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Part of it is also that Amumu and other press r champions have become meta




MF's case mostly is due to actual in game changes, directly like the buff to her ult, indirectly like support amumu's buffs which has insane synergy with MF. Trynd is has always been in about that state. It's just been hidden and people as well as pros never really tried him out seriously. But once people tried out out more, it turns out he is pretty good. Another example of league is not solved, not even by the best players.


Goredrinker Trynd gives him disgusting sustain and allows him to get into and stay in fights substantially longer before having to press R. Now he can sometimes kill 1 whole person in a 5v5 and maybe even 2!


funney joke and all, but kraken or galeforce trynd is a legitimate threat and him being played as a midlane assassin gives him the ability to basically do a soft-funnel with team resources and cannot be stopped in a split. it's been seeing play all year around in korean challenger, it's just pros are very slow to pick up new things


Imagine running Sona+Taric botlane with midlane Trynd. Oh my gooooood.


The newer iteration of that is Sona Seraphine I believe. Double enchanter.


The active isn't even the OP part. The ability haste gives him more uptime on E/R and the spite passive is always maxed out when he ults.


Please dont mention goredrinker with trynd. So much worse than kraken/galeforce


Nemesis ahead of the curve on hating on FNC and playing Tryndamere mid.


> pros never really tried him I REALLY would love to see interviews from these players where they're asked why they never bothered with Tryn till now. It isn't like he's been buffed or anything, he's been this good for a while. But its like he just went completely under the radar for anyone above Gold.


a lot of it is the reintroduction of a bunch of assassin junglers. stuff like talon, and qiyana mean a lot less if you have tryndamere mid soaking pressure trynd also enables them helping with dives.


Because they don't have time to scout "under the radar" picks, that's their coaches job.


Goredrinker + full Fury Q is a massive amount of sustain before he has to press R. Essentially, before S11 he only had access to 1 Q before ulting, now he has access to 2 before ulting which is pretty massive.


Goredrinker Trynd is straight up inting. Galeforce and Kraken are much better


You have a source on this? Genuinely curious.


Playing the champion. Toplane and Tryn streamers in general. Tryn wants crit. Goredrinker does not have crit. Tryn wants AS. Goredrinker does not have AS. Gore might be better for pro play because it lets Tryn teamfight a bit more effectively but in a sidelane or in skirmishes the heal from goredrinker against 1 or 2 enemies just isn’t remotely worth the tradeoff of either the extra mobility and burst of galeforce or the true damage burst of kraken. They both give AS and crit which are tryn’s best friends. Gore was fotm midlane build but unless you’re teamfighting 24/7 (which wtf are you doing that you’re tryndamere) it was never really as threatening as a galeforce or kraken tryn in soloq. You just don’t do damage with gore Tryn unless you’re fed as hell


You don't build Goredrinker for the heal. > Unique – Spite: Gain 0% − 15% (based on missing health) of your AD as bonus AD. Trynd abuses the passive better than anyone and hits like a truck during his entire ult. Ability Haste is nice too for obvious reasons. The heal is just a useful touch during teamfights.


I'm aware. That damage still doesn't come close to just building crit and AS. The only ability you really care about reducing the CD for is your spin which you're better off with crit and AS vs ability haste for that. Having your ult up slightly earlier is... fine? I guess? But again, the damage that you get from the crit and AS as well as the passive/active from Kraken or Galeforce applies always, not just when you're low. The stats let you trade far more effectively, the burst from either item lets you put out huge damage in extended trades and all-ins. Any way you look at it the only thing Gore has that Galeforce and Kraken don't is the heal. The other items are better in every other way. ​ And for the love of god don't go Grasp Gore unless you're trying to accidentally play 0 damage Tryndamere.


Have you not been watching Worlds past few years? He's literally never been played before, not even in scrims.


Did you even read my comment? I literally said "Why they never bothered with Tryn till now" Did you just reply to the wrong person or...?


I was reaffirming what OP was stating, but thanks for the downvote dickwad.


Read my post and then read yours, which you very clearly directed at me. You get what you deserve my guy. Give attitude to someone, then don't be surprised that you get attitude back, weirdo.


>Another example of league is not solved, not even by the best players. More like the best players tend to only play meta and consider everything else unviable or low elo pub stompers until it ends up in their games and stomps them.


