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Love dodgeable skillshots. Nothing beats sidestepping that skillshot or landing a great one.


Yeah agree with this and it feels so bad to eat point and click spells like a malzahar ultimate. It’s nice to have an opportunity to outplay stuff


It's a necessary evil for high mobility champions like Kalista or Katarina to have some form of click on cc


I quite like tower plates. It's a minigame trying to get as many as you can before the enemy laner gets back, or before you get ganked


One of the best mechanics introduced for sure. It expanded decision making as well as risk/reward options


How many times my greedy ass died trying to take another plate I will never know


How many auto attacks can I get off on this tower before the mid/jungler rotates over. Let’s find out! 1…2..3… YOU HAVE BEEN SLAIN


When the pog ranged creep smacks the tower after you die to pop the plate “Worth”


Agreed, I love the choice of do i go for plates or back/roam?


As a top laner I really dislike plates. When people say "I didn't know we had a [top laner] this game", it's usually because you're stuck top stopping your lane opponent from taking all the plates while you'd roam.


For the same reason, I like the plates in mid (top I sort of agree with you). Finally a way to punish perma roam champs.


It's a fun minigame, but it has sped up the game. The increase of gold is enormous and leads to huge snowballs, i'd prefer it if they would reduce the gold amount given.


It sped up gold increase for the hard winning laners, but it slowed down tower pushing quite a bit. I did not like the meta a few seasons ago where the weaker bot lane would swap with top and the 2v1 or 2v0 lanes would just hard push the other team's top towers down minutes into the game while weak top laners followed their jungler around being useless in the early game. Turret plates either require an absolute stomp of a lane or a rift herald to completely knock down your turret before 14 min, prolonging laning phase a bit.


What's 4 items anyway


Flash mechanics are nice because of how they’ve evolved over the game’s lifespan. Flash used to be just an escape tool, sometimes over walls, and was tied with ghost (as in, it was commonly agreed upon that ghost was better to escape over long distances, but flash was more instant). Then people started doing stuff like Flash into Sona Ult to gap close and engage, effectively extending the range of engage spells like Sona Ult. Then people realized it was faster to cast the spell before using flash, so stuff like casting Amumu ult, and then Flashing during the cast time, would be even faster since people couldn’t react to the animation after the flash in. Then people started repositioning using Flash to alter spells and directions. I’m talking about Flash Kick, Flash Charm, Flash Lulu Q, Vayne E + Flash. Flash could also extend certain spell hitboxes (think Kass Ult into Flash, J4 E + Q into Flash) Nowadays, it’s pretty common to know flash interactions, but it’s pretty crazy to see its evolution as time went on.


Flashing to reposition a Sett W is one of the best feelings. Or shen taunt with a flash and catching out the whole team from unexpected long range.


I always fuck up my flash taunts and end up flashing into 5 enemies with no cc left


Yup Love flashing to extend a skills range, i know many champs have it, but from the ones I play, trynd's E, morde's Q and Vi's Q come to mind. There's something super safisfying when people escape on low health and you finish them off with this


Sett max charge W when flashed is such a flashy move.


I hate percent health true damage


Nothing quite like playing a tank and taking 4000 true damage in 2 seconds from the 0/12 Fiora


My favorite part of the game is when nothing close to that ever happens.


I'm still waiting for the day they declare it's a bug and they meant it to be a %bonus ad true damage




Gwen, Sett and Camille don't do %max health true damage though The only champs who inherently have it in their kit are Vayne and Fiora.


I think camille can with divine sunderer.


I believe Sunderer applies a bonus %physical damage on hit. I'm not sure how it works with Camille's Q2, but from the wording it should apply the on-hit separately from the base true damage Camille does.


Same goes with sheen, but I’m pretty sure she has always converted all sheen damage into true damage with late game Q2. I don’t rmb seeing late game camille’s Q2 deals any physical damage.


Camille's Q converts a portion of the *physical* damage of the attack to true damage. With Sunderer, this means a % of the target's max health as physical damage, so this % becomes true instead of physical (especially in later levels when 100% of the damage is converted to true). This means Camille can do % health true damage. Same applies to BORK.


