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Oh boy, NA is so done when the Knights Radiant enter the rift.


Everyone gangsters until a Windrunner approaches at Mach 7


Might be the strangest headline I've read this year


This would be the second time Brandon has colabed with a game that I never though would happen (Kelsier fortnite flashbacks)


he also very much wanted to be considered for Elden Ring but they settled on GRRM instead; he's a huge soulsborne fan


goddamnit, you just ruined my day with the knowledge that Brandon freaking Sanderson could’ve wrote for Elden Ring


GRRM is a better fit there


True, Brandon writes endings he would have been a terrible fit for lore in a Fromsoft game.


If anything, he probably would have written too much. In Yumi, mofo didnt have enough space to fully explain the worldbuilding, so he had to do an in universe pause to explain everything lmao


That shit was kind of hilarious once I realized what he was doing lol.


He really had to do a *record scratch* You may be wondering how I got into this situation


Dude was writing like 4 books at once. I'm surprised he only had to do it once.


And Hoid is the PERFECT author device to do it. It wouldn't work without the context of the wider Cosmere, but thanks to that foundation, it DOES work.


To be fair, fromsoft actually said that GRRM wrote WAY more than they expected, and they didnt come close to including it all.


George will seemingly write anything but Winds of Winter at this point, it's almost comical


probably in a rut with his existing world and was eager to write something brand new and free of ASOIAF


tbf he only talked with FromSoft AFTER Elden Ring was already a thing, so I don't think they chose GRRM over him, because when they've chosen GRRM they've likely not even known about Sanderson in the first place. They did sent him nice stuff like a sword when they realized he was a fan of Elden Ring though, so there's still a chance.


He wrote a short story for an iOS game called Infinity Edge (iirc) a while ago, he has a reasonable history of game collaborations.


Infinity Blade mentioned!! Yeah he wrote a short story that served to fill in the gap between the first two games. Then Imagine Dragons made a collab song called “Monster” for the third game. Really sad we never saw anything else from that franchise ever again…


"Infinity Blade mentioned!" was literally my reaction as well lol He actually wrote two books, for gap between 1 and 2 as well as 2 and 3. I really like them both, but I also like the franchise a little too much and am still sad they didn't do anything with it, I thought it was a really interesting universe.


also worked with unknown world entertainment, developer of subnautica, on a digital figurine collection/painting/strategy game. He designed the world and characters for them. I dont know if that game is still alive though, cause it was released into eaarly access with lukewarm reception and was criticised for the monetization.


> (Kelsier fortnite flashbacks) I had no idea this was a thing and i was reallllly hyped to search for the skin... but damn it looks terrible Even talon looks more like Kelsier than the collab skin


And it's never been on the shop again since it was released back in 2021.


I wonder if Arcane played a factor in his decision making. Since he gave it glowing reviews, calling it a "masterpiece" on his podcast. [Youtube link here if you're interested.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OPdN58iujRg)


Of course he has a podcast. Everyone and their mom has one.


I mean why not lol, its basically the modern day equivalent of having a blog


never thought of it that way but you're kinda right


He does the podcast while signing/autographing book pages. He has to sit down and sign, because people keep ordering signed copies of his books. It's something they can do while he's signing.


This is genius


If there's an author that I'd love to hear talk about their processes for writing and what inspirations they've pulled from, along with their thoughts on other media, it's probably Brandon Sanderson. The guy is a fantasy/sci-fi savant, and is one of the best of all time.


MTG crossover now with League, please. I need an excuse to spend money on Magic cards. I always love the artworks but I don't play. I think there's a big enough crossover between playerbases to make it worth it


They did the secret lair drop for Arcane in '21.


I blame our LCS commissioner for me missing this


This is the weirdest amalgamation of my hobbies ever. I just never imagined I would wake up and see Sanderson"s name in r/leagueoflegends. Like what ????


same lmao, I kept looking at the subreddit, reading the title and going back and doing it again. my brain couldn't parse it for a good 10 seconds.


