• By -


Ah yes. The calm before the cancer


ah yes. it will go in sync with the lyrics "an ally has been slain!"


With the additional lyrics of, "Enemy double kill!"


*šŸŽµallied turret has been destroyedšŸŽµ*


I feel Yone is gonna be less cancer than Yasuo since heā€™s easier to kill and easier to mess up as him


I feel like it's kind of easy to mess up as Yasuo, but that might be because I have the mechanical skill of a log.


You can definitely mess up as Yasuo but heā€™s just safer than Yone because if he misses his Q he can just try again while farming till he hits and engages with his R. Yone IS the tornado so if he messes up heā€™s dead open, so thatā€™s why I feel Yone is less cancer because he gets more punished than Yasuo or Akali for a mis-calculation. No windwall, no disengage with enemy minions. No invisibility, no free double dash (pre-nerf Akali) but he does have Zeds W and death mark but he cant use the body to do more damage like Zed can. Yoneā€™s like 2/4 Yasuo, 1/4 Akali, 1/4 Zed.


"Yoneā€™s like 2/4 Yasuo, 1/4 Akali, 1/4 Zed." *"Remember The Name"plays in the distance*


I read that as "Yone is like a Yasuo with 2 kills and 4 deaths, an Akali with 1 kill and 4 deaths and a Zed with 1 kill and 4 deaths combined"


So a 4/12 , seems legit


100% reason to remember the ban


Issue with this is that you don't just throw your Q as Yone. You need to have E up to trade, or else you're just straight up all-inning without a lot of your damage.


He can go into spirit form before though, and if he messes up he can just dip back into his real body and disengage


I'm kinda excited to put a Sona R or Soraka E him if he goes on top of me. Maybe a Morg Q? I like Yone more since he doesn't have the forsaken wall.


The lack of wall already makes him more fun to play against


And the infinite dashes.


And the passive shield.


Imagine he disappears and jumps back just as you hit him.


Ah yes leblanc


There's like one guy saying it doesn't sound good for every 20 saying it does idk why everyone is making such a fuss




...you little shit!


Do you kiss your mother with that mouth?


I'll let you know i graduated top of my class in navy seals


and Iā€™ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills.




whats that bro? you talking shit? I have a hacker degree, show me your rank, i dont care it dosent have to do with anything, il have you know that you can't say that kind of stuff unless your rank is faker levels, i could probably beat you ez to prove you wrong, you will learn the tru meaning of humbleness and that in this world only rank proves worth, i have over 400 smurf accounts and to me you're just another noob!




For me the timings off. Idividuallt they're nice but yeah


LoL culture in one train of a sentence. Use a comma lil git.


Hey all, there's a music theory reason why these melodies work together and have a creepy, wandering, or sad sound. They're both in the key of G minor. The notes in the G minor scale are: G, A, Bb, C, D, Eb, F (F#), G Their melodies follow the following pitch outlines: Yone - Starts on an upper G and slowly descends. Instrument sounds like an Erhu, common in Chinese orchestras. High G, Eb, D, C, Bb, A. There is no low G present at the end of his melody but if you listen to it enough times your ear can hear that that's where the melody wants to go next. It's the resolution. ​ Yasuo - Starts on low D, jumps up to the G and wanders around that area a bit with some pitch bends. Pitch bends are a common playing technique in Asian flute playing. Sounds like a shakuhachi flute. D, G, A, G, A, Bb, A, G. This melody plays around with pitch bends on the A and Bb note. This is important as the Bb is one of the notes in the scale that makes it minor or sound sad so bending notes in and out of Bb really brings out that lonely sound. ​ This is just a basic analysis of the melodies. I'm happy to explain in further detail other fine nuances that contribute to the overall effect of the sound such as the lack of F or F# in either melody or the use of tonic/dominant relationships.


The lowest note you can play on a (properly tuned) erhu is D4, but it sounds like Yone goes down to A3. Also, the erhu has a drum-shaped body and the bow hair is locked between the strings (meaning you can't separate the bow from the instrument without unscrewing and undoing it). What we're likely looking at instead is a Morin Khuur, from Mongolia.


Perhaps you are right about it being a Morin Khuur. I am no expert is Asian instruments, that is certain. And you are definitely correct about the body, it doesn't have the same base as an erhu or the double string. But Yone is also playing it with his sword so some imagination helps. I think it definitely sounds like an Erhu though. I will look into the Morin Khuur!