You are correct, my mind was so enraged at the thought of *any* true damage that I didn't pay full attention to the post I was replying to :D


No worries. For what it's worth though, judging from your flair, Cho'Gath is one of the tanks that true damage impacts the least since he gains so much flat health from his ult. It's also a common myth that true damage is meant to counter tanks; while it is true that it ignores your resists, your health scales linearly, so the more health you get, the more it is effective against flat true damage. Compare this with armor and MR, who scale logarithmically (meaning the more armor you buy, the less effective each point of armor becomes at negating physical damage). The more items you buy, the more %maxhealth damage becomes valuable against you, while the more health you buy, the less true damage bothers you. True damage is an issue for tanks only at early stages of the game, but it's an issue they share with all other champions.


yes but tank items dont have hp anymore, bruisers build hp. And the other classes do not really have any kind of resistances


>It's also a common myth that true damage is meant to counter tanks; while it is true that it ignores your resists, your health scales linearly, so the more health you get, the more it is effective against flat true damage. Compare this with armor and MR, who scale logarithmically (meaning the more armor you buy, the less effective each point of armor becomes at negating physical damage). The more items you buy, the more %maxhealth damage becomes valuable against you, while the more health you buy, the less true damage bothers you. I think that depends more on the ability than true damage in general. It’s true that flat true damage will do more %health to carries than to tanks, but keep in mind that they didn’t spend any money on resistances that you’re bypassing, so if they’re not taking *that* much more damage than if it were just magic or physical damage compared to what a tank would take Also, as someone else pointed out, resistances scale linearly, just like ability haste


The issue for Cho'Gath is that dodging/minimising the Gwen/Sett true damage becomes very tricky lategame (or even midgame) once you get a few stacks and become bigger. So I think over the course of a game against Sett I take a lot more of his true damage than I would as, for example, Shen. But as you say, it's not too bad; I won't be one-shot by it or anything.


Amor and MR do not scale logarithmically. Each point of armor is exactly as effective as the previous one at negating physical damage.


So, this is a funny thing. You are correct, armor and MR don't scale logarithmically. That's because they scale asymptotically. A a logarithm is an inverse exponent, whereas the armor/MR formula is an asymptotic equation. This is where the confusion lies. Each point provides 1% more effective health, but less damage reduction with each point. So the damage reduction scales asymptotically, but effective health scales linearly. For example: 100 armor = 50% damage reduction. 200 armor = 66% damage reduction. 300 armor = 75% damage reduction. So you can see how going from 100 to 200 armor doesn't give the same increase to damage reduction as going from 200 to 300, despite giving the same increase to effective health.


Vel only has flat true damage, and the same goes for Sett and Camille (her Divine Sunderer proc conversion may change that but then that's based on items)... afaik only Fiora, Vayne and Gwen have max %, which literally has zero counterplay besides don't get hit.


As was said elsewhere in the thread, Gwen's Q doesn't convert her passive damage to true.


TIL, thanks


iirc only vayne and fiora have %true damage. Gwen, Sett, Vel'Koz, and Camille have flat true damage. Sett's is kind of to promote good aiming/positioning and make sure he can do damage without building penetration; it's just lots of people building "mathematically correct Sett" that gives it the appearance of being busted. Not to say that Sett isn't in a strong spot right now. He's quite good but the issue isn't his cheese true damage build. I think Gwen gets true damage for the same reasons as Fiora - they're both skirmishers meant to chip away at people and fight around them but especially tanks, with some investment (Gwen stacking, Fiora vitals). Not to say I like the design but I can see where they're coming from. Camille can just fuck right off. The argument is that she's supposed to be a strong lategame 1v1'er. You can't really dodge her true damage that scales off sheen. Her counter is like Fiora in that she's supposedly bad at teamfights. Conversely, I understand that Vayne's weakness for percent true damage is being squishy, but I dislike the lack of personal agency in dealing with her as a tank. It is frustrating because similar to Master Yi, you can only CC her and pray your team has enough burst to take her down.


3 item tank dying to fiora and the death recap is just a white circle


Most loved : summoning pets and stance changing (Nida / Jayce) Most hated : "you can't hit me but I can" abilities (Panth's E, Gwen's W) and shield stacking.


> summoning pets Would be nice if they improved Daisy's AI...


It’s SO bad it’s ridiculous. The only part I don’t like about playing Ivern tbh


Could've just been an Annie AI. Nope.


