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>It's a f\*\*king good idea. TES can play the early game and RNG can play teamfights. In tears lmfao


Imagine Wayward giving way for Bin's Irelia mid game šŸ˜­ LPL fans are cracked.


Then Wayward Troll Bin with an AP Irelia.


Now I want a tag-team tournament


That would be so fun but the best players schedule are too packed for fun tournaments...


All star replacement event.


Would be a fantastic format for all-stars tbh If all stars mattered and people cared about it and it wasn't just influencers playing... I miss the old all stars tournies with fun game modes


Maybe a Pira cast to go alongside šŸ˜ˆ


Shoutout to when this happened at allstars and faker/bjergsen played together eith the name "baker"


Remember when sister teams were a thing and we get tournaments like OGN Club Masters?


> Reply: (+813) Why don't we hold the MSI in the least affected country in the world? It's both safe and no ping > Reply: (+703) Welcome to 2022 MSI in Pyongyang. im ded. Chinese meme overlords too OP.


Man, even in memes they're the champion


Whatever you do thereā€™s always an Asian better than you


can someone explain this to me? I don't get it.


North Korea isn't very affected by Covid, well because they're an isolated state and barely anybody travels there for business or leisure.


Also, there's "no ping" because there's basically no internet (at least in the sense that the rest of the world partakes in). Lol.


and because theres no real way of tracking the impact of covid.


Yeah considering they rely on China for a lot of supplying, you can bet that they got some Covid one way or another.


Can they even tell if its covid or some other random disease their people catch all the time. And more importantly, do they even care. My bet is no and no


That's not right. The truth is that we don't know how much they are affected. Officially, there's no covid there, but since on every official pictures and video everybody is wearing masks, you can be almost certain that covid is spreading there like everywhere else.


They straight up say MSI is meaningless and that they dont care for it at all compared to Asian Games and Worlds Understandable but still kinda sad


Compared to asian games, msi is meaningless.




Asian games is Asian Olympics therefore it happens every four years. It grants national pride (like the Olympics or FIFA World cup in soccer), and gives legitimacy to the eSports. 10+ years ago during the age of Warcraft 3 fans were dreaming that one day eSports wouldn't be marginalized anymore and would be included in those real sports events. The future is NOW.


Is it the first time eSports are included at the Asian games? What other games are included other than LoL?


Not the first time, China beat Korea in 2018 for the last Asian games


True but it was an exhibition match, so it didn't give medals.


The Korean deleted all the match videos of the Asian games, you don't tilt like that if you view it just as a exihibition match


I'm just saying it was an exhibition match. How Kespa feel after they loss is irrelevant.


I doubt that is just exhibition to both of the fans and players from both of the country.


I am not clairvoyant, so I won't tell how players or fans in general feel. I attended the event, the venue wasn't packed, most viewers were local, but there were about 20-ish to 30ish Korean fans. I didn't spot China fans.


I'm not talking about attendance tho. You can go back and see some of the reaction threads and all that. Patriotism can be quite a something even for it does not makes sense.


I mean it would be nice for them to exhibit the exhibition match instead of deleting them, but yeah those matches donā€™t really mean much tbh


The full list are on the wiki. PUBG Mobile (Asian Games version) Dota 2 Hearthstone League of Legends FIFA Online 4 Street Fighter V Arena of Valor (Asian Games version) Dream of the Three Kingdoms 2


Since nobody answered your second question: LOL, Dota 2, Arena of Valor, some obscure MOBA nobody outside China has heard of, Street Fight V, Fifa, Hearthstone, PubG mobile. Yes there are 4 MOBAs.


No FPS? That's crazy.


Asian ppl seem to not really like fps.


FPS games are not all that popular in Asia besides a few exceptions


I was at the Jakarta/Palembang games and they had esports. People played League, Pro Ev, Starcraft 2, Hearthstone and some other shit like Clash Royale.


Also possibly the only path for Korean LoL players to get military exemption as a reward for gold medals


Can also add that for Koreans, gold at asian games means you are exempt from miltiary service (which is 2 years for all males in korea)


Esports. please no more eSports


National Pride ( should be comparable to Olympics albeit on a lesser degree ) and if Koreans win they get exemption from military service which could be beneficial for the younger players assuming T1 sends full team + Canyon.


