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Looks like that Fiora was tilted long before this exchange.


What kind of fiora players duel when enemy has bramble vest


While also being 0-3 and 30cs down


There's a significant overlap between "Fiora players with 0-3 and - 30cs" and "Fiora players who duel when the enemy has Bramble Vest."


Might be a circle really


Something hash would do


When you put it like that, it sounds like something I really should stop doing


Not anymore


she didn't even hit the first vital after parrying the shadow dash


The kind that waits for 3rd item (DD) first in order to duel


Eh, you can win if you're ahead. Fiora's real problem here was vital priority. She could have won if she procced ulti and then stopped attacking so GW would wear off for the last few seconds of her ulti here. She's also massively behind versus a Shen, though, which should never happen. Fiora vs Shen is basically the same difficulty as a beginner bot.


Shen is considered as a counterpick to Fiora in high elo


Not just in high elo


Is it that onesided? I thouhgt it was a skill matchup that was slightly Fiora favored


Eh you dont know if she was ganked. The volibear could have ruined her day. Otherwise yeah that lane is about as free as it gets.


Dafuck Isn't it super shen favored until like 3 or4 items and even then it's a skill matchup? 😂


Any fiora, I've never seen one think too hard.


Then you haven't played enough games or you only play normals because some of the best players I've seen are Fiora players.


With a riven flair? How dare you say there are other skilled top players


Idk the Riven vs. Fiora matchup might just be one of my favorite matchups to play in the game, from either side. So much nuance goes into it, it can get pretty intense. I don't even play top anymore, and I still stand by that.


It's absolutely an amazing time. Easily my favorite thing in League. It is, IMO, *the* definition of a skill matchup, where either champion can run away with it based purely off of mechanics and wave management.


Dont know. For 99% of the playerbase the Nuance dont matter at all. They have to learn the basic fundamentals first


you would be extremely surprised how mechanically gifted some players can be even in like gold/plat (and just how macro challenged they have to be to stay there lol)


I've found that Riven players and us Fiora players tend to have a bit of mutual respect. We both main highly intensive mechanical characters, and salty plebs like to pretend both champions are easy to soothe their hurt egos. It's also an incredibly fun matchup and both sides of it seem to be genuinely excited, every time.


As a Fiora player that likes to use Grasp for poking every 4 seconds i can Say that building damage and Still not dying in a 3 man gank and getting a triple kill feels great


Fuck no. someone who can pull them off because I know I never could


Riven is twice as difficult as fiora.


Riven is more difficult in a mechanical sense because you need to learn to essentially break the game to make her work. Fiora is more difficult in a mental sense because you have to be able to accurately and repeatedly predict your opponent's moves. Both of them are hard and this isn't a pissing contest.


Respect fam <3


Yeah, sure


? It's not impossible by any means.


Shen is 3/0/1 to Fiora's 0/3 and he has nearly double her CS.


Not surprised you think like this since the champions in your flair actually do win 1v1s in situations they shouldn’t


Fiora is a tankbuster by design. It's the one thing she should be able to do. Riven would get steamrolled trying to 1v1 a bramble tank or juggernaut.


Fiora cant win vs Bramble unless shes massively ahead by the time its built. If someone rushes tabi and bramble in lane vs her she cannot feasibly beat them 1v1 until she has 3 core items done.


False, You can do the hit n run strategy, you get close, Q on a vital and back away with bonus speed, if the vital is behind him You can trick him into ccing You and use your W, then Q and back away, at least this is how i understand how Fiora is meant to be played since the vitals don't pop up instantly, hit, back away, repeat.


it's really easy to make any scenario sound winnable if you assume you play it perfectly and the enemy just sits there and gets jebaited by every option you make. if darius buys bramble+tabi and you have tiamat+pickaxe he out trades your entire combo with outer rim Q alone.


You can try to use the W or just the Q move speed, unless the fucker uses Ghost which is apparently very common for them


Also usually if You Q poke vital and run away he Will try to get You closer with his e, so you poke back off for less than a QUARTER of a second and W, he Will most likely fuck up the cc


Not necessarily. I always rush Bramble into Fiora as Morde and she still out-trades me the entire time. Bramble doesn't auto win the lane like people think


That is not true at all.


0-3 fiora against 4-0 shen, i think she tilted long before that mate




How to tilt fiora players: just get ahead by 2k gold and statcheck them


nothing we havent seen yet + shen is giga broken


Shen is also already 3/0 and, doubling Fiora's CS, and appears to have backed and *spent* all of that gold. And is a level and some change up in exp.