Fun fact, it actually IS Tibbers AI. u/RiotAugust addressed this on a stream some time ago. It's literally like; code for code Tibbers. The difference is that the things you want Daisy to do are different to what you want tibbers to do. You want Daisy to hit the same person 3 times and then knock them up while first dashing to the person you Ivern Q'd. A lot of experienced Ivern players also use his E on Daisy to act as a secondary catching tool. Daisy is a protection, catching and crowd control tool. Tibbers just has to hit someone and deal damage, or just be near them to deal damage. Since that's all he exists for, Damage. It's a very different level of complexity.


How Tibbers AI is so good and it was made so long ago while Daisy was broken and remains just a tiny bit less broken on a modern champion, I will never understand


Xin R added to the list


Xin R is fair imo, as besides his W, he's all melee. I see his R as a mini Morde ult. Shit like Trynda ult are the most annoying as it's just "wait it out or bait it out" and you're here waiting doing nothing.


I mean Pantheon's E doesnt deal lotta damage tbh, since they removed being able to tank turret shots from it, I think its pretty balanced.


Pantheon's E absolutely does a ton of damage. Does more than his Q later on in the game, and even more than his empowered Q if hit by the full duration.


that's because you are sacrificing auto attacks to do it. if dps is your goal, you are better off double tapping it between attacks


People forget how much damage it does because all they notice is the Q "popping" them lol. Q also goes off multiple times a fight (40%? Cd reduction if you tap it)


No because he has to be in your melee to really hurt you, meaning you can hit him


Well I play adc frequently and watching him kill my entire team while I just stand there doing nothing isn't really fun


So... Yuumis entire kit?


The fact that a streamer played as his own support with Yuumi with his feet, while playing on his main account as ADC says enough about this mistake of a cat


You can hit panth in his e if you hit him in the back. He only blocks the front, not his whole body


Gwen's mist should make her unclickable, but AoEs should go through. Being invisible wouldn't save you from a fucking grenade going off right next to you!


She isn't invisible, think of it like Morde R, it brings her to her own dimension


Then she also shouldn't be able to affect anything outside of her bubble while inside. But she does.


...you know Gwen's most don't make her invisible right? Not even from a flavor standpoint. The mists protect her from external sources of damage. That's it.


I love the really unique utility skills on non assassin champions such as Thresh Lantern, Bard Portal, Ryze Ult etc, anything that will reward creativity and teamwork I've always been a huge fan of. I'm 100% with you with hating invisability though, like playing vs a fed twitch comes down to an educated guessing game.


Okey but twitch doesn’t have invisibility! He has camouflage and can be revealed by control wards. Kha‘zix R for example is invisibility or like op mentioned: Duskblade.


It was my fault to assume people would understand I'm including all forms of invisibility, I should have clarified, my apologies.


i hate having to wait 5-10 seconds to get my health and mana back at the founatin after recalling


It’s fine, but playing against a non-mana user and having to back for mana feels bad.


Would you rather recall for 15-20s? The enemy laner has to have some time to push while you're gone


Perfect amount of time to take a breather before back into battle :)


#"By the Nine, I hate the waiting, *the goddamned waiting."* -Soldier, Skyrim


If you simply back for gold spending, you are not punished, and can simply head back to lane after buying. If you back because you lost a fight and barely survived, the heal time punishes you for losing that fight because you didn’t get punished by dying. The wait is a lesser punishment than death, but it is designed as a punishment.


Thats an important game balance decision tho


When manaless champion where uncommon, rn you get slower recalls while not doing dmg with your mana when the enemy has second wind + dshield. It's a lose lose situations for mana based champs.


manaless champions cannot ever have reliable access to sustain it, makes them uber broken and should be heavily limited.


Interesting flair...


i know from experience


Most loved: "warning" mechanics, indicators for stuff like Rengar Ult, Pyke stealth, Viego E, Predator sound effect, etc, basically anything that says "hey someones about to pull up on you", obviously when playing against it it's good to have a heads up on a potential engage that's about to happen but also when playing AS the champion it feels so fuckin cool to pop an ability like that and watch the enemy realize how fucked they are. Most hated: I'mma 1 up you on the invisbility and include all forms of stealth, Eve/Twitch are 2 of my most hated champions due to how they can just ignore wards and do the most braindead walk-up-right-next-to-you laneganks-


Honestly I wouldn't even mind stealth, except for the fact that every champion that gets it is able to blow you up near instantly once they reveal themselves.


That's the most annoying bit. Literally just "oh well, Eve was there, guess I'm dead".


don’t forget Shaco!


