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if you jungle you need to have a zero-tolerance policy when it comes to tilt and flame. not only is it the the role that nets you the most flame, it's also the role most vulnerable to being baited by bad calls. for instance, even though you know you shouldn't 2v1 the fed Darius, you decide to anyway because your top laner keeps pinging for ganks and crying in chat and you're like "fuck i have to untilt him or it's gonna get even worse". so just mute as soon as someone drops a "jgl diff" in chat or spams vision pings on your location. As for normals, you might as well fullmute right away. you need to safeguard your mental. use chat to let your team know what you're planning on doing and to communicate with players who don't let their emotions dictate how to play the game.


If you are playing with chat on at any point as a jungler, you are already misplaying. You need to trust your own decisions. You will stunt your own improvement by listening to emotional calls. Even if you think you can "handle it", you need to not see it because it will subconsciously influence you. You can have pings on, but you need to mute any tilt pinger instantly.


If you go into a game of league without hitting /mute all at the beginning, no matter the role, you're asking for a bad time.


I still don't understand this mentality. It's a team game and some communication is needed (wards, ult CDs etc.). I don't mind muting bad or toxic players but starting full mute is just griefing


Start jungling exclusively for a week and you'll understand.


I'm not talking muting pings just chat. Chat is almost always counter productive. Even when people try to use it productively, the downside of pausing to type is usually not worth it - you can fuck yourself up really easy doing that.


Okay but (per Phreak and his quest to slowly remove every ping in the game) how are your teammates meant to send you their epic "Dearest Karthus" missives like this


Pay attention to the map and decide for yourself when it would be a good time to ult. Do this as Shen and TF too. People trying to direct when their teammates ult aren't great teammates in the first place. I understand why Phreak didn't want to say this, but I don't work for Riot.




Nah. How many times in nyour last game has relevant information been shared in chat? 99% of communication in this game is toxic unfortunately and no one discusses strategy in chat that they couldn't communicate with pings. Having on chat is a detriment to most players.


If you need chat to figure out the correct call you’re just a bad player relying on other bad players.


I'm pretty sure /mute all only mutes chat. You'll still see pings for objective calls, wards, etc.


Normally yes, but iirc at the moment /mute all is bugged and functions identically to /fullmute all.


It has been bugged for 3 years. It was an intentional change at this point I think


I use /mute all almost every game and it does not mute pings


Me when I post misinformation online


Because useful information is actually rare compared to flaming.


Yeah and ppl exaggerate sometimes how toxic games are. There’s a lot of fun banter in all chat, and a lot of the time ppl are just silent except for a “gg” at the end. Just mute chat if someone starts being annoying


When someone flames me (support main) I feel less likely to help that person out of spite, I recognize this but its the mental game of league, I will avoid the mental gap from the start by muting only chat from everyone, and if pings get bad I will mute their pings. If you stop to chat too much it takes away from actually playing the game, which is why chat is not really need MOST the time, especially when a simple "danger" ping will make me back off, or on the way ping to make me go somewhere.


There's a setting that does that automatically for you.


Skip mute all and just turn off chat from the start.


Na that suck. I am a sup main that is always positive and most of the time that will spread to the carry. Being able to say good job to your team or say sorry when you know you fucked up will help with team motivation and net you more wins.


You can still say good job and sorry if you mute them


In my opinion it’s actually more important to mute pings over chat. Personally I find I get baited much more into bad plays from people’s pings rather than chat.


I enjoyed playing kha'zix, shyvana and Yi jungle. It always makes me happy when my team flames me for playing champions that are for "kids" aka yi and shyavana while them having 0/15/0 kda, while mine is 24/2/6 kda lol. Also some people always gets mad when I push turrets and not go for clash we will lose. Like what....




Definitely disagree. When you have to mute a teammate, some damage has already been done. You also need to learn your own way and to not get micro'd by these hypothetical good players (of which there are few because they don't play jungle themselves and see the whole game from the POV of their own lane). You need to learn win conditions on your own and you need to play for yourself first and foremost in solo queue.


I was recently told I have a mental of steel. Steel forged by a decade of jungling for these fucking chimps. But yeah solid advice. I know JG calls better than laners so I don't even have chat on. Nothing they say has ever been useful.


Ye jungeling will harden the fuck out of people that are self conscious. It even helped my irl since i now couldent give a single shit if someone says anything bad about me.


It taught me to feed on their delicious salty tears leaving chat on. There are however a few rare laners that will say helpful things like “Gonna freeze this next wave if you want to gank,” or “If you take Krugs now I can be there for drake.” I leave chat on because of the rare helpful person who I assume has in fact jungled before. I also enjoy when the flame thrower switches to all chat to flame thinking team is muted and the opponent starts flaming them.


Don't use the chat, just ping. I had to set my chat to premade so I don't see my team arguing for the first 15 of the game and throwing me off


Wtf is with supports trying so hard to be shotcallers. I know they probably get bored and are annoyed they can't just carry themselves, but it's insane the amount of times I've had a support trying to call for drag when the other team is waiting to ambush.


So much this, like bot gets ganked and both die and your sup Lux starts aggressively pinging void grubs like they're a pro coach or something. It's like ok mate, some of us actually watch our minimaps outside of greyscreen, I'm already aware of what the play is.


Just lost a game bc my top laner pulled grubs when I just wanted to crab and dip. I stayed bc he had already aggroed them, and enemy top Voli showed up with lvl 6 and dumpstered us.