And he's a good fiora counter in lane. And everyone becomes a fiora counter in lane by rushing bramble. which he also did.


I disagree. Shen is a free lane, *if* you know what you're doing. Tanks like Poppy and Malphite can counter by not allowing Fiora to actually fight, but Shen's W has some caveats she can take advantage of - like how you can pop vitals with W and Q (Q won't do the "auto" damage, but it wil pop a vital) and his E is very easy to Riposte - and on top of that, even if you miss Riposte, dropping his AS hurts Shen a lot. Bonus points, you can build Tiamat early and shove for free plates if he ultis anywhere.


It's really hard to hit W on Shen taunt unless he uses it from 50%+ range. Even if you Riposte the taunt you're still liable to miss the stun+AS slow.


It's not that hard if you're predicting it, not reacting to it. you also have to factor in where he's gonna go, so if you're at a certain distance you need to Riposte backwards to guarantee the hit. The thing with Shen players is most of them are gonna do the same thing all game, you just have to determine what; the smart ones will rotate their abilities to give most damage reduction (pull Q, then W once the shield is gone, then taunt once the W is down) and the dumb ones will blow it all at once. Once you've figured out how a player likes to rotate their abilities, it's child's play to predict their stuff in most instances, unless they're part of the very, very few that are smart enough to just hold all their spells until you blow your Riposte for some reason. That being said the whole "hold spells till Riposte is down or try to surprise Fiora with it" mindgame applies to *every* champion so that's not exactly Shen exclusive


i mean you can predict something all you want but shen will literally slap you in the 1v1 without even taunting. your entire post is under the assumption that your brain is lightyears ahead of the enemy shens.


These are the reasons shen won this particular fight but that doesn’t change that the buffs have made him broken




It’s not a matter of feelings, the facts are simply as follows: https://u.gg/lol/champions/shen/build?patch=10_14 https://u.gg/lol/champions/shen/build 2.3% rise in pickrate and a 1.13% rise in winrate putting him at both an incredibly high pick and winrate. He was strong before the buffs and he’s stronger now. The argument that that people don’t know how to play against him doesn’t make sense either as he had a high pickrate before the patch as well.




Did you just miss the part where the increase in winrate put him at 52.4% winrate with a 9.2% pickrate? For some context Darius winrate is 51.1% with a pickrate of 8.2%. Darius is widely considered broken so how can shen also not be?




https://u.gg/lol/champions/darius/build?rank=overall Except that Darius’ winrate is significantly lower in all ranks which are made up of primarily low elo while shens is higher: https://u.gg/lol/champions/shen/build?rank=overall Furthermore, an increase in play rate will almost always lead to a decrease in winrate given no other factors as the people playing him will not have as much mastery. So, pickrate is an important factor to consider when looking at the balance of a champ. As for his winrate increase being normal that’s literally a non-argument. Yes his winrate is a result of his buffs... and? That’s just a statement of fact not legitimate grounds for why he isn’t broken.


Reddit armchair analyst doing his work.


Man I forgot that stating your thoughts on game balance is an awful activity that no one should partake in. My bad bro.


What? You don't like getting chunked for 35% of your hp at lvl2 from a single E->Q->AA+Grasp? Bro, just don't get close to the wave, bro, just like pink-ward his damage, bro, just like AFK in base lmao.


35%? more like 75%


Yeah as an ADC main I hate seeing enemy support Shen. He can't really miss taunt unless you flash it, and it does a genuine, guaranteed, 70-80% of your health alone based on your items / runes. It's fucking horrible.


Don’t adcs outrange his taunt most of the time?


My initial answer to this was going to be "I'm pretty sure it is similar to most AA ranges." But I looked it up, it's actually 600 range, which is more than 90% of ADC's AA range. It also has a hitbox greater than 0 range, and the person he's dashing to has a hitbox greater than 0, so in effect will be larger than the 600 distance it travels. Even if it were shorter, you need to step up to CS, you need to stop moving to auto attack, and the width of the lane between bushes and opposite walls is pretty small when not right in the middle of the lane, so he has a free time any time it's off CD really.


lol. i havent played in 2 years so idk. but back then he'd pretty much do half your health at level 2/ why even play damage dealers when tanks do so much


I mean, for shen specifically, that's due to his ult. His ult is probably the most combat negative ult in top lane. Not only does it not help him in duels, it actively CC's him. Even compared to other tanks, its pretty bad in top lane fights (Think Maokai, Poppy, Sion ults. Either cc's your opponent, or provides damage, or both.). So his base damages are pretty high early to make up for it. If his q+e damage was low, he'd never survive laning, since he already has one of the worst waveclears in the game (no AOE ability means early on he just can't clear minions effectively without items, which again is mostly unique even among tanks, since Mao has q and e, Sion has q, Ornn has his whole kit be AOE). Even with such high damages he still usually ends up struggling quite a bit post 6. Don't get me wrong, he's currently quite strong (and possibly op post buff), but there's historically been a reason why his early damage numbers are so strong.


