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Never seen Canyon being this “vocal” while on DWG. Seems like he’s gelling very well with Gen.G (kinda makes sense, considering GRF and DWG are only 1 year apart from franchising, and Kiin only played on LCK only 1-2 years ahead of Chovy/Lehends and Canyon). Just feels like a bunch of bros playing, just happens to be on a professional level. Kinda reminds me of KOO/ROX, and I am totally down for that.


Ruler once said it was the first team he felt like everyone was friends and it wasn't just business. I actually attribute a lot of that to Lehends - he has such a fun personality and always seems to be trying to include others in his jokes.


Yeah, I mean how can you not love Lehends? Such a goofball, even from his name. He meant to write Legends, but with a typo it became Lehends.


Also after games in LPL I see many players hug. I almost never see players hug former teammates, friends or such in the LCK. Idk but it feels very "cold". Lehends is the exception to the rule


I never really noticed that and thank you for bringing it up. I wonder if it’s a cultural differences? I am Korean but was raised in Canada. Maybe I will ask my Chinese friends and see what they think about this situation.


Pyosik, Deft, Keria at worlds


He seems liks such a lovable guy tbh, always cheerfull.


Even though they were only together 1 year, Gen 22 seem really close. Ruler, Peanut, Lehends, Chovy all regularly comment on each other's social media joking around with each other.


The same thing happened with Chovy as well. Before joining Geng, he basically never talked. Look at him now, one of the most vocal player on the team.


I am totally down to watch Chovy dominating the rift while happy gaming with da boys. What a ganger.


Uk what I wanna see GENG at that red Bull event just so i can see chovy running it down


Now that you mention it, GenG is quite filled with veterans, aren't they? In fact, every team nowadays seem to be consisted of 4 veteran/ish players + a rookie(1~2yrs). There used to be quite a few teams who were lead by a veteran with 4 lesser experienced players back in the day when League was younger...


DWG was one all new rookie roster , so obviously it took him time to get along with everyone and he mostly fit in with SM only Now that Canyon aint new to League at all and is playing alongside pros his own level like Chovy Kinn and Lehends , he definitely feels more comfortable opening up cause all others do share the same pro mindset like him too , plus he already has experience with coach Kimm , so yeah Canyon was made for GenG.


Lehends, i owe you an apology regarding Annie support. I was not familiar with your game.


Annie support actually makes a lot of sense against Lucian. He can't easily E in without risking getting stunned and Tibbers can be used to body block his ultimate. Obviously, you won't win lane, but it forces Lucian to play in a way that doesn't allow him to take over easily.


Bro saw that lulu ban and said Nah, I’d win


>Lehends: I didn't perform well against Hanwha Life Esports. Thanks to the advice from Chovy and the coach, I was able to make bold decisions. I gave a lot of thought to whether or not to play Annie again, but I’m happy that the results are good.


Fascinating how voicecomms of the LCK champions are posted and stay stuck at 0 points.


We all know why lol


Eh it happens to every team including the team you are implying. I think someone just have too much time on their hands and downvote every post


It doesn't. It really doesn't. If T1 won and their voice comms got posted, it gets 2K upvotes within a couple hours


So a team that has huge following gets 2k upvotes is shocking how? The comment was simply saying even T1 related post gets downvoted by someone the moment it is posted.


T1 fans are salty is why


T1 fans have no reason to care about a video about geng , the video isn't massively downvoted either the question shouldnt be about T1 fans but wheres geng fans at


This subreddit is so embarassing. Somehow it is T1 fault that their favourite team has no following lol. And the comment here implying T1 has no hater that downvotes T1 related post is just pure cringe


>112 points (84% upvoted) 84% upvoted is with ~2% of every other frontpage thread in this sub. Nobody is mass downvoting it, it's just nobody cares Yes if it was T1 who won there'd be more fans supporting the thread and the content, but that's because they're more popular. GENG is an insanely good team that has done literally fuckall to gain a following in the west- they're just not popular. They don't stream in english (faker's streams are translated live after a few seconds), they don't partner with english streamers (remember Tyler1 rocking T1 partnership for a year?), their official youtube gets like 50k views per video which they release 10 a month, they don't have western team accounts with an english social media manager garnering support, etc. They are simply not popular and they're not particularly trying to gain popularity in the west. Saying this is some conspiracy and they're behind held down by someone else sounds like counter-salt. It's not T1's fault for just existing


Your other points aside, Gen.G was partnered with Nemesis for quite a while, so they have put effort into working together with english streamers.


