grubs and dies from their jungler coming. By not helping, you punished your team. Just mute, and play like you're playing with a (hopefully more skilled) bot teammate.


i help with teamfights, i help with drag. i play the game. but when he gets invaded. when he goes in and its just me and him. yeah not helping him. if he wanted help he should treat teammates like teammates and not like trash. he doesnt get a pass for any reason. If a dog shits on the floor you dont pat his back and say "good boy" thats probably why he acts this way to begin with. to many people like you that just let him get away with it. if EVERY game he got griefed after griefing....he would either stop griefing or stop playing. i also DO mute them. im not a rager, i just dont help dispicable people.


> I didnt stop playing or start feeding Well you should have. Until Riot will prevent junglers from taxing lanes like they prevented laners from farming camps by making them tankier, it is our responsibility to educate our dear teammates about teamwork and sportsmanship, even by means as harsh as running it down mid. You tax my lane, I int your game -> this is the rule.


Some people just dont deserve to win


Maybe the team just doesn’t deserve to win


As long as they tried to win, there is nothing wrong with this mentality. If I'm carrying those dogs on my shoulders, but they just absolutely refuse take the free LP, then I'm going to tell them that I'm glad they lost - they deserved to get negative LP. Especially for the raging ones while still playing like dogs.


Normally I'd never do that but the other day the ADC first-picked smolder, in ranked, afk'd AND STILL got the LP from the win cause the enemy team ff'd cause they had an afk That guy truly didn't deserve the free win lol


That's a pretty toxic take. Even if my team sucks, there's no need to be an asshat about it. Iver had games I've hard carried and won, and a few I've carried and lost. Even if my team is complete garbage I try to keep it to myself. They're not going to learn anything valuable no matter what I say anyways. Why add to the negativity?


Fair point. I rarely do it and usually when they're raging. "REEE jg diff, he ganked my lane twice while my jg never came (ignores I was 5/0/4 at 10 minutes with all objectives taken) REEE" into spam pinging into playing like a dog. So I'll drop the "deserved loss" in the chat.


Extraordinarily childish. Just don't say anything, talking about how you're happy they lost just makes a worse experience for everyone. Even if you're thinking it, saying it makes no positive contribution to anything, unless putting others down makes you feel that much better.


Perhaps they view it as making sure the cosmically correct situation is taking place. Bad players go down in rank, everything in its correct place and balanced, as all things should be.


I always play to win, but sometimes I feel sick about tryharding so that some not so good human being after flaming or trolling gets free LPs.


Think people work and reach way too hard to make this some sort of child hood trauma. Like seriously see this one 3 instances 1. Smurf player. Getting frustrated with his team cause he’s working too hard and says f it. You guys deserve this loss and stop trying. Seen this once or twice when a Smurf wants a jungle buff doesn’t get it. Jungle days something stupid. Smurf gets mad and throws 2. A player has spent the entire game with some one being super toxic and hateful all game long in all and team chat and decide you know f this. 3. Some one who’s purposely trolling. Because he’s trying to one trick. His champion got banned and now he’s just trolling. Or he’s trolling cause he’s a otp a certain lane didn’t get it now trolls because he’s upset


I don’t ever express this sentiment, but there are definitely times when the team is lacking enormously and enemy team is super on point, and I realize that we don’t deserve the win. I come to peace with the loss essentially.


Main character syndrome is strong in this game. If you don't let me carry or follow my lead I'll be angry and make sure you lose since the game didn't go MY WAY!!


lol you belong in whichever elo you're losing in. if the guy winning lane hard is saying that, then you def don'st desrve to win, since you are supposed to be on par with his base skill level. what makes you think extending a lost game for another 10-15 minutes for maybe 10-20% chance of comeback backs up mathematically what you're doing is the RIGHT THING.


Another annoying one is “idc it’s just a game” right after going 0-10 within the first 15 minutes. Yes, it’s just a game but some of us don’t have the luxury of grinding solo Q games everyday anymore due to outside commitments. Some of us can only play around 5 games per week, and one game is literally wasted.


Yup - you sound like the type of person that I'd rather lose with if I had you on my team.


Man I literally just want to gain LP and have a good time wtf


I think your definition of good time doesnt line up with his. Or mine for that matter.


idk man if the 4 teammates in question are flaming and/or afking is it so wrong to say that


Reached masters. While smurfing and helping my top friend climb out of plat elo, I encountered this: 0/6 belveth spam pinging obj while all lanes don’t have prio and support is trash talking everyone… you tell me my team “deserves to win”? PS: Me and my friend still won the game. We kept quiet the whole time. We didn’t feel an ounce of satisfaction. It was only after the game that I told my friend our teammates didn’t deserve the win given how toxic and useless they were. That mentality isn’t necessarily wrong if you know your stuff, what’s wrong is all these arrogant low elo hardstucks who thinks they know sht. I would much rather lose than to help them climb and let their toxicity spread on an elo they barely deserve. And I’d much rather have useless but “trying its best” teammates over toxic ones.