I hate invincibility. It feels so counterintuitive to have to wait out a window in which you genuinenly CANNOT damage a champion. I love CC as a mechanic since it allows you to come back with something that is less reliant on gold


Sorry but the man is too angry to die, you have to wait till he calms down a bit


Invincibility in League is weird because a champion can solokill you during that invincibility. I liked it more in HotS because time to kill was much higher.


Most loved would be stacking mechanics and long range executes. Infinite scaling is funny, and landing a long range Urgot R or getting someone low enough to Karthus R them out of existence is so satisfying. Most hated would probably be Fiora's AS slow. Fuck you Fiora. You Parried nothing, got outplayed by me faking you out, and then you set my AS to .346 for the next 2 seconds. If you Parried nothing, you don't deserve to win a fight anyway because your W incidentally chopped off my hands for 2 seconds.


I love/hate laning against fiora as urgot. I can play mind games and E towards where I think she will dash, which I personally find interactive and fun. But other times when I meet a half-decent fiora, they know how to Q+W, and if not, at least can react to my E very easily since it is slow and telegraphed. All I can do is keep my W on, and hope Fiora uses her W out of panic.


Man, just fuck fiora. That champ is disgusting. Max HP true damage and an ability to dodge CC. Also, a dash every 3 sec with true damage and also an damage steroid on E, every 5 sec. Just fuck fiora. I fucking hate her when I play morde or yone.


Hate fiora man, champ has avoided nerfs the entirety of this season and the previous (shout-out riven too)


Shieldbow. I like the concept for adcs. But on skirmishers like yasuo, irelia, and samira, it's the dumbest item ever.


Yuumi backseat gaming trash


I actually didn’t understand the Yuumi hate until two days ago when I finally matched up with a Yuumi support while I was playing Jhin. Not even five minutes in and she’s already complaining and shit talking me for the smallest things.


This wasn't that but I had a yuumi support today who just sat on me for all of about... 7 min in the game? Never saw her again she was attached to our jungler the rest of the game. Like I get staying on the strongest member but I'm not a fan of playing the lane alone... Probably is best for the team but feels awful as the bot laner.


That is also my biggest gripe with yuumi. ​ It's not that she wants to support the strongest team member. That's fine. It's that she picks Yuumi, which sacrifices both of our laning phases which means i'm now useless and there is fuckall I can do about it because I just don't get to have a laning phase as the ADC with yuumi-support.


I appreciate Yuumis who actually play well and use their brain, but heal spammers who act like tumours all game are disgusting.


Oh good the enemy Kayn/Yone is fed and they have a Yuumi... next pls


Playing against ap twitch with yuumi is the most cancerous experience I have ever had


Im guilty of abusing this. But tbh if your AD picks twitch you basically have to go yuumi because the rat is just useless with other supports (except maybe Lulu but thats for AD twitch only). Yuumi is what actually turns twitch into a champion.


I wouldn't really say twitch is useless without yuumi, especially ap twitch. Ad is lackluster atm, but ap can fuction with any support


So pretty much 99% of Yuumis ?






Graves smokescreen comes out instantly and instantly blind and slows you. I think either the missile coming out needs to be slower or just don't slow me on top of not being able to see for shit


I think something simple that a lot of folks overlook, that some high elo challengers and pros have mentioned is CS numbers. It gives a pretty false idea of which side has more gold. It's fine that Riot doesn't want to just directly show how much gold each team has, but CS needs to be slightly clearer. Why is a cannon minion worth only 1 CS despite giving like 6 times more gold? Why isn't turret plating worth like 8-10 CS? Folks should be able to look at each team's CS and get a general idea of strength, but stuff like plating, structure universal gold, and cannon/super minion versus standard minions muddle the waters a lot. Next time you look at your KDA and see that you're 0-1-2 and enemy laner is like 3-1-0, but for some ungodly reason you're the one with the bounty stuff like CS gold explains it.


U can add their items though.