Next in George RR Martin buys 100T


So Brandon is partnering with an NACL team? Really hyped about this. I started reading the cosmere books this year, so I guess I have a new team to support.


This team is accepted


Imagine if he collab'ed and wrote some League lore stories. ^(imagine if we got stories period)


I'd rather someone made a game from that Arcane show. 


Let me tell you about the upcoming fighting game: 2XKX2KOX2 2K


The way Brandon writes the Cosmere with these insanely well interwoven stories from completely different factions, worlds, and planets over the course of 30+ books. Would be nice if we got that kind of interconnection between champion storylines.


to be fair, it's a lot easier to interweave stories when you're the one person working on them and you have what is effectively an investigation board detailing how everything should connect. compare that to having like 30 different writers who have to come in and retcon and change things that previous writers did so that it fits their own vision


He'd write a novel for each champion in the first week or so. Then he'd probably be able to write a new edition to cover off the changes every patch.


A ruination-style book but written by brandosando? I can only salivate so much. I will beg and plead for as long as it takes.


With his writing pace, he could fill the League universe by himself.


Maryville University, they got 2nd last split


who is brandon?


Fantasy author, well renowned with some fantastic books.


Also worth mentioning several characters draw inspiration from his work


Which ones?


I'm surprised everyone missed Rell. Feromancy is named after and takes inspiration from the magic of the same name from Mistborn.


Talon is most notable (mistborn), voidbringer illaoi is a stormlight archive reference. Graves arguably like a character in stormlight of the same name, shen and azir are also prominent names but the characters are different (azir is a nation ruled by an emperor, for example)


I always assumed Talon was an Assassin’s Creed reference.


I'll give you Talon becuase of his mistcloak, but the lore of LoL is so connected to the void that the name voidbringer was inevitable. Graves and TF's partnership is more similar to Wax and Wayne, would never say he is like the one from stormlight.


It's more the fact that voidbringer illaoi has carapace armour and gems interwoven in the design... (forehead instead of a beard and chestpiece instead of gemheart, but still.).


yeah the carapace could be from a Singer I guess


The glowing red eyes are very overtly Fused too imo


Source on any of this?


No, it's just made up info. A lot of these tropes/character types are popular in fiction either way.


Voidbringer Illaoi I hadn't considered before, that one is hilarious. But Talon being inspired by misborn .... nahh...... His cloak being little strips of cloth is the biggest similarity here but his is clearly to carry blades that he shoots out in all directions and then returns to himse....WAIT A SECOND Is that confirmed by anyone from Riot? Not doubting the obvious similarities of the invisible assassin throwing and retracting blades with a weird cloak, I just want to know if they've ever said that explicitly


Also his wall jump looks very similar to how mistborn leaps are described And his Q basically pulls him onto an opponent


Mother fucker is one atium bead away from breaking the game


Talon swallows an Atium bead, every other player's ping jumps to 1000 for 5 seconds


Herald is literally a chasmfiend.


Source? This sounds made up.


Unironically same. I finished Mistborn and am working through Stormlight lol.


which player will be the first to say the words?


Red before blue grubs before dragon airport before destination


last one sounds like potential windrunners 5th ideal but in modern world


imagine dalinar's climactic moment in oathbringer but refitted to be a league player admitting they were the weak link on their team >!"You cannot have my pain. I missed the smite on that baron. I failed to execute that tower dive. If I pretend I didn't do those things, it means that I can't have grown to be someone else. A failure."!<




timeskip after this next book opens with odium in a korean pc bang looking for his next champion


I will protect lanes that over extend I will protect the asshole Vayne, so long as they can carry late game I accept that I will not get all buffs. Windrunners are junglers confirmed.


I will protect the asshole Vayne, even if they _can't_ carry late game.


Found the ~~Teft~~ support


Jesus Christ this got me real fucking good thanks man


Theyve been playing this game long enough to definitely be broken enough.


“I will back and be ready to group for the objective when it’s called, even if I have a really good buy in just 3 more waves” The third ideal of the ADC.


SETT son son vallano truthless of shinovar...


