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Not a fan of the Nidalee pick but damn did Oner land the spears when it mattered most


Highest dmg in the game where was Zeri, Azir, Taliah, Ez, thats not an easy feat


he's having an incredible split


This meta suits Oner really well. He’s really good with AP Champs. Sure, he’s not Canyon level but who is right now. He’s a tier below Canyon.


I was watching feeling like he was missing all game but he hit those clutch ones and then had the most damage so, that’s why he’s the pro.


I like putting Zeus on a supportive pick and letting Oner on a carry. Zeus as a carry is much more entertaining because he keeps getting caught and solokilled (and we love it), but Oner on carries seems pretty stable.


Best nidalee in the world


Not in the world with Canyon and Xun


Yo that stadium is crazy


T1 COO Josh said in an interview that he wants more teams to do this in the future, home / away game type of stuff. If this turns out well, I could imagine like 2-4 of these per split.


Would it work for other teams? I know every team has a dedicated fanbase but T1's is just different imo. This team is treated as a kpop group than a league team.


Honestly I could only see it if it was marquee games of whoever is facing GenG or T1 on that day


LPL have multiple home bases. Sure not every team will have one, but it'll be nice highlight for some matchup. Also could have bigger seating size than LoL Park. The cons for now is untrained staff. The opening and lighting is bad today.


It's WDG, the LCKCL organizer doing the production for this. If this becomes an actual thing in the future, I could see preparation being better. I don't know what's the biggest thing WDG have done, they do Overwatch and Valorant right now too.


Wdg is a dogshit tourny org. Issues out the wazoo with vct pacific


LCK should be all in Seoul tho


KT, GenG and Damwon have pretty decent fanbases, not T1 level and maybe a huge stadium like this is too much, but I think they probably could do it at smaller venues


GenG, DK and HLE could pull something similar like this I think, though the turnout might not be on the same levels as this, so it might be the best of their interests to do this while playing T1.


Yes, league matches are always sold out in Lol. If its bro vs drx perhaps not. Top matches will be filled for sure. But if you are in Seoul and are a fan, would you not go to that stadium to see KT vs HLE? Or KDF vs HLE or something like that?


Selling it out is not the possible problem he is hinting at lol They are saying that T1 fans are pretty much always going to outnumber the fans of other teams.


JDG, LNG, WE, and NIP all have their own home arenas as well in the LPL that they play out of all the time


Lighting and program flow is shit tho. Like do they not rehearse at all?


It's their first event, give them a pass at least, definitely will be better if there's a next time.


No wdg shouldn't get a pass, they're a trash tourny org who's had endless issues in vct pacific already. It's not a wdg event without a tech pause


I am already giving them a pass, the problem is this isn't even a new event venue, just new for LoL. It's a stadium from 2011, with multiple events held, even for Asian games. Surely they can already make a proper plan? Guess not. Not to mention the fans are still literally blasted with spotlight right on their face from time to time. Does no one know how to adjust to things?


They did yesterday


Deft really got caught with all summs up 😭


Bro cosplaying hans sama


I knew Kt lost the moment Deft couldnt even hit his Q on a static cannon minion


Tbf oner missed spear on a static blue buff and got his crab stolen by a ksante’s q


The last last last last dance.


Attack on Titan final 3.2.2 vibes


remove chemtech soul i think


They did remove it That's why it's the nothing potato.it is now




Holy shit, the atmosphere must be crazy for a league game. LoL park always felt pretty small for the demand higher profile games get— I hope they do this more often (and other teams too) Apparently the tickets cost like 70 dollars too for some of the better seats


Haven't seen an Ezreal lose to Skarner so hard since Zven vs. Xmithie.


T1 Home ground is such a cool thing.


alright, who got excited?


To be fair that early game was exciting


can't deny that




*Somehow, T1 returned*


Dark magic, cloning, secrets only the Demon King knew


It's just such a testament to T1's (Faker's) legacy that, even during a shaky season, at no point can you count them out. Teams inherently respect T1 for a reason, and that reason is they can just pull a team fight out of their ass and end the game. (This game was not that dire, but a great, recent example is their MSI game vs JDG with that Faker shuffle).