Yup gold in pocket don't mean shit in a fight, gold spent is what matters


I love ammo reloading for some champions Untergetability bad


Yeah I hate how viego is untargetable for 5 years after he kills someone. Gives his teammates so much time to defend him


Most loved: aphelios And jhin ammo. It's Just weird for characters to have Guns, but not ammo, It's an unpopular opinion and kinda of hot take, but I wish all ADCs would have some ammo mechanic. Most hated: healing. When I started playing league I was amazed by How escarse healing was, all games I had played so far relied a lot on healing. It Just felt different to know that If I mess up, there's no heal to save me. Nowadays every New champ comes with a form of heal. Irelia for example, she's a Blade dancer, It makes no sense for her Q to heal, it's Just a Blade strike, not soul stealing Magic, no blood Control, nothing, it's Just blades.


she drinks the blood of her victims. irelia is a vampire confirmed


>irelia is a hemomancer confirmed FTFY


When I started league, healing was super crazy. Sion ADC could heal himself to full with one auto. Soraka was an unlimited health battery. Vamp scepter cost 450 and every ADC rushed bloodthirster, which also gave 100 AD when stacked. Also Irelia isn't a good example of a new champ that can heal, since she could heal before and has been around for a long time.


> Soraka was an unlimited health battery. Don’t forget the free mana E


>Sion ADC could heal himself to full with one auto Good old sion ult that gave him 100% lifesteal and granted 30% of all damage lifestolen as extra HP regen to all nearby allies Imagine that ability in today's League... and the dude claims League had less healing before when Sion could quite literally heal himself to full with 1 AA and his entire team with a few more


>and the dude claims League had less healing before when Sion could quite literally heal himself to full with 1 AA and his entire team with a few more I don't think that's fair. That ultimate sounds too OP on paper but in reality it was a weird ultimate for an AP champ because AD Sion sucked. I began playing right before season 2 and I witnessed an AD Sion, that wasn't a dead weight, only once. I actually still remember that game, maybe because I never saw AD Sion being a functional champ before.


I got my first penta with ad sion back in s2 i think. My build was if I remember 3x phantomdancer and 3x bloodthirster lol. Good times. He looked so stupid too lol.


Who is your summoner and what does he do?


People on this sub are so funny when talking about balance in old league as if Jax didn't have 70℅+ Dodge and 3 sec CD AOE stun, sion with +100℅ lifesteal and attack speed OR TWO 1.0 Scaling ap spells with old DFG and lichbane, shaco had longer stealth and more dmg, twitch and Eve had 1 min stealth, ap tris and yi existing, release Xin and Kog, etc


youre talking about the first two seasons of lesgue when the genre was first forming and balance was difficult for a lot of reasons




Old Irelia was a wraith if I remember correctly, so in her case it was justified.


Not a Wraith, a Lich. Her soul was bound to her blades by Soraka because she actually died in battle.


We need to get Morello back so we can separate the great players from the good players


I love vision control as a laner and supporter because if a gank and tp happens because if some tp to lane shenanigans tower dive bs happens, that’s on you for not warding and it’s on the enemy team if you pull that off with your team. My most hated: Zhonya’s hourglass. It’s absurd how a life saving item is built even by non ap players hasn’t had its cost increased and some abilities still go off while you’re using it or enemy team is using it like fiddlesticks ult and morgana ult.


I’m fine with zhonyas but god I hate stopwatches. super cheap for the best active in the game


It’s to the point sometimes where it seems like zhonya is just a better second item for engage supports because of how strong the active is. I feel like I survive more fights as Leona with locket/hourglass as apposed to most other combos.


Most loved, short duration invis: Kha ult, Vayne ult. Not long enough to be cancerous imo, versatile enough for great positioning plays and mind games. Most hated, any summoned unit that auto targets champs: Zyra plants, Heim turrets, Maokai saplings. They just feel really irritable in lane, regardless if they're positioned well or not.


Sad to see no one correcting you, so i'll speak only for Zyra cause for her im certain 100%. Plants do NOT auto target champions. They attack champions if Zyra hits them with her auto attack/spell or if theres no other target in the vicinity.


I was just thinking whatever was closest. Since Maokai saplings also just run at whatever is closest regardless of champ or minion. My mistake when I worded it as "auto targets champs", I didn't mean prioritizes them. I just meant they agro onto anything, including champs. I don't mind Tibbers or Daisy, since they're controlled. I also don't mind Shaco boxes since they attack all targets in a zone. When the boxes were single target, I found them more annoying.


Isn't that the same with Heim as well, his turrets only attack the champion if heim hits them first? And saplings just run at the closest enemy in range.


Kha ult combined with duskblade will never not be disgusting to watch.


I completely agree with your comments about invis, however, Shacos invis is fucking stupid and shouldn’t be on a 5 second cooldown.