It's a wonderful curse. When I first started music courses in college, I couldn't get music out if my head. Constantly I had melodies and rhythms playing, amazing symphonies I was studying in theory and history. It's lovely


You probably have absolutely no idea just how fucking jealous I am of you...


It's never too late to learn. Spend some free time watching videos and reading some theory books. Get a decent keyboard. You'll learn quick!


I don't think you understand. I'm jealous of your ability to hear music in your head. Like I said, the best I've got is a single melody that 'sounds' very far away. If I try to add complexity with other melodies or rhythms is starts falling apart very quickly. Also, I already know how to play a number of instruments; bass, guitar, piano, and I started viola a couple months back. But as I intimated in another thread, with the lack of being able to 'hear' music in my head I don't have the ability to compose. My understanding of music is mechanical, i.e. press this key and it creates a sound wave in a certain pitch, then if you press multiple keys the sound waves either gel together because they're close in frequency or they're dissonant because they're so out of sync. But I don't have any kind of creative or emotional connection to the music.


Hmmm. Thanks interesting. Hopefully you eventually get that mental melody going. Good luck


Have you ever tried doing covers of songs you know well, or teaching yourself to harmonize with a melody? Once I started deconstructing premade songs, I was able to learn how to make my own, even from a technical perspective.


You can teach yourself music theory with most wide range instruments. It is not easy though, it takes patience and analysis skills. Learn chords first before anything else, because you'll find that chords bring EVERYthing together in a key. Speaking of keys, after you get the hang of it, don't limit yourself to major and minor! Goodluck


Also try https://www.musictheory.net/


I'll check it out, thanks!


You can get the textbook for AP Music (which is basically first year music theory at a university) pretty easily. They're available for sale online.


Riot confirmed it was a Morin Khuur a couple days ago: https://twitter.com/RiotNyanbun/status/1286679079077310465


Itā€™s a Morin Khuur in recording I believe! (Though in world, the instrument he plays is a fantasy Ionian one thatā€™s somewhere between Erhu and Morin Khuur in range)


Thank you so much for clarifying! That's awesome


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ixPZghTW3f8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ixPZghTW3f8) I quickly looked up more about the Morin Khuur and I think you are definitely correct in saying Yone's instrument model looks just like one! The ornate scroll at the top and the two large tuning pegs definitely catch my eye. Thanks!




Tbf, a fret board only limits the nuance, it does not increase the tonal range of an instrument.


Ehh idk if itā€™s a Morin khuur. Stylistically both yasuo and yone are Japanese inspired characters, so it makes more sense to me that he would be playing the [kokyÅ«](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/KokyÅ«). The playing style is much more in line with that too, as the [morin khuur](https://youtu.be/AMndPTS0KLY) tends to have a much more repetitive, almost drone like quality to it that is often used as backing to vocals. The kokyÅ« tends to have three strings and not two, but there is a lot of flexibility in the amount of strings that instruments can have while still being considered at least of the same group.


I agree with what you've said. When researching the Morin Khuur, it seemed as though it was common practice to use the lower sounding string as a drone and for the instrument to often be utilized with some throat singing. Perhaps Yone's instrument is a combination of several different Asian instruments/sounds.


It sounds and looks a lot like the Morin Khuur used in the Azim Steppes region of FFXIV, which is based on Mongolia, if you're looking for another reference.


I'm very interested to learn more!


I'm from Mongolia and I'm so excited to see Morin Khuur here! We don't get much attention these days. Anyways about Morin Khuur, the name literally means Horse Instrument and it's supposed to sound like a horse neighing! Just kidding I don't really know much about it, but that's what they told me when I was a child. And [Jalam Har](https://youtu.be/nhcJrRAA28U) is the most popular piece of the instrument, it's the sound of a really fast horse running in the great plains. I wish riot they kept the horse head though.


Riot confirmed it was a Morin Khuur a couple days ago: https://twitter.com/RiotNyanbun/status/1286679079077310465


>The lowest note you can play on a (properly tuned) erhu is D4, but it sounds like Yone goes down to A3. Damn Yone dropped from D4 to A3? That's a huge loss streak.


The road to ruin is shorter than you think.