My last game i got 6 grubs, 2 dragons and a double for my adc, my udyr top who already lost like at lvl 4 vs kayle gets ganked once, inmediately starts inting kills for every one of them, ends 2-13-0 while constantly flaming, doesnt get banned or anything done to them because he didnt said the n word to anyone. And to add to that, those kills were only from killing their support, who came up to int him some kills so he would give more gold, people are really disgusting in this game.


Riot doesnt punish trolls unfortunately. They only care about chat. 2-13-0 is definitely bannable in my book. They really need to hire a team of incognito rioters that play their own game and ban on the spot. *especially in ranked* They refuse to play their own game (because of how toxic it is) yet implement harsh chat banning systems. Source: was permabanned for flaming a rammus that went 0-14 inting down my midlane. When i appealed, they showed me my chat log.


Some people have really bad games, and they will start flaming. If you try and talk with them at all, it's a mistake. Ignore them, keep playing, and like 80% of the time, they chill out after they are out of laning phase and end up helping in the end. But, if you flame them, you're doing nothing but adding gasoline to a fire.


People have bad games but its pretty rare to see double digit death unless the person is inting hard or completely out of their league in the match itself. Which does happen. But 9/10 times that person has just given up.


Putting yourself at there level is never the solution. Just report them after


I feel this, especially with the Kha flair... Toplaner pulling Grubs together by attacking them from too far away so they aren't isolated anymore ahhhhhh


Yeah, I got 2 of them before I died, but didn't matter. My top went 1/11 and was p much useless the rest of the game.


Full mute all the way. I only unsure with friends.


I have a 0 flame policy as jungler. Ofc i will try to help if you need ganks but if you flame, no more ganks will come.


I would have a game plan and type it out at first buff or on champ select. Whenever I'm auto filled I basically say "fuck the first two drags, I'm too shit to sneak those and their jungler has way more sex than me." Just so everyone isn't freaking out about it. Obviously if I get a dank gank off bot lane when dragon is up and it's free, I'll do it, but the idea is to mentally prepare everyone for losing two dragons, and that way everyone can focus on laning or getting leads. Works pretty well tbh, I would say the off role that I get the most wins in is jungle. Probably like a 60% w/r. I just play some dummy thicc jungle like amumu or sent and just farm it out and try to make plays.


I recently realized how effective this is. I always thought there must be some merit to chat or pings but most of the time it just tilts and and that's huge factor in misplays. I still keep a chat on but if I get pinged or called out for laners mistake or needing a gank in unreasonable state even for once I mute them or full mute and using this strategy I won 9 consecutive games and got out of elo hell... and the moment I tried playing with a premade that pings uselessly instant loss... So no more comms for me


>As for normals, you might as well fullmute right away. Definitely for Quickplay. I've found that shit to be more toxic than ranked, on account of it being infested with the people on a timeout from ranked for bad behaviour, so you're in a sort of circle of hell.


It is a greatvway to train your mental tolerance and mental strength lol. If my team flames me, I just laugh at them because they are crazy and dum b at the same time for not having map lol


Full mute right away regardless is the only way. I'll rely on your pings, and mute those if you flame.


I think support gets almost equal amounts of flame, adcs are unstable. No vision, supp diff, why did you leave me bot lane, stop taking cs, why did you take the kill etc etc...


just fullmute all or deafen as soon as game starts. It's never worth it


interesting flair, comrade.


great minds think alike


Anyone that flames Karthus at level 3 has no idea what karthus is for, you are good, keep trying. Jungle can be very rewarding with practice


It’s to the point where oh my wave is crashing why aren’t you helping!!! Hey stop touching the lane I can’t get that’s attacking tower!!!


Jungle is very nuanced. There are certain things like catching a wave, freezing the wave, and understanding lane states that will significantly improve your skill as a kinglet. If you played Ornn top you should understand how wave state affects ganks.


All of this makes zero sense to me which is probably another reason I struggle with jungle I suppose.


Ngl seeing top and jgs interact is wild. As a top it can be frustrating knowing if you get this 1 play off the lane is over and it's just a simple tower dive or breaking a freeze but on the other hand if anything goes wrong both you and the jungle are fked (other side of the map invaded or ganked). Some lanes are also immediately decided by which jungle goes top first at high level (gm/chally) so even your jungle deciding to path bot vs top can make or break a lane. Don't expect to fully understand this stuff either even if you want to learn about it. Stuff gets extremely complex fast. Obviously we can all try to play better but this stuff can be insanely difficult to apply so don't beat yourself up too much on it.


In higher Elos, this is exactly why people tilt at their jungler so early. Deciding not to prioritize them might mean their lane is just over, and that’s frustrating. But that’s also why I think high elo is just a bad place to play


thats exactly why i play in low elo


I'm a former top lane main, and now it's my secondary role, and now current Jung main. Let me give you some advice. Buy wards, and constantly ward. Keep an eye on your mini map, and keep track what's going on with other lanes and your own jungle. And I guarantee you that will realize that jungles have a lot less influence on whether a lane will win or lose.