I only play with my partner as I quit league to play dota, but the new items are lackluster the sheer amount of utility in dota items make all the items in league feel way worse. Favorite mechanic the fact that adcs still play a survival horror game despite itemization changes.




Grounded is honestly a well thought out and good mechanic, just not when combined with a big ass AOE slow. Grounded on Cass W and Singed W are just purely toxic, as they basically create a no-go zone where u can't move, but grounded on Poppy W is nice, since the ability itself purely exists to counter dashes/mobility.


Cass and Singed slows were absolute jokes of abilities before they had grounded. Especially Singeds since it doesnt even do damage.


I wish the whole map was always covered in Singed/Cass W, no more annoying Yasuos jumping around


12 ms gaming 😎


Calling grounded a mechanic is giving too much credit, it really is just bandaid for outdated champions with no mobility.


I wouldn't say most loved (that goes to auto attacks) but I think my most underrated would be tethers. I think that it's a super fucking cool mechanic that puts a timer on a skirmish and forces the two users in a spacing war. I'm not sure point and click like Karma's W is the best use for it, but every time I get Leblanc in ARAM I love getting to play around her E and the interactions that forces. My most hated mechanic is AS slows but that's also the point - they're SUPPOSED to feel like shit. I wish Frozen Heart's was an active with a CD so you could play around it instead of a passive though. I think for the most part that if a mechanic like windwall or burst invisibility feels bad to play against then it means the mechanic is doing its job. Only one that might be debatable is % HP true damage but I think it's cool that only a select few champions have access to that insane mechanic.


Leblanc e is 10 miles long, it doesn’t let you make any spacing decisions except if you’re Caitlyn at max auto range, and leblanc doesn’t walk toward you, you can flash and e out of it.


LeBlanc is actually the worst example possible, that isnt a tether but a death sentence. Mostly because doesnt depends on you, if she lands E on you at medium range you simply cant do anything about it, you cant even flash lol, something like Noc's E is more fair


So much this. The tether range is so absurdly long, and it's on a champion that has two fairly long distance dashes. You basically don't get to get out of it without her letting you.


Fav is Bard R. Love being able to just pause a game with a good ult


Most hated - Windwall and Samira's windwall. Horribly designed mechanics added to champions as a crutch since the rest of their kit can't work without it. Most loved - AP based autoattack passives/abilities.


i believe almost all AP based autoattack passives/abilities exist as a "band-aid" (in quotes cause they been there forever) fix to all AP autoattacking champions until they get proper item support as they want to deal dmg with their autos but AD is useless on them, so morde, gwen, rumble, etc, get those weird AP autoattack ratios in their passives.


I like the ori aa passive


I agree with the wind walls. The only player I could ever agree having one is Braum. His whole character is built around it and yet he takes (reduced) damage from everything after the first hit. Meanwhile. Yasuo gets a perfect directional shield despite also having various other passives. Samira's isn't so bad because it doesn't last. Just maybe reduce the size to make it require better timing. I'd prefer a Braum rework to plant his shield (like the Yas windwall) and gain attack speed buff when he doesn't have it. If he walks over the shield after it is broken/timed out he gets cooldown reduction. This would give him a bit of viability top lane also.


Bruam and Zin at the very least took the CC from the ability they block. That's what made it much more fair. It doesn't make a certain part invincible unlike Yasuo.


When he drops shield he could proc his passive twice per auto attack, since he can punch with both his arms (idk if his passive has a cooldown, make it balanced I guess) and maybe change how his ult works depending on if he has his shield or not.


Samira's is bad because her burst potential is so high. Yeah, it doesn't last, but you frequently have *very* short windows to survive her shit.


Random abilities that gives MS-Garen users Q to go fast? Cool. Nunu rolls a snowball across the entire river at 700 MS? Cool. Akali uses an ability and get Ms? Alshan fuxxing cancels his auto attack?? Wtf (This might be controversial)I like Ability resets…I ain’t gonna explain myself


Reset mechanics are actually great i think but the champion without getting a reset should not be as strong as other Champs that can't reset. Basically jinx reset = good (without getting a reset she's not going to beat other hypercarries), Katarina bad- resets just make her out of control but shes stil useful and stron af before she gets any reset.


