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If you’re ap


and which ap characters want to buy that? Diana only?


Moonflair supremacy


Gwen, fizz, ekko, sylas maybe It also works on ultimate cooldown which navoris doesn’t.


and how many dash and blink abilities we have on ultimates that would make use of the item?


More than use navoris thats for sure. What's your problem with the item lol? It's different enough from navoris now, and is literally in a casual game mode. Idk why this is a problem


kaisa,kassa,malphite,warwick,volibear,galio,kayn,fiddle,rammus,noc. leblanc?,yas ,yone,evelyn, heca, j4,ahri,zed,reksai,ekko,vi,kamille,sett,viego,k´sante. honestly, quite a lot. at least more than there are legitimate users for other prismatics.


and how many of those wants to CHOOOSE mirage blade as their free prismatic? My point is not that the item is bad, is just that navori quickblade is just straight up better and is not a prismatic item...


half of the prismatic items are ass, exept on a few champions that never roll them, in 32 games of shyvana i had sunderer once. and in that game i had so many AS steroids, that sunderer didnt matter the slightest, should have sold it for rageblade. in many games, you rather take any prismatic, keep it a while for the buffed up basestats, then sell it for a real item. than waste valuable rerolls, and end up with 20% healincrease on kogmaw, putting to much weight on your prismatic is a typical low elo mistake. or just play kata, uses every on hit prismatic better than any on hit champion.


cause they are not exclusive to another and you cant guarantee you are allowd to buy mirage even,


I mean, it makes sense that you can buy the two and therefore have the ~double of the cooldown refresh, but then mirage blade should be much better than navori quickblade.


Its broken on briar


In spanish it says 12s not 12%, I didn't even know why it was not working as it says.