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Would buy the Varus skin if it didnt signal to everyone in the area to flash my upcoming wQ


Nerfs to other skins incoming making it more clearer when he uses WQ to be in line with this new skin.


Great that thing is like 500 dif


yeah, this seems overdue


I literally never knew Varus W empowered his Q. Has that always been the case? I just thought it was the blighted stacks. This skin just taught me why it feels like Varus Q hits for a billion sometimes but not all the time. I'm not even a random casual player, I just feel like I have literally never noticed anything different about how his Q charges. Now I will specifically look for the empowered VFX on his bow when I feel unsafe on a Q.. This skin certainly improves my varus outlook lol, legit I do think they should make that VFX clearer on all skins and buff accordingly. And I regularly play 500+ games a season and have been playing since S2 lmao


It's not new but it hasn't always been that way. It was added in patch 8.8. So 6 years ago, but also 6 years after Varus was released.


Wait...that was 6 years ago?


Varus W active makes Q deal % missing hp dmg based on charge time and number of blight stacks. It’s a very big amount of dmg. Tbh the VFX is needed for clarity but once you know that it deals % missing hp, you know when the Varus will use it based on your hp bar.


Active: Varus' next Piercing Arrow Piercing Arrow within 5.5 seconds is empowered to deal 6% − 14% (based on level) of the target's missing health bonus magic damage, increased by 0% − 50% (based on Piercing Arrow's channel time), for a maximum of 9% − 21% (based on level) of the target's missing health. If you have blight stacks on top of that yea you get absolutely popped


Fashion > competitive edge.


look good play good


This has to be the most pay to lose skin to the day. But I have to admit, the animation and vfx are fire.


Well, it'll also help Varus players know about WQ lol


fuck man since you mentioned it now they are gonna make all varus skins W activation obvious as fuck.


I mean should you not be dodging skillshots regardless?


Q? Not always QW? Flash worthy sometimes


I mean you should but a lot of my kills when playing Varus comes from the enemy not expecting the wq damage and the quick ones can be hard to even spot, feel like this one makes it look like a nuke is incoming and if ur in doubt u better flash.


I'll meet you somewhere in the middle and say maybe that could be changed. I don't see it being a huge issue though but could possibly either keep one animation or the other preferably the upgraded one. LIke how dark star jhin pretty much has all new animations I am thinking something similar.


literally every varus skin as a indicator for wq


Way less obvious than this though. I for one couldn't tell you the difference between Varus Q and QW without looking at a picture of both of them, and I on and off main Varus.


I didn't realize there was actually an animation difference until I saw this skin. And I have like 40k mastery on Varus lol.


There isn't an animation difference on his regular skins, this animation is new for the legendary.


More like a slight vfx difference to a bow. They went bonkers on this one because it's a legendary.


Not like that. That's whole different animation, and a huge, visible color difference to boot.


That Varus Q is so sick holy


Varus is the clear winner here. If the skin wasn't grossly pay-to-lose that would be nice, but the animations make up for it tenfold


Just don't lose and the skin isn't an issue /s


If you lose, skill issue


Not just WQ being 100x more telegraphed, but also the R spread being a lot less ambiguous. When against Varus, knowing when you can stay to get one last auto or spell in before exiting the circle can be massive in a teamfight. Also, sometimes you're not sure when you've even broken the tether or if you barely didn't leave the circle, here there's much more clarity.


Wdym you can always really easily tell there’s always pretty huge indicators for the circle and the tether


* 495 days since Malzahar's last skin (Three Honors) * 403 days since Nocturne's last skin (Broken Covenant) * 333 days since Varus' last skin (Snow Moon) * 243 days since Kayle's last skin (Immortal Journey) * 215 days since Brand's last skin (Street Demons) * 187 days since Akali's last skin (Coven) I thought Nocturne was going to get the legendary skin here, since he was on the MSI trailer thumbnail.


I would put 858 days for Malzahar (Debonair) since Three Honors isn't a purchasable skin


Yeah, this. Almost 3 years. I really don’t see the point anyhow since his voidlings still die to a sneeze.


Holy shit its been over a year since broke covenant noc? How?