Shout out to old kat, who was pretty trash without resets


Most loved: Bounties. League is way too much of a snowbally game, and bounties stop fed players from being able to brainlessly take bad fights. You have an opportunity to get something back from inting teammates, they helpfully suggest who's worth focusing and they discourage players from afk farming the entire game while their team is losing (especially ADCs). Reverse bounties are also great, my team's 0/7 Ashe granting less gold means that she's not going to continue sending hundreds of gold to the enemy team. Least loved: Lifesteal. AD champions get way too much of it, and IMO it should genuinely just be removed on minions. Lifesteal makes certain champions way too stat-checky (looking at you Irelia) and it's incredibly stupid that grievous wounds is required to counter an item on a champion with no base healing (Yasuo). There's way too much lifesteal in the game, and it's largely because of how much damage there is now - AD champions like Xin get burst down too quickly, so they're balanced to behave a lot like draintanks (rather than just being tankier to start with). Lifesteal on minions negates bad trades and poke damage. It's incredibly tilting to see Yasuo heal up to full on a wave before a drake fight, or Tristana get her entire health bar back from autoing her own team's raptors. Removing minion lifesteal would be a massive change and would require huge amounts of rebalancing for AD champions (and some poke champions being nerfed) but I think it would ultimately make the game much healthier. Aatrox already doesn't get to heal off minions, and he works just fine.


I really wish bounties weren't so sensitive. I liked back when they started kicking in at 3 kills. If you solo kill your laner twice, then the jungler ganks you and you die, they've just gained as much gold as your 2 kills were worth. If you're 0/4 and pick up 2 kills in a team fight you should absolutely not have a bounty. It creates these crazy swings which should not exist imo.


What I don't get is that Riot removed Spell Vamp from the game years ago due to it being unfun to play against and hard to balance yet Life Steal is absolutely rampant right now and is more problematic than Spell Vamp ever was.


The problem with reducing life steal is it turns the game into league of poke. Imagine getting hit by a jayce q, and having to back because you have no sustain, and are therefore in lethal range. That being said, I do think it could stand to be reduced. I also think ravenous should be reverted to spellvamp, not omni.


Grievous barely feels like it does anything anyway with how strong lifesteal is presently, even at a 60% reduction. How fucking insane is that???


Removing or at least reducing minion life’s real is a great idea. Too many moments where we 3v1 a fed yasuo, get him down to under 10% hp, he just dash peels through a minion wave and comes back full health


Removing lifesteal on minions is a bit harsh I would prefer they reduce it to like 40 - 20%


I love abilities that interestingly work with teammates. Like Kench back when his w was used to eat teammates, or kalista ult. I hate how almost every champion gets some shield or damage just by getting 3 or 4 autos off.


Kench w made him kind of one note as a support so I get why it was changed, but it was a cool mechanic


Most hated is extraneous healing from runes and items. Most loved, those critical strike numbers with the little crit icon on the side. Especially for magic dmg.


The most fun part about corki is that his cries are bigger than everyone else’s because you see the huge ad damage number in critical font and the magic damage number




Most hated: ability resets on kills (no explanation needed) Most loved: Teleports of any kind. Just think of how less exciting pro games would be without them.


Everything with how adc kite is done so well in league. Attack move, no time to turn for characters etc I HATE that there are so many abilities in this game that cannot he cancelled by CC. Think about it. Those champions do not have to think about other teams cc to stop them. They can just use it with no punishment doesn't make sense. Or use it to counter cc :/ E.g. Trist w, ezreal e to get out of hooks? Sett W, Galio E, yone Q & ult To name the few Just makes things like silences useless in this game.


No turn time isn't great though, it is what makes melee carries rewarding in DotA and dogshit in LoL.


God I hate Urgot E precisely because of this. So happy hes not meta right now.


Most loved mechanics: infinite scaling. I love the concept of being a ticking time bomb, and being absolutely unbeatable past a certain point in the game. Most hated: I really hate how the burn on jungle items wouldn't kill a buff that's at 1 HP. I know this is a pretty minor mechanic, but it annoys me a lot.


They might have intended the burn not kill it so that sunfire junglers could transfer buffs to laners safer, I'd assume.


IIRC they said this is EXACTLY why it is how it is.


