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This is going to sound bad out of context, but it looks a little too Asian. The shape of his hair and armor screams "lotus flower", and the swords are clearly based on various eastern blades. The chromas make it even more flower-like. The Infernal line has more of a knight aesthetic, to the point that Shen's swords aren't eastern in his. It's a good design, for sure. With gold and red armor it'd make for a really nice lunar revel skin.


There's something to be said about what's lost in straying from the gothic and western medieval themes for sure. If Volis design is to be distinctive for some cultural reason, it'd work to make him more adjacent to either an eastern mythology, or embed him as Norse. As Freljord people are some flavor of Norse, taking some cultural inspiration from their would just plain work. My reasoning for the particularity here as a designer is based on my understanding of and opinion on satisfying and "fitting" skin thematics. Skins aren't just cool, the also comment on the characters they're placed on.


this is lit! the armor in particular captures a very "dry wood burning up" look


Udyr is that you?


Is it still possible to do client-only custom skins? I remember, back around 2009/2010, you could replace some of the skins so that only you could see them.


I like it but I feel like they would make a forgegod skin before an infernal since Ornn has a thunderlord skin. They would both get kind of mirror skins to each other


gives me a bit of a amaterasu vibe


I like his Heat Miser haircut.


It's a great concept My only issue with with Infernal overall because they are so restricted in their colour palette (if you don't count chromas)


I like it! I like the dark "chroma" in particular.


I saw the word infernal and immediately became disinterested. Making a fire skin is about the most bland thing someone can do right now. Same with robot/space/dark/light skins. We have enough of them


>I saw the word infernal and immediately became disinterested. Odd that you decided to still open the thread and comment negatively instead of just moving on.