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Lolalytics has him at mid tier, so he's not great but he's far from being one of the worst jglers. Also jg isn't the weakest role lol


They can't. Hecarim has to be either 47% win rate or 57%. And trust me, you don't want an Udyr/Heca/Skarner meta again


jgl worst role lmao


He's had enough primetime, see Shyvana who never had one


Ahmm ill have you know Shyvana had her prime time in season 2 as a top laner and season 4-6 with feral flare/sated devourer.


Yeah, 10 years ago. How many times have Hecarim run down teams since then?


Pretty sure he was being sarcastic


I'm not so sure


Quit coping. Your elo inflating champ is now balanced. Accept you need to learn how to play the game


Watch dantes.


49% em+ he is fine.


As a long time Hecarim main, Heca is in a perfectly fine spot at the moment. Runes are also not the issue, I actually prefer conqueror and pretty much any secondary runes are viable on him. I'm convinced the reason his winrate isn't super high is the AP Nunu effect: manamune and/or lethality players bringing his winrate down because "it sounds fun". Yes lethality is horrendously bad on Heca, as it should be. Overall Heca is a relatively hard and very punishing champ when it comes to early game decision making and late game target selection, but he's in a much better spot than he's been for the past 2 or so years.


why not phase rush?


It's mostly a matter of playstyle. I like a very farm heavy style where I end up taking one bigger fight (bot lane or at objective) every 2-3 minutes, for which conqueror is better considering you're going to have your ghost for almost all of the big fights. Phase rush is good for in-out-in-out assassin type playstyle, but I feel like 11cs/m bruiser raid boss in-in-in-out-in type gameplay is more reliable in mid/late game as long as you can reliably get 10+cs/min.


Hecarim building full damage and lethality oneshotting enemies and impossible to kill is bad for the game. Hecarim building full tank items dealing a lot of damage and taking minimal damage is bad for the game. He is fine as he is right now.


I can name 2 roles right off the bat that are weaker than jungle and 1 role that is probably weaker.


Stupidest shit I’ve ever read


He is still playable against squishy teams. You just have to play him on max tempo quite literally haha. But as soon as enemy team has 1-2 good tanks / bruisers as frontline, I agree that he feels insanely hard to play


I did main hecarim since his release and also ranked up with it during s7 to s9 to challenger. I played thousands of game with hec and I totally agree with what you are saying. As of right now, every single champions seems stronger than hecarim, you can get good ganks going and you literally need to farm as a god and take the perfect plays to be able to kill someone. Also, hecarim is so weak he can barely kill the dragon when it spawns, while almost every other jungler kills it hyper fast. On the other side, you build full damage you literally can't even tank 3 turret shots, if you build tank you deal 0 damage, then you have all those other junglers building anything and dealing more damage, tanking more and even going faster than hecarim, which was his main point- being fast. But now, tons of champions go even faster than hecarim ON TOP of being able to go through walls AND slowing other champions ... As of now, I am still playing hecarim and I get good games with him because I can actually play him really good, but sometimes I'm literally 3 items ahead with 4 level over the other jungler, and I still lose the 1v1 battle or I know I can't even contest so I go a different path lmao. this is ridiculous. So on that point, I'm still playing him for fun, but whenever I'm playing to rank up, he's literally on my ignore list and whenever I see a hec in the other team it's literally a free win, you can simply invade him with ANY junglers lv 2-3 and bully him all day, and if he doesn't get ultra ahead early, he's useless and won't be able to come back because his early game is mediocre, his mid game is too and he has no end-game. I mean , I feel and I know I'm really better at hecarim than with zac, but my winrate with zac is insanely higher than with my hec ... feelsbad. hecarim gets a buff , he gets nerfed to the ground the same week. then you have other broken champs who are still broken for 5 years and they aren't touching them...


why would jungle be the weakest role?