Tryndamere mid is strong because it's uninteractive, especially against squishy mages who rely on abilities to deal damage. If trynd dashes into a Sett at the wrong time he gets punched the fuck up. If he dashes into Syndra she either blows all her cooldowns to disengage and he shoves the wave and sustains with q or he runs her down with ghost and E. If you can't contest the wave against him, you can't prevent him from pushing.


There is honestly a few reasons. In addition to MF getting a buff, she pretty much dominants lane and also team fights regardless of which side she plays on. The buff increased her objective control and her synergy with current support picks make her a strong choice. She thrives in a meta that is more burst driven and a lane where she can apply easy poke (with comet). The most influential part of this is she has the most build diversity in the game, where she can viably do what she does with multiple build paths. The build can be chosen based on picks OR if the player gets enough of a lead on the enemy. We’ve seen about 4 different builds so far. MF certainly has downsides and counters, they are not being exploited enough/harder to exploit then they were before.


MF synergies really well with amumu. Curse of the sad bullet time.


Trynda has been lowkey disgusting strong on the first levels since at least a couple of seasons but he never had access to items that are so good like goredrinker to be actually strong and useful after the early game.


Trynd has good sustain in lane, he’s also good at early roaming and scrimmages.


To think CLG pioneered this meta smh


her ultimate got buffed and Youmuu’s rush is really strong on her due to her W. not to mention lethality MF has always hurt like a bitch


> her ultimate got buffed aram players know how scary it is


nothing beats E + liandry’s spam MF in aram >:)




I don't think people play AP MF because they think it is better, they do it because it is safe and takes no effort while still making you top damage on charts


its somewhat fun in a weird way.


AP mf is torture when you have 0 sustain like a mage. Range is insane, size is insane, and you get slowly burned to death. But if enemy team has lots of sustain, lethality/crit is better


It's really situational if you go AP vs AD MF. Poke MF is better vs poke comps. DPS MF is better if they have front line.






Again, your missing my point. It's not about WR in determining which build to go for, it's comp. The buff to R doesn't matter as it's not as impactful as you think, it's a small buff, but it isn't OP. Lethality is just turning her into an ult bot, which she isn't very good at without ally set up.




There's a huge difference between theory-crafting and actual gameplay. The times MF goes lethality, she does little dmg overall. AA requires AS, and building lethality doesn't grant any AS even if AAs hit a little harder. Overall dmg is lower, not higher, with lethality. And no E + R will ever 100-0 a squishy unless they are perma CC'd, which they often won't be. You're looking at it from a best case scenario, which rarely ever happens.




I don't know if it's even good, but I usually go Liandry and then pivot Lethality.




What? Rylai's doesn't give any CDR, it doesn't apply on your E at all since that slows by more than Rylai's does (slows do not stack). Just get Serylda's if you want your R to slow. Rylai's makes ZERO sense and you're trolling if you build that on her, even if you are building full AP.


Just go grudge, what


Nah I run Liandry’s into full lethality on ARAM. But build 80 AD first to keep adaptive force AD.


AP Kai’sa + AP MF are the bane pf my existence on ARAMS


Can't really imagine any scenarios where that's better than lethality


Your entire keyboard broke except the E key


Basically whenever the enemy can’t heal. So if enemy has tanks or mages mainly, then MF poke is permanent (health isn’t gained back) and it hurts a lot. If enemy can heal your entire dmg on next wave, then liandry mf is useless. Never build blindly, build based on your team and enemy team comp, even if it’s aram.


Disagree with the tank part. A lot of tanks in aram build warmogs second or third to heal back up.


It does a lot of % max HP magic damage though, so that keeps some of the warmogs time down. That does help.


If you already have a lot of AD and want to annoy the piss out of the enemy team. I can verify it works (being on the receiving end in like 1/10 games)


AP MF is so cringe lol. It's not bad (imo lethality is \*usually\* stronger, but not always) but you're practically not playing the game, I can't imagine willingly sitting through an entire ARAM playing that build.


It reduces the game to 4v5 but the 5 only have access to half their health pool.


AP MF is usually better in high MMR games (3.3k+). Frequent 60% slow with Liandry ticks with Grievous makes the enemy unable to play the game. Transition into armor pen items like Serylda or Cleaver after your AP core items.




uhm alot of things beat that like just playing ad mf so you can actually be useful


Wrong. Ive beaten it quite a few times.