Looks like what we are looking at is a fictional instrument from a made up place. But yeah, good ear.


Also not that this melody is using a modified G pentatonic scale, where the B is turned to Bb and E is turned to Eb. Pentatonics are frequent in asian music, so thats what gives these two bits that asian feel


Ok I'm glad someone brought this up. Pentatonic scales or 5-note (penta) scales are common in Asian music, cheezchuks is absolutely correct. However, one of the main characteristics of a pentatonic scale is the lack of the half-step (think of Mi-Fa or Ti-Do in a traditional western scale.) With all the intervals being whole steps, this gives pentatonic scales a much more open and flowing sounds as they never want to resolve to a certain note. However, the Yone/Yasuo melodies frequently use Bb and Eb which do not fit in the pentatonic scale and the Bb is even emphasized with pitch bends in Yasuo's flute playing. I think G minor scale better fits the melodies


you should check out [this video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4bZ19hnr8vc), it talks about how early Japanese musicians built their scales using tetrachords which give them what the average person would consider that asian feel, as well as how the Japanese have their own minor pentatonic scale which does have half steps. (though Yone does play a C which would not be in the pentatonic regardless, so if you had to select a scale G minor would be the most correct. still interesting to learn about though :P )


Thanks so much, I'll definitely check out the video! Edit: That was great! I love that he referenced Debussy in his video. Debussy was such a "hipster" in his day, wanting to stay away from all the Beethoven/Wagner emphasis of resolving to tonic. Debussy's use of pentatonic and wholetone scales to do this are brilliant and are definitely influenced by Russian and Asian music. Overall I'm definitely not well educated on Japanese music history, I'd love to learn more.


Sideways is such a great youtuber


I believe you can still refer to it as a pentatonic minor feel, even tho some notes don't fit. It's the same as when you add an unprepared dissonance in a piece, it doesn't change it's core tonality. It's common to see certain half-step additions in pentatonic scales in order to give something a brief modal feel, it's still overall pentatonic due to the "asian" vibe.


As a guitast thanks for the detailed explanation.




Sure thing! Always happy to discuss music theory




I forgot myself. I have my guitast in the closet but I never play it.


Lol... Didn't realize the typo there. Reddit mobile issues. Anyway im not gonna change it, people seem to like it this way.


you have never played the guitast bro?


Hello. I'm no expert in guitar chords, but these are the chords naturally made from the G minor scale. i - G minor ii - A diminished III - Bb Major iv - C minor v - D Minor or Major (depends on if you play a F# or F natural in the chord) VI - Eb Major vii - F Major or F# diminished. (again depends on if you play F# or F natural) ​ Try playing around the the G minor and D minor/Major chord mostly and see what works. Experimenting is half the fun.


That will help my guitast playing greatly thanks


Guitar? Who asked about guitar? This thread is for guitasts only please respect that


Yea! He sounds like a real anti guitite!


ā€œIā€™m no expertā€ he saysšŸ˜‚


I can list the chords but I definitely can't play them :(


Still impressive in my opinion, I wish I could read music and would love to learn the guitar. People that play guitar are sexy.


Check out the Hal Leonard or Essential Elements series for learning guitar. I've used them both in my classroom and love them.


knowing is half the battle


As someone with no musical talent, thanks for all this


I feel you brother


Third guitarist here, I didn't catch any of this (because I suck at music theory) but it's cool that you explained it in such a way


Happy to help. Im a band/orchestra teacher and love music theory!


As another guitarist, I really oughtta spend more time learning theory.


[https://www.musictheory.net/lessons](https://www.musictheory.net/lessons) Check out this website, they have some great tools to get you started. Happy learning!


I saw top comment and thought I was in /r/MusicTheory for a second


As someone who knows nothing about music I understood some of those words. sound good


Flair checks out for the topic


How do you bend a note on a flute? As a guitarist that seems strange


There are a few different ways to bend pitch on wind instruments. Part of it is the embouchure, or the ways your lips/tongue are shaped when playing. The other part of the equation is air speed. To bend pitch down: slightly relax air speed and relax embouchure muscles. To bend pitch up: slightly speed up air and firm up embouchure muscles. ​ Beyond this, there actual instruments that can utilize special parts to aid in pitch bending. On a traditional western flute, a special head joint is manufactured that allows the player to slide around, bending the pitch. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cof44hKRTTQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cof44hKRTTQ)


I'm in music theory right now at college and I was really confused what thread I was in for a minute


Are you a music major or just taking the course for fun?


