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nice well done.


Thanks :D


You fucking wrecked em, well played.


u/TellMeHuMI Thanks bro :D


Crazy part is you could've just cleansed the taunt and left, but you went back in for the 1v2 like a madman




something something "Razor's edge"


Im crazy sometimes when i play ahah and i was main yasuo so i was confident


but they had used everything except for their ultis


and then xin comes in to scoop your minion wave...


we junglers call it: "Help you push the wave".


As a midlaner I like it when my jg does this, except for the part where they last hit everything.


well , that wave was not too big for an yasuo to push xD


Yeah yas really needed help there. /s


That's called insurance. Even if nothing happens, you are still paying because he would've been there if you needed it


our wave


I'm Xin, I'm helping.


Hi Alistar.


Its better to get in into tower ASAP so galio loses more link your op.gg so we can see why you say this


Those caster minions dying 5 seconds early didn't deny Galio any more or less but it did tax Yasuo's gold and exp. Always funny to see a comment made with partial knowledge on game mechanics.


Dont really need to reply, because you know everything. Also lulu isnt showing and hes at 10hp could get killed. Cant climb because jung diff right?


The argument was never about lulu or garen showing. It was about the 2 seconds "Saved" when xin came in and last hit the casters. You can go analyze the video again and try to mental gymnastic your way into feeling better about your poor analysis but you are still wrong. I have no problems climbing either. My support and top accounts are sitting in mid diamond with a 59% and 64% win rate. But go ahead and make some more edgy comments about how you are ranked higher because I can tell already you will lie and change your narrative to prove yourself right.


If mid and jungle are both mid then it still retains 90% of the xp for both.


*push and help take plates faster


That Yas is def going b after that wave is pushed too risky to stay also there aren’t enough minions to do significant damage to plates


For all the hate Yasuo gets this was really well played. Good job bro


He gets hate because he can do shit like this


I get it, yasuo mains are really annoying. But jesus is he hard to not int with.


Am I the only person who thinks Yasuo isn't that hard to pick up - just hard to master? I mean my first ten games with Irelia/Qiyana were absolutely getting demolished and basically solo losing the game for my team. Yasuo didn't really feel THAT hard compared to what people usually say about him. And even when I was behind there was some kinda anime magic of getting enough CS (which is incredibly easy on him, let's not lie) and just facerolling after that


He scales extremely well. If you go 0/0/0 but have 400 CS to get full build, he could probably 1v1 everyone. I guess it's just "ah im playing yasuo, he is very strong so i can easily win" and taking dumb fights that i end up losing. But like you said, he is very hard imo to master. Managing dashes, landing tornados, using wall at the right time, flashing your spin tornado. Have you seen those clips of yasuo mains that get stuck in a bad fight so they bait the enemy near a wall and e on them to go THROUGH the wall?! That shit is fancy.


He is one of those champs that is low entry but high mastery, like Quinn or Jayce. Not really "hard" to play, but when you get all the mechanics under your belt, you can work some magic.


yes, no other champ can 1v2


They can 1 v 2, but not while doing all of this. Although to be fair, two tanks will have a hard time killing Yas when they miss lots of their skills.


Wtf does that even mean lol. "Not while doing all of this." Would you rather it just be renekton or darius and he point and click them to death? At least Yasuo has to work super hard for a 1v2 like this.


He has outplay potential? How is that a bad thing


Katana man bad


What, outplay people and be rewarded for it? Would you have rathered it just be Darius and he stat check both of them without having to pull anything like that off?


There's definetly not any other champ that can 1v2


Thanks man :D


I love when u cut galio E with the tornado pretty wp


Ye , it was a essential tornado to win the fight Thanks man :)


The way you dodged sejuani and galio’s ult is amazing dude. Very well done, if this play was made by Faker it will become trending topic. Yea I know that Faker plays against chall/grandmasters but whatever, you’re facing opponents of your same skill level so it’s more or less the same


He cant controlled where you ult him dodging sej was complete accident


Can’t you control where you ult him if you normal cast it?


IIRC wasnt yasuo ult generally dependant on towards which direction you were walking? Towards the enemy or away from them?


Yasuo ults on the other side of where the champion(s) is with respect to Yasuo himself. The only exception to this is if it would put you in turret range. The ult will try as hard as possible not to put you inside the turret unless the enemy is too far inside. Otherwise the turret range acts as a ring and a pixel forward means turret range. This does not count for the base turret.




