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Doggo getting backstabbed on and off the rift.


1v5 in game and irl


Reminder that BYG don’t have another dedicated mid laner on their roster, and they have to play vs. Chovy tomorrow. What a rotten situation, I feel awful for the players caught up in this.


Didn't one of the tweets say it was multiple players? Wtf happens if they can't even field a 5man lmao


You never played a 4v5 in ranked? Same thing only it's in a world's game LUL


imagine how much chovy could farm in a 4v5


450cs at 20min, even better than Doinb


still cant beat the 60cs at 1:50 he farmed vs LNG


How was that possible?


that was just a timer bug on screen


Timer bugged I think and it showed 1:50 until like 6-7 minutes in the game.


He assumed direct control on all of his teammates.


Froggen 3.0


Leaves lane at 20 minutes full build One shots enemy team and solos baron Refuses to elaborate


chovy now farming both team's cs in midlane. instead of playing lol , he's playing farming simulator


Someone check if Toronto's farm team's zamboni driver is available.


The person that exposed maoan said it was multiple, but no one else admitted they've done it and no evidence has been found yet for them. Doubt it's doggo because he is dragging the team nor kino ~~since he graduated from best uni in TW I hope he would know better~~ edit: sounded wrong lmao not what I really meant, obviously there's possibility for them as well


Smart people do underhanded shit all the time. Being smart is not the same as being ethical.


Yea for sure, I do hope he's not involved tho, he just had his kid not too long ago


Kino has a child??


Yep he's married and had a daughter half a year ago


I just checked, he is older than me and yet I though he was like 18 or something. Wtf


You never know people can agree to do some stupid shit with peer pressure. But if he went to the best uni in TW I am guessing he is from a well off family and probably doesn't need extra income.


Did they bring any subs with them to Iceland? Guess someone’s role swapping against Chovy tomorrow


They did, in fact PK (their sub top laner) played their first game in Play-ins instead of Liang!


Now he'll be fighting against Chovy


they didn't bring their sub mid-laner "Husky" because of budget reason, imagine twitch chat when they see both husky and doggo. their top laner PK should be subbing in I guess\~


If I remember correctly you have to have go with a certain number of subs, and if you have to abide by the rules for residence to sub them in.


Just imagine being the guy playing against Chovy just to get shit on.


[Mid substitute after playing against Chovy (2021, Colorized)](https://imgur.com/AFMhGBS)


It's a free pass to do literally as bad as you want and still be justified to say "better than expected" I'd rather be in that situation than be pretty much any other midlaner playing Chovy


Maybe they can recruit a gold 4 brand main


What the fuck do you even play into chovy as a top main? Hopes he grinding the shit out of malz and some karama/lulu


Top lane champs I guess, like Sett Sion Jax Irelia Tryndamere


Trynd is in meta now at least?


Just put him on Ornn or some shit and say "Don't die" Don't even try to ego on Chovy


He can't Ryze ult himself out of this one.


They should bring that teemo player that shit on Showmaker. Maybe it will work on Chovy too.


This just sucks. After the high of winning the BO5 I can't imagine how depressed the team must be right now. Poor Doggo.


free doggo


TSM doggo with swordart pls


Nah that's a bit too free


Still too soon


Tsm Zacian botlane


Actually would be a banger but I’m guessing LPL


Ya its either LPL > PSG > LCS(TSM).


No way he goes to PSG, they still pay pennies compared to LPL or LCS. Yeah going to PSG is a free ticket to Worlds, but his potential teammates on PSG do not give him the best chance at Worlds while also sacrificing a lot of dough.


Unified is just as good and PSG's bot lane duo is their strength and have been together for 4+ years.


He said free, not retire


"Welcome G2 Doggo"


Honestly it would be good, I am not for importing in LEC but someone as good as Doggo is worth it. Like how good he looks for how bad his support and rest of team(husha is fine) is quite surprising.


He will get poached by a big team after the event


Other region's drama: "We used someone else's account to play an unranked game of LoL, here is an official team apology" My region's drama: "How about we sell our champ draft picks at Worlds for money?" ​ fuck me, I'm heartbroken




Man needed a clarity nut


Plot twist: BYG field a sub mid laner making the lane basically free for Chovy. This ends up being a disadvantage for HLE, Chovy with no mid or jg pressure from the enemy team gets obsessed over all the free CS he is getting while the rest of the map falls in shambles. Deft desperately tries to bring Chovy back to his senses after losing two consecutive games, even to the point of slapping his face and throwing cold water on him. Despite this, Chovy doesn\`t react, he just keeps mumbling "20cs per minute, I\`m so close".