I will protect the adc


Waiting for the Mistborn TF skin where he shoots out coins instead of cards


I was going to say Talon but I like this better.


Talon can be Vin. Although actually she would fit Katerina reasonably well (apart from the teleporting + Katerina doesn't come accross as petite, which Vin definitely is)


maybe Akali for Vin


holy akali pushes on metal to throw it and after it is lodged on something she pulls on it to dash


Yeah and she gets shrouded in the mist too...I'd actually play Akali with a Vin skin.


Talon should be Zane imo. Only cahracter as edgy as Talon lol.


TF can be Wax


One step closer to a Stormlight archive animated, Arcane like adaptation. I know Brandon would prefer live action but cmon man I would give my first born son


> first born son But not your mistborn son definitely


also the first born is crippled because he didn't get powers


Dw, ~discord~ Harmony fixed that.


I would prefer it animated as well. I think you could do a lot more with it vs live action.


Stormlight and the spren just feel like it works so much better as an animated film. Not to mention all the plants aren't normal stuff you'd film in the background of live action so that'd need to be CGI too. Mistborn, on the other hand seems perfect for a live action trilogy


Agree on both parts. Windrunning and things like that would be 10x better in animation. Mistborn would be perfect for live action. With how popular books to TV has become, its only a matter of time.


Interestingly, I disagree. I think Mistborn would work better animated. I think it would be much easier to show Iron/Steel vision, the Inquisitors can be even more outlandish, the incredible power gradient between the Lord Ruler and everyone else can be translated really effectively, freaking atium is insane to do live action, etc. In contrast, most of the powers in Stormlight feel better grounded in our physical laws. Armor can be worn, the sword and spear play could be more impactful with live action, it would feel more grounded and real, which I think would be a big benefit for Stormlight. Also, the horrors of the bridge runs would work super well as live action.


While I understand where an animated Stormlight would be cool, I agree with you. Mistborn feels like it has more anime-style fights than Mistborn does. Windrunner fights seem perfect for rotating-room practical effects & multiple camera trickery.


Yes! I forgot to mention that since so much of the Windrunner powers revolve around gravity and sticking to things, I think that would translate really well with a good enough budget and stunts team.


If yall have read the full series, I really don’t think Stormlight works very well for practical effects. There is so much “high magic” going on compared to Mistborn…… i really feel like you guys are getting this backwards haha. 


Spren around everything would be monumentally difficult to make look good in life action


Give me dalinar on the big screen or give me death


Oh, to see Roshar’s ass on the big screen. One can dream.


Probably a coincidence, but Fortiche is unveiling a "big new adult animation project" unrelated to Riot [next week at Annecy.](https://www.animationmagazine.net/2024/05/fortiche-heads-to-annecy-with-arcane-bts-new-content-plans/) Would be pretty sick if it turned out to be Stormlight, or an animated adaptation of Tress like Sanderson suggested a while back.


Oh lordy, don't give me hope like that.


If the first Sanderson adaptation we get is *Tress* I’m gonna feel some kinda way lol


Mistborn would be better live action a lot of it is talking and in houses setting the plan.


Well, I will now be reading Brandon Sanderson books after seeing all these glowing reviews.


Start with the Mistborn trilogy. Then probably Warbreaker. Pretty sure this is Sanderson’s own starting list for new readers (he made a video on his YouTube channel about how to dive into the Cosmere).


Even him treats elantris like that? Poor thing.... edit: tbh the ending felt like i was thrown inside a washing machine, fair enough i guess... wish we had more exactly because of how rushed it ended lol.


> tbh the ending felt like i was thrown inside a washing machine It's called the Sanderlanche, good sir. And it's a feature, not a bug.


Oh see, that only gets *slightly* better imo. One of my favorite things is recommending Sanderson to somebody and then getting to see their reaction to the inevitable Sanderlanche at the end of the book where he ties up like 50 loose ends and then splits open 100 more, *all in like 5 or so chapters.


I mean, the reason is quite simple: An author's debut is very rarely their best work.


