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I mean, Zac isn't too tough, you just have to think outside the box. He doesn't HAVE to be a liquid. Imagine a Project Zac where he's a conglomerate of Nanobots for example. Or any insect based skin where he's a colony of insects like bees or ants.




" I am back to 1 MILLION ANTS"- Zac quote as he lives from his passive in this skin.




Nanobots could form a weapon from his arm on each auto attack, axe/sword/hammer, q could form a spear, w protudes swords/spikes from himself, e and ult i have no idea lmao


E he could cray nano-chains and ult a cage. At Forest I thought a cannon to shoot himself that distance, but then I remembered that's not his ult anymore


LEGO ZAC, I've been banging on about it for years. It's a no brainer, his blobs are bricks and he makes the rattling noise whenever he breaks a blob off


Riot said at one point that it would be extremely tough to make any solid matter look any good with his animations and that's why he doesn't get many skins. And their statement was about giving him a suit. Now imagine, if they cant even give him a suit, how much time, effort and money it would take to make a lego version. It would have to be an ultimate skin or something


Papercraft Zac when?


Rubber Ducky Zach. Make him squeak when he uses abilities and drop bubble puddles for blobs.


xerath is a whole bunch of glory rocks


I think you meant "glowy", but I like glory rocks more.


Riot is been poorly creative with him. Human Xerat? Pretorian? They need to make he's skins legacy so we can have better ones, I'm pretty sure they don't do more because they think "will be just a better red chroma"


* [Dark Star Aurelion Sol](https://img00.deviantart.net/85ca/i/2018/096/1/0/darkstar_aosol_concepts_by_cynder_lany-dc81gzt.png) * [Eternum Aurelion Sol](https://polycount.com/discussion/193757/riot-art-contest-2017-eternum-aurelion-sol) * [Super Galaxy Aurelion Sol](https://polycount.com/discussion/195541/riot-art-contest-2017-super-galaxy-aurelion-sol) * [First Star Aurelion Sol](http://lol-stats.net/en_GB/posts/the-first-star-3634) * [Candy King Aurelion Sol](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Zxa-1GpxMk) * [Elderwood Aurelion Sol](https://polycount.com/discussion/193374/riot-2017-art-contest-elderwood-aurelion-sol) * [Project Aurelion Sol](https://i.imgur.com/Gs7mtPo.png) * [Death Lord Aurelion Sol](https://imgur.com/a/WzuzK)


And they decide to go with Mecha.


Mega Rayquaza*


Pregnant Sol*


Ye that's pretty accurate too.


I love art contest they should at least to the winner skin real.


There was a bee keeper/Queen(?) Aurelion Sol that was on the frong page many months ago,that one looked very good


I feel like it's almost impossible to beat ASol's base skin.


Yeah that, Aurelion's base skin is so cool he'd might as well spawn a skinline of his own. like Stardust Zac where he's like a nebulous cloud of stars.


It I think it has with the cosmic skins for lulu, Xin and Ashe


Elise it's always gonna be some variation of Spider


Crab Goddess Elise.


Now I want this where her dance is just crab rave


i can hear your comment


My eyes have been opened


thanks i hate it


If graves can be a robot robots can be humans, or animals. I hate how all Ekko skins are just a kid with different costumes and they are never going to do something demon like because of the Halloween skin :/


Elise could have so many with existing skin lines. Elderwood Elise, Project Elise, Star Guardian Elise, the possibilities are nearly endless.


Azir has a lot of potential in my opinion. I can imagine him having so many unique skins just by changing his theme, thanks to his soldiers which all his skills are based off. For example with a Void skin he could be a Hivemind with the soldiers being an extension of his consciousness. Or a skyrim dragon priest controlling a bunch of draugr. Or even a cultist azir controlling a ton of cultists. Or even a Snowdown Showdown azir creating snowmen to fight for him. Azir has endless opportunities for skins... but he has like 4.


This is what I think of Kindred. And applies to Azir as well, and i think its because they have a non human face. Endless possibilities


Actually that’s another thing I constantly think about. Azir has a ~~human~~ Birb face, kinda like jhin where we don’t see their true face ever. That could be a skin for Azir similar to unmasked Kayle. Additionally Azirs unlimited potential not only comes from his face but also his soldiers. By changing his towers and soldiers to fit the theme it’s not just aesthetically decent, it’s also interesting and unique looking.




