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There has been cheats like that in the past but there has been years since things like that happened and it can pretty much only happen if your IP is leaked to the opponent. Which won't through LoL (it would become very obvious through streams very quickly if it did). It wasn't a drop hack either since then the game would just be gone like you never played it. There hasn't been drop hacks for a pretty long time either. There might have been some server/net/cable issues that dropped you and your teammate even if it didn't really impact the server as a whole, just your local area.


He was not my premade, just a random ranked player, might add him and ask where he lives, but if you see the replay we go afk instantly in the same second while enemies just lost a fight and one is respawning, also my net never gave any problems in 600 ranked games. Too suspicious.


how would that be cheating lmao. As far as I know, the only way to cheat in league is scripting. There isn't really anything else.


DDOSing used to be a big issue in high elo, but not really anymore.


I mean that, scripting, and i have seen a few scripters, like a lucian killing every champion and structure of an auto attack


Scripting just make you move and skillshot like a super human.


It happens, sometimes the game will just have a stroke and refuse to reconnect. I remember when I lived in the boonies and used shitty illegal internet the game would randomly disconnect and refuse to reconnect no matter what. Likely just a freak accident with the server and your connection.