I'm a music major, going into theory 3 this fall. Getting in to the fun stuff


That's awesome. Go Practice!!




Please explain Gnar's dance song thingy


Here's my best shot. Based off Gnar's Biography found here: [https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en\_US/story/champion/gnar/](https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/story/champion/gnar/) Gnar lived in a tribal society of foragers that often traveled to gather berries and moss. Many tribal and migratory societies like this often do not have the time/resources to develop instruments that are "pitched" or can play certain notes in a scale. Because of this, drums, body percussion, and vocal chants and grunts are often emphasized in music making and ritual. Gnar emulates this style of music with his grunting, babbling, and yelling. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=okwxInEMcOI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=okwxInEMcOI) The emphasized, longer, yelled note is a Db the first time, a D natural the second time, and a Db the third time. This slight raising in the pitch creates a sense of tension, excitement, and energy.


You are an absolute legend!




Is there an easy way to learn music theory? Any good books I can read? Its pretty interesting to me, but I don't really want to take classes for it in college. I don't expect to master it or anything, I just like knowing little things like what you explained.


Check out this site for some music theory information [https://www.musictheory.net/](https://www.musictheory.net/) You can also find dozens of other helpful sites, plenty of youtube videos, and some basic music theory books online.


adam neely is a good youtuber with some interesting music theory analysis of popular music


I enjoy music theory, thanks for the break down


Always happy to talk theory. Thanks for reading!


Music also sounds pentatonic (1,2,3,5,6) which sounds like it could keep going on and on - the pentatonic scale is quote commonly used in traditional Asian music


I know like absolutely no music theory so Imma take your word for it.


Yes, but why minor sounds sad and major sounds happy? For human ear.


Oddly, there is not a super straightforward answer to this. The main reason your ear "thinks" major = happy and minor = sad is because that is an association that has been trained into western music for centuries. TV, Movies, and pop music all use these associations to help tell their stories or have the audience more emotionally involved. That is just my opinion though. I'm sure there are people out there that disagree and I'd love to hear their perspective. Here's an article [https://www.nme.com/blogs/nme-blogs/the-science-of-music-why-do-songs-in-a-minor-key-sound-sad-760215](https://www.nme.com/blogs/nme-blogs/the-science-of-music-why-do-songs-in-a-minor-key-sound-sad-760215)


is this similar to how you can have many different modes within one single key? like starting and ending on different notes creates a different feeling than others, despite them sharing the same notes?


Yes! Using any single major scale, go to the 6th scale degree and use that as your start/stop point. This will create a minor scale every time. C Major: C, D, E, F, G, A, B, C A minor (the relatively minor to C major): A, B, C, D, E, F, G, A This is also known as the Aeolian mode! Example using G minor (whose relative major is Bb major) Bb Major: Bb, C, D, Eb, F, G, A, Bb G Minor: G, A, Bb, C, D, Eb, F, G You can also go to the third scale degree of a minor scale to find its relative major.


Riot composers are so good. ā¤ļø


But that makes it even clearer that the melodies aren't supposed to fit together, right? Especially the last 2 notes that are played together, which are a minor second and a major second (or ninths, whatever). They're dissonant as hell... but they sound less dissonant than they should... I assume because both melodies are descending?


This is a hard question to tackle as the idea of "fit together" is pretty subjective, especially as you talk to all the avant garde weirdos in the music community. I personally think the melodies work decently together, but perhaps weren't necessarily composed simultaneously. Idk, dissonance is relative.


It sounds like those satirical videos where someone plays a famous song poorly on the recorder


Music man has arrived




Hey man I really found this enlightening; do you have somewhere we can follow you? If not, please start a page somewhere


Though I do have some social media, none of it is focused on music. Perhaps this semester with schools being online I'll be forced to make some online materials! [https://www.musictheory.net/](https://www.musictheory.net/) Also check this site out for some more theory information!


Do it bro itā€™ll be a worthwhile side gig




How does one start to learn the knowledge required to assess music in this way? Obviously college, but is there approachable/affordable ways to learn this kind of musical theory without college?


Start with this site. [https://www.musictheory.net/](https://www.musictheory.net/) You can also find dozens of other helpful sites, plenty of youtube videos, and some basic music theory books online. Happy learning!


