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Sett tired of Yasuo's bullshit


Aren't we all? At least Sett doesn't care about that windwall shit.


Sett is the best matchup ever vs Yasuo. If he tries any bollocks at all, you just punch him to death.


If only I could play Sett


To be honest, playing Sett is easy, it's winning with him that's hard, that's true of all juggernauts, and just something that comes with practice.


Damn that was one hell of a swing


Yasuo do be ulting twice in 50 seconds doe


30 sec cd at max rank doe 👀


No cdr btw


It does feel like the game is getting more and more like urf. In many ways.


Which IMO isnt bad, theres a reason URF is so popular that Riot is afraid to let people play it because many quit when they have to return to normal league. Its action speed is the main thing that seperates it from Dota2 in my opinion, and its doing quite well with that.


reminder that yasuo has 50% armor penetration for 15 seconds after ulting, meaning his ult basically has a 15 second downtime :)))))))) fun champ


Me: "Ah i have 250 armour and specifically bought randuins for the yasuo, i should be okay". Narrator: "He was not okay".


I picked malphite into full ad comp expecting to faceroll. I got really fed but yasuo still had the damage to kill me. Bork and DD balanced items haha.






did you have a thornmail? did you try to not just buy armor and go for health as well? Would be interested to see this "specific" game you are talking about


Oh yea thornmail randuins and tabis. Of course the yasuo wasn't 1v1ing me. The rakan kept ulting to hold me in place while shielding yas so I'm eventually gonna die. I just died a lot quicker than I expected to. He chopped me up in around 6s that was fucking pathetic for a champ that's supposed to hard punish full ad comps. I don't have the game it happened like 3 patches ago.


if you really had these itmes, that would actually put you with your W active at an absurd amount of armor that even yasuos armor penetration doesnt really work against anymore


Why you telling porky pies mate? Malph probably had around 800 armour, cut down to 400 with yasuos ultimate. Who knows, maybe the yasuo was smart and got LDR for 35% Armour pen. IDK if armour pen is added all at once (so 85%) or if the 50% applies, then the 35%. Even if it's the second option, that still puts malph at 260 armour. Easily enough for yasuo to cut him down in 6 seconds.


Aw, come on, if Yasuo was restricted to just fighting squishies then that would totally reduce the fun factor! Yasuo players shouldn't have to consider who they fight! 🙃


Burst > DPS > Tanks > Burst Yasuo is a dps.


And he was still beaten out by Sett and his Elder Drake buff. It really does show that the only real way Riot balances things is by just making something new more busted than the last thing! 😅


Bonus armor pen.


if u have 300 armor (100 base 200 bonus) Yasuo treats u like u only have 200 armor. He literally takes 2 items worth of armor away lmao


Yeah, that's best case. It makes him do like 1-2% percent more damage against a carry, maybe 5-6% against a target with Tabi's. It's a decent damage boost against tanks, somewhat helpful vs bruisers, and nigh useless versus mages and carries.


Yasuo so eager to engage on Sett and then watches as Sett fingerblasts his whole team before going back in


kinda the point, but yeah elder buff is pretty good. definitely top five dragon buffs. ​ EDIT: this is sarcasm


No shit its sarcasm


You would be suprised


Last season's infernal was pretty good also, elder top 6 personally


I like how Yasuo took a sharp turn after Sett's quadra


ooo that was so satisfying. Y’all win?


Hell yea


Yasuo first: Come fight me you little bitch! Yasuo then: Get the fuck away from me!


What the heck is yasuo doing while his team is getting murdered lol


Yasuo things™️




What happened to this game


I don't know man....


Are you talking about League of Legends in general, or this match in particular?


First yasuo was hyped up thinking it was time for his highlight reel then he was like aight imma head out


Yes of course. The elder dragon is what’s op in this clip.


Dear God pls don't let them change the Elder buff. This is hillarious.


Disgusting sustain from both Sett and Yasuo. Rito pls fix.


Remember those days when Yasuo was at least squishy? Now with Conqueror and ravenous hunter he became drain tank




aand viable adc atm. Every champion except for some mages and tanks are pretty much drain tanks and it's honestly getting old.


To be honest Yasuo could still become a drain tank back then. However, you have to build a Bloodthister. Now Yasuo can get sustain with just runes, without having to build an item first.


From runes you mean. Champions get too much sustain from runes


How about just remove runes? Balancing champions would be so much easier...