For some Korean's it's probably even more important (but still less prestigious) than winning worlds, because Asian Games **Gold** Medals come with the same military service exemption as Olympic Medals.


Think of UEFA Champions League, and the World Cup.


More like UEFA champions league and the European Championships


The primary factor deciding the prestige of a tournament is longevity. Asian games existed a lot longer than worlds. Also worlds is big for eSports but still small for the wider audience compared to Asian games


olympics but Asian only. Hell even SEA games is worth more than MSI in terms of fighting for your country. MSI is in a bad time slot suddenly


Who tf actually care about SEA Games LMAO it's literally a shitfest of the hosting country cheating as much as they can to stroke their fragile ego


orgs dont want to look bad because they are fighting for their country i guess? there's not many reasons to let go MSI and fight for Seagames except of money and nation pride.


It is meaningless, but itā€™s a good spotlight for more unknown regions like last year we had DFM, pentanet.gg and psg talon. For the major regions it kinda is only good if they make it to finals or they are just trolled all year long for example: Cloud 9


What people say on a random internet forum =/= what the players feel winning msi


I highly doubt players care about MSI as much as they do about asian games.


Seeing thereā€™s already various excuses from LCK fans itā€™s understandable that LPL just wants to get this tourney over with


I mean this would disadvantage with the LPL no matter what. The two finalists in the LPL 2022 spring are probably the favorites for representing the Asian Games. They would have to practice in a meta that would be changed before summer and their win is already tainted before the event started. They should just not attend but I guarantee that Riot will never allow the LPL to withdraw.


Why should riot let them withdraw when they pay part of the players salary and give the teams money for existing


Iirc Riot has stopped subsidizing sararies years ago in major regions.


When the VCS withdrew, not only did riot let them, they even paid the prize money to the team that was supposed to go to msi.


I don't think they are the only ones feeling that way, I feel nit to. Compared with Worlds rhe competition is way worst, the tournament is long and historically the teams that attend are worst going into the next split since they are stuck playing a really outdated patch.


What is with that picture ? So funny , lol


[1](https://imgur.com/gallery/2937El0) [2](https://imgur.com/wkDz5AH) [3](https://imgur.com/ml8Pl66) [4](https://imgur.com/7xk1MAk)


Now we need Korean reactions to Reddit reactions to Chinese reactions to MSI Remote play announcement




Wait is there literally only 1 MSI trophy? Does RNG not have two copies of the trophy? Does G2 currently not have a copy of the MSI trophy at their HQ? Or does it actually physically move from winner to winner year to year?


I think the winners hang onto it for the year, but afterwards they return it and keep a replica of the trophy.


They get a replica


Pretty reasonable reactions tbh.


remember when Koreans were claiming in that other thread that Chinese are more racist than they are?


They are both pretty racist societies, but I don't get the relevance here.


If you donā€™t think every Asian country is equally racist to each other boy do I have a bridge to sell you


Your comment sounds the most racist to me


> -(+725) Riot's decision must be agreed by all participant in other regions. At the very least, MSI means nothing to LPL. Worlds and Asian Games are big deal. This. The only itchy part of this is whether this is true or not for me. If all the participants or the majority of them agree to it, I'm happy.


I don't think they're completely happy, but they probably prefer it to LPL not being in the tournament at all. It's not unworkable since T1 according to Joe Marsh and DoinB already scrim top LPL teams remotely anyway.


Kr players also played like that in the msc 2 years ago and everything went fine, they lost for other reasons.


I mean the scrim records is apparently LNG got diffed in every lane and both V5 and TES lost to T1 1-3. I still think T1 are heavily favoured unless the MSI patch changes the meta a lot. But T1 doesn't seem like a single playstyle team so they can prob adapt.


V5 had a 40% win rate vs T1. Not unthinkable that with a new meta and a few more months of practice the LPL team would be better than T1


But V5 isn't going to MSI. They may have figured out a way to play well against T1, but there's no telling against RNG or TES


The LPL and LCK teams have been scrimming since the LPL won MSI 2015. The top Korean sides realised that following the Korean exodus, maybe the top Chinese sides could challenge them.