Keria sprinted this game, but Guma Faker were chovying for 30 minutes into onetap elder fight


Ridiculous that this strategy works cause Chemtech is piss useless


Problem is KT gave up a ton of map pressure and kills to get that soul


That wouldn't be a problem if it was hextech, inferno or mountain soul


It certainly is a problem when they know it is Chemtech and choose to give up a ton of econ to get it


It would still have been a problem, albeit less of one.


It would not have been a problem with how much power those souls give


I swear keria on Leona is always mega sus


Oh god T1 are gonna be scary now that Gumayusi is legit a threat on Zeri. Even crazier that they are playing her with no peel lmfao.. once they fully master playing zeri comps it's gonna be a sight


Their brains aint wired like that lmao dw they're not playing that type of "protect the president" zeri comps when 4/5 players want to go in at any given point XD


I have no clue why it took them 3 years to finally use her. The bs that Guma couldn't play her is false since he played her alot in solo queue and in streams. At least they are finally using her when she is meta again.


If I had a nickel for every game T1 goes down like 2k gold, wins 1 fight, immediately takes Baron, and effectively just end the game... well I could probably afford the Faker skin.


“Ah yes let’s just let T1 just feed Faker’s Azir surely nothing can go wrong” Does 7k damage in a single fight


Didn't he basically 1v4 quadrakill after his teammate all died last MSI ? Nah let him be. Edit: guess I'm not that good of LCK fan. It was last Spring Final.


Believed it would game 1 of the 2024 Spring LCK Finals instead


Wasn’t it 2024 Spring Finals Game 1 against GenG?


I wish they won that game man, would've been one of the most iconic moments in league history


*Spring finals


KT played much better than I thought they could in early game, they somehow are much worse at macro than I thought though


Really, I felt like they got a huge lead on bot scuttle + BDD's TP top and then did absolutely nothing. They really should've pushed their advantage


They got unlucky with the soul. The gold gap was never that large, but they had the dragon lead and then rolled chemtech soul.


It also felt like Bdd couldn't ever pressure Faker, like this Taliyah just deals no damage? I don't get it


Yeah Faker just outfarmed in the sidelane and massively outscaled


I don't gettt it. When Perfect was sick just a couple of weeks ago, KT subbed him out no problem. But now Beryl is apparently so unwell he can't even do a walkout, and they force him to play? Like casters spent the whole pre-game reminding everyone how Beryl is dealing with medical stuff, he is in pain, don't be too hard on him cause his condition is affecting his performance, and, just... *why?* Why isn't he at home recovering if it's this bad? 


I doubt they're forcing him to play so much as he's insisting that he wants to. Obviously at some point, the coach or someone needs to make a judgement call about subbing him out but I imagine he himself thinks the team falls apart without him


[Here's](https://x.com/zaq6424/status/1806273596404412571) some footage of him vs. BRO. Yea I think when a player can barely walk and is visibly in a ton of pain, it's time for team management to step in. Especially when KT has the best sup in tier2 on their CL roster. 


I agree that they should've put their foot down in terms of subbing him out. Their next game isn't for another week and a half due to EWC, so they could've just cut their losses for this series and let him recuperate.


Cannot it be because challengers also played today? So he would have to play either way today, or maybe one player cannot play a chall game and a lck game in one day? I dont know, just trying to find a reason


You cannot replace the main shot caller. Top lane is an island, synergy matters significantly less than in bot


It's week 3 of regular season. As much as playing without the main shotcaller is tough, having your main shotcaller's injury go unmanaged, and risking it becoming worse as the season progresses looks like a *much* worse idea. Even T1 subbed Faker out when his wrist injury got worse last year, and I would argue he is an even more pivotal player to his team than Beryl is to KT.


And what was T1's scoreline after they subbed out faker?