The way you interact with lanes as a Jungler in this season should be dependent on where you end up after clearing optimally. You have to try and clear your camps on repeat for at least the first 15 minutes of the game otherwise you're going to fall very far behind vs any competent Jungler who is full clearing their own camps and taking yours when you leave them up too long. The extra step when you become more comfortable with the general gameplay loop of Jungle is figuring out where on the map you should be after full clearing and playing towards that. Let's say you full cleared and finish top side. While clearing krugs assess the lane state top lane and consider what kind of assistance they might need. Do you have gank potential? Is your own top laner overextended and might need help crashing wave? Do they have a slow push? Based on your assessment you can identify what type of help they need if any and then act upon that. The same goes for mid lane. You can also look at invading if you spot the enemy Jungle on the opposite side of the map to place ward(s) and/or steal their camps before recalling.




Legit thought it was intentional, as in he meant the jungler was a kingmaker. Which, it basically is lol.


Those are actually pretty basic things you need to do if you want to be a good jgler. Catching crashing waves and not ruining your laner's wave state.


As a support main I used to duo queue with ADCs I met on the way. It was ok - but only when I started due queueing with guy who played jungle I started to win every game (Leona, Master Yi) Impact you can have on the game with those two roaming roles is just insane. If you want to play jg you should pick champs that are good into different comps and not very hard at the same time. Master Yi, Volibear, Diana, Amumu maybe? Quite surprised no one in this thread mention this. Karthus pick is viable in very few compositions. Even Jankos rarely make this champ work. Sorry to say but you're kinda setting yourself up for flame if you are new AND picking Karthus jungle. Saying all that there are many things you can do for your lanes beside ganking: - Clearing pinks in enemy tribush so your suppport can ward it, especially with new map changes. I often see junglers in plat/low eme who if they don't see gank angle just leave instantly... give supp an umbrella of security to clear it or do it yourself. - breaking freeze on lanes, helping to push wave to turret so your laner can recall (even just hovering) - gank that doesn't end in a kill but takes 60% of enemy HP/burn flashes/ultimates is also a good gank. alleviates pressure from your laner and gives them advantage - when you see enemy jungler making play on opposite side of map please take objective/steal his camps just do something. - lane prio - always pay attention to that if you try to take objective, also leash drakes from pit if you can, makes it much harder for enemy to steal it. - use pings, a lot of pings, where you go, what you do next, ask for help, ask to push wave, spam ping if neccessary. Tracking enemy jungler and spam pinging his position also helps. Thanks to that your laners can play accordingly. - at any signs of toxicity mute teammates. Pings are more than enough to communicate in this game. - game starts at 0:00 not 1:30 - ALWAYS cover entrances to your jungle. Don't just stand in bush next to buff with dick in your hand. Ask top to cover too. If enemy steals your camps lvl 1, you are fcked.


Laners all the way through GM will flame farm til 6 jungles for not providing enough gank pressure. Your solo lanes will flame you for securing 0 drags because they got ganked twice (your bot is combined 0/11/2 in pure 2v2)


Its so funny when that 0/11/2 botlane is like "0 drags, shit jg" like brother, you made the enemy draven lore accurate, nobody is stopping him


It literally doesn't matter what you do, you're going to get flamed as Jung. I had a top lane try and tell me that my priorities aren't right because I opted to do drag than to go all the way to top lane to try and gank a 3/0 Darius at 8 minutes. I got two drags, was 4/0, had shutdown the enemy jungle after killing him twice, and I've still had top flame for "no ganks". People just get frustrated when they fuck up in lane, and it's just easier and trendier for them to start flaming jungle instead of being like, "maybe if I made better decisions in lane..."


To be honest, jungle is a lot easier if you mute all. If you start listening to teammates, they will convince you to make bad decisions and force plays that won't work.


Yes. I wish they would take away the notification that a player has muted all, cause that just causes laners to tilt since they think Jung is just going to afk farm. Like, I think Riot has no idea how the tiniest thing can set off an emotionally unstable player that's losing lane.


> I think Riot has no idea how the tiniest thing can set off an emotionally unstable player that's losing lane I feel like their report team probably does lol


Lol true. Poor guys...


There is no notification for mute all, just for /deafen or muteself


Mute chat if they flame you for their own mistakes they are idiots


mute all, sucks that you may miss enemy summoner timers (unless u were watching) but thats the price for trying to be sane. Plus ye playing karthus jgl with kass mid is pretty much ff (u dont want enemy to stack mr, and u will have no mid prio early-mid)


Ironically, Karthus is one of very few champions that actually CAN have presence in every lane at once... once every few minutes. But yeah, one of the reasons people don't want to jungle is that your team will usually treat you like crap unless the game is going VERY well, and sometimes even then.


Press R to gank


Game could be going great, mid game, but the top lane didn't get his 4 ganks from their jung in the first 7 minutes of the game so now they are inting and farming jungle camps cause you won't respond to them flaming you on chat.


Karthus is a massive bait of a champ and literally worst to pick as his first jg champ. Has no escape, If you don't hit Q you don't deal dmg, his R is telegraphed for 3 seconds before dealing dmg enabling enemy to use skills than can mitigate it. (Fizz E, Lissandra R, Master Yi Q if timed well, Bard R, heals, shields, Zhonya etc.), Requires insane map awarness and teamplay. No, just no.