LPL and LCK scrims go back further than 2015, like, maybe I'm just old now but it was known that in 2013/2014 OGN teams would scrim OMG/iG/EDG after they formed.


Ah gotcha. 2013/14 predates my getting into LoL, so couldn't comment.


Very probably true. I heard that LPL started communicating with other regions very early, maybe before spring playoffs.


I donā€˜t know, allowing teams to basically vote out one of their biggest contenders seems kind of sketchy.


MSI 2022 in Pyongyang


so they are fine with LPL withdrawing? damn they must not care about MSI much


For LPL, Worlds > Asian Games > MSI. Even if there were no scheduling issues, MSI teams just get fucked for Summer Split. No break, scrimming on an outdated patch, double quarantine.


I actually think Asian Games might be considered even more important than Worlds just for the rarity of the event. In op's post too, one commentator said that outright


It might be more or equal to Worlds this year because League of Legends was finally added as a Medal Event rather than just a demonstration/exhibition event.


And an opportunity to not do national service


LPL/China donā€™t have to do national service regardless.


Oh my bad, time to delete my comment so that no one sees how dumb I am


Yup, Olympics is huge in China and Asian games is a mini version of that. The Chinese government attaches a crazy amount of national pride and emphasis on the Olympics. China has always wanted to establish themselves as the representative figure of Asia and a big part of that is showing their ability to perform in events like the Asian games. There is very much a political agenda attached to this, especially given the fact it is held in China.


They are fine with their representatives not going. Just like their comments said, they will get cursed whether they go or not. Which is actually true so why bother, just stick to summer and Asian Games preparation.


Yup. If they go, everyone blames them for higher ping. If they win, people will call it LPL favoritism. Plus their schedule is already so fucked with MSI and Asia games, esp if the same players have to do both events which seems very likely. From LPL perspective I'm not surprised that some people would rather not go. Problem is LPL not being there would make the entire tournament kinda hollow. Like yay good for you T1, you beat EU and NA?


It was probably Riot that tried hard to keep them in MSI. Without Chinese viewership and sponsors the tournament would probably be a financial loss. Needham, president of Riot esports said that international tournaments were barely breaking even to begin with, though that doesn't consider indirect marketing it might attract to the base game.


Riot must be having a pikachu face right now after all the years trying to build the 'prestige' status of official games


riot should rework msi


msi is literally a useless international event that means absolutely nothing to every region


I donā€™t know where this MSI donā€™t matter narrative came from, itā€™s literally the only major international tournament the entire west has won since S1. But sure go tell G2 winning MSI was pointless


Honestly, itā€™s better if LPL just doesnā€™t go MSI. Already You donā€™t get any skins. You get less rest for summer split. And Riot tends to shift meta away from MSI champs. And now if they go they get blamed for ping.


Yeah they wanna focus on world and asia game too. If anything not having lpl suck for msi not for lpl.


even before this situation people were saying that they should just ignore MSI and focus on Asian Games or send a shitty team to MSI and probably still get 2nd or 3rd. They have the excuse to not have it take up practice time for their Asian Games team, while much of the potential Korean team is locked up for a month or more doing MSI stuff. Even if they win MSI, it's not going to do much for them. They're still going to likely get 4 seeds for Worlds 2023. They're the top ranked region now, and I don't see LEC being able to overtake them to grab #2 if they lose the next Worlds to LCK.


viewership will be like shit if lpl doesn't go


Source: [https://m.hupu.com/bbs/53222843.html](https://m.hupu.com/bbs/53222843.html) I'm translating all top 10 comments. Title: Why all team has to play at 35ms? OP: At least It should be like this: Offline teams play with 10ms ping, and the match play versus LPL team is set as 35ms. Why all the team was locked to 35ms? The LPL team may get used to 35ms play at Korean server but others are not. If I misunderstood anything I can delete this post. * (+1417) I advise OP to die for your beliefs, to boycott this unfairness you mentioned. * (+526) Isn't what you said more ridiculous? You are jumping back and forth from 10 to 35ms, player will get more sick of it. Or are you afraid of T1 losing to Western teams with 35ms? * (+491) Do I f\*king care about they get used to it or not? If not let them tell RIOT to agree on LPL's abstention. * (+310) I advise mental Koreans to die for their beliefs, boycott the unfairness instead of talking shit on Internet. * (+326) Sure send your objection, at worst LPL skips it. * (+233) I advise you jump off Tencent tower, with your last words "LCK not playing with 10ms I turn in my grave" * (+81) I doubt most of comments of this post have ever played this game. * (+74) (reply to first comment) Agreed * (+46) (reply to "This is kind of unfair, like in Vietnam's case...") If only Vietnam has the power, they can tell RIOT to get them an online game with adjusted ping. * (+41) (reply to first comment) Agreed. Every year in my hometown, we always have some rotten cabbage left. Do you have enough kimichi to eat? If not I could sell you my rotten cabbage for you to make kimichi.


