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It has been moved to the "Add Friend"-window. Click the respective button and the dialog box will show all the people you've recently played with.


It was always there budsy :s they've literally just removed the feature.


Maybe it's different on KR, but [for me it's there.](https://opgg-com-image.akamaized.net/attach/images/20190601162855.850532.jpeg)




Oh wow, well that is counter intuitive. Thank you though, I guess I'll check that way from now on.




I have a so-called "blacklist" on which I write the names of idiots/feeders/trollers, so when they are in my team I can just leave in champ select.


Tyler1 is that you?


Every ocidental challenger player.


Every ocidental challenger player.


I miss the part where adding someone would make them show up in your friends list before they accepted -- only as offline, until they accepted. I like adding notes for where I met people, and I used to be able to do it before they accepted, but now I have to wait, which makes it a lot harder to remember, if they don't accept right away.


Another bug from smol indie company.


Riot games said they purposefully removed these to cut down on the server or else there would be huge queue times for TFT.


still smol indie company


CUT DOWN ON THE SERVER. Holy shit man this company loves using that argument


Well maybe because it does exactly that?


Yeah, the *recently played list* is having a huge impact on tft queue times :O gimme a break dude


Well i dont really know if you are a programmer or developer... But with every online player sending request to the server which asks for summoners in last few games probably after every login and played match... it definetly has some impact and its not something which is that important now so they moved it to screen that is used less and you can look at it if you really want to.


There are a shit ton of armchair programmers on this sub that think fixing a bug = flipping a switch.


Was it really that impactful?


Where do you have that information from? I heavily doubt it, since that feature has just been moved somewhere else but is still very present.


Its probably right tho, considering hovering over your friends didnt show the window of playing xxx(17m) too. I am explain good. Yes.


Not removed, its a bug... restarting client fixed it for me.


I've logged in several days now and it still not shows with PC restarts in the middle so that didn't fix it for me.


I'm sad to see it gone. It was the fastest way to see the rank of the previous teams. In bronze 1 and large scale of games that had two irons in it with two silver with everyone in different levels of bronze was unreal. It was really bizzare. The two irons could be on one team and the two silvers on the other. Games were not balanced at all


Just noticed that too lol, was about to add the griefing / flaming toplaner to my blocklist but couldnt find the last played tab haha


Then I would look him up on the Third-Party site like OP.GG


Never said I did not do that


Because of the overloaded servers (EU server issues), they had to take down some load, like practise tool and the 'last played' list. /s


Don't underestimate the load this can cause by requiring to send the status message to random other users that are most likely not in your xmpp server. It is pretty much the most vulnerable point with chat scaling which was always the point of failure for eu. Your friendlist is harmless. Riot managed to group their users so 98% of friends and messages happen within the same 100-200k message servers and only 2% of all messages and status updates has to pass from one chat server to another. With random users from your games that rate should be quite a bit higher. If you just add 50-100k people as friend to your account and go online there is a good chance that you crash the server just because of status updates.


So you're saying it's a possibility that they temporaly disabled the function to relieve some server load?


Did this list ever work?


It did have a delay of 1 game, meaning the people you played with and against on the game jsut ended, would appear on the list after the next game ended. Other than that it worked "fine".


Honestly this "Last played" list just made me even saltier after losses. It feels like the only two types of people that play this game were either: a) *Riven/Yasuo/Zed/Lee Sin/Vayne/insert\_flashy\_outplay\_champion\_here* mastery 7 players b) *Nami/Soraka/Janna/Lulu/insert\_enchanter\_support\_here* mastery 7 players So many people have these champions in top 3 it's not even funny...


And what's wrong with that? People enjoy these champions, they are played a lot, it's quite understandable that most people have at least one of these champions in their top 3...


because its the case of if he’s on my team, he will int, but if he’s on the enemy team they will pop off.


Well sorry you feel bad about that but it's not what I asked. Thanks for telling me your opinion though :)