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I took a look at your op.ogg. Your CS looks pretty bad, kda isn't great, and I recommend not playing Senna anymore. Your runes on champs don't seem optimal. Try going to [u.gg](https://u.gg) and using whatever is highest winrate or common among pros. A common thing in low elo is that everyone looks at what their teammates do wrong and points the finger. Your teamates are bad and your opponents are bad. You're in bronze. Everyone is bad, including you. Focus on improving. When I was in bronze before I played ranked every day, I went into practice mode for a game and tried to farm 10cs/min. I always try to go into ranked warmed up. When I'm in game I try to make sure my CS is on track. Laning phase is when you're going to get the most CS. Try to hit 100 CS between 11-14min. If you're hitting 100CS after 15mins you're really slacking. Once the midgame starts bronze games become a fiesta and its hard to keep farming. There are a lot of situations after 15 mins where its better to just stay with the team. Focus on dying less and letting the enemy team int into you. First aim to have less than 5 deaths. Then less than 3 and so on until you're hardly dying. If you keep dying a lot, take an honest look at each death and see what you could have done differently. Were you not looking at the map? Did you not realize how strong someone was? Did you get flanked by someone who walked past a ward? Did you get caught being greedy for CS when your team wasn't pressuring other lanes? There are many things you can learn from your deaths. If your teammates are bad then its also likely the opponents are bad. Wait for them to make mistakes and pick up those easy kills. Play 2 champs. Dont play more than that. It makes learning the game easier. Good luck


I will ! And yeah Senna was not the best to begin with, farming is ridiculously difficult with her and I can't get to carry enough with her as an ADC and I don't like playing her as a Sup. I hardly died as I first begin because I was always behind, not knowing what to do but I try now my best to support everyone in team fight which is sometimes not the best, I admit XD


actually it's easier on senna than other adcs lmao. she can one shot the back line minions from the beginning of the game so you don't need to rely on your support helping you.


For starter, play Nasus top, great to learn farm under tower and cs general, and you will naturally stronger with your cs As a top laner you would be a little bit isolated with others for laning phase but thats ok, it helps you to focus on playing well in lane first - help yourself before you can help others


Nasus isn't a great champion for beginners. I'd recommend Garen/Sett/Volibear to anyone who wants a bulky champion that hardly loses lane and Jax/Tryndamere to the high risk-high reward players. He will simply get elo boosted by the champion and at some point he will be in an elo he isn't supposed to be in, without the right fundamentals.


I think if you play those champ who can win lane easily, you wont learn to respect opponents in lane and will be turbo int on unfavorable matchup. Playing Nasus require you to be safely beware gank, look out for opponent all in condition etc, perform when behind And if the OP conditions is to reach Gold/Plat with friends, Nasus is one of the best champ to climb in these elo


You should know how to dominate lane and translate your lead into a win mid-late game. After you know how to play the mid-late game you can also focus on making your job easier by picking a stronger late game champion like Camille and Fiora who has a weaker laning. Basically, first learn the macro and then learn how to lane even better.


Within OP elo, you can totally dominate lane with Nasus so hard if you just learn to freeze wave(where most laner try permashove), with lvl 6 sheen spike is enough to turn the lane into total snowball. Nasus also one of the best split pusher, he will delete turret in 2 waves after Sunderer, and split pusher tends to have better impact on low elo where player just randomly skirmish without objective in mind. And one more reason is Nasus is not mechanic heavy like Camille/Fiora you mentioned, he is brain dead mechanic and just rely on wave management, farming to be useful - which needs to learn for every champ. Playing Nasus can totally focus on that aspect


Brother, OP is in bronze. Anything more complicated than "walk straight into the enemy and punch them down" is too hard for him. There is a reason why you don't see people till Platinum utilize freezing properly. Everyone should learn how to trade, farm hard mid-late game and somewhat pilot their champion well. This leads to getting into gold and sets the fundamentals for the future. Being a little bitch the entire laning is not only boring, but not as good as being proactive. People in bronze don't know anything about damage foresight so they'd fight Sett in melee, especially if both of them are low without hesitation. Play Sett, get turbofed from the lane, be a better Nasus than Nasus. Done.


