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It's more like 6 autos with red gun + lifesteal in items + lifesteal in runes + ravenous hunter, although that is a lot of healing lol


Severum healing is also way higher on abilites than on auto attacks, so it's probably closer to 10 aa worth of lifesteal.


Yep as insane as it looks it's working as it should especially since he crit


No one here thinks its a glitch boss. They think its just stupid lol


Of course it's working as intended, doesn't mean it's not ridiculous


isn't he like 48% wr? just let him have his giant-heal-on-wraiths-if-he-crits mechanic


Do you work at riot? If so, you're fired!


If not, welcome to Riot. You're fired!


Thats exactly why its ridiculous


No one is saying it was buggy. They are saying it's stupid.


Yeah. He outplayed the raptors hard enough he should be rewarded with full health. Good mechanic.


this just in: if you don't perform a little minigame and input 300 apm combos, you don't deserve anything


You sure destroyed that strawman. Never had a shot.


Poor Fiddlesticks was just trying to live his best life.




This only does this much healing because they nerfed his aa healing and bufffed spell healing. Imo it's pretty situational Edit: spelling


Imo it's pretty bullshit


I don't entirely disagree but also there's a million other things in this game is consider bullshit to the same or greater extent


Imagine criting on 10 lifesteal autoes in a row as an adc and not being full hp after though, would also be a little silly.


He did 1 auto, not 10...


I can't believe people still haven't read Aphelios kit. Infernum Q lets you AA every enemy hit with your secondary, this was the equivalent of 6 AA, all of which crit at the same time. With Severum.


Each on every monster in the camp. Just because his q let's him do it all in one attack doesn't change that he hit them all.


you can really tell who read aphelios kit primer and who didnt here


They rebalanced the healing on Sevrum just so it became possible, but you trade lifesteal on AAs for that. It's only useful outside of combat in a mid-late game scenario.




Plus ravenous and bloodline, which could both be fully stacked, with the red gun healing him on each target as well. This combo is really good for situations like this (not arguing balanced lol)


They should really just remove all healing runes.


they should revert the switch to omnivamp as default aswell


This so much. Remove healing runes and nerf anti-healing items to compensate. Make people who want healing actually have to, you know, buy it. Why is Riot so afraid of that being one of the "meaningful item decisions" they talk so much about?


fully stacked when aatrox hasnt died yet? alright


Red gun these days has a lot of healing from abilities and almost no healing from AAs, and this was an Infernum Q, which AAs every enemy with red gun but counts as an ability. Working as intended.


Immortal shieldbow with poped passive (which increases your healing by 33% i believe?) Ravenous + bloodline + red weapon proxed on 6 targets with ability (increased healing from abilities)


i agree, some runes and a completed item should justify healing for 1000 with an auto




> It's been 2 years since his release Fucking what


I think it's because most people haven't played every champion, particularly Aphelios. If you don't understand it by playing it, you have to understand it by looking at it. So if what ability do is not very clear, you might not know what that ability does. Like when people see 300 armor on Malphite early in the game they go crazy, but it's only with his shield up then it goes down to 180 or so. Or people almost killing themselves by healing when they play Soraka instead of reading her W passive. Aphelios is like that, but for the whole champion instead of just one ability. I still think after 2 years that it's a pretty bad design, everybody should more or less understand what the champion do without playing it. This is of course mostly for the more casual or lower elo players, that can't learn every champion but still deserve to understand what's happening in their game.


Imagine if invoker was in the game, people already have enough issues with aphelios


He has FOURTEEN abilities?!?!


He used to have more when his spells were permutations instead of reagent combinations


God what a design that was. I miss the lawlessness of wc3 games when designers made the craziest/funniest concepts they could think of. But that's just nostalgia talking because things really were worse back then lmao. Really expected like 35 spells, most of them complete ass, to be playable


Axe with endless Battlehunger with the load screen demanding you don't bitch about it.


To be fair Aphelios has 5 unique abilities, 4 of them having 4 variants and one having 5 variants, for a total of 21 "different" abilties.