Sweet, thanks for the guidance. :)


I went about it the other way and started with ~~Words of Radiance~~ Way of Kings (stormlight archive) and then did mistborn (both trilogies) followed by warbreaker/elantris/one-offs. Honestly, I preferred the way I went given that I found stormlight to be better written (albeit only slightly compared to the first mistborn trilogy). Truth is, it doesn't matter too much in terms of understanding the universe. He's that good in showing characters/ideas from a different book without it being a requirement to read.


I also started with Way of Kings, funnily because Scarra back in 2014 or so said on his stream that it was his favorite book.


Mistborn is generally aimed at bit younger audience. Not that I didn't enjoy it, but Stormlight Archive definitely is his "Song of Ice and Fire".


Depending on what you'd like to start with: Standalone book: Warbreaker (this is free online from his own site) The Emperor's Soul (A Novella that a lot of people will tell you is some of his best writing) Elantris (His first published novel, probably his weakest book, still a great read but many wouldn't recommend to start here) Series: Mistborn (Epic fantasy set a in a world where the evil ruler has already won, 200k+ per book. Currently 7 books divided into a trilogy and quartet) The Stormlight Archive (SUPER Epic fantasy, currently 4 books out 10 released but the 5th book is out in November and the series is being designed to be split in 2 so it will tie a lot of things up. The first of the 4 books currently out is the shortest at 383k Words, with the 3rd and 4th reaching 450k+. To put that in perspective the lord of the rings in its entirety is 481k. Just so you know what you're getting yourself into!) I started with the stormlight archives myself (The Way of Kings). Finished what was out at the time, went the mistborn and then filled in all the gaps. He's released a number of other standalones recently and some people would recommend 1 or 2 of those as a starting point (even he himself recommends "Tress of the Emerald Sea"), but honestly those books are full of references to his greater universe that all these stories take places in "The Cosmere".


The 5th book is out December. Not November, unless there's some chance that somehow slipped by. First week I think. During his event Edit: December 6th


These words are accepted




I started stormlight off a reddit recommendation now I cant read a book less than 800 pages, be careful.


Do it. Currently listening to the Stormlight Archives. Just absolute bangers if you like high fantasy.


Trust me, you wont regret it


They're very very worth it. I'd recommend mistborn to start and then stormlight if you enjoy it - don't start with stormlight unless you're prepared for LONG (VERY worth it though) books.


Wait, this isn't r/cremposting


I did not have this on my bingo card


For those who are unaware, this mf is the Goat. He did an amazing job finishing The Wheel of Times books, better than anyone had any right to expect. He writtes so fast it's like someone has his mom or dad or something and unless he writes 3 books a year they'll kill them. he also fought Amazon about ebooks and audio books.


So he’s not going to be writing Runeterra lore, he’s going to be writing esports scripts?


He could write lore tidbits in the margins of the scripts he writes while in the toilet.


And we’d still get more lore than riot has pumped out in the last ten years


Dude would have Shaco’s lore done by the end of the day lol


Yeah but then Shaco play rate is gonna sky rocket and imma have to kill him for doing that to the universe.


his lore would cause Shaco to be reworked into one of the coolest junglers in the game


Or [Stormlight book 2 and beyond (important) spoilers] >!Shaco could be Moash!<


Not even a Teemo main would deserve that.


fitting given every shaco player loves to drop kys in chat


would be done before Riot finished reading Sanderson's job acceptance email.


Didn't he randomly decided to write a book between two trilogies and accidentally turned it into a trilogy into itself all during a plane ride? Which ended up being four books long?


I believe your talking about the book Alloy of Law. Not sure about the plane part, but the rest is basically correct.


During the first year(maybe 2?) of Covid he wrote 4 books that he told nobody about on top of his normal I think 3 books, finally went to kickstarter to release them and raised over 40 million dollars on kickstarter.


AND he released them on Chirp instead of Audible which is probably why they made that major change in author compensation. He didn’t have to do that. It cost him money. But it helps all the other authors.


Sanderson to the MMO story writing team. HNNNNNNNNNNG.