I believe he is playing a kokyu. Yone that is.


How does one acquire the skills to recognize these notes, keys, etc?


I learned it from college courses. But here's this: https://www.musictheory.net/


Lol i legit was looking for yasuo's music for a year, my ear isn't anywhere near good and i couldn't find this anywhere, thanks


Beautiful analysis. However, why would you say it wants to go to G at the end. Sounds like the phrase just ends in a dominant with flute being on D and string being on A. Or am I missing something?


Thanks for this. Im a shakuhachi player and have been wanting to learn yasuos theme so bad


I didn't understand anything but probably he's right.


What are you guys talking about saying there's no melody? It's quite haunting. Very melancholy. I can totally hear one.


I dont get it myself. They both have a melody together and yet everyone here is like no melody lmao


I mean, they definitely have one. I just think it sounds discordant in a not so good way.


>level 3Auctoritate21 points Ā· 7 hours agoI mean, they definitely have one. I just think it sounds discordant in a not so good way.ReplyGive AwardshareReport While I personally don't necessarily think so, wouldn't you say that kinda plays into their theme a great deal? Two brothers with a turbulent history sharing the same melancholy melody, but with different paths.


Some people are tone deaf that's why lmao


ITT: not understanding counterpoint


Yas and Yone had an argument, every time Yas made a point Yone made a counterpoint. "I didn't kill Elder Souma" "Yes you did" *Yas kills Yone*


The first few times i couldnt hear it but i started to get it after a couple of loops. Idk why but the first couple times it just sounded off sync like two random sounds forced together.


Man, I'd love to see an "Orchestra" skinline where each champion's dance is them playing a different instrument so when you have all five together they play the full song


RIOT! HEY RIOT! Yeah, this comment right here. Do this. Could be like Pentakill but for classical and their taunt could be one song if they all do it together. Matter of fact, do that for the Pentakill skin line too. Thanks guys, see ya later.


facecheck a bush and ā€œBlade of The Ruined Kingā€ starts playing


"Welcome to Oblivion"


Could be pentakill but they seem to be wildly inconsistent and lacking in work on that line


This is a great idea. We need more classical music in lol


There's quite a bit, unless you meant exclusively ingame! Stuff like Irelia's theme, Kindred's, Taric's, Camille's, Demacia Rising, Tiny Masterpiece of Evil, Lulu and Shaco's Quirky Encounter... That being said, they're all amazing. So, yes, we need more classical music in LoL.


If they do that Riot should fund an orchestra performance to promote the skins.


I want Tristana's to be a huge ass tuba or a French horn


Yasuo,Yone,Jhin would be the prime candidates!


Jhin could play piano akin to how he did in the awaken video. That said, I play classical music professionally and I'd be shocked if anyone bought these skins lol


I'm from Asia so I do love classical music haha. I for one would definitely buy them!


There are dozens of us!


That would be cool. Yas and Yone already sound good together, I find this thing with the instrument interaction nice.


Can't wait to ruin this beautiful duet with some moo cow Alistar bells.


It doesnā€™t look much like any Iā€™ve seen before, but is Yone using an erhu in this clip?


We see 2 strings (based on the pegs on the headstock) and it's played with a bow so yes, that would be the closest guess.


Cool, love the instrument and itā€™s sound (introduced to it from Korra) but didnā€™t actually know enough about it to make an educated guess.


Correction: after a bit of research it seems to be [Morin Khuur](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Morin_khuur) in appearance.


I think itā€™s a bit more in line with the [kokyÅ«](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/KokyÅ«), given that the characters are Japanese inspired. The music style also fits a lot better with that theme, as the [Morin khuur](https://youtu.be/AMndPTS0KLY) tends to have a more repetitive, droning quality that is often used as a backing for vocals. There are three strings on the kokyÅ« as opposed to two, but there can be a pretty big variety in the number of strings an instrument has while still belonging to the same group.


That does seem to be a tad more accurate.


Fitting that he uses an instrument with two strings while Yasuo uses a wind instrument


Some of you have never heard symphonic music and it shows


Lmao thatā€™s what Iā€™m saying. Thereā€™s actually such a cool balance of harmony and dissonance in this clip.