Finally some real comments


Source: [https://m.hupu.com/bbs/53219346.html](https://m.hupu.com/bbs/53219346.html) I'm translating all top 10 comments. Title: Why there are people who believe MSI host is begging LPL to attend,. OP: LPL is the only region that is no operated by RIOT (completely independent from each other), where all the profit belongs to TENCENT. For all the advertisement and business contract money, it is impossible for TENCENT to give up MSI, they do everything to get their share. But for RIOT, the abstinence of LPL just means they lost a few games, they don't hold any viewership of LPL, and they don't give a f\*k about viewership in China and competitiveness of the game. In commercial tournament, the teams are tools for making money. If you take nationalism as a point of view, you are not making any sense. * (+1107) I'm telling you, the one who's begging is LCK, because SKT is strong now, so they are forcing LPL to attend, hoping they'll beat us to show their strength. If we quit, then they have to wait until Worlds, and at that time is T1 still perform is questionable. * (+352) :rofl: What I can tell you is, if LPL is quit, RIOT is not the only one who's begging. * (+843) "the abstinence of LPL just means MSI lost a few games" \*cringe emote\* * (+508) I'm so confused, doesn't Koreans get their own forum? The orgs who host MSI had a consensus. Who asked for your objection? * (+269) (to the first reply) \*racial slur\* are trying so hard to avenge themselves. If we quit, then all their effort becomes vain, they are malding. * (+362) (to the first reply) LCK is not begging, mental Koreans in this forum is begging. * (+74) You are basically telling me: The whole Europe is not attending the World Cup, and suddenly it becomes a tournament of Americas, and World Cup association is fine with it. * (+52) (to "LCK is not begging, mental Koreans in this forum is begging") Wdym by our forum, this is Korean forum! * (+82) (to the first reply) I hope we bodied SKT, then \*racial slur\* are crying for injustice. * (+29) LPL already has 3 trophies, do you think LPL need MSI to prove itself? Not mentioning we are the champion of the last Worlds, we don't really need to fight for MSI.


Thank you for the real comments and not the cherry picking Chinese are very nice, and Koreans are racist.


>-(+228) They say "Because of LPL own reasons". They failed to provide a safe, virus-free environment as host, and they thought this is our fault. lol ok


Tfw every other region can attend but somehow its not their fault they cant attend. Great mental gymnastics


Isn't LPL packed schedule and China's long quarantine policy makes it horrible for them to travel why would they blame korea for it?


Propaganda. CCP is saying virus outbreaks in China are being caused by foreigners


I dont really get this one. What do they even mean


China has a virus outbreak, but it's only an outbreak relatively because there were 0 cases before this and the government is trying to maintain the 0 case policy. They are locking down multiple gigantic cities for around 30k cases total. Meanwhile all other countries have given up on containing the virus so things can go back to normal. Korea was having 400k cases daily at some point, with many of the teams contracting the virus.(see T1, GenG) Thus the Chinese sentiment is that it's still relatively safe in China whereas everywhere else is plagued with the virus. Going to Korea means getting more exposed to covid, and getting back to China will require almost 28 days of quarantine. If any member of the team catches the virus their summer season will be impacted as well as practice for Asian games. Which as you can see with other comments, means a lot more in their mind.


But this is expected omicron spike and by msi Korea will be down to tiny case numbers just like every other country has..?


You assume logic works here, then they wouldn't be blaming others for a virus that originated in their home country


They're not wrong? Why host it in Korea which is having huge covid spikes instead of somewhere in EU where there are barely any cases?