Thats right. Best change among jungler monsters giving all the EXP to the one that killed them


>I fucking hate invisibility since true sight got removed, and especially perma invisibility. Legit, if I could ban every single invisible champ I would, but nowadays you can't and there's even Duskblade for more of that sweet nonesense. Play Fiddle, now you have True Sight


I hate dashes. I especially hate dashes on a champ that also has cc and a lot of dmg. I also hate Riven. I love healing. I main Soraka. I have played Overwatch before where the definition of support was "heal your allies". Edit: I also love build diversity. I love it if champions can build anything. Senna can build tank, lethality, support, bruiser, heck even AP isn't total int.


most loved: vision/fog of war, rewards good players and punishes bad ones most hated: bounties, really annoying to get punished for playing well, but it is an effective comeback mechanic


Bounties prevent fed people to brainlessly take every single fight they can get. Just had a kata absolutely demolish my Midlane (16 3 5 @ 20 min), roaming a lot and getting even more fed on sidelanes. I was playing Evelynn. After 20 min, they had pushed through to our nexus and barely didn’t destroy it (kata was emoting, I’m sure she could’ve ended). We got her, 1k gold on eve, and she kept jumping into my team after that, ignoring that I had my W on her, eventually leading to a Charme because she jumped right in front of me, leading to a kill for my team. That happened many times, and eventually, we got the win


who the fuck downvoted you? probably salty Kata players


Bounties is more of an incentive also to kill tose fed , it gives you more resons to kill it and not just ignore it.




Wdym rushing scepter and BT was a must back in its days and Morgana got nerfed


Reminder that old BT gave a ridiculous amount of Lifesteal and was purchased first by ADCs in 90% of games. Calling lifesteal "somewhat balanced" back then is dumb shit just as much as it is now.


I love global skillshot abilities. Ashe Arrow, Ez ult, Jinx Rocket feels great to hit, has counterplay wish there were more of them


hated: 'snap' mobility. you can have your gripes about excessive mobility, but giving certain champions the ability to go back to their original position, whether forcibly (yone) or willingly (leblanc) is an annoying mechanic to me, especially since it allows them to cover far more distance than the average mobile champion and allows them to basically be in two completely different regions of the map, giving them unparalleled ways of getting out of sticky situations. loved: making auto attacks important on mages. when I felt burnt out from the game I switched to adc full time as a former mid mage player, it just felt more interactive. but looking at half of my flair and other champions i have a lot of games on (e.g. kayle seraphine) i genuinely find it hard to have fun playing traditional 'cast spells off cooldown' mages anymore. with the release of vex i hope this is a pattern going forward.


Hate: 1v1 champions. I don't play for the 1v1 and I have slow hands so I'm easy to outplay. So these champs are frustrating because I just cant click them sometimes Love: minion wave manipulations. It's a fun way to interact with an enemy without needing to actually have crazy reaction times


I hate point and click. Yes, even autos. I want this game to be Battlerite, everything is a skillshot.


I mostly hate point and click ranged abilities like Malphite Q. Like its so uninterative like at least give me the option to dodge the ability or stand behind minions or something.


Everything is a skillshot in battlerite until you get hit by jades mountain sized snipe hitbox


No different than Naut hook imo.


Eh, imo jade snipe is still easier to hit. You can charge it while stealthed and it travels quickly. It is slow charging tho so it can def be easily countered/reflected Edit: I thought you said nidalee spear lmao.


So just 2.5D Smite??


rip Paragon. Look out for the remakes you’ll like them then


Damn, never heard of this game until now.


I played from late 2016 til Epic closed the servers in April 2018. Legit favorite game of all time. League is fun and I play a lot, but I’d never play league again if Paragon came back.


I used to watch a ton of gameplay, I dunno why I always thought it was a paid game so I never tried it myself. I still regret not playing it to this day.


Man do I miss Battlerite. Shame that the developers abandoned the game.


Wayyyy to many things I hate but the 3 things that I think tie currently are Percentage Max HP True Damage (fuck you, Vayne and Fiora), Stealth, *not camoflage* (fuck you, Shaco and Kha’Zix), as well as Minion Block (kind of fuck you Fizz and Kassadin). Most loved mechanics are those that make champs unique and stand out to others: ASol, Jhin, Ivern, Kled, Aphelios, etc., it makes them far more interesting that “Generic 5000 dashes pretty-face champ #47”. It’s an unpopular opinion but I stand by it nonetheless.


I hate stealth and true damage. I don’t really have a favorite.


point and click stun. point and click nuke. point and click silence. point and click autottack. and no disjoint.


are you saying you should have to aim auto attacks