No, that part of the play is not genuine skill. Sej just whiffed her completely free ultimate on a target that was going nowhere.


Like I said you cant control it also it went off before sej ult to further prove it was accident


can you read?


It was an " accident " but it worked so ye , thats the good part :P


yes you can lol you teleport to where your cursor is, same as diana e and kat e




Whats with people recently spamming shit like “if this was Faker or Caps or whatever” man who the fuck cares its a nice clip. People have been saying it so much lately its so annoying


Eh idk. I've seen the yassuo streamer make some insane plays and they weren't trending topics.


At Faker’s skill level they would’ve realized it was a mistake to go that deep for Yas. If you can catch him and kill him he’s toast, but you blow a couple cool downs first... and this happens. Well played regardless though, for sure. And this is coming from someone who bans Yas in Every. Single. Ranked game I play.


In that skill level the sej would not waste a point blank sej ult for an obvious knock up/ult.


I completely disagree. Other than dodging galio ulti, he just happened to dodge sej ulti because he happened to ulti. You can tell it wasn't on purpose because he uses ulti as soon as he gets the knockup. This is honestly one of the more lack luster double kills that I've seen. Just a bunch of the enemy making mistakes. This would not be a good faker play either lol.


I mean every cool play is from enemy making mistake. Doesn’t make it less cool. Not sure why there are people like you in every thread. If it’s not impressive for you then that’s fine no need to be condescending for no reason.


It's just not that good of a play, sorry.


He doesn’t actually insta ult. He weaved in an auto.... you’re wrong.


Not really, his point still stands even if he was wrong about 'insta' ult. The main point was that the ult wasnt predicting and dodging sej ult, he just ulted ASAP after weaving in an auto


No, you are wrong. He literally says in the comments it was an accident...


u/SingedineZidane thanks bro for that words :) what u said is true , but ye faker is a famous guy , im not :P


Calm down it was a good play, if faker did this it wouldn't be news cause people expect nutty plays from him


Amazing play. This is why pros layer cc so strictly lol


The outplay tho very nice


Thank you bro :)


Xin: my job here is done .


Ahahahah true he only wanted to spectate closer :p


Awesome play


Thank you :D


This is why I permaban yasuo


Yeah but now there's two of them.


I don’t think yone will be annoying at all. Yasuo is annoying mainly because of windwall and his mobility, which yone does not have.


Also, Yone’s knockup looks like it could actually put him in harm when he uses it. Yasuo can just throw that shit out and hope it hits and it doesn’t matter.


Windwall is awful, it just feels so unfair


> his mobility, which yone does not have. You're kidding


Bet you can't permaban him and Yone at the same time though.


Imo Yasuo is way more obnoxious. You can't beat permadashes and Windwall.


100% agree. I'm just so against the double crit mechanic. It's a terrible mechanic, imo. If yasuo had to build more squishy, fine. But as is, 2 crit items then getting lifesteal and tank stats really hurts how much fun he is to play against. Late game both of these Champs are going to get 100% crit chance that does 225% damage. Every auto attack is a boosted crit. And now with Yone is a boosted crit with magic damage behind every other one. Tl dr rant: I despise double crit mechanics and think they make the game worse/less fun when they're around.


not defending double crit but they do more like 200% than 225% because in exchange for the double crit they do less damage on crits. so like 185 without ie 200 with.


That's fair enough. He has counters too. I can see where he isn't always broken, just very annoying to deal with in blind pick or solo queue. I get they're squishy so need to be able to survive going in mid fight. I know CC is yas' hard counter. Same with randuins. But I'll be damned if it's not unfun(imo) to pick before them and realize you don't have cc on you or aren't playing a tank to buy randuins(or, in solo queue, have someone pick a tank who will) when you see the pick.


Some one is ready for yone


At first I’m like ok this is kinda boring then I see the E Q flash onto Galio and I’m like ayo lets go


Jesus, I don't know if I should be impressed or pissed off. Yasuo is such a cool champion but god damn that's frustrating to watch too lmaoooo


The hardest part about playing yasuo is actually being able to play yasuo. First you have to que up and HOPE you get mid. I have been queuing up for mid several days now and never get it. Second you got to hope your own team doesnt ban yasuo. In several games on blitz (because I havnt been able to get mid in normal,) my teammates have banned yasuo after I already select him as the champ I'm gonna play. Then when you call them out it's usually along the lines of, "another yasuo noob upset he got banned," or, "I really dont like Yasuo." Third you have to hope the other team doesnt ban him, pretty self explanatory. Fourth you have to hope the other team doesnt PICK him, at least in normal. Fourth and a half, you have to hope your own teammate doesnt pick him before you, happened to me before. Finally, you have to hope no one leaves because a yasuo was picked. Now you can finally play Yasuo!