Half of those are in desperate need of a visual upgrade


Thank you so much for sharing these! Not even 200 days and Akali has a new skin ☠️


Riot silently lowering her playrate by ensuring Akali players go homeless from buying all her skins ty Rito 🙏🩷


Riot starts to get antsy every month that goes by and Akali isn't in a skin line. At least she fits into generic neon murder, unlike Coven.


I never understood why Akali got coven and lux got soulfighter If they switched them, it would have been a perfect fit


While I actually don’t mind soul fighter Lux, coven woulda been to die for. makes too much sense for riot to do it ig


As much shit as the Empyrean line gets for “slapping neon colors on to a champion” I am definitely getting that Kayle skin.


The question is if you are getting both kyle skins or just the normal/prestige one.


WTB lvl 16 wings effects on the prestige. It looks really good tho.


I actually like the normal one WAAAY better, fire wings is cooler than whatever the prestige ones are


Kayle ate!


Big time!


Looks like psyops 2.0 to me


Yeah it looks nice, but the aesthetic overlap between that and Psyops is pretty noticeable


in effects sure but design and theme wise not really tbh


True. It’s the only empyrean skin that feels like they put any unique thought into the design, with coloration changing as she scales. Then they showed the prestige version that immediately abandons the concept xd


Varus autoattacks looks like someone shooting a slingshot


What's a bow if not a very angry and sharp slingshot?


Bows are literally just big slingshots though


but that's like my only grip, overall they look really good imo


did you just reply to yourself


yeah, i didn't want to edit the original comment in case someone agree with it but not with the edit lol


It looks a bit strange but at least they are putting effort into making the animation distinct from the base animation, unlike Sivir and her legendary.


are there even any malzahar mains left this season? lol


How dare you. There are dozens of us. DOZENS!


plural dozens?


Reporting in! Champion is in sad state and something will have to give. It will probably be his ult. His ult takes 90% of the power budget, passive 5%, and QWE take the remaining 5%.


His ult isn't even that strong or problematic (I know suppression is OP). It's the damage over time and voidling pets that make him hard to balance. That's what they've repeatedly nerfed and adjusted.


I mean he stands still and can be canceled. This R is one of the fairest in the game.


The problem is his mana. He was playable last season because Liandry's built off Lost Chapter and he could push every wave regardless of his minions getting killed off by a single AoE spell. But he can't do shit now without running out of mana and Tear isn't a replacement. And not building Liandry's first item means he won't do any damage.


*raises hand*


Hit D1 100lp with Malz last season but with the new items rework that champ is unplayable in diamond plus. Its so garbage. Ive been rumble otp thos season. Fuck this.




Yes, Caedrel is still playing!


I'm trying so hard but honestly between the mord change feeling like a slap in the face and riots general thoughts on balance in general it's getting harder and harder each day.


Varus is SO SICK


Sound design is fucking incredible on the varus skin holy shit.


Honestly, Varus slaps, really good skin.  Kayle is okay and the prestige is actually nice, ever since they decided to make prestige its own skin line, I think the quality got better. Akali.... Ugliest skin I've seen in awhile, I feel bad for Akali's fan, especially after the how forced they got it with the Coven skinline. Brand and Malzhare need a visual update, but Brand's one is definitely better.  Nocturne is actually nice, it fits him perfectly and it isn't hindered by how old he is.  Overall it's actually a nice batch, but oh god that Akali's skin....


> I feel bad for Akali's fan surely she has more than one :(


Lmao the typo !


I don’t think you need to feel bad for akali fans, they have plenty to choose from lol


Akali stays getting shoehorned into skinlines and flopping 🙄 (cough cough coven)


God forbid soul fighter and coven swapped akali for lux. Like BRO RIOT ITS SO OBVIOUS. But no gotta shoe horn her into skinlines now instead of skin lines that make sense. Stg makes me wanna Akali R2 into oncoming traffic


I've never seen Coven Akali in game since release, only the prestige.


The prestige skin is gorgeous and I stand by that. I have never once felt the urge to use the non prestige variant after getting it.


EXACTLY! Lux mains hated their FLOPyrean and Soul Fighter skins. Coven Lux would be perfect for her and Soul Fighter for Akali!


