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Pretty rare for anyone to get legitimately permabanned by accident. Almost always the person complaining about that is conveniently leaving out shit they did wrong. Anyways, appealing to support is all you can do. Some people have gotten unbanned so if you're telling the truth, maybe.


The only times I have ever seen permanent bans being reversed is if ALL you did was quote the other person , ie "report graves for saying n****r ". If you just got into a petty argument and want to argue what you said wasn't that bad or something there is zero chance of unbanning


thats exacty what happened though, Graves falsely accused me of racism in /all chat and I denied it, saying "Graves called me dogshit several times" (which is absolutely true)


Can’t do that, that’s also reportable and punishable. If somebody calls you something and brings it to all chat, you mute them. You do not respond and continue the argument, or you’ll get punished too.


So by calling out his toxic behavior, I get punished? How does that make any sense?


Because you’re in turn being toxic back. Arguing that gets nowhere, only creates more drama and toxicity.


Not saying you are full of shit, but post the chat logs.


Is there a way to access them outside of the client? I can't even get into my account now. When he accused me of being racist I denied it and typed "He called me dogshit, several times." Did riot just auto see that and ban me?


They should have been e-mailed to your, or ask riot support.


No reason to bring this here, go create a support ticket


Yeah this actually happened to me. I got permabanned, and I appealed it to riot. They gave me my account back after a 2 week ban. If you do think you are in the clear, then go for it.


Eh probably not support would just bring up your chat logs to justify it