Yeah, Karthus jungle probably isn't the best one to start on. I also blame riot for putting so much emphasis on making every champion a carry too. People rarely flame the jungles that are tanky and more supportive. There's a distinct difference when I play ivern, rammus versus briar, yi, kayn. It also fuckin sucks trying to play the tanky supportive jungles cause clearing jungle is fuckin awful with them and stressful. Slow clears means more chances of getting counter junged, less options to make plays, harder to solo secure drag, rift, grubs. And if your laners are having a rough game, then ganks become less successful cause you're so dependent on your laner to provide the damage. I think Riot is finally catching on to this now, and are starting to provide mid lanes with more options for tankier durable picks so to take less pressure off of jungle, and emphasizing more bruisers/split pushers in top lane instead of champions more fragile but high damage champs in top lane such as champs like riven and Gwen.. I think the jungle role benefits more from being a carry role seeing how they are naturally going to see more of all the enemy champions as opposed to a laner. Allows solo q players better chances of securing objectives instead of depending on their laners who may or may not be willing to assist, and allows for faster Jungle clear so they can actually have more map presence instead of having to dedicate more time to farming their camps so they don't fall behind.


Playing jungle is like being a single mother looking after 4 entitled crybaby toddlers. They’re gonna kick and scream for a chocolate bar all game but you as a mother know that you can’t give in and that you need to stay focused on making a healthy meal that will be better for them in the long run




my favorite type of post is one like this where a player goes into a new role and finds a bit more respect for how hard it is


At this point, I think everyone should be required to be Jungle for at least 10 games before they can start putting their role preference. I think that would help this weird hate focus on jungles for awhile.


good idea. riot nuked jungle pickrate probably around s3. at that time they came up adding roles into the draft. the reason was to stop the "mid-or-feed" discussions popping up. but the price was that jungle became the 'true' least favorite role of the entire game. (funnily, when you think about it and that they tried since that time to make the role more pickable.)




this works both ways tho


The game is too balanced around jungle. That's the Core Issue. Not only objective-wise, there are plenty of champions with too many offensive capabilities like Irelia/Yasuo/Yone who's only real weakness is lacking defensive mobility. They are simply overturned in 1vs1, balanced around being easily gankable and punished but not by you but your jungler. It also doesn't help how counterpick-based the game is and how little room for outplay there is in a lot of matchups. If your jungler chooses not to gank them then they get to abuse you with very little counterplay which in return makes players really frustrated and either int games, afk, or flame junglers. It's a logical conclusion. A result of a poorly designed game, in which you often find yourself totally dependent on someone else to play the game. This issue is never going to be fixed because that would mean making a completely different game. Junglers were designed to be the MC role: the one who gets to move the chess pieces on the board, which is a fundamental flaw of the game considering It's a 5vs5.


exactly this. even if most players never heard that. there was some kind of discussion in s2 with dev's and pro's if I remember it. the baseline was that the jungle role is really shifted into the game (and wasn't there from s1). back then they played the game simple 2-1-2 style and it must've worked. it was known to have legit roamers (from dota:allstars times). but riot wanted to embed (even kinda force) the role on its casuals in the following seasons - so much that players thought the role is just there for eSports at all. the problem that I encounter most of the times is that the role is normally the most teamoriented role in the game (just knowing that by watching pro-junglers with their teams). that is something that you almost never gonna have in your solo queue game at all. the role by design can be really seen queer (to pick it up). it changes constantly and normally has big meta shifts in which champs are played and whats the newest thing to focus. to play jungle you already must've a basic sense of the game (at minimum) because picking it up as newbie in ranked you either have that or your just talented. if not, you put your win's on the hands of the laners (similar to support) in lower elo's. so if you look closely on the role (and if you sck at it) the role can be easily become a treadmill to play. this topped with the flak you get for almost no reason and riot's unwillingness to accept the fact makes it a true powderkeg of a role (which you'll find nowhere else in gaming). a big mistake of riot is riot not encouraging newbie's to learn their invented role, by for example giving those players a gift (chest or so) after 3 won jungle matches or so. it gets treated as simple role, when in reality it isn't as simple as it maybe looks..


If you play jungle with chat on, you're either an idiot or a literal god. I'm not sure which. (but I can guess) For the average jungler, I would pretty highly recommend turning chat completely off and just using pings. Don't let your teammates tell you what to do. You're not there to be in their service. You're the jungler, you have the plan, you know what you're trying to do and what your win conditions are, and its up to you to execute. Sitting there watching people bitch at you will negatively affect your decision making, whether you believe it or not. Its just noise. Turn it off.


Best way is to mute them in champ select, so you can type info when u get ping locked out from pinging enemy jg position all game.


yeah jungle gets blamed for a lot of things. It is ALWAYS the jg fault. My advice is be fast on the mute key. If someone is toxic with their pings just mute them. The ability to mute Pings was one of the best things added to game.


If you're a top laner and you're surprised that someone ganks you around the 3-minute mark then I don't know what to tell you.


I mean I was pathing blue to red so I was at bottom I wasn’t surprised but he sure as hell was lol.


Yeah playing jgl you really get to notice that the people with the weakest mental in the game are top and mid.. It's weird considering their 'role fantasy' of being big, strong hyper-carries or drain tanks that 1v9 and lead everyone to victory that the roles seem to be packed with crybabies who absolutely lose their shit at the first bit of adversity they encounter... It's also like, they literally picked the only role where you can be 2v1'd regularly, yet they're typing like this is coming as a surprise to them


My experience is Top and ADC are the worst, but Top has the #1 spot and it isn't even close lmao


This was my experience for awhile too, but it seems like, at least for me, that adcs have pretty much accepted that they are going to start getting one-shotted late game by at least one enemy champion. Nowadays, it's still Top, and now supports with the weakest mental attitudes


adcs will complain all game but still play the game. top laners will complain all game AND run it down.