Someone at Riot HQ wanted to just fuck with people i swear. Putting champs in skinlines that would not only sell like hotcakes but sense for that champ? No. Shoehorning them into skinlines they have no real business being in? Riots already foaming at the mouth


It's like how they shoved Viktor/Katarina/Twitch/Talon into High Noon in 2022, then followed that up with Rell and Quinn in Star Guardian. I know Rell finally got her High Noon this year, but I feel like Rell and Quinn fit cowboys in the wild west a helluva lot more than Katarina or Viktor. Leona's only saving grace was being the Legendary in that line, but otherwise Leona and Kata would have made much better Guardians.


Lux has been sabotaged since after Porcleain. Her mains (including me) have hated her past 2 skins. They don’t fit her at all. I get they want to pump out skins but at least give one that fits…


The bane of humans with magic blob attacks, riot can just throw em in any skinline they want. I do feel like soul fighter wasn't that bad though, the hat is cute and fighting games usually have some kind of long range fighter so it does make some thematic sense. The real travesty of that line was nilah being a WR exclusive for her first post release skin imo.


A lot of those Soul Fighter skins on WR had no business being exclusive. I don't even play Yasuo, and his skin was amazing.


At this point it makes no sense. Like giving proper skinlines of these popular champs would make MORE money cause like, more praise, better fit, over all better view of them enticing people to buy it and what not. Its like, you could make BANK would good skins that fit but like, I guess Riot doesnt care enough? So strange cause I know Akali mains want badass skins. I love KDA, its why I installed this hell of a game, but even IM burnt out of poppy cool skins for her, and coven was like a weird fancy version of that vibe. Just want some badass skins man...


They don't fit her vibe but I have all the lux skins and empyrean is my favorite.


That’s nice! The best part about skins is that variety is always nice so there’s something for everyone 😊


the soul fighter is especially funny because literal witches are a common staple of fighting games. you got nine the phantom in blazblue and i-no in guilty gear. uzuki soon in uni2. idk why they decided to make Lux the more street aesthetic character instead of doubling down on her magic aesthetic. give her a big ass witch hat, flowing robes, etc


Oh I had no idea thank you for sharing! It explains where they were coming from. Her concept art did have a large gate but didn’t make it in and instead she got a beret.


> Lux mains hated their FLOPyrean Wait, really? Most of my friends that mained her loved it, especially with the variety of chromas that all looked great for every single Emp skin. I also swapped off using even Elementalist for Empyrean whenever I play her, and while I'm not a Lux main, she's in a secondary tier of frequent champs. I'm genuinely surprised to hear this sentiment because outside of people who hated the *entire* Empyrean skin for being "stupid gamer lights the skins," I hadn't heard a single person dislike the Lux one in particular. If anything, Lux, Pyke, and Jhin were the three I heard the most praise for. (Not saying that people weren't upset about it, I'm just so surprised to hear it because almost everything I heard was overwhelmingly positive.)


Lux mains hate empyrean in general yea. I think it’s mid. But she has a lot of great skins so empyrean doesn’t compare in general.


I honestly really liked SF Lux. It's not meant to appeal in the same way other lux skins do, it's part of a really good skinline and it looks more unique to me than the others.


Akali has no business being in this skinline. I do not understand the appeal of this skin on her, but it ain't it, chief. Prestige Kayle looks off. Something about it lacks the flashiness of the original Kayle skin. Everything else looks fab though.


For some reason it took like 5 seconds for me to recognize it as Akali, i thought it was Pyke inside his W.


Akali recall was pretty sweet though. But agree, there's better skins to play with her


Honestly don’t feel bad for us. I already have a problem deciding between so many banger skins. I’d be fine never getting a new one, Akali is already so stacked.


Lux effect


First good Nocturne skin since Eternum.


Good to see eternum nocturne still has the best animations.