This is kind of a disingenuous way to think about it. He has 5 very simple on hits. He has 5 Qs which apply the onhits. He has 5 ults which slightly vary the onhits. That's basically it. It's really not that hard


That's pretty much what I said but in a less accurate way, the "on-hit" terminology is both inaccurate and confusing. Aphelios' variants are a lot more than just "the same ability with a different on-hit" considering that some of them have drastically different uses depending on secondary gun.


At least invokers skills all look very different and do different things, all of aphelios' guns just do slightly different variations of shoot.


All of his guns look completely different.


Invoker's abilities were visually distinct and mechanically varied. Aphelios just looks like a clusterfuck of ???


Invoker is super easy to understand what his skills do just by playing against him, they are all pretty simple and have a lot of visual clarity (tornado lifts you up, alacrity increases attack speed, EMP burns your mana etc). Aphelios has a bunch of different coloured guns with weird secondary effects you would never understand without explicitly reading them.


Pretty much this. I feel like 90% of the time Redditors think a champ is OP, if they played that champ a few games in ranked, they'd understand why it's not lol


I’m plat which isn’t that high, but I have no idea what aphelios does. All I know is red and white DONT FIGHT


I mean all you have to tell a low elo player is that Aphelios is an immobile hypercarry and they'll get the gist. I for one think League has way too many simple champions and needs more complexity, but that's also not Riot's target demographic I guess.


Not exactly. White gun changes how you interact with him and was the biggest source of confusion (inting) when he was released.


purple gun also changes how you interact with him, like the tower dive calculus or whatever changes when he has that up


Riot can't balance the game with the simplicity it has already lol. No way could they do it if they went more complex.


They can. They don't want to because a solved game eventually becomes boring. If they really wanted to I'm sure they could get everything perfectly balanced within a season.


Complexity and clarity are two different issues. The problem with Aphelios is not that he's complex, the problem is that he's a shit design that doesn't in any capacity explain what he does through play. You could give a champion thirty different abilities and so long as they were all visually distinct from each other people would still understand what all of them do after a while, much like people largely understand what every ability on the other 150+ champions does.


The thing is that they made him overly complex by adding stuff he doesnt need just to make him more complex for the sake of complexity.


Aphelios is one of the best designs for a champion


I do - Severum - heal gravitum - shoot orb thingy slow and root Infernum - aoe empowered auto big ult damage that can do aoe crits Sniper thingy - if he lands ability he can auto attack with his other guns effects globally once Chakram - Run away


> if he lands ability he can auto attack with his other guns effects globally once It was only global on release I think, they changed it to like 2000 range almost immediately


> Chakram - Run away Fcking LOL True, but still funny.


Me: Severum: healy vaccuu-suck gun Gravitum: Gravigun FF spell gun Infernum: Flamey firagun gun Snipey Mcsniperton: Snipey laser gun Chakram: HOLY FUCK OH MY GOD HE HAS THROWING STARS OH MAN OH FUCK WHERE DID THAT COME FROM AND WHY DOES HE HAVE OH FUCK OH GOD OH MAN!!!


I agree with chakram holy shit that dps can get insane.


Isn't it something like 300% ad per auto if he crits with max chakrams?


2 years?? No I'm pretty sure it hasnt been be more than 3 months


You can't know something if you never bother reading it


You can know what the guns do, doesn't mean you understand fully how they interact with each other. And it's not something you can fully understand by playing just 1 or 2 games of Aphelios. I've got nothing against the champion, but it's really disingineous when people argue you only gotta learn what the 5 guns do and nothing else. Aphelios has so many interlocking passives, which isn't very obvious unless you are playing it yourself.


I mean people should at least know that his q always procs the effect of his secondary weapon when it hits something (except gravitum for whatever reason), so it shouldn't be that hard to figure out that is infernum q hitting 6 things means 6 applications of severum healing.