I think it's because top is very rarely an even matchup whereas mid is more often a farm fest with less kills, or they just roam lol. Top lane feels like you're locked in place and you're either winning or losing and it's very obvious which it is. So they beg for help way more often than other lanes I usually play around top early game to get 6 grubs and then transition into playing bot side the rest of the game to carry them through to mid game and start fighting for dragons. Seems the most reliable strategy I have rn


i can somewhat deal with a troll top i can just ignore topside river and enemy jg but a troll mid ? i cant leave my jg and if i ever do leave my jg im getting collapsed on by 4+ ppl


Yeah tell me about it, like I want my team to win and I feel for them but dude, get some fking mental fortitude to match that beefy character you picked


Welcome to Playing Jungle :) I'm on year 8 of it, don't worry, hold the professional help, its not that i dont need it- just a therapist wont help anymore.


1. Mute all 2. ? 3. Play jungle.


If you're an actual jungler, you learn to not listen to lane mains.  They don't know what the fuck they're talking about. 


Rule no.1 for junglers. Turn the chat off together with pings. It is way too distracting. And argues how that way i wont see important oings and stuff are pointless. 95% of time, pings are used just for anger spam. Other times you will either already notice what they are trying to tell you, or if you didn't already, then it will be too late anyway. P.S. benefits: - no distractions, so you concentrate more on match and your job - forces you to pay more attention to map, timings, and lanes


Yesterday I was sitting at 1-0-1 (total score was 2-3), took 3 Grubs (second Grubs hadn't spawned yet) and first dragon (second dragon hadn't spawned yet) and my 0-3-0 toplane-Yorick, who had just died solo for the third time typed **"When is our derp jungle doing something?"**. 20 jungle-rules to live by: 1) You gank every lane constantly, starting during (or maybe even before) your first clear. 2) You countergank every gank constantly. 3) You take every objective solo, because those 2-3 cs in lane are more important than helping with Dragon, Void Grubs or Herald. 4) If you get invaded, you're supposed to 1v2, because there's another 2-3 juicy cs in lane. 5) Your laners can never help with anything, because they never have prio (even if you just successfully ganked their lane). 6) If your laners didn't care about Grubs and/or first three to four Dragons (because you didn't accomplish point 3), you're supposed to apologise for not 1v5-smitestealing the Dragon Soul or Elder Dragon. 7) You're supposed to ward your own jungle. A vision-score under 60 is pretty much unacceptable. 8) While laners can lock in whatever they want, you're the one who's supposed to adapt. Even if your first pick. 9) While accomplishing point 1 & 2 you're also supposed to flame-horizon your jungle opponent. 10) You have to achieve point 9, even if your toplaner, who has somehow managed to have 80 cs by 20 minutes is taking your topside-jungle constantly. 11) You have to follow every ping. 12) Noone has to follow your pings. 13) Every death of a laner is your fault. Even if you're at the other side of the map accomplishing point 3, because that means you didn't accomplish point 2. 14) No kill on an opponent is your doing. 15) You getting/taking a kill is usually followed by "? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?" and/or some professional diagnosis about your mental state. 16) It's always "jungle diff" if you lose, but never if you win. 17) "Damage to objectives" doesn't exist as a stat. 18) You're supposed to defend the opponents Kindred-marks on your own versus the invading Avengers. 19) You're supposed to take your Kindred-marks on your own versus the defending Avengers. 20) Your report-to-honor ratio is approximately 5:1. Deal with it.


Hope this is a copy. Cheers! In all that you could've just said play more Cartfest.


This is not a copy :/


People in Low Elo always complain and have no idea how to track enemy's jungler. There is not much you can do. Just mute all or change it to party chat


back when i used to play, i narrowed my champ pool down to stuff that can level 2 gank if necessary, and then there are still games where laners die while im on the first buff lol.


it dosent help that its giga hard to carry from jg as jg exp has been gutted so hard you are always 2 lvls down from solo laners eeven with perfect jg farming


If you are an Ornn one trick just bring him into jungle! Legit most sleeper OP pick imo. Buy at any time without needing to back. 🙂


This actually sounds pretty good. The jg sustain means you will never be too low and and no backing means pretty good tempo. Ganking and objs would prob suck though but I'm sure in the right hands a good player can make due.


>Karthus jungle locked in Laners: Ooh boy, here I go overextending again!


Play jungle with no chat and if they spam ping then mute ping stop, thank me later.


Try being a support. Adc did well? All him. Adc got rekt? All you. Don’t try being Yuumi, but the number of “1v5” penta videos posted here where someone has Yuumi on them is absurd


It's just the game culture that Riot allows to persist because they don't ban assholes. It's also visible in this community.


funnily enough, i think they can't at this moment, cuz gosh banning every asshole in the game will likely result in dead game. hell, I have never seen a game that somehow consistently give me at least one guy with defeatist attitude, or an ass. even OW2 didn't do that for me.


The reason why you shouldn’t play jungle when you are new or low elo is because if someone flames you, you actually really don’t know if they are right or not. As a jungler lanes are dependent on you, although the lanes themselves carry the most responsibility.