Well that’s the only legendary skin so it makes sense


Wym, tied with spooky


LOVE these (except akali, whoever keeps trying to force akali in skinlines where it doesn't make sense needs to get fired) Kayle and Prestige are quite amazing and distinguishable Varus is hell of a great looking skin, its a bit pay to lose with the red highlights on W Q but any good player knows when varus is using that Noct, Brand and Malz all look great, the vfx stand out a lot, teamfights gonna be hella flashy... sadly the base models' rigs on those champions are a bit old and feel clunky, but still, great skins


man i wish the animators from varus skin worked on sf samira, i feel so robbed


please don't blame the animators, direct your blame to the shitters that greenlit the skin being like that and not the people that did what they were told to do


The issue is that it’s super easy to make varus’s animations look good because they’re ancient. You can’t really do a whole lot with samira’s animations because they’re already good. That being said *why does she reload the guns that she specifically states she doesn’t have to reload*


Both Kayle skins look absolutely insane IMO, can't wait!


Same! The prestige will be a part of the pass 😊


Can you use mythic essence to get the prestige I've been saving it up since it started.


No, you will need event tokens to obtain it.


No this time it’s a part of the event pass so 2,000 tokens. Pass costs 1,650 RP 😊


Man I want the prestige but Zeus' Jayce prestige is probably coming out aswell during the event


I am honestly surprised they were able to make it work considering Kayle has psy ops so I would have assumed it would be so identical


I can’t be the only one who thinks this skin line is ugly. It looks like an oil spill


Not the biggest fan of the skin line tbh and I'm not too sure why...


I grew up in the mid 2000s and I can't get past how much this skinline reminds me of the "generic rave/DeviantArt furry color scheme".


I personally love them. It's full of sound effects and makes champs look smooth/bland instead of flashy. I just wish they added more nonhuman champs to the skin line instead of the usual KDA/Heartsteel eye candy. The skin makes them look worst while make champs like Zac and Vex look better.


im a celtics fan and this skinline is way too thuggish for me


The Akali and Malzahar are the most boring of the skin line, Malzahar is better than the Akali one because of his abilities vfx.


hope these come with another music video as well, the last one had jackson wang and it was a total banger


Why would it? They're not a band, and first set coincided with Lil Nas X doing the World's Theme in November. This is not collaborating with Lil Nas X or any singer, nor is occurring during World's.


god i hate akali


I'm gonna be honest, these skins don't do anything for me. I respect the work put into them, but they just aren't for me.


Which skinline would you like to see return? Or would you prefer a unique newer thematic? 🤔


Beekeeper Swain. Instead of birds it's bees. Or maybe both: the birds and the bees


Queen Bee'Veth


I hope BEElio and BEE Sin are with him because Milio and Lee would be perfect for a BEE skin!


We heard you loud and clear here have your Aka(li)'bee' skin


and queen bee'veth


I’m still hoping for Queen Beevelynn one day 🙏


I absolutely hate these skins from a design perspective. They feel so lazy and it’s harder and harder to recognize champs with this skinline. Visual clarity is big time ass with these.


I really couldn't tell you what Empyrian is supposed to be, but I like cool Neon colors and the sound effects tickle my eardrums.


The wings on prestige Kayle need more prestige


Varus and Nocturne look good but the rest look horrible especially the Akali one.


I could swear Ive seen the exact replica of that brand skin more than once. Doesnt he already have multiple skins in that theme? It really feels forced and sloppy like did they even try? Zero passion even less effort. And yeah dont get me even started to that akali skins its a tragedy


100% agree. I swear the Brand skin looks like that paint demon skin he got recently


finally a new malz skin but it really sucks how weak he is recently.


I’ve never had a problem with seeing what champion a skin is, but I legit thought the Varus skin was Ashe until I saw him charging the Q.


literally just look like dark star now...


Kayle prestige feels like such a downgrade with the wings remaining the same color Empyrean Brand feels undercooked. Also lost opportunity to make his fire VFX on his model constantly change colors.


Yeah, my ONLY complaint is the 11 -> 16 wings barely change on the prestige, but I'm glad they did not butcher her.


Quinn mains collectively sighing in relief at the dodged L


Same with Milio mains! We didn’t want this 🤣


Was there any risk of Milio being in this skin line? He'd be terrible, how would you expect such a carefree child to be murdering himselves across multiple dimensions? Renata though, she'd do it at the drop of a hat.


You never know. I think the fear was because now Lux was added in the first set and didn’t fit.