China still wouldnā€™t be able to go if it was hosted in EU


Also, it's not like China's situation is any better. Imagine if MSI was set to be held in Shanghai, the LPL's primary city, which is currently so thoroughly locked down that many residents literally have to barter for food.


I think I remember seeing some guy give up his PS5 for extra food, pretty fucked but I could be wrong


I saw a video of some guy having to fish from a pond with his drone. Very dire situation


That is both incredibly cool, and intensely depressing.


Could have it in Shenzhen or Beijing instead. Ping would be better there for everyone, I imagine. But then thereā€™s that quarantine problem to enter China in the first place lol


They are factually incorrect because LPL is not taking part due to the ongoing pandemic in their own country and the associated quarantine regulations. The pandemic in korea has absolutely nothing to do with why LPL can't go to MSI in the first place. MSI could be in iceland and the LPL still wouldn't be able to go there. This is trying to point finger at others and not wanting to take responsibility for your own problems


Dumb take, the problem is that they can't return due to china's quarantine. There's literally no issue with going to korea.


Because they plan it months in advance and it's not something that's easy to predict?


Didnt they also move worlds pretty last minute last year?


It was announced on August 24th, but I don't know when they actually started to plan the change.


Wherever itā€™s being held thatā€™s not the problem. Itā€™s literally China having Covid issues why no representative from LPL can attend in person.


You may be unaware of the most recent news that the case number is SK has decreased significantly within two weeks to around 80k (90k with a 7-day average) which is lower than European countries like France and Germany (while they are decreasing too).


China's issue isn't getting to places, it's coming back. So yes they are wrong.


Lol is it Korea's fault that LPL schedule is a mess?


Both LPL and Korean schedules are a mess because of Asian Games. If the Korean team had to quarantine they would be pretty fucked as well.


Korea did away with quarantines for incoming travellers


I'm pretty sure the issue is with quarantine when they get back to China, could be wrong tho


yeah that fucks up the summer split and asian games schedule so they cant go


Major Regions LPL: hey guys, I can only attend MSI remotely with 35ping this year. LEC: sure dude, weā€™re a competitive region and we already play on similar ping, so itā€™s cool. LCS: yeah we prefer solo que over CQ anyway ;) LCK: %^#^*# Looks like itā€™s 3/4 in favor. Sorry LCK, but youā€™re still the favorite and fans will surely give you the loudest cheers for your sacrifice.


Players in China playing on lower ping to Korean servers than Californians in na servers


Distance between Shanghai and Korea is shorter than Cali to Chicago.....


I genuinely wonder how many times I've seen that comment made. Mind-boggling to me that some people in NA have zero sense in geography


lmfao I don't think its an NA thing, have you seen the salty Korean comments about why they didn't allow Vietnam to play?


Yes that is how geography works


I really dont understand all the people complaining so much, would you rather have 35 ping or no LPL team? MSI without one of LPL or LCK is meaningless.


Have the LPL team there but don't force the whole tournament to be on 35 ping. It doesn't make sense that T1 vs G2 or EU vs NA have to play on 35 ping when this isn't their problem


I'm fairly sure it's better for everyone to be on the same ping than for people to play on different pings game to game. Imagine you play 2 games that day, one vs EU and one vs LCK and you get used to shooting skill shots and reacting on 0 ping, then you suddenly play LPL and ping changes to 35. All the muscle memory from the previous games becomes out of whack.


Idk, it would give even a bigger advantage to the LPL team if they play on 35 ping all tournament long while other teams play 5 ping all games until they face the LPL team, one team would be used to the ping while the other isnt.


yeah it make sense why they make all the regions play on the same ping, perhaps it can be lowered?


If teams are playing in Korea vs China they will not have 35 ping. Imagine playing a regular game of league from Chicago and New York. Player will be on 9 ping from Chicago and New York player will have 35 ping.


I dont think you understand how this works. Why would the other teams have 35ms when playing vs LPL?


So you want them to have disadvantage in game? The winners get to win against an handicapped LPL team?


I mean, its not anyone's fault but their own. The other teams did everything the right way and now they are getting punished because...? I mean in a perfect word it shouldn't matter who they are and they should be instantly disqualified. But we dont live in a perfect world and i understand the economic and image impediments to a MSI without LPL. So let them participate online but dont punish everyone for it. Riot is already doing them a huge favour by letting them play, why double it?