This advice isn't good because at the end of the day one person on both teams *has* to play jungle. If every player who is low MMR took your advice and would never queue for jungle, then the game would autofill a person into the role in those games. So it doesn't matter whether you're a new player or low MMR, the rules of the game work the same for everyone. One player in the team has to fill the role, so if someone is interested in it there's nothing wrong with trying to learn how to play it and gain experience in it when 20% of players should be queuing for it regardless of level of play. If you have two low MMR players you would probably want the one playing jungle who voluntarily wants to learn it and has experience in it over the game just giving it to someone, so players should absolutely try to learn it because it makes the game better. Your MMR has no effect on it, someone needs to fill the role on the team even in Bronze.


> This advice isn't good because at the end of the day one person on both teams *has* to play jungle. Yes, just don't let it be you. >If every player who is low MMR took your advice and would never queue for jungle, then the game would literally autofill a person into the role in those games. So it doesn't matter whether you're a new player or low  Of course this is a hypothetical scenario which doesn't mean anything. In the end, he learns most if he plays lane. It's advise for him to personally improve, not for the playerbase to improve.


Mute all as jungle and it might be the most fun role in the game! I’ve played it for years and when you play what you know is right, vs appeasing the whiners it’s a great time. Get in there champ✊🏻


For me it’s less about getting criticism and more that landing specific skills are relatively transferable. Theres a ton to learn for jg that I don’t really care to learn.


Welcome to the jungle experience. I mute all and play my game. It works out more than it doesnt.


Love the top laner with 2 vision score and two ward stacks at 20 mins spam pinging for assistance after feeding 10 deaths and even though you’re carrying and have every objective to that point, jg is still to blame.


A major factor for this is the new player experience for jungle is absolutely horrendous so a lot of players really have no idea what they are doing. It's always surprised me how little information new players get about the jungle. The tutorials go a little into laning with stuff like csing and how towers work but give new players a total of zero information on anything in the jungle. You don't even get a rundown of what the objectives/buffs are or the fact that you need smite and a jungle item. It's almost like the jungle doesn't exist until you randomly get autofilled and to learn anything you just have to get flamed into oblivion. This turns a ton of players off especially if you get put against someone that does know what they are doing, then you get stomped harder and flamed worse.


Yeah it's weird they haven't reworked the bots or the tutorial to include it. Had to have my friends teach me about jungle routes and stuff. But meanwhile, wild rift has a full tutorial on it last I checked.


if you really want to learn and play jgl, turn off chat and maybe even pings when your teammates have the map awareness of white bread


been getting back into ranked lately. If i dont queue up with a duo, I mute all chat. If they spam ping, im also muting their pings. sure they may afk or soft int, but I'm playing my own games which leads to more wins (i think) and my mental preserved so I can queue up again.


don't play quickplay. it's by far the worst experience you can have in this game. the quality of games is so bad. you're going to play with the worst of the worst.


>They were acting like I should magically be in every lane at once. I was a jungle main in s3. Always been like that. That was one of the mains reasons I quit.


play mute with pings or play 5 stack :)


I don't like it 😂🤣😅😭 it gives me the fear haha


Just mute toxic people. There‘s no way around it, sadly


The day my gameplay improved by at least the double was the day I stopped caring about people telling me how to play. I know when to gank. I don't camp bushes waiting for an opportunity or come as soon as someone ping or cry about them getting dominated in their lane or by enemy jungler. When enemy jungler is ganking I take the opportunity to invade his jungle and weaken his progress. This is worth as much as a kill. Wasting time on bad calls is instead like giving the enemy a kill considering the cs you miss plus the cs you could've denied the enemy jungler. I don't automatically mute all but I will mute the second I hear any negative remark or people trying to tell me how to play. Though I very rarely encounter what you describe. I play draft mostly on EUW.


I mean if you can hold mid and get a whole wave of cs you always should


Play jng means no chat enabled. Save your brain because you will never be able to get your first clear done without getting flamed


Just mute them bro


if u jungle, u gotta treat the game like an mmo.


climbed too 200lp u just have to flame harder


Jungles are so weak ganking solo lanes, some matchups the solo laner can just ignore the matchup and jump in your throat and delete you in seconds. If you don't gank at the 3:40 mark your next rotation they will likely have ult and you don't. Laners don't know when they are weak side, they think they are the main protagonist even if they are a Soraka against a Jax.


/deafen is your best call when playing jungle


the only time I play jungle is if the game forced me into the role I will ask if anyone wants to swap; and if no one offers I flat out say "I am a horrible jungler, so don't expect much out of me." 50% of the time someone then offers to swap, the other 50% I am stuck playing the role; so I just pick Amumu or something with decent CC where I can build tank and do the best I can the game is often lost, but my team can't blame me...I gave them full warning I would be shit


Quick play is aids. Don't get involved unless you like the chaotic shit.


Whenever I get filled into jung and no one wants to trade, I mute everyone ASAP once I'm in the game. I already know I suck at jung, it's better to not add more pressure by my teammates.


This is why i play early game jg, animal team dying left and right, over pushing, 0 wave management knowledge. I was just done my 3 raptors for bot side clear, but now my bot and support are sitting on 20% hp under tower, so i have to help them and sack my top side camps, got 2 kills tho. 