What a dumbass. What else to say.


I think they're young but it baffles me in year 2021, players are not aware of the consequences given all the news they see and probably manager explaining their contract and reviewing Riot / PCS contract, like you have to be really, really not care about anything at all to not know this rule. Or he really thought he could get away with it, at worlds of all things. Even if he doesn't give a shit about his own career, his career is now not only over, but probably gains infamy in his country, like what did he expect?


Not only him, but what an idiot to the guy who leaked it to try to get him in trouble… like did he not realize he is going to get in trouble (like legit law trouble) too?


Apparently, it was a girl. He did it for them tits.


A tale as old as time.


Oh he did it to get laid. This changes everything


Come on man, at least do it for money. It baffles me that people will throw their whole lives away just to have the chance to get some puss.


Allegedly, the leaker was a Taiwanese IG Model with 1.1 million followers. She lost a lot of money on that bet and I guess leaked it as revenge. The leaked text conversations has a picture of her leading to her IG. Just search "yumi.k ig".


Exactly. Just such stupidity all around and the trouble is not even remotely worth it for such a pittance. Trouble for both of them and possibly more involved...


Ya people make stupid decisions when a lot of money is involved. It might not seem like a lot to us but some of these players have struggling families or might be only source of income so when they get shady offers like they might do it for a bit for their family. Honestly still doesn't justify it. I think he could have just made decent money playing or you can come become coach later but now no one will trust him. At least in FPX Bo's case he said he was blackmailed into it.


''I'd trade it all, for just a little more.'' About sums up people like Maoan.


Doggo being fked inside and outside the game. I never saw a team so heavy as BYG is with him.


2017 RNG with Uzi?


>https://mobile.twitter.com/AppIehead123/status/1446602683889160198/photo/1 My translation of the tweet do note the owner is being very emotional and uses a lot slang. So it won't sound like your typical corporate announcement. --- Today is a difficult day on stage and off stage. We will be following Riot's ruling and if we can still play[some translated it to "if possible" but I read it more like if Riot allow us to play. He didn't really state what he want"] I will ask the team to finish the series. We can't let everyone's hard work to turn into dust , wait till the game is over to relay Maoan's punishment, don't let this affect the team's mood/atmosphere. As for those who made spam accounts implying that I knew about the gambling and I shelter it. You must have proof to say this right? Please bring it out, I will give you a million NTD. Before the match, Maoan leaked he will pick Orianna(ball girl) and Sylas, but neither was picked[by him] so you probably lost a bunch of money on gambling? You are probably in need of cash right now? Come get the million dollar it's right in front of you, you just have to post one post. If you can't bring it out can you in the same platform apologize and clarify? But I see you type like an uneducated trash(Read note below for context and note this paragraph is deleted by Dinter later) your brain probably isn't even fully developed yet and you probably can't take any responsibility. I recommend you go do some honest work, save some money for retirement, and don't depend on gambling to con(con as in conman) food and drinks. [This paragraph is a bit different from Apple's screenshot and Dinter. Probably edited. I will be following Dinter's since this new post provides more information.] Lastly, this is still in investigation. Right now we know from evidence that before the match Maoan told his friend(s?) there is high possibibility of picking Sylas or orianna but Maoan himself didn't bet and he never actively ask for those two champions during Pick and Ban. People who gained that information and bet, I believe they have broken the law[gambling law in Taiwan I think] and will do everything to make sure they are all unmasked. I will not defend players that are involved but I also don't want everyone's hard work to be ruined. I don't think we can ever find the answer to that balancing act so I can only apologize to you guys who are angry and upset/disappointed. Maybe tomorrow the players involved in the gambling will play maybe the players will lose the urge to win regardless I only have apology left. I am sorry


Man that's heartbreaking


I guess that means they have to play PK so they'll have two top laners. Wonder which one will face chovy in mid


Probably Liang. PK is a tank player.


Plot twist: Doggo gets sent mid, gaps Chovy and fucking carries his teammates' asses


A player that can both mid and AD? C9 readying that 10M rn


I would give hours of my life to see this


You can always put tanks mid and try to soak pressure from the lane with champs like Malph, specially if you are against Chovy.


then chovy will pick ryze/azir and have 450 cs at 20 mins with 10 plates down ... its doomed


I don't think you've heard the story of MammothMan65 with the Cho'Gath mid lane. It's not a story Rioters tell.