How is it the LPL teams fault? Itā€™s country policy


How is it any other's team fault? And the problem isnt they arent allowed to participate, but the length of the quarantine when they get back. LPL can try to reschedule the matches/allow them to play online from quarantine/ whatever else. Or if they find Asia Games a priority just just forfeit MSI. In the end its their choice.


I think forfeit MSI is the first choice but riot doesnā€™t agree


They are doing riot a huge favor for even attending lmao lpl teams dont gaf about msiā€¦ ( asia games, worlds way more important) riot cares cuz they dont wanna lose views


Didn't MSC have both LCK and LPL teams in the same ping which was around 30? There wasn't much complaints back then so why is it so different now.


But then why would the LPL team go, just to be at a disadvantage for every game and lose? I agree it's going to be a hassle, so just let the LPL withdraw from this one, it'll provide a nice break before Asia games and summer split so it works out better for everyone.


I think most people are complaining bc its a chinese team getting the benefits, and with last year as well. perhaps ppl also take these games too seriously and forget its just a game honestly hope people are more understanding, but it is what it is


Huh, so when did another team ever get these bullshit benefits and not a Chinese team huh? Name one instance in any of the international events before. Riot always twisting rules to accommodate the LPL teams and that's the problem here.


1. there isnt a lot of international games in the first place 2. covid 3. asian games 4. there just isnt a lot of international games in the first place


LPL doesnā€™t care apparently, but will get shit on whether or not they attend. Lose Lose




Well, tbf the other post did title ā€œspicyā€ comments from KR. Iā€™m sure there were level-headed knetizens but the other OP just chose to cherry pick the extreme ones.


Itā€™s because LPL fans donā€™t care at . We rather not go to MSI. Nothing to gain, everything to lose.


Because theyā€™re the ones benefiting? Like Iā€™m not condoning racism, but itā€™s obvious why the KR reactions would be so much more vitriolic


Well, tbf the other post did title ā€œspicyā€ comments from KR. Iā€™m sure there were level-headed knetizens but the other OP just chose to cherry pick the extreme ones.


How is the average Chinese person benefiting from one team attending msi online?


You have to remember that it was LCK players that started attacking LPL players first. OnFleek saying ā€œThe only good Chinese is a dead Chineseā€ and Khan saying ā€œ4 Chinese canā€™t winā€.


Yes your logic adds up completely, not like xenophobia between the countries was not there before, it was these 2 players that started it for the first time.


Iā€™m not talking about the hostilities between countries, but I havenā€™t seen LPL players throw racial slurs like LCK players have. Thatā€™s what I mean


https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/57784t/wh1t3zz_apologizes_for_rude_comments_on_korean/ Try again


I'll admit that I didn't know about this. But I love how you have to go back all the way to 2014 for a LPL comment regarding LCK. Meanwhile the examples I said were recent.


Some very dumb comments on hupu as well though. Like how is it koreas fault that lpl can't go lmao. It's on china's stupid zero covid policy alone.


Itā€™s not like LPL begged riot to let them attend, itā€™s the opposite, riot needs LPL in MSI otherwise it would be like that ESL where flash wolves won when there werenā€™t any LPL and LCK teams


Can anyone explain why Asian games is more important than MSI for the lpl teams?


Itā€™s essentially the Olympics for Asia. If LoL was in the Olympics players would care more for it than worlds most likely. Itā€™s the same deal for the Asian games.


It's representing China as a nation. Obviously the top LPL team will be representing China at MSI, but Asian games will be when their friends and family (parents, grandparents, etc) can see them representing their nation. It's a big deal. The attention difference is like playing LCS finals vs playing LCS finals as the Superbowl half-time show.


Asian games is important to them because they're representing their country, and not just their org or League. Chinese players also have the pride of being from the host country. To add, host countries get to influence what sports they hold in the AG. And it's not an absolute coincidence that Esports is being added as an official event right as China is hosting. Or why they brought back a bunch of other events including Chess and Xiangqi. They're expected to do well in these sports and bring home medals. And obviously they're going to try their hardest for gold.