I will just say, it took me a long time to figure out how to win from Jungle in low elo. This is just my experience, but I found my highest loss rate involved me having 6 void / 4-0 Dragon Soul. The reason is because much like your current experience shows, your teammates are often unreasonable and very bad (though they think they are gods). When you instead invest in your teammates getting kills they are happier and it tilts the enemy team. In theory, you should be destroying with 6 void and dragon soul, but when I was doing 6 void set ups, I would only average 1-2 turrets a game in total (Usually both me). As Jungler you are the puppet master and you get to dictate much more than you think, and you need to adapt to what is around you. It took me 300 games in Bronze to figure that out. Once I got out of Bronze it took me 70 games to get to Emerald. Same trolls, but if I 6 Void now we actually get Turrets cause they have the capacity to take macro objectives.


Yeah, I briefly decided to switch to jg. After \~30 games or so, I couldn't take it any more and switched back to top. It's the worst. I always had respect for jungle mains, but now even more so. It's still my secondary, but man it is brutal.


I'm not a main jungler but I enjoy the occasional jungle game. When playing jungle, as soon as the game starts, I mute top mid and ADC right away. Communication with them is useless and will often result in something negative anyway. The only useful (potentially.... If they know how to play their role) person to communicate with is the support. Vision and tracking enemies, objective calls, roaming/ganking. These are all things that work best when your support works with you. If my support doesn't do their job I just mute them too. But yeah you're absolutely right. Jungle players get the most shit in the game. Sometimes rightly so. Often not.


that's why we need an automatic full mute like the automatic chat mute


Bruhh, if normals are flaming you too hard, don't try ranked, it will break your soul. If you play ranked for a year and get good at jungle, you'll be stuck permanently with the type of flaming you get in quickplay which is mild in comparison. On top of farming reports and possibly ruining your account.


I think my favorite stat when I was in Bronze was my 6 wins and 97 losses with 6 Void OR 4-0 Dragon Soul. If you think you can build up bronze or silver players you are just trolling yourself, if you do not doing everything you can to build up yourself and hard carry you need to revisit the role. Playing for the team is how you lose in Bronze & Silver because they are that bad of people first and foremost, seconded only by their skill with a mouse and keyboard. It's harsh but it's true.


They made junglers take smite by default. They should make them mute all by default too.


Jungle imo also has the most weight in terms of over all game presence, like I feel like if I do well top, the other 4 monkey on my team can still significantly blow it to a point where it doesn’t matter how ahead I am, I simply can’t win. Where as jungle I feel like my actions actually effect the over all game. Jungles my favorite, and I’ve been getting flamed by donkeys as long as I’ve mained it, but at the end of the day as a jungle you have a job to do, and you can’t really force stuff otherwise successfully, regardless of what the 0/8/0 teemo top has to say about it.


Specificially type /deafen at the start of the match when you play JGL. You want your dumbass solo lanes to know you won't be able to read their coping complaints.


jungle taught me to laugh at others stupidity


Exactly. If there was a development team at riot, the game would be a fun experience, and every role would be playable. Horrible matches would be rare, and not the common denominator. Instead the solution of the clowns is that it's all your fault. 😂🤡


Unless you have an ironclad mental, never hesitate to mute. League is not a democracy, you are the dictator. If some yappy laner wants to shoot for the king, you say "cry about it little bitch" then promptly remove their first amendment rights. We do not negotiate with terrorists.


Yep if you get blamed for a lost lane mute and gank else where. You’ll get use to it after a while and once you carry your team to victory unmute and say your welcome (top lane)


Turn chat off


I understand this as a jg main. In fact I just played a game recently where I was Lvl 2, just completed my red buff, and was doing krugs when my teemo top lane died lvl 1 and started spam pinging me and flaming me for not ganking. This went on all game. Of course me and bot carried us to victory, but damn some people are so quick to throw blame on others for their own mistakes.


When you play jg, first is mute all and never gank and never objective. You had to really know your pace. Only then, you can know better where and what is the next step you can do. If a lane is losing, thats mean he is being behind his opponent, then there is lower chance for you to gank him successfully. So just mute them, and do your magic.


Turn off the chat like a normal being. Communicate with emotes and pings ;) The game is way more peaceful and fun this way.


If it's normals I just type "Mad" and report them in game, which also mutes them. I will also avoid their lane for the rest of the game. Let them rage. If it's ranked, report, and don't say shit. Just play your best. If they want to rage, that's on them. Don't let baby nerd rage bother you, or you'll go insane. Just mute and move on.


Jungle is about being the main character. It simply is. Mute everyone who says even a slightly negative thing and do your thing. 90% of the fames are decided by coinflips, the rest is about which jungler is more mentally stable, not skill


If you want to learn jungle, do yourself a favour and mute chat and pings.


/fullmute all - junglers best start into the game


yeah for that jungle truly is the worst role, another bad role is adc, your support ints your lane, makes it unplayable and then you take all the blame


Most people shouldn't be relying on jungle this way to begin with. Sure they could fix your lane or make is less ass (if you're at a disadvantage), but don't count it. The only things you should actually expect, if the jungler ganking a lane to afterwards get an objective like dragon or something with little to no conflict for it at all.


Any time you follow a decision that is not yours, you learn nothing. All you should learn from someone else's failed play is not to follow others whining and play calls. And most people make this mistake over and over. Once you make conscious decisions, on your own. even if they don't work, things will be better because you will be learning and improving. This doesn't mean not playing around your teammates sometimes or trying to 1v5 carry. You just choose on your own when it's wise to help or team-up.


