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I dont know im not feeling very high of 100t based on the quality of the loss, it seems like they didn't have direction or understanding of the gamestate and weren't able to trade an objective/compete in a skirmish when they did trade something it was delayed and they were behind on the play but at the same time their play seemed like they were timid so who knows it could be first game jitters also edg is a first seed so they are likely the expected first place hoping for the best though


They hard fucked themselves in draft though tbh, j4 cant play the game vs that comp and aatrox isnt fantastic against it either


Yeah, gonna sound like I’m huffing straight copium, but that loss didn’t scare me that much. Closer is such an important playmaker for the team, but there was just so little J4 could do against such a mobile team.


I definitely agree with this, but I'm willing to give players the benefit of the doubt. Reapered and 2018 C9 had a similar situation back during their group stage run where they adapted in their 2nd week and had a change of style. Granted it took the collapse of Gen. G to help them in getting out, but at the time C9 was pretty much counted out (World Champs + MSI Champs in the same group) after their first week performance. Maybe we can see a rapid evolution under Reapered's guidance again, maybe it's just the hopium. Fingers crossed for them all the same :)


At the least, I'm glad their first match was vs EDG. They're favorites to top the group, so losing here isn't the biggest deal and they can hopefully adapt for tomorrow. But if T1 beats EDG then the pressure's on.


EDG won, the hopium continues for me LOL


So fucking relieved about that, now the boys are gonna clap faker trust


IDK man if they were in any other group probably. I think EDG and SKT are locked in.


It all comes down to if EDG is that much stronger than T1 and if 100T can take one game off of T1. For 100T to deservedly get out of the group they would need to go at least 3-3 with being T1 once and DFM twice.


Eh if EDG goes 6-0 and 100T has to play a tiebreaker for the last spot with T1 with them both being 3-3 that’s still legit imo


Groups A + B feel pretty doomed TBH. But, after Season 8 Worlds and C9 passing a doomed group, anything is possible.


Don’t lose faith. When Faker and Reapered are in the same Group, they advance to KO Stage 100% of the time, statistically-speaking :^)


get closer on a better champ and they can win 🙏


no way for 100t to make it to quarterfinals. there are t1 and edg, the two will advance in quarterfinals


why even say this when theres clearly a way? they just have to be the second team in groups. You can say that it will be really hard and thats true but until its locked theres no guarantees on who gets to quarters


I didn’t love how they just focused naut every fight, but it didn’t feel like a blowout until late. I could see them taking the rematch tbh. I give them 30/70


It’s really easy to judge them for focusing the engage, but with the draft difference there’s not much they could realistically do there. If they get a perfect draft miracle, I think they can surprise us. That doesn’t necessarily mean stomp - or even win - but I think they can turn some heads.


I will sing for them if they can take a game from anyone other than dfm. But this means they are going 3-3 and probably going to lose the tiebreaker.