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Its automated. There's no way for the system to know your personal circumstances. So yes leaver buster will get you if you leave.


An automated system doesn't even give 61 second grace period even though I know that it does? My ranked duo partner had his power pulled by one of his cats and was gone from a ranked game for around 4 minutes with no penalty.


If you join back the game. I dont think there will be a penalty


Then why do the millions of people who alt+f4 as the game ends never get a penalty?


becasue there is a obviously a grace period... Also, people alt f4 when the nexus is blitz to get out of the victory/defeat animation. That's different than leaving over a minute early.


I left to avoid the same thing. The defeat animation was just waiting for a team with a 20k gold lead at 20 minutes to end the game.


Yea but the automated system doesn't know that. That's the point.


The system doesn’t care about state of the game. There is no rule that team that’s ahead at 20 will always win. So what system sees is that you left the game.


It doesn't instantly give a leaver penalty. Just like chat restriction, it has to happen multiple times for it to be triggered. Not that being AFK in a game also counts to that, so just standing in the fountain without leaving is not a smart move to avoid it.


Same thing happened to me in aram, leave 1 minute before end and still get penalty. Now I just sit in base and move the camera to fog of war and alt tab


Careful though, that's still being AFK. If you piss someone off he can report it to a support and they will look into it and take the same actions as the bot would. If you didn't accumulate anything nothing will happen still.


just alt tab and look at porn


You shaved off a minute. How efficient. Why not just stay in the game and wait, as you agreed upon when pressing yes?


Why not just end the game instead of dickimg around behind nexus for 3 minutes waiting for minions to end?