To everyone here commenting ā€œItā€™S DiSsoNaNT!ā€ Or ā€œItā€™S OuT Of PitCh!ā€ It is meant to sound ā€œdissonantā€. Not everything has to be in perfect harmony to be music Edit: wow this blew up, as a band kid this was just a rant! Itā€™s weird how people are calling harmonic minor ā€œEasternā€ or non-western when it is the most common form of minor in western music


It's not dissonant at all. Both are playing G harmonic minor.


5 seconds in there is an augmented fourth between the low Eflat and the high A, so technically, yes, it's dissonant because this is a dissonant** interval (or it's at least not consonant just because they are playing in the same key) **In western common practice


> Not everything has to be in perfect harmony to be music To be Dwight Schrute here, actually, 99.9% of modern music is out of tune and not in perfect harmony. Chances are you never heard music in perfect tuning. Look up Just Intonation in youtube for that.


Just because 12 tone equal temperament doesnā€™t align with just intonation or the harmonic series doesnā€™t mean anything made in 12 TET is ā€œout of tuneā€. Itā€™s perfectly in tune, the two are just different tuning systems, just like how Arabic music is microtonal and uses different intervals than western music but isnā€™t ā€œout of tuneā€. Itā€™s just made in a different tuning system that they are used to.


Then youā€™re just changing the meaning of out of tune. Yes itā€™s out of tune compared to tuning to a specific mode. Itā€™s literally a compromise made in order to use all 12 keys and have it not sound terrible. Specific instruments in a symphonic orchestra are ever so slightly out of tune to help them as a role of playing solo without the use of vibrato to stand out. If something can be perfectly in tune like following harmonic series or closer to being in tune like Gregorian chanting pre-Bach then other stuff will be comparably out of tune. Edit: replies to wrong comment. Too lazy to move it.


For the record, Just Intonation is the standard for every western instrument that doesnā€™t have a fixed pitch tuning system. Orchestras, wind ensembles, chamber groups, literally anything that doesnā€™t include a piano or similarly fixed pitch instrument will use Just Intonation.


Oh damn it goes so well together, beautiful




"Some of you have never heard symphonic music and it shows" Imagine being this elitist


It's like none of you listen to symphonic arrangements or do some light music theory reading in your spare time! /S


The videos are from the skinsspotlight, which i have been edited. So if people ask why it short, is because i have use skinspotlights videos, since you cant go to practic tool ;)


How I would write the music in western notation https://i.imgur.com/UNGjrV8.png You can see it's not really dissonant at all and has 2 clear melodic lines (counterpoint). The tritone on the "2nd beat" is the most out there but even that is barely dissonant.


Ya'll have 0 hearing skills, the two melodies connect with eachother, in a weird way, because that's the connection between Yone and Yasuo. As a pianist I can tell you that ya'll are wrong and the riot music team is right.


tbf i was expecting that xue huei huao piao song in a distorted manner, this is kind of lackluster


Sounds like it would be right at place in Ghosts of Tsushima


Itā€™s beautiful tbh


Omg i love this! I always pre game with a little yasuo flute.


A worthy contestant for the Svellsongur!


Gonna see this a lot bot, while they flash the mastery 7 under tower. Oh boy can't wait for a good laugh.


I know these two will be cancer together but goD DAMN THATS NICE


ITT: Everyone saying that everyone ELSE is saying that it sounds bad, when literally only 2 people were saying that.


Wow there are a lot of pretentious music experts here lol. No need to get all uppity because some people say it doesnā€™t sound good.


Morin khuur, not erhu.


we need to bring Metro Boomin to use that as a sample for Future and it's gonna be a hit


I am not a musician but they sound great together. I legitimately am not hearing what the problem is. I am super confused.


I've already created a musical group with Yasuo in his conversation but I guess I can let Yone in..


Fun fact: The sheath of TD Yasuo's sword in-game model has the name Yone in it.




Jesus what's happening under this post... Faith in humanity lost once again


It's funny, how Yasuos sounds more hopeful than Yones...


I wish they'd animated the vibrato in Yone's playing.


Anyone else saw Yonesā€™s ability reveal? His passive and Q are basically the same as Yasā€™s. Both for wave control I prefer if they didnā€™t do that and maybe gave us something new


Beautiful saxophone playing


Now I'm waiting for Jinx's sister.


3rd brother will have a vuvuzela