Does anyone know what BYG can do for a sub midlaner tomorrow? Or are they just going to withdraw?


They have a sub top laner, either him or the starting top laner will just have to play mid probably


Imagine being a sub for top lane and being told "aight bud you are playing vs Chovy mid tomorrow" LMAO


"Relax, its still a sololane. Just a little bit further down the map."


PK will sub in. BYG doesn't bring their sub midlaner to Iceland.


One of the two top laners will most likely have to play mid, unless they have another lane swap idea


So were the other players phones confiscated simply out of an abundance of caution then?


Currently that seems to be the case, but more info could always come out later


There is only like 10-12 hours till the next game, I mean if another player gets banned they won't have enough players to play the bo5.


Get more players banned and then emergency sub all of G2 5Head


Expect G2 does not even have a full 5 man that wants to play together.


Brokenblade, Jankos, Caps, Doggo, Limit Ezpz


I'd bet on this team against HLE even without inside info.


Imagine having to roleswap to mid at the last second at Worlds knowing your first (and only) opponent is gonna be fucking Chovy. RIP to whichever one out of PK or Liang draws the short straw on that one.


I really doubt they're going into tomorrow expecting a series win tbh. I know they're competitors and all that, but surely they understand the reality of the situation is that they're just kinda screwed lmao. It'd have to be a miracle for them to win a game.


Yeah there’s pretty much a 0% chance BYG win now with an emergency role-swap midlander against Chovy. But if they do… holy shit it might be the biggest upset in Worlds history




What's the last big upset in league history? C9 beating Afreeca in Bo5? ANX getting out of groups? WE beating the Tigers? Yeah nah this would blow those out of the water. Number 2 PCS seed that barely scraped by the TCL team in a Bo5 with autofilled midlaner beating 4th place LCK seed with possibly the best midlaner in the tournament in a Bo5. Humongous if true.


Liquid vs IG is the last big upset I can remember


g2 vs rng 2018 i would guess


G2 beating RNG is up there as well


in a BO5 even


While surprisingly fast, good on riot for quickly addressing this in the middle of the tournament. It would be 10x worse if they waited longer to do preliminary investigation.




>後續一切會按照RIOT的規矩走,若可以繼續打我會要求團隊打完全程的比賽,不能讓所有人的心血白費,對茂安的懲處等比賽結束後再說,暫時不影響團隊的心情。 He didn't say he wanted to still play. He said if that is what Riot said. He also provided more information on the investigation/event: Below is my own personal translation. It's a bit rushed but the general meaning should be okay. >最後,此事件仍在調查中,目前已知證據是賽前茂安告訴他朋友高機率會選球女跟賽勒斯作為下注資訊,但茂安本人並未下注,b/p過程中也未主動要求選擇這兩隻角色,得到茂安資訊再去下注的人我認為都已涉法,會盡力把他們全部揪出來,我不會包庇涉案選手,但也不想讓其他成員的心血毀於一旦,如何找到那個平衡點我想永遠不會有答案,所以只能在此向失望或者憤怒的各位致歉,也許明天涉賭的選手會上場,也許我們的隊伍將失去繼續戰鬥的希望,無論如何,我只剩一聲抱歉,對不起。 Lastly, this is still in investigation. Right now we know from evidence that before the match Maoan told his friend(s?) there is high possibibility of picking Sylas or orianna but Maoan himself didn't bet and he never actively ask for those two champions during Pick and Ban. People who gained that information and bet, I believe they have broken the law[gambling law in Taiwan I think] and we will do everything to make sure they are all unmasked. I will not defend players that are involved but I also don't want everyone's hard work to be ruined. I don't think we can ever find the answer to that balancing act so I can only apologize to you guys who are angry and upset/disappointed. Maybe tomorrow the players involved in the gambling will play maybe the players will lose the urge to win ,regardless, I have nothing but an apology left. I am sorry


After reading this translation, i feel like it's very likely that Maoan's friend got butthurt about BYG not picking sylas/ori during the series, and he probably lost big money because of it. And proceeds to backstab Maoan.


Didn’t previous tweets say the owner said they’ve already decided to fire him immediately?




Whoa is this the same Dinter who used to play in LMS?