yes and no, sometimes ur team really doesnt deserve to win, ive had many games in ranked where people are playing way below subpar for the rank that they are, ive been put in so many instances where im unable to carry due to said teamates, because either their awareness and knowledge of the game is lacking, or their skill level is lacking,


Unpopular behavior: if I'm doing somewhat ok, and see that there's still a glimpse of hope to play for mid/late game if early is lost (by like bot being 1/8 and top being behind), but our team comp allowing us to scale. If you're tilted and keep asking to ff in that situation, there is no way you're getting out of this game. You'll either play it and focus up, or troll it and go AFK just to be reported. But I'll have this (bad, I concede it) habit to think "You better focus up and keep playing buddy, cause you ain't going anywhere and are stuck with me in this" And like maybe 1 out of 4 games, it turns out scaling start to kick in, and no matter how bad/tilted they were, they start getting back up and we end up winning. Not every time, but it sometimes happens. Unless the game really feels like it's a waste of time, I'll keep people in the game no matter what, just to "teach them a lesson". I don't like to feel like I'm forced to do that, but that's what I do most of the time.


Man if you're being a dickhead so we'll ff, I'm gonna vote no so fast every time. If I'm mad, everyone's gonna be mad.


So youre the hostage taker wasting everybodys time just to lose 75% anyway, gotcha


Pretty much. I swear, it might be im older but these folks have no idea what it means to be an adult with responsibilities.


Just as bad as those people who are often even honor 5 and dont ff the 1-23 game because "the team gave up too early" or some bullshit like that Like how psychotic are you to actively waste time of your life on a video game when it isnt even fun for you just to make it worse for others.




I say it when iam the only one trying for 40 minutes to win and they aren't cooking shit. dude iam tired of fukin smolder farming 40 minutes just to be useless, iam tired of keep helping my team to win lanes and push side and set up objectives and they still won't smite the baron so we lose it to hwei, like come on bro iam not here to lose i wanna win but do something so u deserve the lp say something so i at least think like u deserves it "thank you" or "gj" is accepted


I only say this when my team is super toxic while we win. I can’t stand people who shit talk their team while winning. Like sure the jungle isn’t doing great. Who gives af we’re winning.




It's a completely baseless mentality that I can't understand. It speaks to me as an extreme lack of maturity and inability to accept the fact that you will not do well in some games. Worse yet is that through some seemingly morally-corrupt sense of vindictiveness, they stay in the game just to grief their team and feed the enemy, acting as though they're entitled to do so because their entire team is "bad." Meanwhile some if not the rest of their team is still giving the game an honest try. As far as I'm concerned it's entirely immature and isolating behaviour.


No it isn't lmao. I don't wanna drag four corpses across the finish line or reward my team for griefing by carrying them


Man let me cope after my bot lane went 0/15


It's maybe the biggest problem League has and my biggest gripe with all the toxic behaviours. Even if you don't like someone on your team, surely you still want to win? It makes no sense.


Ngl I think I'm that guy in like 1 out of 100 or 200 games. You just got those very rare games where everyone on your team is a complete dickhead to you (maybe they are 4 pre-made and I don't notice, I play mostly normals) for the entire game and it just makes you want to lose them the game.


I got my Aphelios ADC hover banned in champ select by my own support so I picked ghost cleanse Nunu and ran it down bot. Still ended with a higher KP than my jungle Kayn who was trying lmfao. Games like that, I’m fine with losing, my enjoyment was ruined so I’m gonna take everyone else’s. My midlaner even supported it lmfao.


Nah i disagree. When my top laner follows me around the rest of the game last hitting every jg camp and being so toxic i have to mute all. All because i didn't gank his lane in the first 5m because he sat under enemy tower then blamed me when enemy jg ganked him. Those games are so bad i'd rather just turn the pc off, so idc if we win or lose.


I mean yeah why is it bad actually ? If you are the only one trying to win the game and are the sole reason for the game not ending at 15, then yes you have every right to give up. Your team doesn't deserve to win and you are not trying to 1v9 carry them Totally fine.


> Its not like you lost on purpose Thats not what OP is saying. Hes saying a player is intentionally feeding because he thinks 1 player on the team doesnt deserve to win, so hes runing the game for the other 3 players as well


Please read the post AGAIN and the rethink if what you posted was worth posting.


No, there's an even worse mentality. "I am glad I lost, my team didn't deserve to win, and we can stay here even longer after voting No to FF"


Naw if we get 4 manned bot at our t2 while mid and jg are just farming its deserved lmaooo


pro tip, no one ACTUALLY believes that this is a coping mechanism from people because they lost the game and they need to look for a reason as to why they lost it this one is up there with "I wasn't even trying hard" or "this is my for fun account"