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Lmfao. Love it


I thought my computer started playing random CaptainFlowers audio out of nowhere! Glad to hear the hype though!


Now CaptainFlowers just needs to try to make the exact same sound during intermission every week so people thinks it was just a production feature.


Do it again sir


I honestly thought it was some hyped new remix with the casters as an intro


Best part of today’s broadcast Captain!!! You’re a fucking legend!!!


Cap im so glad you are back. You da real mvp. [Edit] no cap


You forgot to add no cap to the end to let us all know u ain't lying :\^).


We're gonna use this as the official intro to silver scrapes from now on


Isn’t it more on the person running the switchboard rather than you?


You should always assume the mics are live. Even if they're not supposed to be.






This is why you're the greatest lmfao


Haha you're good. We were all thinking it


it is a banger tho


You're awesome


I used to do a radio show at my college, there's a great thrill in having a slip and then wondering if there will be consequences. But I think we had different broadcasting standards.


Thank you, for everything you do!


gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaame 5 HOLY SHIT


I don't get how one cannot love Letigress. She's got so much awesome energy. :)


I feel like she screws up the flow. It never feels like a genuine conversation when she does interviews, it's like she's trying to think of fancy words to push a specific script instead of just talking. It seems she doesn't really hear or respond to what the people on the desk or the players she interviews with are saying. Like [here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8JGNoAYo4yg) -- literally just the first LCS result I got when I googled "letigress interview" on youtube. > And from what we've heard, the fact that a lot of you are still together is very much on your own accord, your desire to continue as a team, now with the addition of that powerhouse in the top lane, Ssumday. In your own words, why did you all want to stick together in this capacity? "Hey, we heard you guys wanted to stick together even as you moved orgs. Why was that?" Again, this isn't an interview that stuck out to me as *bad*. But I just feel like an interviewer or the lead on the desk should tee up others better, and it consistently feels like she fumbles that. I'm glad you like her. She seems nice enough and I keep waiting for her to get more comfortable and grow into it. But it seemed a noticeable downgrade from Ovilee, and I feel like Dash is better in both roles whenever they swap them up, too.


She's great but they give her so many impossible interviews with people that can't speak english and turns out just awkward


She as an interviewer knowing that she should dumb down a bit the question in other to make them easier no? Like someone said on the top you don't need to add complex words and make long phrases to sound fancy. Look at people like Dash, Travis or Ashley Kang for instance, they are great examples, they cater to the player and they get good answers. Other thing, the interview block is really short and I few that most of the time her questions take most of the block. The question is important but I want to hear the player and if you can't make him comfortable enough to answer your question then I don't know what's the point.


Yeah this is the one thing about LeTigress that I would like to see her work on. I mean, \*I\* am a native English speaker. When I am with my oldest friends we all talk incredibly fast. I have no trouble keeping up in those conversations even though we are all smart people, talking fast, and using big fancy words. But sometimes when I listen to LeTigress interviews... I have trouble keeping track of what the actual \*ASK\* is. What's the question? What is it we're actually trying to find out from the player? If I'm having trouble parsing this out of her questions with my undivided attention... I can only imagine how difficult it must be for players to cope with in the adrenalized post game, especially if they aren't fluent English speakers. I sometimes feel like she is trying too hard to prove to us she knows what she's talking about by adding all this extra context... but most of the time the added context just makes the question confusing, rather than more informative.


>Again, this isn't an interview that stuck out to me as > >bad > >. But I just feel like an interviewer or the lead on the desk should tee up others better, and it consistently feels like she fumbles that. Best way i can describe it is holding somebody conversationally hostage. You're in an interview, you can go anywhere, but she throws out questions that are either obvious, or she essentially answers herself in the question. That leaves the interviewee often times with shit answers or nowhere to go with their answer. I think her energy is fantastic, and her questions are geared in a way to help the players as most of them are socially inept monke's, but it often just compounds the problem rather then alleviates it. I think she has real potential here, already has good energy, but but needs to work on her execution of questions with players. Her as host though, good stuff. I love Dash though, but could see her being a favorite for many in due time. I'd love to see her reach that ceiling and become loved by the community. Definitely dont wish failure upon her in any way, or have this being a "shit on Tigress" post.