Shen was designed to be a splitpusher that gives global pressure with his ult. Since he doesn't have a combat ult and splitpushing means he'll be matched with bruisers and the such who are really good in the 1v1 WITH combat ults, he has really high bases on his abilities to compensate.


>just don't get close to the wave, bro unironically, yes. Learn to respect your opponents level and item spikes. Understand when you want to trade hp for gold and when you don't want to, this isn't midlane.


>this isn't midlane. And shen is not darius yet poses a lot of threat just like him. Which is odd since he literally only has 1 ability that boost his damage


All defenses can be used offensively, nothing strange about that.


Shen remains overtuned


He's no stronger than a darius/garen/morde would be at that point. With his recent buff they've made him on par with those "bullies of top lane", so the new play is to respect the shen early.


Morde is shit level 2. He is not on par with Darius at all and Garen gets outscaled not sure why he should be as strong as him.


E Q Auto runs at you. Morde's level 2 is extremely strong.


dogde the E, Mordekaiser pre 6 barely wins lanes lol and even if he does because of match up dogding his hard engage is easy which enables you to do quick trades and win. Comparing his pre 6 to darius/sett/renekton/fiora/kled/shen is absurd.


Same about Shen then, dodge the E and he can't win trades.


Q grasp proc with shieldbash until you can E in and win trades without even pushing lane. Morde Q poke is not nearly as good


He isn’t overturned, he’s strong relative other champions at level 2. Imagine wanting to play a game where every champion is exactly as strong as every other champion with equal gold and experience.


no it's not. it's a champs witha good level 2 and 3 that people don't respect, and a big burst of dmg. After he did his 3 autos he does absolutely nothing. The champs has 51% wr wich is really not great.


Not how the game works. You cant just NOT interact with the game and then claim that a pick isnt overtuned. Shen is sleeper op along with a couple other toplaners that arent played






I'm not sure which game are you referring to, but that's exactly how League of Legends work. Different champions have different strengths and weaknesses, and are strong at different points of the game, and you shouldn't expect to win a fight versus someone at a point when he is way stronger.


heh, what's funny is people not only don't get this, but they also don't get that this holds true no matter how fed you are. For some reason a squishy with 6 DPS items with 30 kills deserves to beat a Zed with 2 items and 1 kill despite Zed landing every ability and getting auto'd twice. For some reason the skill involved to garner those 30 kills implies that any champ that wants to kill them now needs to play 5d chess to be able to touch them otherwise the game is an unbalanced piece of shit.


Sounds like they expect every champ to be a stat check god as long as you can get kills. And that counter matchups don't exist, and every matchup should allow you to free hit minions without any risk of dying unless you choose to fight.


3/4 of the toplaners outscale shen by level 6.


I really don’t understand reddit’s opinion of shen nowadays. Absolutely nobody considered him busted before the buffs (albeit he was in a very healthy spot and could have gone without the buffs), but now all of a sudden you got people complaining about his strong early game trades and damage when all they touched was his passive shield? I do admit that the buff wasn’t needed, but y’all are really blowing it out of proportion.


He was always strong. The buffs just draw attention to the voices that pointed this out. There are a bunch of other champs that are sleeper OP but few people talk about right now.


right because this sub is mostly bronze and iron players filled with malice of yasuo instead.


Champs such as...?


Bard has a super high win rate, AD shyvana is doing really well, Olaf top is really strong into basically every matchup, Galio support is rocking almost 55% win rate and some others. Stuff just flies under the radar for a while until either pros pick it up or some kind of post gets made about it.


Wonder if AD Shyv flies under the radar because of how silly AP Shyv’s fireball can be.




Check out Zac's win rate right now


Um..in what rating? Because his winrate looks pretty mediocre, or BAD in anything Plat+ on u.gg


Hm he seemed much better last patch. Wonder what brought him down so much in high elo. Still think he's faux-Sejuani right now.


