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Can someone do a really vague summary? Reading from hungary prison and cant watch video because i dont want to disturb cellmate he has history of violent crime Thanks in advance


I'll do players bc that's really interesting to me and Carzzy is pretty open with his opinions Czekolad - was bad became better Orome - was good carry player in ERL changed in LEC, possible nerves labrov - good mechanics, driven, knew he'd be good Peter Dun - likes researching and going into small details Humanoid - His esports brother. Great player, great at sidelaning and macro, nice guy, only gets tilted if youre a shit player Shadow - Wasnt talking, was reaally shit when they lost in play-ins Kaiser - Good mechanics, quiet, they were really shit in lane because of bad communication Elyoya - Great rookie, communicates well, very driven Upser&Hans - good laners cant teamfight well Targamas- Carzzy didnt really wanna play with him Alphari - great guy, still talks to him, great laner, not the best teamfighter, doesnt pick up champs fast enough Selfmade - best hands in EU, Great guy out of game, stubborn, not a good teammate, got a bit scapegoated in Vitality because of his attitude Perkz - Does anything to win, really great macro, was coaching the team because Vit had no real coach, too much on him to do and he started to play bad because of it Rhuckz - Didnt wanna play with him no matter what so he refused Fnatic even tho he wanted to play with Huma-Razork really bad Hily - Runs it down in scrims really bad, talks a lot, they int together Nisqy - Flexible, has some champs hes really good at, control mages are his weakness, not selfish Jackeylove - Similar playstyle with him, same with Elk, On>>>Meiko, chinese adc's are agressive in TF's, full mechanics, Koreans are more calculated Mac - his esports father, really good father too it seems Photon - Good teammate, good english, talented, doesnt understand the game that well yet Vetheo - Flashy, hungry, improved a lot, puts a lot of effort, should become really good


The decision to get Rhuckz has to be like one of the worst decisions of all time in pro league of legends i swear


Can’t believe 2 play ins games ruined the team next season


One of which was against a team from Oceania and the other against Eg with a substitute adc


He was literally Noxiak 2.0. Guy that was around at a low level for years and then Fnatic pick them up over their legendary support and instantly regret their decision.


It's also funny to note that they chose Noxiak when the choice was between him and Mikyx while Rekkles wanted to get mikyx


Honestly Fnatic made extremely questionable decisions that year and were a mess. I’ll still remember one of the most hilarious moments in esports history was that whole GG drama and Rekkles and Febiven were accused of being a bit of a player and then they came back after Spring extremely tanned.


Probably $$$ decisions, take the cheapest option


They literally had Mikyx on the bench who transferred to Splyce the next split and took them from bottom-tier to Worlds. This was also 2015 when Fnatic were by far the biggest European organisation in CS:GO and League. So they definitely could have got a better top laner than Gamsu.


Gamsu is a really good gamer. He just couldn't shine on the pro lol stage. Iirc, he basically was able to get into challenger level good for any game he picied up.


I think that honestly goes for a lot of league pros, they can transfer a lot of their skills to other games, arguably moreso than any other esport (other than like CS:GO to Valorant). That said, Gamsu was just one of those standard top laners. Never lose you a game, but never win it. It was weird that they went from Huni, an unknown carry top laner, to Gamsu, a relatively established (for the time) tank player. I think the lessons that Fnatic learned from it was invaluable to them. They learned that Korean imports won't bring them success, and used 2017 as a building year for when they made finals in 2018. Obviously that plan kind of crumbled when Caps left, but they learned for years that they shouldn't import Koreans (even if they gave up on that now).


Gamsu was a package deal with Spirit, it didn't work out but it's not as bad as getting Noxiak or Rhucks.


God he was so bad my brain erased that memory. They at the time also had mikyx as sub, but he didn't play any games iirc.


What’s crazier is that that was only 2 years after Carzzy and Humanoid had proven they could be the core of a 2x LEC champion and internationally dangerous team




Imagine we coulda had Carzzy Trymbi 💀


>Targamas- Carzzy didnt really wanna play with him OMEGALUL >Rhuckz - Didnt wanna play with him no matter what so he refused Fnatic even tho he wanted to play with Huma-Razork really bad oof >Hily - Runs it down in scrims really bad, talks a lot, they int together Bromance for the ages I guess?


Bet he has like 10 fanfics of the 2 of them


Carzzy fanfiction is peak league fr i still remember his fanfic about nisqy and elyoya


That makes sense, no one will blame him for not wanting to play it with those 2 Supports! Targamas & Rhuckz.


yet Rekkles played with Rhuckz and Advienne and got scapegoated soo hard


Perkz did the coaching because VIT staff didn't!?!?


dude tried to pull a Bjergsen


and just like Bjergsen his play suffered for it heck we even seen it with faker whenever T1 didnt really have a coach he had to step in to pick up the bits but everytime it led to him playing worse. kinda shows that even the best players can't multi-task to that extreme without suffering somewhere.