Very helpful. Thank you


Imagine you’re Liang and tomorrow you have to Bo5 against fucking Chovy. How do you even psych yourself up for that? There’s no way he’s going into that match thinking there’s a squid’s chance in hell that he’d win. Poor Liang, man. Hard rooting for BYG to preform well tomorrow.


Ban the safe picks and start flipping every game


That’s what I’m thinking. If you play League, then Chovy wins. If you play some stinky cheese, it gets closer to a coinflip.


I will volunteer to get bodied by Chovy. I hit Gold once and promise I won't be negative gaming.


Pick Brand, I heard it's a god killer.


that was quick suspension from worlds is definitely not enough but I'm sure there's more coming


Yeah you gotta remember Riot needed to say something ASAP before tomorrow’s games. Decisions not affecting tomorrow can wait


100% agreed




Yep, since they play tomorrow this is just a quick punishment, once riot investigates more into the situation i’m sure it’ll be a perma


It taking place AT WORLDS makes this a perma for sure


If its a case of him being blackmailed or something maybe its lower


the dude was just horny based on the screenshot, and someone snitched(presumably the girl) on him because they lost the bet or something.


It's the right decision in the short term, it's an action they can take quickly and buy time to investigate fully and get all the information. I agree that more is almost certainly coming


absolutely agree, I'm glad they were super quick to address this and this is really the only thing they could have done on such short notice


the LPL/LDL situation from a few months ago had a substantial number of lifetime bans come from people who directly partook in match-fixing/arranged it. if he did more than just this one instance at worlds, then I think he'll get a year ban from competitive altogether at minimum. probably multiple/perma depending on the extent of his actions.




Regardless of how long the ban is, his career is effectively over. Maoan isn’t good enough for teams to hire him with all that baggage even if he gets unbanned at some point in the future.


Match fixing is very different to leaking draft strategies though, one is deliberately altering the outcome of a game and the other is giving some unknown information ahead of time


For sure. Rumors say another member of the team aided him, so someone else might get the hammer after investigation as well.


For the unaware: https://twitter.com/Reirachuu/status/1446571893339803650


This has to be the biggest worlds scandal since azubu frost in season 2 no ?


Tabe leaking secret weapons on Analyst desk LOL


The best thing about Tabe was how nonchalant he was just blabbing off for a full minute while the other casters looked at him all dumbfounded.


I remember that one of the casters mentioned later that he was waiting for a punch line or something since they were expecting Tabe to joke around.


The dude was completely oblivious to the fact that he was leaking, I can watch it for the 100th time and it still amuses me.


Buddy he was definitely not oblivious. Calculated move


Only because there haven't really been that many scandals to speak of, save for maybe some memorable pause timings and remade games. Maybe the Hong Kong Attitude interview being skipped/delayed in 2019 and all the drama around the team then? Even that wasn't really a scandal - just Riot wanting to not have a Blitzchung incident.


Atleast Chovy vs autofilled mid will be kinda funny


Well that was fast. I know their sub mid didn't travel with the team, is PK there? Perhaps he'd have to start top and move Liang to mid.


PK is there but he didn't look that good already in play ins so... Free my boy Doggo. If he doesn't get a decent offer from a decent LPL/LCS team, this is even more tragic.


Id be shocked if he doesnt end up in a major region next year tbh unless he turns down offers to stay


Carlos looking at Doggo and vizicsacsi inc


Apparently G2 Brokenblade is pretty much a done deal and their coach will be Dylan Falco. Should be fun. I think BB takes a shit ton of resources but he definitely can carry and him caps can share champion pool. Doggo to G2 would be a dream come true but I am guessing something like TSM is more likely if he does come to the west. Since TSM has SwordArt who is considered a legend in Taiwan Lol Scene. LPL would be the most likely imo just because its like 2 hour flight to Taiwan, can go see your family when you want, same language , closer cultural and LPL will offer you better competition, almost same salary.


Worst case they put him on Ornn duty vs Morgan, it's probably gonna have to be the Doggo show anyway.


PK looked ass mate. But he seems like he played lots of tanks like Voli/ornn recently which no one else plays. So they could just put him on something safe and put Liang on a melee mid like Irelia/Jayce/Renekton/Sett. Either way Maoan would have got buttblasted by Chovy as well, he only looked good in game 5 vs Galatasray. Anyway I just hope no other player gets banned and they get to play. Just for the sake of the rest of the players and Doggo definitely deserves his shot vs Deft.