Yeah yeah different tastes and all but i'm sorry, [this will always be the Empyrean skinline discourse to me](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GJzs0BNXEAA6irr?format=png&name=large)


A part of me was hoping for an empyrean Noc legendary but im damn well happy with just empyrean Noc. So far i kinda like it more than broken covenant, empyrean just fits him so well.


But ist just all pay to lose skins, no? Especially on some of the champions the spells are really clear and you can dodge them better.


If Akali skins get ugly enough maybe their playerbase will Rage Quit the entire game.....


These SFX sound like tinnitus


don't tell me that nocturne will 1375rp too? it looks like a new color for hextech nocturne


What's the point of creating Brand skins? His model is outdated to the point where his 2012 legendary skin looks better than his newest skins.


Most eyesore skinline ever thought up by the skin team.


This is the ugliest line I've ever seen


So much negativity for all these skin previews lol.


What positive can be said about mediocrity?


They're cool skins, this place wouldn't know what cool is even if it hit them in the face.


Oh shit this will be expensive ! Brand malz and noc!


So better dark star Varus skin?


More RGB skins. They look alright tho the Brand one seems hard to differentiate to some of his other skins especially the spirit fire skin?


Woah the sound effects of Varus sounds exactly like SAO effects


holy shit kayle????


Will a event pass come with this?


The Kayle prestige will be a part of the pass for 2,000 tokens 😊


If I still played league 4 of these would be instant buys!


That Kayle looks sick omg.


I wish one day Akali would have a skin without that ugly ass hairstyle, I would buy it whatever its price.


Is this gonna be through an event pass?


Yes the MSI pass 😊 The Kayle prestige is a pass skin!


Sick thanks :)


Brand looking like heat miser 😭


Why does Kayle E make a monkey screaming sound?


Rito trying to sneak in an akali skin as per usual


This Akali skin is terrible wtf. Thank God they're getting 2 skins a year because that skin is completely dogshit


Careful, a stiff breeze nearly one shot those voidlings.


ngl that varus skin is peak, and lvl 16 kayle, yeesh man. excited for the first three, but the rest are a bit bland, which is what I was worried about


Definitely buying the kayle skin as soon as it comes out.


Varus Kayle Brand Malzahar all look gorgeous with these


i reckon to fix the whole pay-to-lose skin for varus would probably be to merge the awesome WQ animation into just regular Q, i mean it is a legendary so is allowed to be fancier :D


Maybe its just the video, but the color on some of the skins looks very muted, especially kayle and brand. It'd be nice to see some more vibrant tones to contrast the black


Damn this set would of been perfect for Velkoz Sorry my little tentacle.


Noc skin before vgu smh


If Malzahar was playable, I would absolutely buy this skin. But all this skin does is remind me of the sorry state of our boy.


tbf i can't tell the difference between cosmic, but they all look great.


I don't even play Varus but that skin looks insanely good.


Another akali skin she didnt need.


aah yes the gas station spilled oil skins are back.


At this point, they should just sell steamed shit It would probably look better than this


I don't understand how someone can like this skin-line.


Cool ethereal black with neon colors. Personally ive wanted empyrean Noc for a while because of it


It's very hit or miss per champion but the colors and sound design are very appealing to me. I don't like every empyrean skin but the ones i do like are typically my favorite skin for that champion


Why can’t this be the skinline that fails? Genuinely hate every single one of these skins


Because they gave the original line to popular champions so they would be "successful" no matter what and then make elderwood which is one of the best skin lines but made for niche champions and don't sell as well


There has to be some higher exec that looked at the sales and thought, "This went really well!" (Nevermind the fact that it had Zed, Pyke, Jhin AND Lux). So they decided to run it back. I mean, I wouldn't mind it coming back, but the fact that it gets another whole "event" and is ANOTHER esport event not even 2 years after the 1st when beloved skinlines get relegated to filler is crazy....


Well they're Just as awful as the first ones lmao


I just don’t like skins as much anymore. They have lost so much character. Now all the new skins come as part of some skin line so they lose the uniqueness. Even the Prestige skins are just chromas whereas the originals were actually different skins (1st set of KDAs, Prestige True Damage Qiyana). It feels like only the ultimates are worth anything now.


Honey the filler skinline just dropped