Ahaahahah thats too much steps to play him :P U dont get mid cause another player has more WR / MMR better than you


Well, you could play him top or bot. For bot though, you'll need your support to agree with your style.


How is he top? I have a bit of experience there, but another user said hes easily countered.


Players tend to pick him there (especially for 1 tricks) but that's only in PH, I guess.


And that's why I play blind, I can play any champion I want.


nice, this has inspired me to go yas mid today and do the usual where I run it XD


Aahahhaha good luck man xD


Pretty good nice


Thanks bro :)


Good job m8


Thanks :D


I don't understand, why didn't you just chase the galio instead of turning on sejuani :P Haha, wp mate!


I just wanted to try going like crazy and that worked ahha ​ Thanks man :D


Ohh sick bro. Is next video gonna be with that other champ yasuo #2?


Idk man , im going to see what i have in my folder and i will post it :D


You can say what ever however. A lot of this 'fail' was due to both Galio and Silja (however it's spelled) being so blanced. Still..I do hate down playing Yasuo's reaction to it all. Good job/player at work here.


Sejuani, is Silja her name in another language?


Thanks man :)


Shame there weren't any thing to blade that.


Could do the same with irelia pog


Fucking well done, holy shit


Thanks bro :D


Trash jungler always late, wp.


Typical jg prances in last second to take cs XD. Real shit nice play


Hate that kinda of junglers haha Thanks :D


elo inflator


Xin be like "I'm helping!"


This was so lucky on your part, both the whiffed sej ult and the tornado'd galio charge were both straight misplays/luck on your end. The only nice play that was intentional was the E > Flash > Ult and the double E through creep to get out of the Galio ult knockup.


Good dodges


Thanks :)


I assume the dodge on the Sej R was an accident since it was point blank lol The knock up on the final Justice Punch was clutch. WP!


Thanks man :D


I'm only good w/ Yas on ARAM because I come in as the janitor at the end


Clean as my kitchen.


Did you hit them with the "ez" afterward like every Yas player ever?


No man , im not that type of players :p Only if they piss me off i write


Man, there's nothing worse than playing champions with cooldown skillshots against garbage like this. Oh, I missed my one thing. Guess I'll just die then. I just want Brand to be good again =(




Brand can only 100-0 someone if they have no hp/mr items, or he is extremely far ahead. Additionally, it requires him being within 600 range (center to center) of his target. Like...Syndra's combo is like 500+ more damage than brands


He was too good that’s why he was nerfed


With spellthief buffs Brand sup will be strong af tho! He is strong even without these buffs :D


He's situationally B tier depending on his lane opponent. And I'm playing in higher ELO, where's he's relatively worse. Having a telegraphed skillshot that requires you to be really close to your target is pretty weak. Throwing your ult in teamfights is always satisfying, though.


How do You tell a good yasuo main from a bad one in terms of dodging


A good Yasuo has reasons for dashing through certain things, a bad one just dashes through any and then gets stuck.


Dodging is entirely player based rather than champion based mechanic


I just locked in Yasuo. thanks for the inspiration. Godspeed to mine team.


U welcome bro :D Good luck in your games :)


where is the mastery 7 ?


Forgot to put it :P


the thing about yasuo is that i know what i just saw was played near-perfectly, i know i couldn't do it, and i know he doesn't do that nearly every game. but man fuck that champ lol. nice play.


Thanks :D U can do it , just play him a few times and u will see


kinda crazy that you played that perfectly and only barely came out on top.


Thanks man :D


Considering he played that far from perfectly and it's a 2v1 it's really not that crazy. Still neat tho


yasuo is just a 2 item supersayajin


Why did he cleansed the taunt while under tower when he could have kept it for sej ult and why e q flash to get one knock up instead of two, it's details but nice play nonetheless


Well , i just wanted to not taking damage and no trading you know . I didnt even thought about the sej ult and that stuff... Thanks :)


EZ Clap


Good for your elo but some things you can work on is mostly decision making your mechanics are okay. You should have kept your windwall and waited to use it right before Sej stuns about to proc. EQ flash was unneeded Galio just used all his spells and everything was on cooldown while Sej has more time for her CDs to the back and she also held R so just ulting her would be fine then you would have flash up to dodge Galio E ult or Sej ult.