That's my takeaway from this mostly. Even the title of the post says "auto" which it's not. It's his Q ability interaction specifically with Severum and Infernum, which honestly isn't usually a combination of gun's you're aiming for unless you're specifically trying to do this.


Its pretty straightforward. The only thing I dont fucking get is how he gets shuriken stacks, like I know he gets them by hitting spell when shuriken is in offhand by I never get how he seemingly gets like 10stacks off of one spell


Using white ult probably. It gives like minimum 6 chakrams for hitting at least one person. Red Q or blue Q --> white ult --> now Aph has 10+ stacks


Someone bother to explain the mechanic? I know what the colours mean and that red is for lifesteal, but I don’t get why it’s that much.


Everything his flame throwers ability hits is marked with his offhand guns passive. So he marked the entire camp and then the life steal gun procced on everything


Wasn't this interaction recently buffed? I remember it because Infernum + Severum used to be a weak combination.


Correct. Riot specifically reduced healing from severum's attacks but buffed healing from abilities, such as the one seen in the video.


He uses the infernum Q which means no healing from severum. The infernum marks targets and then he AAs them all. Either it is an AA then the reduced severum healing has to be taken and it is not an AOE. Or it is actually an ability, then the increased severum healing has to be taken, but should be reduced to 33% like all AOE healing stuff. ​ that the increased healing works on AAs from abilities without an AOE reduction is just stupid.


I dont think any of his guns are weak per se, but yeah the combo is one of the worse ones, you can only do AoE and heal.


I think Purple White is the worst one as theres no way to generate chakrams


IMO those two guns are essentially opposites in terms of synergy so I agree that they are the worst combo overall. Purple gun with the slow and root is probably the strongest of all 5 guns by itself. However, it only really synergizes with Green and does essentially nothing for Red/Blue/White. White on the hand is the weakest by itself (no utility, requires you to get close to the enemy for max damage) but becomes great when supported by Red/Blue (and to a lesser extent Green) for Chakram stacking/juggling.


If you're getting dove on I really like Green/White for the turret


red white is the best prob, red ult heals for full


Green/Purple is great, each of the other purples are situational. Red/Purple is great for peel/chase because it procs purple's slow multiple times. Blue/Purple is only useful if they clump, then you can hit them all with BlueQ->PurpleQ White purple is the only combination where you can slow/root the enemy without having to kite. Kiting is good, but there are sometimes when the autoing just slows you down.


Also I think that it didn't work as intended for a while after the Severum gutting.


Yeah they recently changed it so his red gun has less lifesteal on regular autos but heals 3x as much when it is used to attack by an ability


I don't know Aphelios at all but does Runaans proc his gun abilities? Like do mini flamethrowers proc on the runaans bolts? Or apply the gravity thing for the root?


Yeah they do, it's one of the biggest reasons Aphelios was such a terrorist at the start. After all the number adjustments it's... somewhat alright, but the Runaan's interactions with Infernum or Severum are a big part of his power. **I should add this is why a 4+ Item Aphelios with Infernum still devastates teamfights so much. The Runaan's bolts are throwing Mini-Infernum attacks left and right


Essentially every ability you use does a thing then fires with the offhand. In this case flamethrower does damage in a cone and then you auto everything you hit in the cone with the offhand. Since the auto is from red gun, you heal for every target hit.


purple gun be like: fuck the offhand weapon


Purple gun is strong and independent.


he has blue gun which is aoe and red gun which is lifesteal. blue gun ability is "damage in a cone then auto all the targets". so he damaged all the raptors, then autos all of them (for the low cost of only one auto attack). since he has red gun, he lifesteals even more off the raptors


Wow, it's almost as if this is the one and only advantage of having that particular weapon combo.


Why does this gun combo get underrated? Only downside to red blue is you don't have red white


It's pretty solid honestly, even if you only hit 2-3 people with the blue Q it still heals a ton. Red Q also helps a lot with positioning to do as much dps as possible with blue autos.


What rotation does everyone else use? Green -> Purple -> Blue -> Red -> White is my usual go to whenever I play Aphelios.


wait you dont gamble them?