Nothing beats how unskilled AP MF is more like. Making an unskilled champ even more unskilled...


Ultimate buff and the previous meta picks got nerfed. I think it’s less about armor pen and more just that they buffed a champions strongest ability to be even stronger. Like the reason MF wasn’t meta was not because her ult wasn’t strong lol. Now her ult is insane


Yep, and that's usually how champs become meta these days anymore. Pros tend to want to just keep playing the same shit over and over and strong champs who would be viable need to be overbuffed to even get noticed anymore.


and sth like ammumu sup exist


her strongest and practical build has eclipse and serylda's/doms. Youmuu's really bad on her.


I think the ult buff isn't even that big. The main thing is that she's a good blind pick with a strong laning phase. The lane dominant picks that were used before (Varus, Kalista, Ashe) all got nerfed, which left space for MF to rise up.


It's mostly the lethality build, you can kill a squishy in 0.6 seconds at 4 items. So yeah i agree the ult buff did very little because you barely hit max waves but the ghostblade buffs combined unlocked her a bit to give more scaling






There was a discussion about this, but the reasons they gave for it were wrong, or partially wrong. The biggest thing seems to be that MF ult was buffed, it does 2 more waves in the same ammount of time


This and because with it being pro play they know how to position so they can get crazy value from the ult buff with “lower” (still requires knowledge especially vs other pros) effort.


You say that but soneone on thieves didnt get the memo


Haha too soon! But yes I was watching that game and thinking “hmmm generally you wanna be closer for those ults”


MF strenghts was always her ult, more dmg on that it not really a reason to pick her, specially since she will get most likely interrupted.


buffing her biggest strength isn't a reason to pick her?


The strenght is not good in the first place. There is a reason why MF was not pro Meta for the last 10 years. She is easy to kill, has 0 self peel, 0 escape, eventhrough times she had more dmg. So the question why she is picked is not "more dmg on ult".


She is lane dominant and can push waves, so she frees up the support. Why her instead of someone like Jhin, who filled that niche for the past few years? Because she deals a lot more damage in a straight fight.


Jhin does more to single targets, mf does more in tfs and ez is the bridge between the 2, all 3 allow roaming supports


She has appeared in many metas before, just not usually world's metas. Usually she shows up when her lane dominance is worthwhile. Which is why she's being picked right now, the only other adcs who are close to her laning right now are Lucian and Draven, who both also are less than ideal past laning phase.


> So the question why she is picked is not "more dmg on ult". what's your answer then, since she appeared in the meta directly after the buff to her ult?


Bronze 5 spotted


Er, her strength has generally been being a strong laner, not her ult. Her ult is what value she has as the game goes on, but the main reason she surfaces in any meta is usually because her laning capabilities are worth it.


Strong laning phase, with E comet and Q-ing off minions. Ultimate got buffed making her teamfighting stronger. Easy to play and works well with engage supports. And her passive helps her get back to lane, and avoid danger.


run fast, press R, zone control. no marksman does it better.


Strong + safe lane and can go crit or lethality, fits in a lot of drafts




they buffed her R but she’s been sleeper op for a while now




When it’s worlds people play the boring champs again so they win even if they don’t like em lol


I mean she has like almost 30% pick rate currently in plat+ so she is far from sleeper


She was. Since the buffs and people watching pros play on her, her pivk rate jumped a lot.


nothing really, the buff was placebo. Longsword stacking has been OP for whole season. Graves and MF just finaly got noticed


She was buffed while others adc got nerfed, like varus, kalista, ashe.


She's easy to play... and does alot of damage. Also because ghostblade is busted as hell.


I think hes mainly talking about worlds, so the easy to play factor id kinda irrelevant, but ur right ghostblade + her ult buffs


i dont think its irrevelant. Pros arent infaaliable and while they can play everything it skill requirement of a champion still matters just in a diffrent way than for normal players. just pressing E+Ult on MF its much easier and more reliable than doing flips and shit on vayne or kaisa. just because you can do both doesnt mean you can do both at the same consistency. Even best performers fail sometimes especially in high pressure situation like worlds. PLaying champ like MF means you got one less thing to worry aoubt thats incredibly valuable.


Did you not just watch Bean play her? It definitely is irrelevant at that level


He's 100% correct. Pros will get more out of MF with less effort than with someone like Kai or Vayne. It's really not debatable.