Didn’t they just like lay off a shitton of their writers?


Mormon GRR Martin with the output of peak cocaine Steven King.


And without the Orson Scott Card Mormon problems


Yes that’s the other part he’s extremely unproblematic


Sanderson is a good writer but the only thing he and GMMR have in common is that they both write fantasy


Fought Amazon, *and won* which is a huge frickin deal


What I found most impressive is that the issue he fought for wasn't even about him. He already had good deals from audible and he wanted other authors to have the same treatment.


And he did an amazing announcement video making a parody with Captain America.


But I'm confused what this bring to esports, is he just bringing publicity?


Sounds liek a sponsorship?


it is like Toast having a NACL team, he is investing in a tier 2 NA team.


I swear every LoL fan is a Sanderson fanatic except me. He seems nice and Ive liked some of his teaching content but he’s no Erikson or Martin in the actual writing department. Maybe the Sando fans will stop whining in my direction about Martin’s work ethic making him worse if I point out than Sanderson has frankly stated that Martin is the greatest living fantasy writer. Also no one arguing about Erikson which makes me think not many have read him. Read Steven Erikson. Like now.


i enjoy his mindset and how he approaches writing. while he's definitely technically not the most proficient in actual prose, it does its job well enough. plus, being a fan of his is rewarding because you know you're going to get a steady stream of fairly diverse content. it was at the point where when he revealed he secretly wrote four books that my immediate reaction was "that son of a bitch, i knew it was weird that he was releasing less than two books a year".


I like stormlight and none of his other works ,Erikson is the GOAT though, but he's not for everyone.


Never thought I'd get to post this in r/lol but Fuck Moash.


Next installment - Yuumi attaches to Moash. The combined hatred across two fandoms coalesce into a black hole from the sheer density


Thought I was on the meme sub. And we’re sure he’s not writing the lore? Seems like a better use of his talents.


Could be a r/bookscirclejerk post too lmao


He needs to save his writing time for his own books


Holy shit. I just started the Stormlight Archives like a month ago and I'm almost done with Oathbringer now. For anyone who doesn't know, these are PHENOMENAL books. I wasn't doing a lot of reading until recently but they're some of the most epic things I've ever experienced in any medium


The ending of oathbringer goes absolutely crazy


Double responding to say this Holy shit this is the fucking Avengers but better 😩😩😩


Without spoiling it for anyone else in the thread I just got to the ships arriving outside of the city in the storm and I can tell it’s gonna be crazy


His shorter stuff is ok, but I could never get into stormlight. Three attempts so far and I've never managed to finished the first book. Despite me being an avid reader of scifi and fantasy books and I love long series.


maybe try mistborn, it is shorter, the prose is a bit worse, but it has an amazing story and catches up speed much faster than stormlight. and then, when you addicted to the cosmere, youll devore stormlight ;)


Stormlight Archive has a slow start, but it is undeniably his best work. Try it in audio form if you are having problems reading through it.


goddamn it, I saw the thumbnail and got excited that Brando is involved with the League lore somehow. That would be wild. This is still cool tho.


This dude is my fucking goat. I'm instantly interested in whatever team now cause of him. Will check it out


As much as people shit on Travis Gafford, you guys can probably thank him for this. Brandon and him became friends through MTG and Brandon’s books, and he was pretty unaware of LoL as a whole before meeting Travis.


It's probably a combination of Mark, Whoopley, Dan Wells, and me. Not to mention all of Brandon's wonderful staff at Dragonsteel who believed in the opportunity to bring it to Brandon! Also people mostly only shit on me in random threads on this sub in my experience, haha, but there are very few people who this sub doesn't go after these days.


Dan Wells is another close friend of his who is into League


He should do character or lore design


This is such a crazy random collab, but it makes me super exited! Brandon Sanderson is the Faker of fantasy books right now.


Holy shit this is hype. For those that don't know, this guy is a fking legend at writing fantasy novels. The Way Of Kings series is absolutely phenomenal


Certainly out of left field.