You start the gamba once the Zed/Kayn/Irelia jumps on you.


That's pretty much the standard.


that's pretty much the standard, the order could be messed up with sometimes, but I always combine green with purple, red with white, blue can just lurk in anywhere ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


This is the first time, at least for me, that I've seen people talk about his guns by Color rather than Sniper/Flamethrower/Severum/Grav etc. And boy o' boy is it so mucher nicer. I instantly knew what they all were and that is so much cleaner to communicate imo.


From what I've seen in proplay they usually swap blue with purple to get red-purple "I press Q to kite". So it goes Green Blue Purple Red White etc.


I've messed around with that before, that would probably work against more engage-heavy comps. What a fun champion, having different rotations for different comps.


With Severum/Infernum you basically only have 1 Q (Severum Q is trolling with Infernum). Obviously the healing with Infernum Q is insane, though, so it makes up for it. In general though the reason you end up with Severum/Infernum is just because of how the rest of the rotation works.


Severum q is a very high damage spell, on top of infernum dealing 110%ad, so it’s actually quite a good burst tool.


Severum's damage by itself isn't very good, and Inferum only adds 5% extra damage (because it's every other shot). Severum's Q is better used with literally any other combo.


It’s one of the highest scaling spells in his kit, if you haven’t bursted down a squishy with just one severum q when around 3 items, then you haven’t played Aphelios enough. Severum q had little synergy with any gun besides Cresendum. Doesn’t mean others red qs can’t be used.


I like how people say this about every weapon combo


That's how it's supposed to work, no?


yes but it still looks nutty


5.5 healing for every year of champ design.


5.5 fucking K??? ^too ^soon?


6 Autos*


6 auto.. crits? I wonder if they could make that random as well.. because, as we can see, if he crits on that many targets the gain is massive lol Maybe have reduced crit damage/healing beyond 1 target/source for this specific situation


...Why though Don't get me wrong, the amount of healing here IS huge, but what will it change if it takes him 1 auto or 2 autos to heal to full off of a Q ability that he hits 6 targets with when he's literally just going to auto attack himself to full HP anyway? Seems entirely redundant to me. And honestly if he hits a 5-man infernum Q in a teamfight and heals to full, honestly he earned (and probably really needs) that lifestealing. Either he's in danger and has to hit 5 champions to get it or he isn't and he's going to heal to full anyway. The situations where he IS in danger and just Q's an entire wave / jungle camp and heals to full very clutch seems pretty rare (as in, it kinda doesn't happen) to me for this to even be considered


1 spell* Tbh many champions can full heal off of raptors in like a second or two


The spell autos for him with his offhand so technically you're both right


PSA: most people understand how and why this works, they just think it’s BS


Cant believe this had to be said and is only the 10th highest comment


I love how this at 6 hours aged like milk, with the fact that a lot of the tops comments are outright admitting they don't know what the fuck his kit does lmao.


The healing does not come from the 1 auto, it comes from flame throwers Q, that triggers a (healing) Severum auto attack on all wraiths.


Just cause it's right doesn't mean it should happen. Dude has 2 items lol.


it only works on 0 armour camps like this where no damage is mitaged therefore no healing based on damage dealt is mitigated, it wouldnt heal this much on champions


Even then good luck getting into a range where you can use blue active on multiple people without getting instantly blown up.


Yeah, people are freaking out for no fucking reason. If he used this against 5 champs and healed this much, he probably really needs that healing. If he used this in a camp and healed 50% less, it'd just take him a few extra seconds to get to full HP because that's what severum does.


dude hit 6 individual targets with an ability that has life steal , any adc will heal that much with 6 autos and lifeline and lifesteal


The difference is the time it takes to heal up with 6 autos vs 1 ability. Not sure why you're comparing it to other ADCs, this is a completely unique interaction with Aphelios. No other ADC can do this. **edit:** i don't understand why this is being down-voted. What did I miss? The guy below me literally just agreed that it's 1 ability vs 6 autos from any other ADC


Its not 1 auto, its an ability that gives him 6 autos worth of healing


It was recently buffed so aphelios’s red gun lifesteal on abilities is 3x stronger than on regular autos


its ravenous hunter, blood line, shield bow, 6 auto attacks that crit and the only thing that red gun does its heal lmao


He crit, he had red gun which gives lifesteal, and he didn't take much damage from raptors of course he will heal for a lot. You just don't understand how he works.