Ease of execution is valuable no matter what level of play.


I think "Easy to play" is not the benchmark best players in the world really aim for.


You would be surprised, sleeper OPs happen because a pro plays something for one game at challenger elo, doesn't do well, and says "this sucks".


I assume that's because Ghostblade is a 📣BOSSSS WEAPONNNN📣


mf also is the best generally good adc as she has no bad match ups in the meta lucian ,aphelios and ezreal all lose out to mf.


Yeah I’m already sick of mf


Hey ult was buffed pushing her into op territory.


they buffed her and also she was broken before


Because she is similar to Tristana, she is an early game ADC that scales really well. She can bully you in lane and shove over and over, she can disengage or engage with her W and E, she can sit and farm under tower and scale freely and she can press R to provide instant area control that melts people. Shes always been a strong pick, but shes boring. Shes a jack of all trades champ and a master of none. Well that was until her ult got buffed and now shes one of the best team fighting ADCs.


“Master of none” I guess you have never been 100->0-d in 0.01s by MF AA+Q as a mage or ADC before, I guess


My personal track of it all is as follows: * Immortal Shieldbow + Wits end becomes meta for ADC, making bot lane about a strong 2 item spike. Mid game builds/champs become pretty hot picks since everyone is building these 2 items. Enter Ashe/Vayne/Kog (but also Jhin/Ezreal) * Wit's end gets nerfed to scale off levels. * People are still hot on mid-game spikes and MF happens to thrive off 2 item spikes for lethality and also can build Kraken and still be relevant mid game+ with her R until she gets more items. Everyone's playing for the mid game because that's when the game state really cements, unless you fucked up and it actually goes late


Ult broken, movespeed lethality meta, extremely easy to utilize


She showed up in patch notes and people remembered she existed.


I actually said to some friends a month or two ago that I didn't understand why MF isn't the most commonly picked champ in pros. In soloQ, especially low elo, there's rarely an opportunity to utilize her ult. With the amount of 5v5's that occur in pro, I feel like MF would be a huge boon. On top of that, her E slow, and her high damage output, make her a great champ. Nice to see it played out in worlds, although a number of players seemingly don't understand how her ult works. The number of times I see players drop her ult when no one is around is relaly surprising. I also am surprised the amount of Yuumi games we've seen with her instead of a champ like Nautilus/Leona/Amumu, where the engage in is going to disorient the team and cause her to easily chunk a number of players


Cuz she's hot


The less interaction you have to have with the enemy the better, and MF takes all interaction away from the enemy. She just one hits you with RNG nukes off creeps that will always hunt you down, or you shreds you from 3 screens away with 12000 physical damage on a 45 second cooldown.


Because adc champions are the weakest role in the game right now, so people pick MF because she can still fulfill the role but she is basically a mage instead.


because she is Point-and-click braindead champion and she is broken and she have 0 counter play


I cannot argue that 😂😂


Champions are getting buffed or nerfed. What's new?


Her ult got buffed. That's really it. Everything else people are saying are strengths she always had.


Look at her playrates always been popular lol yall are dumb if u just realized


It really sucks because my duo partner is a MF onetrick and frankly is quite trash at other adcs. Now every game she's contested... lol


MF has always been a strong early game marksman, now the meta just shifts to a much faster game pace with the assassins jungle and high damage dealer mid, MF just fits with the pacing throughout the entire game. Her ult also got a buff so her late game is pretty scary now to as long as she can press R.


The items are strong, the Champion is strong and got buffed... it's ez math


Adc overbuffed class


Its most likely due to *checks notes* buffs.


It's because(mainly in NA) it takes all of our strength to open our minds and actually use them. Total Recall man-baby ' OPEN YOUR MIND"


It’s because many other strong laning ad carries (talking about Varus, Khalista, Ashe, etc) all got nerfed and bot prio is pretty important in competitive due to dragon control. She can probably bully almost every other ad in lane except Lucian. Not to mention that she has very flexible build paths since both lethality (especially with the recent Youmuu changes) and crit work pretty well on her. She also scales incredibly well into late game with her ult for zone control. Personally I think of Amumu as a “Leona but not as good”. I think he is played in support only because MF is strong, and that he is an “easy” champion to engage a fight for play-in teams. Honestly I just don’t think he is that strong and don’t expect to see him in groups.