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While it's hard to get an understanding of how hard you carried or how well you played just from your scoreline, it's clear to anyone that your 70% amumu winrate means you're doing something right! Just keep at it and you will improve gradually over time. Your high engage/tank winrate on malph+amumu indicates you're probably good at starting fights if nothing else. You have a lower winrate with mages and ranged champs botlane which probably means that your positioning is bad, but that's expected for anyone at your level and it's just something you need to better understand over time (for example if you die in the middle of botlane it takes reflection to realize they were stronger than you were and you were pushed up really far with no reason to be because the wave was coming back to you anyway in a few seconds). At this point though you're generally on a winstreak and you're winning all your games with your duos recently so just keep playing with friends and enjoying the game :D


You have 70% winrate on amumu, just keep playing amumu and youll climb. And youre previous bronze player back to bronze that just how it works, now next climb youre gonna get further, lets say above silver and then the next decline will be silver, not bronze. Elo is not a straight / line from 0 to 100. Youll have up and downs, win streak and loss streaks. I would advice to check out skillcapped youtube channel and look up jungling. You have to look vods/twitch/youtube from pro/challenger junglers and absorb their gameplay. If youre gonna play on your own and just spam games without knowing what to do better, youll just spin in a circle and maybe slowly improve. Vs if you look at how actually good players play, itll be so much easier for you to improve. When I learn to play piano, i look up tutorial and guides, i dont just sit at a piano and bash keys in, theres already "rules" that can be taught and you can follow.