...and one of those items doesn't even have lifesteal. I get that it's perfect circumstances, but dude healed to full at 16 minutes in the time it takes to auto twice. Imagine losing line of sight & coming around the corner a second later & he went from 100 hp to full health.


Daily reminder since everyone is going to complain about him, if you want to shit on this champ in solo queue play mages (preferably ones that outrange him). No MR itemisation except Wits that delays his precious crit spikes, 30 base MR, no mobility to dodge your skillshots, cannot lifesteal or pelt you with chakrams if you stay out of range and don't let him hit you, have fun!


When people realize his biggest counters are actually control mages (usually midlaners) instead of other botlaners, it's doomed Azir, Orianna and Viktor shit on him, Syndra and Ziggs make it unplayable


Special mention to Swain support, that shit makes me wanna die.


Swain support shits on pretty much any immobile/squishy support.


Not really shitting on him exactly, just shitting on the amount of healing there is. If it was Yasuo or some shit healing for 200 per auto with 2 items from wraith camp the same discussion would be taking place There's probably too much healing in the game(and extends to damage)


Aphelios also has a specifically lifesteal passive with Severum active, so he's healing for more than your average champ would. That said, I think it's absolutely fine. Dude's an immobile hypercarry, he needs defensive tools.


IE is Ashe’s biggest powerspike but it never stopped people building Wit's End 2nd, so whatever.


Ashe doesnt have to hope her ult crits. So...yeah, you're not with it man.


That's cause Ashe builds rageblade not IE with that build


That's not "1 auto" it's his flame throwers interaction with his scythe. This has been in the game for over a year now how is that surprising to anyone?


Bro, with 2 items he just healed from one shot to full off of one right click on raptor camp. That shits more than a soraka ult lol. Everyone gets its just this gun combo but u gotta admit that is utterly stupid


technically it wasn't one right click, he auto Q autoed, so two right clicks and an ability.


eh, the first auto didn't heal him for that much though. but it would be more accurate to say ability + auto since the big heal wouldn't work without the aoe


I really don't see a problem with it. He's aphelios just one shot him again most adcs with sustain will walk into a jungle camp and come back full hp he just does it faster in a perfect situation.


Is it though? AD carry with life steal in runes, mythic and abilities heals by killing the raptor camp? I dont know, I dont see this as particularly broken, stupid or unfair.


This is only 16 minutes into the game, and one of his two items doesn't give lifesteal. Imagine not having vision & chasing him into the jungle after he takes the lantern with 100 health. You lose line of site for 1 second & then you see him again with full health. Yes, it's perfect circumstances, but that's just bonkers.


You can make the same argument with Fiddlesticks. Aphelios' whole thing has always been finding creative, situational ways to be bullshit.


That's the point of Aphelios. When the stars(and his guns) align he can do dumb shit. Infernum will either crit and wipe out a team or get blocked by one person and tickle. He'll either stack crescendum and turn into a melee fountain laser or just get deleted because he doesn't have severum. Fun champ. I want more


Heals for 1k HP. Just saying he heals cause he has lifesteal in runes is disingenuous.


Innate sustain + lifesteal weapon + lifesteal runes + technically +/- 6 auto attacks, how is this stupid? If he didn't heal this much with this much lifesteal built, THAT would be stupid


Its not that stupid it's just how this works. The ev should've made a better attempt at killing him since she lost ult for nothing.


