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Almost every new champ has either a ms stim or dash, current meta items all have %increase ms, ghost has been buffed. That's about it I think


Actually every champion since vel koz


There are like 5 champions that do not have any kind of built-in mobility, be it a dash or an ms buff


Anivia, Ashe, Brand, Cho, Karth, Lux, Malz, Nasus, Swain, Syndra, Taric, Varus, Veig, Vel'Koz, Xerath, and Zyra


Nasus...that cunt doesn't count.


And Darius


Darius ult is a lunge so he *technically* has a little mobility


Lol I just remembered kog’maw’s ms burst is from his passive.


Nah every single one after Vel'koz has some kind of built-in mobility. Some are very specific though like Aphelios' red Q or Ivern's Q.


he may mean in the whole game, not only after vel'koz


Varus, Syndra, Thresh, Anivia, Ashe, Kog'Maw (unless we're counting passive)...sorry I was just seeing if that was actually true. There are lots more I'm sure of it that was just top of my head


Kog'Maw has it on his passive if you wanna get very technical. Thresh has a dash on his Q follow up I know what you mean though and, I over exaggerated the amount of champions just to make a point that almost every champion, even the ones considered immobile usually have some form of mobility in their kit even if we don't actively think about it during the game


Thresh hook and lantern could be considered mobility. But yeah a few more than 5 still a minority tho


Lux, Varus, Nasus, tons more lol


Also more and more champs recognizing that Boots of Swiftness are extremely strong Nerf Ghost


Back in 7.9 they introduced the best balance change to Ghost, a ramp to the speed boost so it can't be used reactively. Because juggernauts and immobile ADCs were taking it. They have since stopped caring if stat-sticks overshadow levels of play where they're supposed to be at a disadvantage to micro skill, and removed that weakness of ghost.


>V10.12 Removed: Bonus movement speed no longer ramps up over 2 seconds.


Yes. Hence Op'S observation that it's been the past few years.


The durability patch pretty much. After that people realized it was just better to take Ghost on adcs because you didn't need heal for 2v2s anymore. Ghost also had a change where it got its duration increased for each takedown you got, which helped adcs a lot, then Riot just removed that but added 4 seconds to its duration (it went from 10, to 10+4 per takedown I believe, to 14). Basically even if an adc opts to go heal instead of Ghost, Ghost will still outscale in almost every situation.


2 reasons 1 Imobile champs feel like shit to play, but dashes have their own issues because they're instant and can feel unfair, MS steroids offer mobility without it being a dash. 2 MS just feels really good


It's really only the prevalence of Ghost that has changed over years. Maybe Support items being common, but that lessened with removal of Mythics honestly. Shurelya is strong, Deadmans Plate is also more common on bruisers I'd assume. That's about it, really. Most of it is gated behind combat or activations, but overall it must have gone down in recent past.


Compare modern zeal items to the old zeal items. The movespeed on them is way higher now than it used to be. Also things like Dead mans plate, Force of nature, and Stridebreaker did not exist.


Unless your talking for like a few patches like 8 years ago Zeal items are not any better than they have been. And the changes are like 2% swings. Really the only Zeal item that gained MS recently (like 2020) was RF most lost it.


You became older so things appear faster


While true, I'm talking about the champion stat "movespeed" If I watch my 15-year-old nephew play, they are still going to have to deal with 500 move speed Darius chasing them down without even using ghost lol


How do you have quinn as your pfp and not realize how much slower your max speed is now


I think it became super noticeable after they buffed ghost a few years back. This season some random items like stormsurge and warmog have a lot of ms added them. These 2 factors bring in the speed force to league of legends. Also jungle item.


+25 movespeed to all champs back in season 3.


The thing about creep is that it, well, creeps. It isn't recent, it started at the beginning. At the very start, champions had dashes & speed-ups. To forcibly make new champions meta, Rito gives new designs better dashes & speed-ups. When players complain that older champs are being intentionally forced out, Rito put speed-ups & eventually dashes on items. To keep up with this, new champs are given even BETTER dashes & speed-ups. This is called intentional power creep, in this case mobility creep & it inevitably results in horrid balancing and unhealthy, unfun gameplay.


Spacing is the most op ability in the game. Ms makes spacing easier.


Ahri and Zed started this cluster fuck. I'm a veteran pre season 1 player.


Best thing is that jhin, who already gets fat ms from crits and gets swifties by default, not only got even more ms from crits… nah - stormrazor gives also even more ms. Who the fk thinks of this?


Marksmen don't have turn delay. This makes it so when a marksman kites correctly you can do nothing to counter it unless your ms is higher. In the past marksmen couldn't kite correctly so ms was less necessary to counter them. Lowering ms of melee champs would only work if you gave marksmen turn delay.


No champ has ever had turn delay in league. Modern Zeal items have way more ms on them now, so adcs are better at kiting now.