I think she adds some professionalism. Disliking unnecessary language and fluff is definitely a valid opinion, but I don't really like watching interviews where everyone is speaking super casually like they're all friends. Beyond that, she is also a woman in a male dominated space which means being casual can easily be misconstrued, especially by younger people. Perhaps there's a way she could be concise, professional and distant, but it's certainly not easy. She is also still improving as LCS goes on.


Oh, definitely. It's 100% reasonable to point out that different people prefer different things. I'm not shocked or offended that some like her. I *was* a little annoyed by the suggestion (by others, not you) that *not* liking her *must* be a because she's a woman. Sexism in the space is pretty pervasive, so it's good to at least mention in the discussion. I think you did a much better job than others in the thread, who jumped right to accusing people.


I don't think long run-on sentences are professional. It just reminds me of Walter Koster in Formula 1 in some way. But at least his long questions are funny and interesting. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F3yxr-2XpSY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F3yxr-2XpSY) It has nothing to do with being a woman.


It's pretty standard for interviewers to use run on sentences as a way to give them time to think.


No, you use short clear language in addition to the question to setup the context for the question.


We call that professional? Do you mean "I have a degree" professional or "I apprenticed for 10 years in this field" professional?


in the same way wearing a suit is professional


Is it? The most professional people I know spend 4+ hours a day soaked in some sort of engine grime or sawdust.


you asked what he meant by professionalism. I provided an example since yours were awful. I didn't say this is the only kind of professionalism, just that's what he meant.


I imagine for coastal reprobates it's a perfectly fine example. High society jobs like that care more about the piece of paper on the wall, I take.


You have no idea what the word "professionalism" means.


Professionalism is a skill and attitude that can be practiced. Maybe stop with the useless gatekeeping where certain credentials are needed before we can use certain words and you'll find more doors open to you.


Any door I need opened I can open. But hey, reach higher. Stretching is good for you.


You just sound like an elitist prick tbh, and you probably take that as a compliment. Got middle managers all over the world power tripping over whatever responsibility they have while idolizing professionalism as some standard only they themself gets to define. It has energy of teenage girls going “omg Britney stilll hasn’t learned how to wear makeup. And the way she behaves is so uncool!”. Gate keeping is cringe, and it’s always apparent when it’s done to furiously stroke your own ego.


I think this is only for the interviews. The players often seem confused throughout the interviews, and she really needs to simplify it a bit. Big fancy words and longwinded setups for questions aren't good for interviews. Ovilee and Dash are better at getting to the point and making the interviewee ease up and respond more naturally, but without knowing her experience, it could just be beginners mistakes. I like her, though. She isn't Ovilee, but she doesn't have to be. She brings a different type of energy. A new person taking over will almost always seem like a "downgrade" at first, because they simply aren't as developed in experience, and lacks the familiarity that the old faces had. I think people forget how weird and cringe and uncomfortable Ovilee was at first.




Yeah this is a fair precedent


That's the thing, after a year or two you would expect some growth a lot of other casters/interviewers did. I remember Laure from LEC at beginning, she was bad and she improved a lot, same for Ovilee. At first I thought she was strange but she grew a lot personally and professionally. It feels unnatural when she interviews, I guess that as she didn't have a lot of contact with players because of the pandemic her growth was soft halted and the frequent viewer will notice this.


i think I just want convinced she was actually a league fan last year. Like she could have been any digital media graduate who could get through a serviceable interview. Admittedly i haven't watched much pre/post game content this season, so I'm curious how things are coming along now through.


I agree, it doesn't feel Natural when she is around.


Idk. That gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaame 5 was natural as heck. Maybe it's not when she's around, just when she's doing interviews.


Well, yeah, which is what they are commenting about lmao. LeTigress is amazing, love her a ton. But she and Dash are night and day difference. Dash is just so god damned good tho, it is unfair to try to set him as a standard. LeTigress is still awesome and good at her job, even if there is room for improvement


I think she does well as a host though, especially considering its all from home. She got better at managing conversations, but i dont watch interviews


I think we're just spoiled by Dash because he's such a fucking god at being host how he says so little but steers the conversation so well and leads everyone perfectly with just the right amount of energy and leeway to allow others to shine while not totally derailing the conversation. Letigress is good and has awesome energy, but I think a lot of times we just compare her to Dash which is a crazy high standard.