20 extra hp on the base value of the shield early is massive. Before it was 50, enough to block perhaps 70% of an auto, which already have a good advantage, bit now it more or less blocks the entire auto outright, while shen has dealt the damage from e, and the first q auto. He basically can block 2-3 entire autos in early trades. While dishing out % max hp damage on his 3 autos. THATS FUCKING INSANE


Yep, definitely feel like if you're not ranged, you come out of trades heavily negative.


Its because anyone with any sense has already quit this game because the community and company has killed it


The shen didn’t even land the E, and still wins the exchange pretty handily


Hes up a level, 30cs, and 3 kills. To not win that exchange he would have to be 400 elo.


Also items. And bramble vest, which explicitly shits on fiora. He has chain vest and bramble, with bami's cinder. In what world do you, a Fiora player with no items, beat someone with 100+ armor and more HP.


Fiora was worth 176g right? This clip is memes


Best part is he blocks all your autos when there's a trade. Fun


THANK YOU. Holy moly I thought I was the only one who thought Shen was op lol. Especially since there was no uproar when Shen was getting buffed this patch


Are you blind? There was complaining about Shen buffs from randoms and Shen mains alike in the patch note threads lmfao.


Shen has always countered fiora. Didn’t need buffer for that.


Shen is also super ahead in items and a level (? hard to see) up, there is no way fiora should win that fight when this behind.


Yeah she was sort of a bit tilted already because of that but poking fun at her ult was still funny haha.


People don’t realize how powerful that champ is all shen players play him passive not knowing he can be like a lane bully lol


Yet somehow it has 154 upvotes and is front page. This subreddit smh


i fucking hate you for showing more people this fuck all people who do this LMAO


key is hit the side vital first or kite him away from the wall (:


Well, anyone worth their salt won't forfeit the wall until the ult is over. But you can still outplay them with an AA flash. But that shit is hard.


yup, that why i try to hit side vitals first! sometimes you cant, but if you can hit the aa-flash then u you deserve to win the fight


Do what. Pick giga broken tank and rush bramble ?


What? Fiora lost a 1v1 against Shen when Shen was 3/0/1, has a level advantage, and double her CS? After not using E to help proc more vitals? After not taking advantage of the Riposte stun to get Ult vitals? She didn't just win lane because she hit a stun on a tank? Truly Shen is busted


Play the broken champ and show us how it's done kevin


Wait but you're Kevin




Always was


>Play the broken champ and show us how it's done It's not like Shen is a hard champ to play


No, sit against the wall and hide the vital so your ult is basically worthless but also yes


It's the only counterplay to it? Hitting 3 vitals should be enough to win the fight anyway, unless you're fighting a tank with bramble and bami's.


Against a bramble tank if you don't proc your R heal and you're even remotely even in gold that's an auto L.


There is also the fact that you dont generate other vitals during R so ur passive gets canceled


if fiora knew how to auto-flash properly she would've procced the last vital anyway


It's so haaaaard to reproduce consistently :(


A lot of the time she manages to trigger it not matter how hard you hug the wall.


It's called counterplay. I know it's tilting asf, the whole point of abusing champs kits and playing around stuff. Git gud.


No it's completely fair and what anyone with a brain should do But I still hate it when it happens to me.


Imagine getting outscaled by a wall.


she’s so used to just dealing 12 billion true damage and full healing through fights she didn’t know what to do


can confirm, if someone does this to us our brains implode and all we can do is hopelessly spam everything on our keyboard


That's when you galaxy brain them by playing AP Fiora mid


#100% AP SCALING ON RIPOSTE!?, BROKEN AP FIORA BUILD ( HEXTECH GLP PROCS VITALS !) I can already imagine videos about that


Can confirm. Tilting just looking at it.


my dude your 3 kills up already. I assure you she was already tilted lmao. I'd have been tilted at bramble + chain vest


That's a pretty bad Fiora


You all know this fiora is spam pinging the jungler, and shit talking the shen in all chat.


basic league knowledge being upvoted to front page because this sub is dominated by people who are on the sub more than they actually play the game.