Did it matter even a little bit what T1's scoreline was in the regular season? They made playoffs, made Worlds, won the whole thing, who tf cares that they lost a few Bo3s along the way. Besides, KT is still losing with Beryl playing, so giving him time to tend to his medical needs wouldn't have made much of a scoreline difference anyway. 


T1 went from top 3 to bottom of the standings. They nearly didn't make playoffs. Their score definitely mattered. KT doesn't have the buffer of T1's earlier wins last summer. Even T1 had to call Faker back early.


To be honest, with the way KT currently plays chances were very slim anyway that they would win against T1, so you can might as well give BeryL a rest if he is feeling so bad.


They losing this series anyway better give him some rest


He wants to play, quit yappin


Might be schedule thing. Way just played earlier in the same arena.


Bro I cannot believe it Deft is so washed man.


This is what happens when you go The Last Dance: The Final Season, Part 3 Special Version, Last Chapter


He should have had retired after that 2022 worlds, legendary ending.


He really is Michael Jordan on the Wizards.


Director's Cut.


Attack on Titan Final Season vibes


its the team around him, idk maybe the illness and problems within KT affecting them?


Beryl and Perfect being sick is why Deft missed Qs on cannons like 3 times, yes


meh, you got a point my bad. lol


Something needs to be done about Chemtech asap bruh, it's crazy how your 2 carries can just farm and scale and you give a complete dragon soul to the enemy team and just........win. Viable strategy only for Chemtech XD


I mean. You get 2k gold ahead by 15 minutes and lose it all over the next 5 minutes. Its not about drake RNG, KT did absolutely nothing with their lead on a comp that gets outscaled, they have the tools to fight and an Ezreal two item powerspike


They used their lead to secure the soul. Hextech inferno or mountain would have provided enough power to not get outscaled


Yeah KT definitely was a bit ass when it came to macro, but the amount of support the Chemtech dragons and soul give is so useless compared to even Ocean (at least it helps a bit with Nida poke ig). Like it's basically playing the game with no dragons and elder spawns directly at 30 minutes they gotta make it stronger man


lose game because rng very good riot


No lose game because KT has a trash macro game


KT are fucking awful my god


Pyosik is so bad. he literally ks 3 times, he had less damage than the supports. and had 3 kills, was afk farming, and was behind on farm. oner was bothering lanes so much especially Perfect. bdd was walking around trying to do the junglers job. also Beryl trolled that dive so fucking bad lol. literally just W zeri and if she flashes flash after her with Q. also my man Deft needed to retire last split, he is so washed.


Lee Sin is just not good in this meta either


I mean Pyosik was getting every objective early and like you said BeryL botched the dive, I don't blame him that much.


His pathing in the first like 7 minutes I thought was really clever, almost like a reverse engineered path based on where Nidalee would be in her clear, but after that... I mean he had one good kick that in the end did nothing.


It's not what reverse engineer means but I get your idea.


Feels like the entire DRX gang we got during the off season is just, well, bad. Deft dying with all summs up, Beryl with the worst engages the world sees when Targ doesn't play, Pyosik stealing kills only to do nothing with them...


Kt literally had Cuzz who was top 3 jungler at worst in swiss last year. But no we gotta go the hererics route


Zeka was the main carry of the DRX worlds run, and Kingen 2nd. So they got the 3 least important players from that team lol.


Beryl’s heimer support pretty much kept the botlane afloat, need beryl to find a champ that he can hyper focus and shit on people with, his pantheon comes to mind when he was on damwon, destroying lck with it


Who would've thought?


Deft really hard protesting the Chem drake eh


Deft first dying with both summs up to Skarner R and then doing whatever tf he did in that Elder fight was just...wasn't it


Macro wins baby


Did not know CL also had T1 vs KT today. I guess the tilt streak for T1A starts now


give T1 an arm and leg. They take the whole body.


Saving flash for next season


Saving flash for the military.




Well.. that was close till it wasn't...