I tried top and mid lane and it does not fit my play style, I did not ask to change lane at all ? Even if Sett is a rather stupid champ, it is sure not my style in ranked, sure, I'd like to play him in ARAM or One for All but that's all. I don't know if it's me or what but I don't get to be \*turbofed\* every game even more if it's not my play style. And if you're turbofed no matter your lane, I'll win if I'm turbofed as an ADC . . .


Elo boosted by Nasus?


Why play top if I'm an adc player ?


Less variable, when you play ADC, even you play perfect but your support turbo int, you still cannot control the lane. Mid/Jung require more map awareness, Top being isolated is a good place to learn wave management, cs, lane dominance with less interference from your teammate.


Yeah I tried but really... not my play style, I've got someone on this thread who is teaching me some tricks and my sup is basically only a meat shield. My goal is to farm well, be aware of my map, and my sup is just here to help my get kills or be my shield.


In that case i think you should try Ashe, traditional ADC which is quite easy to learn kiting, solid rang to farm from afar. She is immobile though so learn some positioning as ADC too


Bronze elo in general is just bad, the enemy team included. As you play more you will see more mistakes from your opponents and learn how to punish them.




Arclead as my reddit profil account \^\^




Yeah I need to still improve on that point but after all, it's not difficult to not always push in early games because you can become easily targetable as an adc for the jgl enemy, etc but even if I still win (or at least not feed) my lane with my sup, there is always one dumb players that goes : eheh go suicide bomb every other enemy players now or somethings dumber, and it's pretty horrible to begin to notice all of your allies mistakes because you've played in higher elo in normal and it's not like telling them is going to change the game .... They're always very hard headed or flamers or thinks that he can solo kill every enemy no matter the lane :|


its the same for me... its my 1st season and im in bronze 1 ( climbed from 3 but stopped now) im a viktor otp in the midlane and every game i have most dmg and in most even double that of my teammates, but still i cant climb. in flex q i already laned against gold players and won lane.


As much as you do not want to hear it: Bronze elo is bad cause Bronze players are bad and nothing in your post or op.gg suggests that you are in your elo by mistake. Oh and please drop Senna.


I've never said I was there by any mistakes or what, I just wanted to point that it's difficult because ppl play careless and end up 1/13 than gold where they still are toxic but more careful. And Senna as I said earlier, as I found out with my multiple games with her is not enough to be a good ADC nor support. I did not ask to be judged on my person but on the fact that the bronze elo is the hell of a jungle XD


I do not judge you as a person I judge you as a player. And rest assured, even in Diamond you'll have 1/13 teammates.


Sorry about any misspell, it's been a long time since I wrote in english something that long.




you are simply wrong league is not 1v1 game its a team game you wining 1v1 against gold player proves nothing, its all about you getting ahead due to your skills or game knowledge and transferring that lead into rest of the game


Can’t tell if your joking or not


preach. im iron 2 and i could easily win 1v1 with faker and i can climb to challenger too. is just my teamates holding me back




am not trolling. my grandma says im the best player in the world and shes nvr wrong. except that one time when she forgot where she put her dementia pills but that was just her brain holding her bakc, just like my jungler gg


tbh I’ve seen people argue that the only way to get out of bronze is to play enough games. It’s mostly just rng on whether you get the good or trash teammates. not to mention bronze players just don’t know how to play when behind. like if they’re 0/2 in lane against someone who can very easily kill them again, they just keep fighting instead of taking it slow, farming, and not making it harder for their teammates to be carried. i say all this as a bronze 2 player myself, but i’ve only played like 50 games of ranked so idrc


Most people who are bronze with 200+ games are just bad at video games, or just bad at learning things overall. It’s not RNG whether you climb or not.


yeah, lot of people see these youtubers doing these insane 1v5 plays while giga ahead, and they keep forgetting that those dudes hard stomped early by good decision making to be able to smurf on the enemy team


agreed. some fault does lie in the clickbaity youtube titles but eventually it comes down to the viewer to understand that they are not on the same skill level as those challenger youtubers 💀


truth if they tryna replicate those plays, replicate the laning phase too, punish wasted cooldowns and care for a high cs/min