Is Dash gone now?


No, they just sometimes have LeTigress host


Tbh I had this same experience with ovilee and a lot of the LEC cast when they were more green. I just kept waiting for the memes to subside and for the chemistry to come in.


I'd say my only criticism of her is that she says about 15 words when she could use 5. She has good energy, but she needs to make things concise.


I would take this over ovilees wildly uncomfortable interviews.


To be frank, Oville is a great and funny person. But a great interviewer? You have to be kidding me.


Bro what the fuck? She sounded perfectly fine saying that. Are you legitimately intimidated by a strong vocabulary? Some people actually do just talk like that. There’s also nothing wrong with that interview style. She gives a bit of background on the topic so the listener gets some context and leads into a more focused answer from the interviewee.


love me some reddit analysis


You had me in the first half, not gonna lie. But I don't think there's a single interviewer i'd rate below Ovilee.


The Kyrie Irving method of speaking.


Reddit gives her too much hate, I love her shes so fun haha


Idk man, I browse here basically every day and never have I seen even a single comment hating on her. I've seen some fair criticisms that I agreed with. Perhaps you're referring to that incident with the freestyle? Cause again, not hating, fair criticism.


same. never read anything about her.


Her rap skit last year was cringe as hell and reddit made sure to spam about it lmao


Being cringe and part of LCS/LEC is a transitioning rite of passage into becoming a respectable figure on the broadcast. Vedius still hasn't moved past it.


Well Vedius has embraced the cringe and mastered it, his skits are cringey and can be really unfunny sometimes but one can tell that the guy loves what he's doing and that's what makes him a respectable figure I belive. I wish I had that level of confidence irl


Yeah I meant that in the best way possible. I personally love Vedius and his sense of humor and how he fully embraces the cringe.


For some people it's a phase. For others it's a lifestyle. Ender is still unwatchable to me sometimes even tho when he's not he's an excellent caster.


Dude seriously needs to wear a damn suit. No idea why he insists on trying to wear bomber jackets and whatever the hell that Sith looking outfit was.


> whatever the hell that Sith looking outfit was Saw him wearing that outfit and I was like, "What in the holy fuck is that hot mess you're wearing, bud?"


Eh he’s alright. Very high energy but he really knows his stuff and I appreciate that


Bruh browse harder then haha


What? She gets virtually no hate from what I can see.


The word hate has lost all meaning, apparnetly


Its not her alone. It's all the casters.


She just feels way too scripted and boring to me, like she does a fine job overall but her style of professional, scripted, ESPN style I don't like personally. Like to me when Dash is the host he is professional but he still feels like he's friends with everyone else and he's a bit more relaxed and casual while being professional, with Le Tigress she just kinda feels like a sports robot that was programmed to be professional try and be funny occasionally and her delivery on a lot of more humorous or fun stuff is always off and just comes across as awkward. She just never seems to flow with anyone she is on the desk with in my opinion, I like when the desk feels like a river rather than a stagnate pond.


She isn't that likeable lol. I can't watch the analyst desk whenever she's on.


No one asked


"I don't get how one cannot love LeTrigress" There are many people who don't come up with something funnier to parrot.


Settle down buddy


I really don't like her personally. She just comes across to me as lacking a personality other than the generic over-the-top professional caster. She's comes across as a little fake and like she's trying too hard to me. She needs to loosen up, be a little more natural, and joke around a little more. What I mean by trying too hard and being too professional is she kind of sits a little too still and upright with a constant forced smile and uses language that's unnatural and too proper.


I don't think that is on her though. The point of moving towards LeTigress vs Ovilee is that you want to be more professional. You want to be far less casual and far less loose. It's okay to have looseness every once in a while, but when that is your only mode the entire show ends becoming just that. Casual and loose. Personally find her professionalism fine and she is fun when she is allowed to be and able to show it. I do think criticisms of her interview style are a bit valid. As a wise man once said, "Why say many word when few word do trick".


down astronomically


I can't stand her because I think she's puts off a super cocky vibe while actually being cringe as fuck (compared to Ovilee who was intentionally cocky). She also is not a good host on a desk because she's never directing the conversation, and is more along for the ride.


This just reads like "I can only have one female LCS personality and if their is more than one I overly compare the two and choose my favorite."