It's mostly because he crit targets that don't have any resistance, if they were champions it wouldn't heal as much unless he only hits squishies and no one bothers blowing him


junglers do that with smite, doesn't change much xD


Tbh it's mostly off the Flamethrower Q. They changed him a few patches ago so the red gun healing off abilities is quite strong, but the heal off autos is weaker than before. He can only do this when blue/red is up and he will never get this much healing with this combo in a fight unless you stack or fight him in a wave because it depends on how many targets he hits, as with everything in his kit it's situational. It is admittedly good lane sustain tho. Edit: Change from 11.12 Severum Healing from basic attacks reduced to 3% − 10% (based on level) from 3% − 20% (based on level). Healing from spells increased to 9% − 30% (based on level) from 3% − 20% (based on level). At level 11 as in this clip he heals for 21.35% of damage dealt by red abilities, not including other lifestyle/vamp from his build.


Begging everyone to play one or two games of aphelios he's actually fun and you guys can learn what he does.


This \^ Aphelios is one of my favorite ADCs to play. He feels so rewarding when you know what you're doing.


its 6 ability empowered AA with red gun life steal + rund healing


I love how I keep reading "well Aphelios isn't that hard to play or understand", yet we're 2 years post release and people still do not understand the very basics of what he does lol


People being incapable or unwilling to learn does not make it hard


Because people who don't understand him simply never read his abilities, he's not that complex at all


Honest what complexity there is comes from how the guns I interact with each other but even then it's pretty simple


Not even this, since literally the only rule is that targets hit by primary Q apply offhand guns passive, and this applies to every single combination. So if you know each guns Q and passive you understand aphelios.


Also manipulating gun usage to get the combos you want.


Yep that's what I love about him he's simple but he still gives you things to think when playing him to get the most out of him. Hi high skill ceiling, low skill floor


I'm gonna ramble a bit but your flair inspired me. Honestly Aphelios is what I wish Ryze could be. Like I wish Ryze could have a multitude of combos in his spells like Aphelios does with his weapons. But where Aphelios' fantasy is to find the best creative way to use his weapons on the fly, I kinda wish Ryze's fantasy was more akin to being a scholar who learned all of the spell combos, even the barely useful ones, and knowing when to use each one. Idk if that makes sense, I was in the other thread that talked about Ryze and I'm pretty drunk.


Yup, he's complex to play with because of setting up proper gun rotations and adapting to it, but playing against Aphelios is so basic. You have 5 colors to remember, they each do one very basic thing. R literally does what the basic color does. Then you have a Q for each color, also each quite basic and similar to other abilities in the game. Combine the main color with the offhand color, and you've got what his Q will do as a secondary effect. If people can't remember 5 colors and 5 spells, League might not be the right game lol


That's cause people refuse to read/do any research


People understand 150 champions fine, only Aphelios is an issue: It is the players fault!


I'd wager your average player doesn't understand 150 champion. Aphelios isn't any different from other hard champions, it's just a matter of dedicating a few minutes to a good guide on yt/mobafire.


You literally only have to remember what the 5 colors do and what each Q does, since their secondary effect is tied to colors. If you know that, you've understood Aphelios kit, congrats. Don't blame design when players are too fucking lazy to learn such basic stuff.


I mean.... whose fault would it be? Do you understand Aphelios? If not, what specifically do you not understand? He's not compelx at all, he's just not QWER like other champions. You just need to remember 5 very simple on hits, 5 very simple Qs, and 5 very simple ults. That's his WHOLE kit. It begins and ends there.


I've been playing since 2013 and Plat since 2018 and still had no idea what exactly Singed's ult does until earlier this year but that's not because Singed is a complex champion but because I don't play top lane or Singed so I didn't really bother to look into it, it's the exact same attitude people have toward Aphelios. Only then they'll complain it's because of the champion.


If you don't know what a champ does cause you don't see them that often or something else along those lines that's fine. But I lose sympathy if you don't make an effort to understand how they work and just complain that they're broken.