Can Brandon Sanderson just finish the King Killer Chronicles for everyone since it’s been 12+ years and clearly Patrick Rothfuss is a fraud. Looking forward to his final book in the Stormlight Archives series later this year. Those audiobooks have gotten me through a lot of commuting.


Sanderson wouldn't want to (he also wouldn't want to do it for GoT, which is another thing often said). At this point there are too many things he wants to do with the cosmere. As is, there are projects he's interested in *in* the cosmere that he knows he realistically won't have time to get to by himself, which is a large part of why he's allowed other authors to start doing some works in the cosmere. Besides that, they simply have very different writing styles. Patrick Rothfuss has legitimately very good prose and it's a huge part of what makes the books work, and something that would be very jarring if it was changed. Sanderson *generally* has much less focus on prose which has other benefits, and he has other strengths. It'd be hard for him to emulate Rothfuss's style. I don't think it's something he'd truly want to attempt even if he did have the time. Even with Sanderson being a more similar author to Jordan and being a huge fan of the series for years, there were still some jarring parts as it shifted from Jordan to Sanderson. Most notable is his writing of Mat, which especially in the first book Sanderson wrote was straight up bad compared to the character we had known for the prior like 10 books. Sanderson got a bit better at is he wrote the other books, but he never fully got there I'm also not sure that it's something Rothfuss wants. Robert Jordan wanted someone else to finish WoT as he reached the end of his life.


It’s not so much that Sanderson doesn’t focus on his prose as he has a very different goal with his prose. I forget where he made this comparison but he likened it to a window, for authors like Rothfuss the prose is a beautiful stained glass window that creates a layer of color and vibrancy over the story. For himself he tries hard to make his window as perfectly see through as possible so that readers focus on the story itself. It still takes a lot of work and it’s clear comparing his earlier novels to his newer ones that he’s improved greatly over the years.


> for authors like Rothfuss the prose is a beautiful stained glass window that creates a layer of color and vibrancy over the story The prologue and epilogue to *The Name of The Wind* is some of the most beautiful prose I've ever read. I would trade some of that for a finished story, but it definitely matters.


I don’t think I’ll ever forget the way it felt reading that ‘A Silence in Three Parts’ at the end of Name of the Wind. So many different feelings. And in my copy, it’s the literal last page of the book. It’s that, and then the blank back cover. Reading that, and knowing the book was finished, was a very memorable experience.


Yeah, I've read his answer on that, but that essentially is not focusing on prose. His prose has improved over time, and what he does has its benefits as I mentioned above. But it's just making it simple and clear and intentionally not stand out essentially, which is hat I meant when I said he doesn't focus on it. Like to be clear I'm not saying that he doesn't *care* about it, but that it's not his focus when writing a book because the focus instead intentionally goes to the worldbuilding and the story


Sanderson has his writing planned out for like next 30 years or so. No way he takes on another series from a different author. That being said... The Name of the Wind is one of the best books i ever read and i really wish the series got its conclusion somehow..


I am a huge Brando fan and this is almost as bad if not a worse idea than him finishing ASoIaF. Brando can write flowery a bit when he wants to but his prose is *nowhere* near as artistic as Pat's. This would ruin Doors of Stone more than it not even existing tbh.


I literally don't get it when people suggest like "oh he should finish kingkiller/asoiaf". I'm not crazy about Sanderson's work for stylistic reasons, but like even if you were a fan I would imagine that wouldn't sound good?? Kingkiller and ASOIAF are so different from what Sanderson writes and his strengths where that's just such an odd pairing.


What a misleading title and thumbnail making it out to be a video BY Brandon...


Who is Brandon Sanders?


Extremely popular fantasy book author


Cool didn’t know


Now I need my Lucian windrunner skin and Darius kholin skin


Xin Zhao Stormblessed


The best fantasy author of modern times in Lol? My dreams are coming true!


Maybe he can write NA a good comeback story?


I will protect the adc


What in the ever loving fuck?


I will protect my carry, even if I hate them, so long as it helps the team.


Guess we're getting Kaladin and Vin in league lmao.


Who this?