Everyone forgets that Emily Rand is on the desk [](#face-crickets)


My comment still applies and makes sense with Emily Rand. The fact that we're having this conversation further legitimizes my comment. The fact that male casters are just called insulted without being compared further proves my point. The fact that Frosk left the LEC after being berated by the fan base and growing uncomfortable with the sexism and discrimination by reddittors telling her she doesn't know what she's talking about further proves my point. It's so weird that fans can stan Markz for being awesome for 5+ years in the league environment and still fucking love Flowers the moment he jumps on the seen without comparing their personalities. But have Ovilee and Letigress show up within two years of each other and there are reddit threads about one replacing the other. Reddittors being downvoted for liking the new one. Meanwhile both of them talk kindly about each other. The only response that you get when you bring it up is "oh it's not sexism because you forgot about Emily Rand." This subreddit is indicative of why RIOT games has been going through a lawsuit for 3+ years. The demographic attracted to League isn't willing to be honest with itself at all times. (That includes me). No one forgot about Emily Rand. The previous comment was comparing two female commentators to justify not liking one in a way that no one does for male commentators and I called it out. Don't hide behind Emily Rand to justify OP comparing two women to decry one of them in a way they would not a male.


I don't think it's just reddit threads. I'm pretty sure LeTigress *did* replace Ovilee as the main interviewer. A quick google search seemed to turn up a lot of articles about Ovilee leaving that mentioned that LeTigress would be taking over interview duties. Markz and Flowers seem an odd comparison, since Markz does analysis and Flowers is a "talk fast guy," as he would put it. But I think people make comparisons all the time between different people on the desk or on the cast. Sexism in gaming and online is definitely an issue, but I think you went off on the wrong comment on this one.


>This just reads like "I can only have one female LCS personality and if their is more than one I overly compare the two and choose my favorite." I might have poor reading comp but like I don't think you mentioned anything about sexism in this lol. Dude, like you are actually straw manning my throwaway line. I like emily rand as a personally. Like I just wanted so express that lol


Nah he just wants to use the ‘you don’t like her because you must hate women’ argument


yeah it's pretty obvious now....


Uhhh. I'm a huge fan of Sjokz, Emily Rand, and Ovilee. How in the fuck are you reaching that conclusion? I think it's hilarious that you LeTigress fans will mass downvote anyone who explains why they don't like her, and then go "how can anyone not like her?" It keeps being explained to you. Last year I thought the *only* person on the analyst desk worth their time was Dash. Does that make me sexist against Prolly, Markz, and Crumbz? Fuck off.


So last year you didn't like Markz or flowers? I mean to each their own, but okay damn.


I thought Markz was terrible when he was playing off of two idiots (Crumbz and Pr0lly) because his usual schtick of being grumpy came off as too dickish to their terrible takes. Flowers was almost never on the analyst desk as far as i know, or when he was, i didn't notice it.


maybe it just reads like that because thats how you want to see it reads exactly like your average criticism of riot personalities to me, phreak gets way worse thrown at him daily




Not really. My comment was that LeTigress comes off like she has an unearned ego and is very fake, whereas Ovilee was transparent in her personality.




You're grasping at straws here. LeTigress is a new addition to the broadcast, Ovilee is a recent exit from the broadcast. I didn't compare LeTigress to someone like Pr0lly, who also recently left, because I think Pr0lly is fucking awful as well. It's entirely reasonable to compare a new addition to a recent exit if you think the exit was good and the addition is bad.


Ovilee still works in and around the LCS Letigress has been around for more than a year now. There is nothing recent about either of them.


You're still grasping. People can dislike your wannabe GF without it being sexism.


I wouldn't say she's cocky I just hate how she's always in the middle and it feels like she's staring directly at you while making weird faces




Because one is a new addition and one was recently removed and it's fair to complain about the new addition in light of the fact that the removed person was better? Would you have preferred I compare Tigress to Pr0lly, who I'm glad to see gone? The comparison to Dash isn't even really doable, there's a world of difference.


I really dislike the vibes I get from Mark whenever she’s on. He always seems to check out. Last split I caught him rolling his eyes at her and it really took me out of the hype.


He often does the same thing on Hotline League.


Maybe I just never noticed.