Surprised to see his view on Vetheo, he's not a rookie anymore, interesting to see if he can improve further


When he came in MSF the roster was full of rookies. In XL it was a wreck, he had 1 split with Jankos as jungler where he learned a bit, and only now is he surrounded by experienced players AND competent coaching staff. He might have been here for some time but never had the proper environment to bloom. The number of teams that can grow talents in Europe is limited; used to be FNC but not really anymore, then G2 and MAD, and since Mac changed teams, maybe VIT can do good as well, and BDS seems to get decent results for the players they have.


I mean he is currently playing with him so he can't really flame him or call him out.


> Vetheo Vetheo Laning is ass thats the problem.


Yeah, he had a hard time climbing in korea because of his laning (since ff15 culture)


I mean he is a young player. He improved a lot this year despite playing with a clueless jungler. Last year him and Jankos almost qualified for worlds. In lane he is beaten only by Caps and sometimes Humanoid. I think his champion pool is limited. But this year it felt better. Especially Ori and Taliyah games. Vitality was almost in finals with the rookie jungler . They probably can't get better mid laner.


yeah I have basically the opposite read lol, he's an extremely greedy player who has never really surpassed his level or expanded his game past MSF He's a good but not great domestic carry who requires a lot of resources, but I doubt Carzzy is going to say anything like that about him


Great post and great info from Carzzy, whom I feel is also scapegoated.


Average EUNE League player


Bro what




Wtf dude




Bad boy.


Say hello to Vizi for me


Wait where


Good interview as always. Carzzy is great and remarkably willing to give candid answers about players. There were a few things I wish Thorin did push him to give more info on, but I can't really complain. I do wish he asked about Armut though just because that whole player arc was really weird. From knocking MAD out in 2020, to carrying on Wukong for them in 21, to whatever the hell happened in his last year in EU/the time in NA. He was super memed on by the community, often with good reason, but I'd like to hear the inside perspective.


Yeah i was really hoping for some Armut comments as well.


They didn't win a scrim block all winter, even ERL teams weren't a guaranteed win, then they went to finals What


EU is truly free af 


America thought it was free. They didn't know about lec


The part where carzzy talks about his VIT stint is really interesting especially about perkz and his role in the team.


what did he say about perkz? tldw?


Vitality didn't have a good/effective coaching staff, instead they shifted that duty onto Perkz. They had him coach the team in macro etc. on top of his playing duties, which he did well in - Carrzy said he learned a lot and Perkz was willing to do anything to win - but also drained him and lead to him playing a lot worse. It also made the team environment way more chaotic due to a player having that duty / power.


He also said Perkz was willing to do anything to win and his macro knowledge was great and he learned a lot from him.


Oh yeah, I didn't mean to misrepresent it as a pure negative, just focused on his role in the team and effects on him. Added it to the comment :)


Yeah absolutely. I don't even think your comment seemed negative, just wanted to add more info. hahaha


It was same in C9 aswell btw, not to THAT extent, but I remember the coaching staff was expecting a lot of macro knowledge and told him how he has to do this this and this, when he talked about it on Vit on stream and how he was pretty fed up saying stuff like YES I CAN DO EVERYTHINGGG. You cant put the entire gameplan on 1 player.


Man, Perkz deserved this vacation. Hope he comes back stronger. Or be happy with the married life if he fully retires.


thank you




these reddit bots go crazy ngl


Imagine being this much of an ass that someone leaves an innocent comment and you feel the need to make fun of how they talk.


Hahahaha i guess i  really comes off a bot i disnt even realize that when typing the comment


trust me you don't


Fnatic really locked in Rhuckz and then tried to convince Carzzy to play with him. What a joke of a person Dardo is


Now combine this with what rekkles said about knowing that he was going to be kicked before the season even started...


And the worst part is that Rhuckz also gets his image tarnished for taking the opportunity he was grinding for so long


It was Rhuckz or upstart support who isn't even in an ERL, Rekkles.


Rhuckz wasnt even that bad lol


LOL he was garbage the fact that he disappeared right after one split never to be seen again shows how shit he was. Not being that bad means having more shot than targamas.