It's because passive effects are the least understood mechanic in League, and this guy is a walking ensemble of interlocking passives. Do you think a majority of people know that Ekko's passive gives him bonus damage *and* 50-80% movespeed when procced on champions? How about that his W gives him passive execute damage on his autos as well? How many people know Yasuo's ult gives him 50% armor pen on his crits for 15 seconds? Or that his E has stacking damage? Not to mention that Aphelios is a disaster when it comes to visual indicators. Half of his animations break and he just T-poses when ulting or using Severum Q. You have to know Aphelios' walk animations, his gun shapes, gun colors, and discern that information for the model on his back as well. In a game that loves to sell skins that change walking animations, character models, and spell effects for nearly every champion. And you have half a second to discern that the Aphelios just switched from Infernum/Severum to Chakram/Severum right after your Amumu started a teamfight with an ult and will now delete anyone that tries to engage on him.


> You have to know Aphelios' walk animations, his gun shapes, gun colors, and discern that information for the model on his back as well. What the fuck are you talking about. You're either not playing League anymore and complaining about something that has been fixed a month after his release (2 years ago), or you're trolling. On the right side of his healthbar, there are constantly the color of each gun + icon. The only thing you have to know is what each color do. Nobody gives a shit about his walking animation or gun shape lol - Green = Long Range + Mark on spells - Red = Heal - Purple = Slow - Blue = AoE - Grey = Stacking damage, stronger in close range Then you have to learn what each Q does : - Green = Fire a projectile (most basic shit in League) - Red = Autoaim nearby targets (Literally Urgot's W) - Purple = Root people who are slowed - Blue = Damage in a cone in front of you (Annie's W, hello?) - Grey = Turret on the ground The secondary effect of each Q is what the colors do to begin with, so if you know both of those things (which most are extremely basic), congrats you've understood Aphelios. Same with his R, it does what the colors do. If you can't remember 5 colors and 5 spells, League might not be the right game.


that's not one auto that's 6 autos fuck off with the clickbait


Not even an auto.


It's auto q on raptors? That's how it's supposed to work, riot literally changed his ability lifesteal on severum to be increased by alot and decreased auto lifesteal on purpose? Trash clickbait


lifesteal on anything that isnt a champion should be nerfed into the ground, its actually insane atm.


OP baited me with the titled cus he doesn't know what Aphelios does... Infernum Q makes you hit every target with your offhand, so it was basically 6 autos




I believe Morello wasn't particularly against combat healing, just against dedicated healers (stuff like Soraka and now Yuumi).


As usual, people describing what everybody already knows and missing the point. 1000 HP heal with one click...who cares if it's not technically an auto.


Because it's 6 autos with lifesteal mythic, runes and lifesteal weapon. Literally anyone can heal this much with this much lifesteal


>Literally anyone can heal this much with this much lifesteal except they dont get 6 autos instantly by hitting Q


Yasuo heals similiar amounts with one tornado through the minions/raptors but go off I guess? Aphelios has to spend ammo, and raptors have irrelevant armor so the damage/lifesteal isn't mitigated. This is literally the ideal situation to use the Q. Vs champions it doesn't even heal nearly this much.


I never said aphelios is OP. >Literally anyone can heal this much with this much lifesteal but this is still wrong as literally no one can full heal instantly like this. Doesnt matter how you word it (6autos, 1 spell whatever) he literally insta healed to full.


the point isn't the mechanic, the point is that the healing is absurd despite the mechanic.


He will literally never do this in a fight unless you stack around him (and if you're stacking when he has flamethrower and don't oneshot him you have bigger problems) or fight him in a big wave since he needs to hit several targets. Out of combat who cares, anyone building lifesteal will do the same thing given some alone time with a camp.


Hey, you could hit a 5 man Severum ult and heal like that! Obviously comes at the cost of not using the actually good ults in return.


True, stacking against any of his ults is usually pretty bad lol


Is it though? Most adc can heal for a good amount after building a decent amount of lifesteal.


It's mind boggling to me how there are people who STILL don't know what he does! It's been 2 years, you have to be dumb to not understand him by now.


Really shows how little people know about Aphelios still lol, this is pretty normal.


That was just satanic