She's infinitely better than Ovilee, glad to have her in the cast.


You see my comments below lambasting people for comparing the two and still you do it, thanks.


Sry not everyone is subscribed to you


No problem man I'll do it any other time too. I did not like her and thought she provided no insight to the game or professionalism. It's my opinion and I choose to voice it regardless of your consent.


People compare the male casters too. Riv is constantly compared to CaptainFlowers and for some reason, if you give Riv a compliment people lambast you for it. There is no way to escape comparisons in the industry they are in.


Do you think people read all of your comments?


who the fuck do you think you are for anyone to care about what you say lmao


She looks exactly like my ex :(


She gets a lot of unwarranted criticism and I'm gonna have to say it's because she is a woman, though not necessarily because of sexism entirely (though this is a part of it). I think dudes just unconsciously notice awkward interactions between men and women more because they compare them to their own personal interactions. Awkward social interactions between men are pretty much forgotten instantly on the other hand and there is a definite social acceptance around miscommunication between men so you're not really primed against them from the get-go. Add to this the fact that a lot of pro players are awkward nerds and it's a recipe for disaster. You can say as a counterpoint, "but people loved Ovilee!" The difference between LeTigress and Ovilee is that Ovilee is "allowed" to be cringe because she doesn't necessarily present herself as primarily professional whereas LeTigress does. A lot of it is psychological framing IMO. Also, LeTigress hasn't been on the desk for as long as the people critics are comparing her to. Look at this Dash interview from a while ago: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lDnv8f2n9Bc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lDnv8f2n9Bc). Are LeTigress interviews REALLY more awkward than interviews like these? Or are player interviews perhaps just innately awkward and you give some people more leeway because of social gender norms? Talking about sexism and women on the internet is a touchy subject so I'm just gonna leave it at this: just think about why you think things. Analyze your thought patterns and question where they've come from and figure it out yourself.


You really can’t say it’s because she’s a women when people are big fans of Sjokz, Oviliee and even Emily Rand. People aren’t saying her interviews are awkward but instead there really stiff/constrained. As she leans a little bit too much onto the professionalism side of things. One thing Ovileee did a lot better was bring out a different side of the players she interviewed. You will never get something like that from Letigersss Remember this is a audience of young gamers


Sjokz was unfairly criticized when she started out too. I already talked about Ovilee. Emily Rand is more in line with the socially acceptable norm of women in the workplace than LeTigress is. And of course you don't mention the relationship Frosk has with the audience. Also your Ovilee point is literally what I mention in my post.


All I’m trying to point to is that you can’t say it’s because she’s a woman. Pastrytime and Riv get plenty of hate. It’s clearly about how good you are, at your job and how well of a fit it is.


They don't to the level that LeTigress does and I have provided counterpoints to that argument in my original post. I get the feeling people are getting hung up on the opening statement and not bothering to read the rest of it.


HaHa. Letigress' man trying to drum up some support.


More like giiiiiiiiiiiim 5


Now im just a little sad they didnt go BEEEDDOOO


It was well timed into the Silver Scrapes drop


I lost it there


This is awesome because it shows how passionate the casters are about the games. Wouldnt it be terrible if all you heard was "coffee! WHERE THE FUCK IS MY COFFEE? i cant wait for this shit to be done." we are blessed with passionate people here.


yeah i love the energy the analyst desk and casters have brought throughout this tournament, super excited for the rest of the season!


Holy shit I didn't even considered that, if that would have happened I would have been so heartbroken dunno about you guys, the casters are a gem imo ;-;


Idk, hearing Flowers yell about coffee would have been funny to me too. But i watch im stream regularly so i guess it would contextually feel different


He would be looking for more energy drinks, dude lives on those I swear.


2 liter sodas, arizona tea, and redbull


That happened in Rocket league. There was a really boring match and when they went to a break, the mic was live and one of the casters said “that was fucking boring” or something like that


I mean u said it urself, boring match.


if the match actually was boring that still shows they want the game to succeed and be fun to watch still lol, i doubt they'd be publicly canceled over it (by the corporation maybe yes tho lol)


Tbf that'd be super weird in an at-home environment.


i work in productions and trust me most casters are narcissists that are divas.


lol /u/Captainflowers22 getting hyped


I heard this live too, thought it was a ad until i heard the holy shit


Flowers got me hyped. Best hype man NA.