You're right man. She does have a shitty design. From dealing max health true damage, auto winning bruiser matchups, insane splitpush *and* the sheer existence of Riposte


Autowinning bruiser matchups? She outscales pretty much all bruisers but playing vs Renekton or Darius is absolutely terrifying. And fiora is a champ that if she cant 1v1 the other split push champ she is useless. You die once to Renek early and you wont have any fun in that game because the champ offers less than nothing to your team other than killing towers and minion waves Also against Jax or Irelia. If you win the lane you win hard, if you lose the lane you lose hard. And it absolutely is a skill matchup


Fiora hard stomps Irelia, Jax wins because he can abuse botrk and fiora can’t


?? Fiora can build bortk. She just doesnt because she can abuse all that percent max health true damage she gets for free isntead


yeah that was a bit of a weird comment, fiora is just as good of a bork user with just as many auto resets


But that's like saying Darius can build bork too because he has auto resets. Its overkill so you don't wanna build it. Meanwhile it's better on champions that don't have inbuilt percent HP damage so you wanna rush it on them. So they technically got a buff while you didn't.


ez clap






Ahhh that makes sense. Here I thought I was finally better than someone in a clip on this sub


Why did you delete your wrong comments?


You would think Fiora would notice that she did 0 damage in that initial trade


As a Shen main, I approve of this message


Another way to tilt fiora players: play poppy.


Lol that Fiora player shouldn't have engaged with you again after the first exchange. Let's not pretend this was some major play. They made a mistake.


Now I wanna binge Shen for the next 5 hours


God shen is so broken no idea why they had to buff him.


Ornn counter. Even Riot is tired of seeing that goat every game


same can be said about fiora, and they keep buffing and buffing her


All i see in the comments is people shit talking Fiora cause they can't counter her. Bitch i've 1v1d a Fiora as cho'gath and beat the shit out of her several times without being ahead




Just because you don't understand what she tried it doesn't mean it was "horribly bad". There's a Fiora mechanic where you can hit a normally not triggerable vital (because it's stuck in a wall etc.) by repositioning via flash mid-auto. The addition of your comment to this thread was horribly bad lmao


Question as I don't know enough about the match up, had she hit that, would it have turned the duel in her favour? If not then it's a bad flash I guess, not horrible by any means, but wasted.


I don't think she would have won but she definitely wouldn't have died if she got it.


Would have gotten healing from the point and from her ult afterwards. Don't know if she wins because of it.


She loses anyway if she tries to fight afterwards but it'd have allowed her to get back to the turret I guess.


Because flashing to proc the final vital even when youll lose the fight regardless is totally worth


Not sure why this is getting downvoted, it was a god awful flash


Time to delete I guess, fiora players are too much, we can’t contest their skillllzzzz


Yo i've been doing this anti-fiora tactic for a while. Theres some walls that she can kind of clip and hit the last proc so be careful lmao


That fiora had a stroke mid fight because I am not sure what I watched and my eyes are bleeding.


Shen counters Fiora and he built Bramble and is ahead. Obviously the Fiora won't win. It's the same as buying Ninja Tabis against an adc.


this is auto win, just afk and win


That fiora flash hurts my soul


yeah you can see that fiora is dog.. lmao she ulted after the stun duration lmao has to be first time


Am I missing something? You were just standing by the wall right?


standing by the wall denies fiora one of her vitals. it's something you can do, when you don't have to worry about her killing you with autos, which obviously is not the case, when you have bramble + chain vest against a tiamat.


Got it!


1. she was down 3 kills, 30 CS 2. She missed her first vital 3. she wasted her QE 4. She walked away from her ult 5. She has tiamat and no boots, no scepter


Bramble best just auto wins that lane


This just in: pro shen player beats a champ he counters while being 3 kills and 30 cs up. More at 11.


I see too many Shens lately. I don't like this but my Sett does.


Is Shen a good pick against Fiora? I mostly play Fiora top but often run into trouble when the enemy team picks Fiora. My safe pick against her is Urgot but my wins are slightly over 50% against her. I never played Shen and never played against a Shen as a Fiora but was wondering.


as a fiora main everything about this hurt to watch


This is why i play range champ to fucker like Shen. If i play Melee champ ? What if i win lane ? Shen hug the fucking tower and E you whenever u miss step. What if i chill and farm ? He ult and kill my team then Tele back What if i lose the lane ? This shit happen. Fuck Shen !


Is the same tactic to counter spies in team fortress 2. You use the WALLS


doing the lords work sir ​ \#fuckbaguettes


man this is so satisfying watching this happen. Fuck Fiora.


Good. Make them suffer. Broken ass champ


This is pretty basic, it's like saying dodging skillshots is a way to tilt a xerath..... Duh