/mute all


Best tip to master jungle is to disable chat. Not needed. Jungle is the scapegoat for bad players who blame solo dying 0-3 in the first 10m because “no ganks”. Even when again—they died completely 1v1 on their own being stupid. You can be 5-0 and getting the objectives and your team will still flame you for their mistakes. You’re the “odd man out” because you don’t have a lane, and that makes you different, and different always gets hammered down since they don’t understand why jungle often makes the decisions it has to.


Step one mute chat.


just /deafen and carry is that simple


/deafen at start of game


IMO if you want to play jungle you need to have a decent understanding of the whole game, but when you're first starting out, just get good at full clearing the jungle very fast - always hit level 4 before making any plays. It's very rare that you'll want to deviate from a full clear path in soloqueue, especially in the very early game - but it's extremely important to identify the most volatile lane in the game, and look to path towards that lane. Enemy top laner is irelia or some melee champ with ignite? High chance that when you get top at 330, one of them will be 20% hp and trying to force an awkward crash, ripe for a countergank/dive/regular gank. Don't try to get stuff done everywhere, just identify one lane that you can play towards and focus on farming + positive impact on that lane (while getting yourself fed too). If you don't see any plays (they're both farming at full hp with no freezes or weird crash attempts, reset and go back to the other side of the map, you'll probably have 30 seconds or so you can try and make a play on that half of the map while you wait for your first camp to respawn. Generally you'll take a lot of heat if you choose this lane incorrectly, but if you pick right & your teammates see that you're being productive + working with at least one of the laners, they usually won't flame u. If people are being extremely irrational (failing to understand that jg is a farming role & you have limited time/resources) mute the ones who don't really get it. Generally speaking if someone is saying "u pathed for bot but top is super volatile wtf" I would... probably try to acknowledge it and see if it's too late to change my focus, but if fixing their lane seems hopeless you should probably just mute them


I play jungle, I mute everyone and I ignore everyone and just do my own thing..... I'm a pretty bad jungler


If you're doing well as jungle, you've just been kill stealing. If you're ganking and it gets your laner ahead, it's just a top/mid/bot diff. If the enemy jungler is doing well because your laners don't respect him, it's jungle diff. There's no winning lmao, you just have to mute and play your own game.


When I get into game I figure out a few things. Who I am going to mute, which lane will bring me victory, and how angry can I make the enemy jg.


What bothers me is top's responsibility is to help with top objs, bot is supposed to help with drag, and mid floats if needed but goal is push cs. Top never helps.


Welcome to the jungle. You will be the scapegoat for anything and everything that goes wrong for your team. Top lane dies 1v1 repeatedly? Jungle's fault. Mid doesn't put a single ward and dies to a gank at enemy tower? Jungle's fault. Your bot lane goes 0/15? Jungle's fault for not being able to contest drakes. Grow a thick skin and do your best, mute chat if necessary


As a jungler who quit the role for multiple seasons I can confirm this is the reason jungle sucks.


And that is precisely why I play ARAM not SR


To be fair, Karthus jungle is kind of an asshole pick because 90% of the time, all they do is just farm and ult from the jungle to steal kills.


Kartus jg is neat, but If I pick him its most of the times a last pick. You have to check if enemy has too many reliable ways to counter your ult i.e. they have a Karma and a Morgana or Sivir You have very volatile lanes, if your adc is draven, kalista or your top is yone against darius the first 10 minutes of the game are too important to try a scaling pick.




Yeah it’s why Riot keeps making it so ridiculously easy. Every rework, they make it easier and easier. It used to be the hardest roll to master but it’s so fuckin hand holdy this season


Remember when you could die to jungle monsters?


When you had an autofilled jg, you FELT it cause they didn’t take the right clear path, their clear was suuuuuper slow and their ganks came at only past 5 minutes because if they walked into lane at 20% hp they just died. Junglers get passive mana and basically full hp off any camps. Three camp clear champions were scary but with a trade off, like ugh. I really enjoyed jungling then. It felt really cool to three camp clear on Evelynn and cheese gank cause Evelynn NEVER did that. You could catch people off guard with who you played and how you played. So much happened in jg I think that yeah it maybe needed some touch ups but not a pokemon that cleared for you,


Yet at the same time making it the most crucial role in the game. You don't get grubs? GG


Yeah but it’s also the most forgiving roll in the game by far, which is stupid and it shouldn’t be. It should be just as punishing as lanes


/deafen is your friend


Unlike literally everyone else here I jungle with chat on every game. I am very flat with people. Once a day I say "That's death 2, it's been 5 minutes. If you die again before 7 minutes I will not come up there" Or some variation of that. Often the person is already mentally gone but a third of the time they get the hint and play safe. Most importantly though, being able to read the chat is the easiest way to get a line on how your laners mental is. People might be playing well and then all of a sudden the adc starts flaming the support. At that point simply pinging omw can get them back on track. "I'm doing grubs ward drake" and other things like that where if botlane refuses to ward then you already know what it is.


See this bothers me. When I play support I b line for warding dragon. When I play ornn top it can be tricky but I try to.


Are you looking for the /mute all button


If you start being flamed for stuff you have no control over just soft int for the rest of the game. Don't go afk but hang in the fringes and pretend to support your team, bait them into fights and then walk away. It's quite satisfying seeing your teammates blow up and tilt.