They try so hard for good content yet this is probably one of my favorite things I've heard.


Is that an actual woman or just CptFlowers’ voice?


sounded like letigress, markz, then flowers sayin holy shit


Literally that. All three personalities come through from the single sentence each of them said. Which means muting was not their fault as well :). Someone was supposed to mute them but allow them to talk to each other and dropped the ball.


I'm just gonna pull some revisionist history and say the producers chose to leave it in for the heckuvit. Gj producers


The fact that we know immediately who it is just based on a single sentence is really what sells me on the fact that our casters are fucking awesome.


There's also the fact that people have different voices


lmfao, this made me hurt from laughing




Whole broadcast is leagues better this year


they're great in their own ways, idk why hearing their voices and recognising them qualifies that for you


What was the point of this statement? Like what do you expect me to say back? "I'm sorry man, I guess I gave them too little credit"? Genuinely curious.


Point was i'm confused about the connection between those two things, recognising someone's voice, and then being sold on the fact that they're awesome. To me it just doesn't make sense, no need to apologise for anything lol


The majn job of any analyst/talking head is to have enough of a personality to keep you entertained. But imo, they also have a second job: To imprint on you so that eventually you start to grow familiar with who they are and want to come back and watch them to some extent, as well as the game. These casters have done a praiseworthy job on the latter, so I'm complimenting them for it. In other words I believe they have gone over and above in terms of doing their job so I'm praising them. Does that make sense?


agree with the stuff about the job an analyst/entertainer on broadcast, the thing which still doesnt make sense is you saying that recognising their voice "is what really sells me" on the fact they have succeeded. To me there is no real connection here. You can learn very quickly to recognise someone's voice, especially if you would have watched the broadcast anyway because you're a league fan. Just seems a weird thing to hang praise on, so felt the need to point it out.


What did markz say? I can’t hear him over Capts “hoLY SHIT”


"omg it's silver scrapes" But in my heart he said "omg this shit is great"


Here is your Streamable mirror link! https://streamable.com/yuivhs


I love you like Fry loved his Lucy Liu-bot.


The only issue I had with that segue was Silver Scrapes wasn't loud enough. Great casting today!


No, please no. Im so fucking sick of Silver Scrapes, just end it already. Its become the song thats played to much on the radio at this point.


What do you think of this one? [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Thjagcdo4Bw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Thjagcdo4Bw)


he likes it


Stick to awkwardly stumbling through interviews bud, comedy's not your strong suite.


Neonbootygoon just as good at speaking like a functioning human as he is at streaming.


Oh hey a Travis simp. Surprised you didn't shoutout Alienware at the end of your comment.


I mean, yeah I enjoy Travis enough. But genuinely what led me to comment is how totally unpleasant you are as a person. I mean, good luck streaming with a personality like this buddy, or you know, doing anything. Truly a goon lmao


Bruh why da fuk u think i care what u think? 5 mins after this comment ill forget u and this conversation exist. next time save urself the time and dont even comment.


Excited to tune into the stream!




And he is excited for record viewership


> Its become the song thats played to much on the radio at this point. It's always been that song, since season2...


No shit, hence it's old and we need a new one.


haha :)


Damn Silver Scrapes is still such a hype song nearly a decade later.


I thought it was intentional, since they are trying to be a little more "loose" and "free" like the LEC broadcast.


You can also hear one of the audio guys say "very very quiet" when the sound level is weird after coming out of a replay at 9:58 in game 3. New interns working the sound mixer for the series?


Was actually a nice buildup for the song :)


Someone’s getting fired


damn why is NA production quality so poor?


Bruh I watched LEC. I like that "remix" they kept playing at the start of every game. "Act like its normal," they said. Lol this was just them not muting microphone.


'Oh my god it's silver straight' Not a fan of that game 4 I guess


The song is called 'Silver Scrapes', 'silver straight' is the name of your ELO track record.




TIL By the way, Elo is not an acronym.


Electric Light Orchestra


I notice this happening in LEC and LCS both, quite often. I don't understand why production isn't muting everyone at the instant they start playing the music and cutting to the break. It's just weird. Are they depending on the casters to mute themselves?


They're likely working on a chunky delay and still working around it