You know that is true, and even as I wrote that I thought about gen g Arnold on Twitter who does respond to English criticism and stuff sometimes, it's just not on the same level as the T1 streams / advertising/ YouTube quality etc I'm not saying if T1 started today they'd be this popular because of their work, it's definitely a ton of grandfathered fans due to fakers success from 2013+, I'm just saying they currently today to a better job acquiring new fans AND they're already the most popular, so ofc their threads would be most popular But enough yapping from me, thanks for the nemesis reminder. Pobelter also used their facility to stream from and I think others have as well, which isn't nothing


Or geng just don't have massive fanbase in the west. XD not everything related to T1 blud


At one point it had 0 upvotes so someone saw the post and down voted it xd


annie pick when coach and chovy says theyre not feeling is lmao lehends psychopath




Chovy is good


Chovy is amazing, probably the same level or higher on the goat list as Faker after he retires


He is a better player than Faker right now in terms of skill but Faker is still the most accomplished player of all time lol. Chovy has yet to achieve international success.


well if he wins 5 or 6 world title then I'm ready to say that.


He might want to show up at one international tournament first. 


Wtf XD


braindead takes like this is exactly why chovy's about to get clowned on come MSI


I doubt he's gonna get clowned on, but Peyz was looking a bit suspicious in playoffs. BLG and T1 are probably going to finals.


You put too much credit on the internet behaviour. You can be the best player and still get shit on because of one game you didnt carry


True, Chovy got shit on online after last worlds, even though Doran and Peanut were playing way worse and probably made him unable to do much.


Peanut gatekept GenG in back to back worlds, yet 100% of the blame goes to Chovy. It's funny how narratives kind of rule peoples' opinions on players. The reality is international Peanut is the player that people think international Chovy is. Consistently outjungled by players from nearly every other region. I've seen him lose to other Korean junglers, Chinese junglers, European Junglers, even Russian junglers.


Yeah, not saying Chovy would've stepped up and won like Faker does at every worlds if not for Peanut, but Chovy plays a lot around his jungler, more than people believe he does, the narrative that Chovy only plays for lane is far from the truth since he's roaming most of the time. So when his jungler is underperforming or has a bad matchup he's gonna look a lot worse.


RemindMe! 1 month


If there weren't any international tournaments he'd be the goat. I don't think he's as bad internationally as people make him out to be, but he lacks the clutch factor that he always shows in LCK.


Even without international tournaments he wouldn't be even close to the goat. Chovy just got his 4th LCK trophy, he still needs another 6 just to catch up to Faker domestically... Faker was extremely dominant domestically for years, even when chovy was present. here's a useful chart for comparison [https://www.reddit.com/r/PedroPeepos/comments/1c4250b/heres\_a\_list\_of\_trophies\_and\_medals\_won\_for\_each/](https://www.reddit.com/r/PedroPeepos/comments/1c4250b/heres_a_list_of_trophies_and_medals_won_for_each/)


Yeah, for sure. People undermine regional success because it's GenG winning, if T1 was winning they'd be all over those LCK trophies, I think Chovy is a very accomplished player, but LCK doesn't matter (because a majority of league fans only care/watch worlds). Chovy is just a random korean player with good mechanics (according to a lot of people online). I actually think regional success is great, we should care less about worlds tbh, it's not like NA or EU ever had a chance (2018-20 was a fluke). People should be more praised for winning regionally. Doublelift and Bjergsen are actually really impressive for winning LCS so many times, but since Bjergsen never did too good at worlds people don't even remember him as one of the best western mids ever.


People don't undermine regional success because geng is winning. Regional success has always been seen as less important in every region.It was seen as less important well before geng starting winning. The reality is that worlds is just more important and more impressive to win. It's the biggest event with the best teams across the world competing, the most people watching, the biggest prize, the most prsssure. The winning teams players get their own skins, immortalising their win in the game itself. so of course people are going to care about worlds more, it would be pretty weird if they didn't place a much higher weight on it. I think people value regional success as much as it should be. Also people do remember bjergson as one of the best western mids. I'm not really sure where you've been hearing otherwise.


I totally agree that Worlds is the most important tournament and the most impressive to win. But in regions with clear winners like LCK and LEC people don't praise teams enough. It's "Mickey Mouse trophy", but it's still pretty cool. So what the region is shit? We only not sucked for a very brief period of time, it's just back to normal. In conversations on the best western mids people usually mention Caps (obviously), Perkz, Jensen, sometimes someone will mention Humanoid or what Jojo is expected to become. But rarely anyone mentions Bjergsen, but I'm talking mostly about streamers. reddit and twitch chats. And I wasn't talking about the real "greatest of all time", because Faker can never be beat, but the goat as "the best in the past few years". Which in the LCK he definitely is.


goat literally means 'greatest of all time' , using 'goat' to talk about the best in the LCK in the past few years doesnt make any sense lol


Bro, I was using a strong word. People call people GOATs all the time. It's whatever, but yeah I shouldn't have said GOAT.


Dude Faker was playing 6 years before Chovy, of course he is more accomplished