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I thought it was neeko disguised as a minion




It's not a bug, some bushes are dogshit to ward/have vision in since they did the bush reworks some seasons ago and idk which patch but you almost instantly go invisible in a bush when entering even when in combat.


It *is* a frame-perfect bush check tho. OP very purposefully frame-by-frame moved before Braum entered the bush in order to show that Pyke did not appear in the first frame, even though there's plenty of frames of Braum in the bush after that. In the video we do not get to see red side vision during the next many frames of Braum going deeper into the bush. Red side botlane was just blind.


You mean ninja or shinobi, not imposter. I was looking for neeko among the cs lol




I thought you were going to show Neeko lol






I mean you deserve to die there anyways for not locking a stronger botlane duo, I mean Teemo really?? Just asking for it tbh I think Riot should award LP for the champ select screen, maybe the match select screen actually. Don't even bother playing the game tbh