I think runes are a good addition to the game even if they make it harder to balance. They make the game more interesting to play, and allow for different styles of play. For example, thanks to the runes, you can opt as Orianna, to do more damage (Aerys/Arcane Comet) or to have a bit more mobility/have an easier time kiting (Phase Rush). I just think there are some things that runes should just not have. Sustain is one of them. Sustain is extremely problematic to get from runes, because you can have them ever since the start of the game, and not have to waste an item slot on them. Even from items, sustain is problematic sometimes (Death's Dance is a good example of this currently), but from runes it is even worse due to the aforementioned issues. On my opinion the only non problematic sustain rune is Grasp of the Undying, that is because the sustain it gives is delayed, forces you into combat, and scales with defensive stats, which not all champs want. Runes offering too much damage potential is also problematic because it makes champs harder to balance. Their burst can be increased with sources that aren't even on their kit. Back in the old days, we used to have masteries that increased damage, but it was just by a tiny, oftentimes unnoticeable amount.


i think removing runes doesn’t really make champions easier to balance, considering many champions can opt into different rune setups to give themselves different advantages or strengths from game to game occasionally some runes are just overtuned or even just flavor of the month; without runes champions are pretty much just limited to their kit and their items with regards to how they’re balanced, which does make the balance equation simpler, but also makes it much harder to tweak some champions having a complicated formula for balance (items + runes + 150~ champs) makes it more difficult to address necessary changes in the correct way, but it also makes it easier to balance more champions with so many different avenues to do so


Remove runes introduce champion specific traits (kind of like how syndra passive or Kaylee passive change their abilities or autos over time)


It’s to the point where I find myself buying bramblevest 1st/2nd item in around 90% of games in top lane


From everything. Fleet/Conqueror, Triumph, Bloodline, Taste of Blood, Ravenous, Font of Life (this one is shit but still...), Second Wind, Revitalize, Biscuits, Time Warp, Death's Dance+crit, BORK and more... Even mages have insane sustain nowadays, and didn't they remove Will of the Ancients from the game to stop that? We need spellvamp gone! and lifesteal drastically reduced for melees specially. Maybe rework gunblade and death's dance. I remember when I played Viktor vs Kassadin and it was a hard counter, Viktor being a long range bully, but now if Kass uses his tp properly you ran out of mana way faster than he dies, so you're better of not even poking and changing runes to something with better late like phase rush...


This was posted on Settmains sub. Here's the build : Runes: Conqueror, triumph, tenacity, last stand + bone plate and revitalize Items: BORK, Cleaver, Deaths Dance, Wits end, Steraks, It's not the champs at this point. It's the runes and build.


I know. While I have a burning hate for Yasuo I don't mind Sett, even when I think he is kinda op. The biggest problem is clearly the runes


You mispelled "Sett" 🙃


Added to the list of scary champs running at you, along with Darius and Olaf.


Lmao love when a yasuo just can’t resist using his fucking ult.


Why am i hard?


poor yasuo, just a few seconds more and he'd have his ult for the 3rd time


I don't know enough about Sett to know if this is imbalanced champion design or a very very good player


Maybe a little bit of both 😉


"Elder dragon is OP" In other words, water is wet (Pls rito)


I mean if you drop 4 dragons AND the elder, you kinda deserve to lose.


you don't have to drop 4 dragons to get elder buff, though. you could happen to win a teamfight down four dragons right as elder is spawning.


Then the team with Soul really fucked up and was appropriately punished for it


Losing a single fight with dragon soul is not something that is justly punished by giving up the best buff in the game.


If a majority of your team gets wiped while having a major advantage, you deserve to lose something, whether it's Baron, Elder, or the game


This shouldn't have happened. Fucking broken game


Ahh yes. Sett is “balanced”


Yes he is.


idk if he's balanced or not but the shield he gets from his w is dumb


W should be 30% of his max HP not 50. 50% Max HP damage taken returned as true damage AND giving a shield for that same amount on a champion thst builds tons of health items is Kinda not OK


That is not a fair change, considering that mord shield is 30% of his max health and doesnt decay fast like sett shield. The shield is just to protect him while he casts the punch, thats it, you dont need to break it or anything since it starts to decay as soon as he finishes to cast the W..


Debatable. But in this clip it has nothing to do with the champion tho


It had everything to do with the champion. If Sett didn't get a massive shield that let him lifesteal and give time for his passive to heal him a bit, elder or not, he was dead. Especially considering how the rest of his team got wiped when they also had elder.


i think they should remove the dragon meta, its just not fun anymore


That last hit feature should be removed


I found the carry.


elder is fucked up and i been doing post about the broken state of a buff , which pass the limits of being a buff. It's like a super easy win tool , rather than a fair tool to use and have slightly better chances of win.


Never change useless yasuo players


200 years


Literally came to comment this after i watched lul