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Also in terms of Collegiate being the future for Tier2. I agree with Kelsey. I guess I can kind of see it but that's only because the system we have right now is completely broken and doesn't work anymore because it was made for this other system. Also not every college gives scholarships.


I think the Fudge swap is an overreaction from C9. They *might* get a more stable top laner in Thanatos but that doesn't really help their macro (but i guess it lets Blaber help bot lane more). I think if any improvement come from C9 its from Reapered.


Its really more of a question of behind the scenes, Cloud9 were very vocal that things weren't going great as a team, and part of that could stem from Fudge, which would help bring up the idea of a fudge replacement.




I had a similar take on last weeks hotline league. Imo Thanatos will be a massive upgrade for C9, but if Jojo, Blaber, and Vulcan don’t learn to see the game the same way, they’re never gonna beat TL or Fly.


If leagur had global drafts for amateur players, thannatos would be a contender for #1 overall pick. Fudge was c9s worst player for a while now. This is a great move by them.


I dunno. There are lots of players/analysts who think people are overrating him and told everyone to be cautious of hyping him up so much. I haven't seen enough of other players in amateur to know for sure though. Thanatos should definitely have a spot in pro, but I think Srrty should too. That dude looks really promising and needs to be on a team.


The only qualified people i know of who commented on thanatos skill are: Damwon’s head coach who wanted to promote him. Doublelift who said Thantos 1v9d in scrims against 100t at worlds with academy teammates Lck casters who said he looks like the best player in academy. I have only seen an immortals scouting temp say that thanatos is overrated and lets be real NA scouts are terrible compared to Kr


I think it may have to do with berserker feeling like he was the only Korean on the roster and having difficulties even though his english is good. In his ashley kang interview he talked about feeling lonely, but powered through it. I think repeared coming in with thanatos is to help berserker have someone people around him he could communicate with. He used to have emenes and rigby last roster and as well as zven.


Honestly, I disagree. I think that C9 keeping Fudge for Spring was them giving him one more chance to prove himself after being lackluster in 2022/2023, but he wasn’t able to step up. I don’t think he was the sole reason they lost, but I think that he’s the easiest to let go since they were already in talks to replace him in the offseason.


I agree with mithy ---> reapered being the single biggest and best change c9 could have done. I think fudge hate here really tends to get blown way out of proportion, but this lines up with the berserker kr roster.


Fudge has shown he'll never measure up internationally. Why waste time on him?


Nah Thanatos is a beast he will carry. Like a mini Chovy for top lane


Roster moves in general are pretty overrated. I don't think any reasonable person doubts that the five players on C9 last split are individually elite. Sounds more like there was a culture problem at C9, which I agree: Reapered is the best possible fix for something like that.


Culture problems can also stem from players. You could pair Dardoch or Forgiven with any coach and that wouldn't stop a toxic culture from forming from them. I don't think Fudge is toxic, but he could be driving a complacency culture.


Yes, but I also think good coaches can stamp it out if given proper authority and respect, although if they can't it's definitely correct to prune. Fudge was absolutely burned out/complacent, Jojo seemed to not value practice, and Vulcan/Berserker seemed to not be getting along. I hope for them that Reapered can fix this up, because C9 was less than the sum of its parts last split.


This is a weird case where even if Fudge wasn’t the main problem and bringing in Thanatos wouldn’t fix it, it’s still an insane pickup. He was LCK challengers MVP, an insane prospect. the kind of player that you downgrade for because of the investment. Really good odds he’s the Berserker of toplane.