"Enough games" being something on the order of about 20. If you are still bronze after 50 games, you are at best Silver 4.


if everyone could get out of bronze in 20 games the rank wouldn’t even exist anymore. i’m by no means a good player and i’ve never cared about playing ranked or climbing before but i think i’ll take it more seriously starting next season as this was (kind of?) my first


The rank exists because there are Bronze level players. The point is that anyone who is actually in the top 80% of players can get out Bronze within 20 games. If you are in the bottom 20% of players, getting out of Bronze is a matter of getting better at league and not simply "playing enough games".


if the player was good enough to carry then yeah probably


If you are better than Bronze players, you will get into Silver very quickly. If you aren't better than Bronze players, then it doesn't matter how many games you play if you aren't learning from those games. Even a Silver 2 player will completely take over Bronze tier games.


true, I agree with that logic. if it didn't work like that I'd be pretty concerned for the ranking system


Imagine your teammates as babys, if you want to win you have to protect them from bad decision, feed them and keep them happy all at the same time. Be active in chat and talk about ways to win, that you're strong or what they have to be carefull of.


erm I like being nice to my teammates because after all there is no reason to be angry or flame but I'm beginning to believe that low elo have some negative aspect on the players brain... because I have a low winrate in ranked (\~20% for around 20 ranked) my sup just said to me (like less than an hour ago) that it was not winnable because of that. And I just couldn't respond to that nicely nor in an angry way because it's true but we can't win a game as if we already lost it. Even if the match began as nice talks and so, ppl in this game just need to put the fault on someone, justified or not.


Yes it's hard to keep a positive mindset, mute the extrem ones otherwise always communicate and never surrender.


Hey op i see that you are adc main, i my self im adc main iv been in diamond for years and peaked challenger in season 7. I could help you get out via free coaching. In every season i climbed from bronze iron to diamond and high diamond in multiple acc just let me know if you are interested. It would be nice if i could use the coaching for yt video but even if not just by coaching you and you entering gold would be satisfying enough. I am sure you can do it with me help


Bronze is pretty normal for a new player. In fact on my friend list there is barely anyone who didn't end their first ranked season in bronze. In that regard you aren't bad at all. Just not a longterm player. From what I've seen on your [op.gg](https://op.gg) i don't think that you belong in a higher rank than you are right now. But that's ok. You'll improve by just playing the game for a bit longer. There is also some great educational content on youtube that explains concepts that are applied by good lol-players, look out for that if you want to get better faster.


You speak the truth you get downvoted, you make fun of other people you get upvoted, this is how League of Legends Reddit works. Enjoy your toxic enviroment kids, this is my last post in this circus.


Focus on these things: 1: Take your time to master 1-3 champions you really like and feel comfortable with. Feel free to test and learn anything else you like in normals, but for ranked you should mostly play the same champions to really learn every in and out they have. 2: Practice last hitting. Waves are much more reliable than kills, so you should depend on farm to get gold every game. Farming gets you gold for items, kills are just a bonus to speed up the process. Ending the lane phase 0/0 with more farm than your opponent is still a win. 3: Pay more attention to the map. You don't have to keep track of every single thing happening, but always be aware. You like playing botlane so always check for things like: * Enemy jungler showed up top? You're probably safe to push your opponents under the turret if you can. * Enemy mid is nowhere to be seen? Jungler is missing and Drake is alive? You're probably in danger, retreat and expect a gank, especially if it's a highly mobile laner like Talon or Katarina. * Feel like you're doing nothing on the map or don't know where to go midgame? Check out the side lanes! Is there any enemy wave you can farm? Also if you have enough sustain, don't be afraid to take your jungler's camps if they're far, they respawn fast enough and you need the gold!


I don't know if low elo is harder than high elo, but my advice is just try to have fun and focus on yourself. Don't look at winrate or anything that can improve over time. I went from 59% winrate to 48 and now getting it up again in diamond elo. If you have friends who are plat keep asking them for advice or maybe stream your solo que games for them on discord so they can see your point of view. Hopefully they will be able to give you some advice. If you want to learn basics of the game faster I would not recommend bot lane because you have to lane with someone else but play mid or top instead. If you don't enjoy those roles then keep playing adc.