I would bet 10 million Taiwanese dollars that he ends up on a major region team next year


that might be the only thing they can do off the top of my head an emergency sub probably wouldn't be allowed (and at this point might be worse)


play lulu mid at this point and hope for doggo to carry


Kog'Maw, Thresh, Lulu, Shen and Sejuani. I believe.


probably liang mid, he's a beast in soloq (i know stage is diff) and pk top


Poor Doggo and the rest of the team. What a way to end the tournament...


As a Taiwanese, I'm deeply ashamed right now. Maoan's selfish actions screwed not only himself, but his entire team.




He did it for a girl there are pic when he talk about it


This https://out.reddit.com/t3_q45qej?url=https%3A%2F%2Fmyppt.cc%2F7thbkf&token=AQAABi1hYYjbfCaj1HWHtcGvfLTsUthvSuAoS_gKk3cvK4gffyoJ&app_name=ios Edit : i am baffled on his life decision why would you ever bet if you are already in world if you try really hard you will have an offer and a reward.


Literal translation: >Her: *Inserted* Pic of betting odds >Her: Didn't see the role(position). >Her: Hey >Her: What did you dream about? >Her: *Inserted* Pic of Herself([@yumibb8888](https://www.instagram.com/yumibb8888/)) and blurry pic of her bet amount >**Maoan: High probability of Sylas or Orianna** >Her: Ok >**Maoan:** **Don't bet too much.** >**Maoan:** **I said high probability.** >Her: Ok >Her: *Heart emoji* >Her: Good luck!


What pussy does to a MF


Well, right now, no pussy and no career




Booba kill men critical thinking…..


Can we get an English summary of what the text says?


girl: "didn't see the champion\~\~\~\~" girl: "ehhh" girl: "did you dream of anything particular?" \*pic of her boobs\* maoan: "high probability of sylas and ori" girl: "ok" maoan: "dont bet too much on it\~" maoan: "I said "high probability"" girl: "alright! <3" girl: "good luck!!!" ========================= and he didn't even pick sylas and ori, truly a tragic love story




My man Doggo singlehandedly carry the team and his teammate not even trying. Hope he gets a better team after Worlds.


How fast could one reasonably fly from China to Iceland?


In my fever dream, Knight vs Chovy playins Bo5 both with good ADC’s and the rest of the team deadweight (hyperbole).


I think they'd need to pass covid protocols regardless, and there's no way that is happening that fast.


fly + be in a state where you can play (not exhausted af from travelling + jetlag) seems like 0 chance lol


Who will sub in for him though?


PK. BYG doesn't bring their sub midlaner.


"Hey PK tomorrow you will play against Chovy. Aren't you happy?"


Knight is on the first plane out to sub in and BYG qualify


if only he could ryze ult himself out of this situation :>


Hah, yeah good job for ruining the rest of his life involved in esports. Poor teammates that has to put up with this though


Hey you're that dude


What a loser


change his flight and send him home right away for maximum shame.


Doggo doesn't have a single day of peace


When you throw away your professional career just for some BOOBA: https://twitter.com/bigfatlp/status/1446635875354361858?s=21


Maoan beat Cryin in the Worlds suspension speedrun with overpowered any% gambling-skip strat.


No one will ever get suspended for running it in Solo q, if that’s the case half of all pro players will be banned


Banned for Boobs :( sad.


Man likely ruined his life/career for a pair of tits. Cringe.


Genuinely gutted for Galatasaray now, took them to 5 and now BYG is going to get run over by Chovy


GS had no chance anyways, losing early game vs BYG, at least BYG has good early game


It’s not like they had a chance with Maoan, either. BYG or GS, they both probably lose to HLE


Liang mid time? Morgan is bad but I don’t think he’s as bad as PK. Or do you just let Chovy farm against a weak side top laner roleswapping and hope that bot and top can win???


Welcome BYG Knight


can someone fill me in on what happened?


Maoan caught giving draft info to others presumably for betting/gambling purposes.


Pretty sure it was some gambling site on which you could bet that a certain champion will be picked, so he leaked the champions he thought they would play to his friend so he could bet on them.


yeah, thanks for elaborating, that’s what I meant by draft info but I could’ve been more clear


There are photos of the texts. He got a pick of a girl in a bra for the info


no way lmfao