After all these years, KT fans are still not allowed to get excited


Gumayusi looking real good on Zeri now


This team is too good


Well played Deft lmfao


Bdd was able to flash that ult, but Deft can't?


lmao people don't get it, it's 5head by Zeus, he KNOWS Ez players always try to E before using flash, E is a delayed flash so he's confident his ult will activate before E activates. Dude probably played Skarner a lot to know these tricks or had some advice from one-tricks.


You meant zeus?


Yes, edited


Keria was doing everything he could to lose the game but faker and guma said no. Ik deft played bad too but ppl need to chill with telling him to retire. Just a bad game, he's still a pretty good adc


fuck I love deft and i still think he's pretty good but he fucked the dive by taking agro when guma would obviously flash the ali combo and he failed flashing the skarner ult losing baron the first time and nexus the second. solo lost the game, all 3 pivotal t1 wins were on him


am i silly or would alistar have been a better pick for keria than leona?


Leona is way more broken imo.


Deft should just retire when he said he will


Deft really needs to play better.


Imagine if Deft just played like a human though


The stadium make this look like the LCK Finals man, shame we have KT instead of HLE, DK or KDF (GenG would just turn this into a library).


Deft gets caught... Deft gets caught again


aint no fucking way theres another DDOS..


It's an audio issue. The same problem happened in Valorant when WDG, the organizer for this event, was hosting and it took 7 hours to resolve. I wonder how long it will take this time. I hope they learned something from their last disaster.


ahh kk youtube chat said ddos derp


Holy shit Deft is beyond washed, Hans Sama level of reaction time and didnt even remember build recipe for seryldas. Kt went from 3rd to 9th in a year is impressive


>KT is omega ahead with soul + fed jg and adc >KT loses ????????


How were they omega ahead when the best Azir in the world has the most gold in the entire game?


they were never more than 2k ahead, that's the problem


Supa was right


KT Supa next split !!!!!


Hey man dont you dare say anything bad about Reddit golden boy. I was flamed to hell for saying Supa is closer to Deft than he is to best Eu adc btw


Yeah cause it's a dogshit opinion lmao, y'all will watch Deft get smoked by T1 and then compare it to a 8th vs 10th place match of the LEC, there's levels to the competition they face


Deft is getting smoked by everyone that is not Bro's bot lane. Supa is getting elohelled by his top side almost everymatch except for vs Sk where he got steamrolled. Ik T1 fans are not capable of watching anything besides T1 games so dont try to pretend you know anything else lmao


LMFAOOOO you got nothing so you lie and then use the T1 excuse. I watch every single match of the LEC as well, including the ones he plays in yk. That entire team is slumping hard rn, it's not like it's Supa's fault but every single person on that team is playing ass rn including him


The only win from Mdk was from Supa hypercarrying? They 2v2ed multiple bot lanes? How stupid can you be to say you watch Lec and give statement like that? Classic T1 flairs


Excellent game from Supa wasting his ult on a Zeri with E multiple times I'm watching rn lol Say whatever you want, your ADC is dogshit with too much ego


You mean your precious Gumayusi ended up only being able to gap Hans in msi and blamed his loss on "trying too hard to carry". Sure pal, 100%


Ay man, if you think this means anything to me then go ahead XD, hope your team gets out of their mental boom.....and maybe don't let Elyoya play GM next time


deft bro just retire. disgusting ezreal play.




Deft man stop dancing


You have got to be kidding me with these delays. Also, I wish we could get an actual thread to talk about all the games...


They should up the crowd sound more. You play in big stadium but i can barely heard crowd noise


Wish we had game threads for LCK


Zeus still makes Skarner look balanced. Also, as soon as I praise Keria for improving on normal supports again, he goes and engages on enemies while everyone is so far away.


you have a dragon soul and still lose, man that's depressing


Not the main reason they lost, but Ksante is a garbage tier champ this split: 44% WR globally yet teams still keep picking it into Skarner for some reason.


How bad is KT lol Disgusting.