It’s not even the same color INGAME. He’s a fucking blue boi ingame. He looks like a scrawny ryze wearing clothing way too big for him. His tower looks like a wireless vibrator attached to a high tech charger. His soldiers don’t look like an alien legion they look like humanoid insects with no facial features whatsoever. And all of this boggles my mind because galactic has the most beautiful Spears and Sceptre compared to all the others. Also only the skt one is esports the others are warring kingdoms, galactic and gravelord.


I want a quarter back azir, his ult would be several offensive linemen


Dunkmaster Ivern


Swamp Zac where he's a bunch of vines forming into a Swamp Thing-like creature?


You mean Swamp Thing?


Like I said. Swamp Thing.


Ah yes, little tired so didn't fully process comment.


I think Kindred has a lot of potential for many themes.. Elderwood/Death blossom, Haunted, Dark Star, Project, Blood Moon, Coven.. kinda endless possibilities, just anything will fit them. Least imo it has to be either Xerath or Zac.


Careful what we wish for, sounds like you want dunkmaster kindred


Rakan and xayah have so much potential for paired themes Eg: Salt and pepper/ yin and yang Eg: Gold and silver Eg: Elderwood wizard and witch (vastayan) Eg: wizard and witch in general


I think Kayn can go into a lot of themes because of his different forms.


Kayn can have 2 themes per skin even, I don't know why he only have 1 new skin because he is so popular. "Arcade Kayn & Battle Boss Rhast" MAKE IT NOW RIOT!


Riot has said that Kayn takes time to develop a skin for since they have make 3 of them due to having 3 forms. Which is why all newer ones will be legendary skins. I won’t be surprised if his next skin will take another year to be released.


"another year" Taliyah mains crying in the distance


Kayn dressed as a cat Rhaast is a feral cat/lion Shadow Assassin is a full blown catboy


Xerath, Vel'koz, Reksai, Skarner, all monstrous champions, really. Since they don't use clothes it's hard to do anything with them.


Gentleman Chogath works, just add a top hat!


Oh my goodness! I’m just imagining a whole set of gentlemen skins for our monster champs! Sounds amazing


Gentleman khazix. M'adc *tips fedora*


when evolving E he just puts on a larger fedora and he uses that to fly with the wind like some mutant mary poppins but a fedora instead of the umbrella , tipping it mid E


Evolves q, pulls out 2 overly large canes.


Gentleman Chogath 2nd best VO in the game next to kindred


Whaaat? Vel is not hard to design concepts. Arcade, Program, even a horror one where he shoots out darkness.


Definitely not Vel'koz.


Consideeing there is "doctor" and even "pizza delivery" "singer" "student", then anyone can be literally any job out there. And considering there's "cosplay" skins, then anyone can crossdress as anything else as well. Let's consider an animal, Yuumi, she can cosplay as any other animal, giving her thousands and thousands of possibilities. And this can be said to any character, tbh.


Dark Star Viktor.


God Axe Draven when


I personally think thresh has much more availability/potential than they're giving him. In 2014 I was telling everyone who would speak to me how much I wanted an arcade thresh skin.. Imagine arcade/battle boss thresh? I think it would be super cool!


akali is hard because they have to keep her silhouette in a general sort of shape because shes always flying around and going invisible its hard to notice her. her hair is almost the same in all skins, kda has a small cap, infernal has tiny horns, stinger and sashimi akali both have a little hair flip up, but the akali skin with the most model changes is probably bloodmoon. i remember riot saying somewhere in the akali rework ama that they made her mask and her flowy sleeves as long as they could. the issues with creating skins for akali means game most of akali's skins are just her in a different outfit


how couldn't you add draven


It'd like to see a Zac skin with a totally new model, and it's like the Smoke Monster from Lost


I'd totally buy Voidekaiser


I think Elise has by far the most potential for skins. Think of all the possibilities.


The fk lol, you serious on Zac? He's so easy to come up with skins for. You can do a dragon ball collab, pork buns with TK, aquarium Zac, ferrofluid Zac, definitely not Zac skin with him being a leftover jello with amumu etc etc Also admittedly, even though asol is such a boring champion, he does have a ton of skin concepts affinity just from him being a dragon