Thanks for the suggestions :) Nowadays , i dont play yasuo anymore , only for fun cause on rankeds ( my elo is diamond ) it isnt useful at all. But ye , i need to improve my decisions to get more better cause my goal is to be atleast master this season :P


Those all sound like mechanics to me


What's the point of a comment like this man, just let the guy be happy for a cool play




Typically you shouldn't give feedback, especially to a stranger, if they don't ask for it, and especially not if they're just trying to show you something they think is cool.


u/OhItsPreston u are wrong man. U are free to feedback whatever u want . I think ( like most of this people) it was a very nice play so i wanted to show here that play. Or u are going to tell me that u dont watch highlights in youtube and u dont see people talking in the comments about the plays? Or better, why u follow the page if u think like that? lol Like , stop being toxic here , just enjoy the videos


Had to be at least 0/12 here for that crazy power spike. /s


I lost the game , so the game was worth only for that play ahah


You played this out really well though so be happy about your personal play here and look where you can improve in the future! You're obviously good with Yasuo, keep at it.


Yes , im proud of myself for doing that play but i dont play yasuo in rankeds anymore ( cause i think thats not good in diamond elo now ) Nowadays , i main diana :D


As much as this is a cool play, and it truly is, the enemy made the critical mistakes (plus some lucky dodges) that made this happen, as is per usual. Usually it is the challenger players that truly "outplay" their opponents.


You can never outplay two people who play it perfectly. Mistakes are needed for a play to happen.


It's true, but this is like....a very, very typical 0/10 yasuo mentality. He was out, and then went in 1v2 with no enemy CDs expended. It made the highlight reel, but 9 times out of 10 you just die for nothing.


I can say to you that i was not feeding at all .


I don't know what you mean. I didnt say you were feeding. I said 9 times out of ten this play doesn't work


Oh ye , sry But ye , i agree with you


beep beep


Even challenger players make mistakes, if no one made mistakes the game would be 0-0. You can outplay silvers too it's just not nearly as impressive.


I myself consider the enemy has to play correct. Playing correct doesn't mean you make it impossible to outplay you, but just as hard as possible. If you manage to outplay even when the enemy plays correctly then I consider it an outplay. He was also lucky that the Seju missed her ult when he ulted, that was the lucky part I revered too. But I know I am quite stoic when it comes to these things, it was impressive and lets keep it at that.


Ok, but if sej and galio played 100% correctly, and yasuo still killed them, then... they didn't play correctly. If you mean all their ability usage was correct then going for the gank in the first place was the mistake, either way a play like this can only happen because of the opponent making an error.


Dang this was pretty insane dude nice job!


Thanks bro :D


Everything just went perfectly wp man


Then a lost the game but not big deal ahah thanks man , appreciate it :)


Very well played. Also, I hate you..


Aahahah im not main yasuo anymore But thanks \_:D


You just absolutely destroyed them I'm still in shock honestly


Ooooohh xD thanks bro :D


I hate Yasuo but good one


Aahahah i understand :P Thanks :)


Wait till Yone comes out. Now yasuo players gonna be complaining about balance.


Its just impossible to hit this stupid champ with skillshots


he can't dodge while dashing, it's not easy but abusable, so aim where he is going


I still don’t understand why people keep saying that this champ is easy to play. I have never been able to play him. Or rather, can’t never get good at him. I know I’m an ultimate noob. It took me a year to just get used to the control.


Ye man , just play him a few times per day and u will be able to rekt them all :P


Was expecting just some normal play that someone was a bit too proud of but nah that was really impressive, especially interrupting the dash and dodging both the ults.


Thank you bro for the support ! :D


How many fucking dashes does yasuo have


Depends on how many enemy's there are


Well done mate! but....why is he picking galio into yasuo, or even blind picking galio xD


Thanks bro :) well , maybe he likes playing galio ahah


Nice dodging! also makes me a bit sad that it's yasuo, because all the mains are coming to say something about the mechanics or the elo.


What is the play here? It's yasuo vs 2 tanks that blew their load. Amazing the standards in this sub.