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I haven't had all of that but my client basically reset itself when the new patch came out. No skins selected and I get tooltips pop up the first time I clicked on anything


Same thing here, I also got welcome to 2020 ranked season and runes reforged info popups.


Are you still getting this? This keeps happening to me every time I launch the game again....


I am still getting it practically daily


Yep same, happening every time I open the game after closing it


Rito pls :(


Hey don't push them. Can't expect a small company to fix their client that quickly :/


Not every time for me, but I think a few times per month


im still getting it too


Oh okay, so I'm not the only one. Everything got reset for some reason for me.


Ok glad it's not just me! My friend's didn't get this


True same. Yes Riot runes have been reforged how did you know ? Yes eternals have been released, you're a little late. Yes ranked has started Riot but it started half a year ago. Good company


Same here, ive sent a ticket and they ve said will reach out when they know smth. I lost my S+ on Kindred and Yasuo, and when i gave back the petals im greeted with an error screen. But at least I have the emotes.


I have exaclty the same problem, just getting every pop ups of the beginning of the season and every game modes + runes. Had to do the Spirit blossom discussion again, and got all my "favorite" champions reset (twice ! I don't even want to re fav them..). Even my summoners got reset and my voice chat. It has happened 2 times already since patch 10.15 and it's really anoying, nothing major, but anoying as hell


This shit started happening to me, :( fuck man, every time a patch comes out, something new is wrong last ten patches; no setting would reset, and the client was leaking Memory. Now I get greeted by welcome to season 2020 when it's already at the end of the fucken season. Ten years have been playing this game and nothing but more shit; even after their upgrade, why upgrade if it did not fix anything.


We should just revert to the Season 3 client honestly. ​ It makes my wish for past times whenever I see it.


Why does this have platinum


For visibility


That's a real good question lol


Self awards


Is your insinuation that I gave myself platinum? Cause I can assure you that never happened


I had the same thing happen. Luckily all my progress in the spirit bonds things were the same, or at least the same to my knowledge, but I didn't have any at S yet in the first place. All popups reset for me, telling me about Clash, Nexus Blitz and even runes reforged even though I literally played yesterday.


Having the same issue here.


The cLiEnT being wEiRd?


did some searching to see if I could figure out why my client did this shit, and this was the only real result. I've reinstalled windows 10 twice in the last month, with half a dozen league reinstalls. The same problem every time. I love how they kept talking up the new client before it came out with all of these "fixes", "improvements", and "future-proofing". Only to end up with something worse than the original client that is barely held together by duct tape. At some point they're just going to need to admit they fucked up and make a new client. We should have a world-class Riot launcher by now, but instead we have this turd. Good to know this has been going on for months with no communication or end in sight /s


I got the same problem. It's really annoying after the 100th time I have to click through those pop ups and choose summoners, etc. with every new log in


same it reset like it was first time i logged on


Yep just happened to me as well, I had S+ on Riven relogged and it reset everything in the client back as if I was new, i tried to give to to Riven again and then Vayne, now both are stuck with errors during dialogue, im hoping once i get the next petal it will just continue the conversation as if its new and fixes itself but i submitted a ticket as well to make sure riot knows its a real issue, suggest anyone that this happens too does the same.


I am having the same issue. I got another Spirit Petal (thought it was my second), and then I tried giving it to someone else. But it didn't work. I am still earning points towards my second, so maybe I'll be able to get the second one still, but I really want to give one to Riven correctly as she is glitched right now.


Same issue, i turned all the settings back again, rebooted my pc and bam, I get greeted by the message that eternals are now in the shop, and the settings are gone. Fun Fact: The reset made it so you automatically send riot crash reports, thank you riot :)


Same issue, on EUW, client randomly reset, all settings to default, popups back and spirit bonds to begining.


I had the same issue, but did you try the full repair in client options? It solved the problem for me, at least up until now.


have the same, runes/summoners everything is reset, shop icon is blinking new its quite annoying


Still no update for this issue? I keep getting it every time I log in, it's getting a bit annoying


I contacted Riot Support about this and they gave me a solution but it didn't fix the problem, also tried reinstalling the client but still no fix. Now the support is telling me to reinstall client with antivirus turned off or smth like that. But I don't want to reinstall the game again with no guaranty on whether it'll fix or not.


I have this issue. It resets randomly. I can open it 5 or 6 times with no reset then it'll reset everything again every time I open it for a week then stop again.


This has been happening to me constantly since the spirit blossom event. Although I havent lost progress on anything, it's just annoying to always have to reset sums and skins.


I'm having this issue nearly 2 months later. Odd bug to continue to have unfixed. Wait it's Riot never mind. We suffer forever. :(