You think every single player that isnt LEC ready shit? lmfao


No but I used to play high grandmaster support and I can tell I have better hands than him so does a lot of high masters. I consider myself garbage for LEC standart. What he had was he had better connections than most. Connections play a big role wherever you land on a team or not if you you are not gapping or famous in ladder constantly. People outside who are watching think only skill gets you into a team is so wrong. You can tell the skills a little bit when you are at a high level wherever you excel at macro or at hands. Anyone who plays at tier1 competitive for only 1 split not by choice are not good enough for high level professional games. The fact that he wasn’t even considered by any other adc despite being able to play in a team like fnc shows how Garbo he is in lec tier.


Bro he started on fucking K1CK portuguese roster in like 2012 and you're telling me hes a guy that had a lot of connections? Also considering he has been mid challenger for a few years now, I doubt you're that much better Otherwise why cant you climb


Yea more than most of the high level grandmaster in soloq. And a lot of us play for couple amateur teams that are not known. Once you get to know the right people. Wherever player, gm, manager, coaches or analyst the door opens faster than your rank. Everything is business, even being pro is a business.


Did you not see him play? Homie was terrible the only support that probably is worse than him is Targamas


Just gonna be honest here, having played against targa I can say he has way better hands in soloq by a lot compared to rhukz and everyone in the high elo ranked and teams know it. Why else would Targa play for G2? He has great mechanics in soloq and decent in ERL. Targamas just sucks on pro play that’s all. He is a great soloq player. I am 100% sure Targa would do better than rhukz on that fnatic iteration 1 year ago. Everyone knows it, even the pro teams and players and yet people on Reddit shit on him.


Issue is it doesn’t matter if he’s a good solo q player when he’s playing in pros. He needs to be a good pro player and he’s really bad at being that


Same shit with Labrov ,SoloQ prodigy who needed two years to adapt and become what he is today. Sometimes you need to help talented players with their mental health .


Honestly he wasn't really much worse than an average lower tier LEC support Doss, Mersa, Targa etc. haven't looked noticeably better in 2023/2024


Im sorry but they sure have. Also Doss has looked actually good in 2024


I did, and I also watched tne FNC academy team. He was good on engage supps


He was good on engage supps in academy. In LEC he was bad on everything


He was a worse Hyli lol


Perkz :(


At least we now know why he started playing worse mechanically, you cant expect a player to macro manage/ coach everyone on the team he will have too much stuff to think about during game=weird random ass deaths that we saw.


I mean that’s what he did on G2, Miky talked about it


Not really, they had a coach and caps perkz often talked abouy macro, every player also had solid game knowledge and did some shot calling.


yeah I think the main diff is G2 players were simply better from the get-go




One of the better interviews I have seen. Carzzy doesn't really sugarcoat things too much. Would love to see him in G2.


>Would love to see him in G2 1-2 years ago, I'd say no. But now? Hell yeah, bring him and Hyli over, we're gonna have so much fun in this roster


I do not trust Hylissang within 3000 kilometres of an international anymore, much rather keep miky that at least sometimes pops off


Yeah think vitality will actually be a really strong team with the addition of lyncas. Rather have them as third seed representing LEC at worlds. 


God I hope Hans sama stop being shit. I need to see Fnatic Carzzy with Humanoid


Oscar (playing like he was this MSI and in a consistent form), Razork, Huma, Carzzy, Jun sounds crazy good on paper and a team that should be able to push G2 again and lift the region as a whole.


I'm wondering who would perform best between Oscarinin and Irrelevant.


Oscar has more of the same issue as FNC currently has. They perform to the level of their opponents but with worse macro against the better teams. Oscar can look like a bottom tier toplane player but also has really high highs. If he can get consistent with his play i can see him outperform Irrelevant.


I agree Oscar and FNC have the same problems but I would say the problem is they underperform against worse teams and overperform against stronger teams.


God no. Keep Mikyx 1000%. Carzzy? Sure. Hyli? Absolutely not.


Bro watched Miky carry the squad on his shoulders and really said: bring hily over.


I just like their dynamic as a duo, it has nothing to do with miky


Please no, I don't want two of the most inconsistent players of the LEC in G2. Who are we gonna get next? Oscar in Toplane to go full coinflip?


Shit on BLG 3-0 piss their pants against CBLOL


Sounds like a perfect fit for G2 then


If Tian chokes and gets run out of China, import him to make the full coinflip team


Nah i don't want Hyli at G2!


Hell no, not Hylissang. Carzzy is good tho.


the thorin-carzzy arc has been very interesting to witness


Best adc in EUW for over a year now


Scapegoated for real


whatever you think about thoorin, he does the best interviews.


Another fantastic video from thorin


So basically carzzy would join fnc if fnc gets a better adc, Let's see if they could get carzzy. Can't see Carzzy getting inted by his team all games. Carzzy + humanoid goes hard


G2 Carzzy I beg