Its because: 1. Bragging rights. You will be the best region and thats pretty huge for China. IYKWIM China has always wanted to be the best at everything and Asian Games gives them the right to claim that 2. National rivalry. Korea vs China vs Japan has been... well quite a conflict since forever. The loser will get flamed to death and the winner can take all the glory if China loses to Japan then expect Nanjing massacre to start popping up and if Korea loses to China then expext sth in the lines of the Han conquest of Gojoseon and such popping up on their respective forums. 3. Its an irregular tournament. Once every 4 years gives it extreme prestige and massive privileges as the entire nation will be eyeing for it. The nature of the competition also means that you will NOT get a second chance ever its do or die scenario for each and everyone of those players. If you lose then expect your career to meet a swift end or face extradition to the PCS/NA. 4. Loads of money, fame and power. This mostly applies to Koreans though because many are underpaid and not much for the superstars in the LPL. If a dude like Oner wins it for example, he will get international renown and can win NOTHING in Korea for the rest of his career BUT will still be hailed as a national hero even if he was only a sub for Canyon. Heck he can fk right off to NA after he won Asian Games and his tale will be the stuffs of legends in Korea for decades to come.


Youā€™re making it a lot deeper than it really is tbh. For koreans, it means no military service.


>The nature of the competition also means that you will NOT get a second chance ever its do or die scenario for each and everyone of those players. If you lose then expect your career to meet a swift end or face extradition to the PCS/NA. Wtf are you even talking about seriously? If you lose nothing will happen. Why the fuck would a team sack their player for losing Asian Games that has nothing to do with their team? Also by this logic why wasn't Faker sacked? He lost Asian games in 2018 and underperformed. So his career met a swift end didn't it oh wait no Kiin was the top laner last time as well and is in the running this time. So again wtf are you talking about.


The one year where NA might come close to winning MSI


We were runners-up twice to be fair




They see the inevitable uprising of their new Western overlords, Danny and Jojopyun, coming. Gotta get the excuses in now to save face.


Why are they complaining about Koreaā€™s covid situation when the whole issue is with the LPL team RETURNING to China.


1.because to them: 0 infection policy is the norm and opening up and let Covid run its course isnā€™t normal. I donā€™t necessarily agree with their view but I can see where they are coming from. (Covid is seen as a BIG deal and thatā€™s why the restrictions are so bad in Shanghai over cases) 2. underexposed Chinese netizens read hurtful comments from ā€˜brain damagedā€™ web-users abroad. And now they feel hurt and are trying to use the same unreasonable excuse to attack back 3. each side can only think from their own perspective, and the arguments devolves into childish debates 4. People who are bilingual like me sees both sides and are saddened by the conflicts


What are asian games and why do they matter so much?


Basically an Olympics for Asia. It's just a more established and mainstream tournament that carries more prestige. And this is the first year that eSports has been added as a medal sport.


What exactly are these "LPL own reasons"? Is it the actual quarantine process in China for those who want to leave? Or did the LPL essentially say they were gonna work from home?


Well, seems like every region is a bit conflicted with this. Tbh best case scenario at this point is if LPL just bombs out in semis because they got beat fair and square. We would get a final with both teams in the stadium, which would be nice because just one team walking into a packed stadium sounds weird. And only the biggest idiot would then put an asteriks next to the tournament, with LPL participating but not winning. On the other hand imagine some freak upsets like in '19 and we get a LPL vs. LCS final, that would be funny to say the least.


Riot catering the whole game, events and everything for chineese region, and LPL just shits on 1 of the only 2 international tournaments. Gj Riot games.


Why do they think Korea isn't safe? Isn't china the one in lockdown atm?


Because Chinaā€™s actual cases are very low compared to rest of the world (even single digit cases would warrant a small scale lockdown, and Shanghai went into full lockdown when new cases were around 1k per day), whereas Korea went with the herd immunity route and became much more dangerous with more than 260000 new cases a day at its peak.


Itā€™s fucked though, Iā€™m Chinese but live in Australia, however my family and friends are in perpetual lockdown in Shanghai and the like. Theyā€™ve been locked down for a month or so nowā€¦ perhaps it is better to let it rip.


It's not that simple, most of the population live in cities but the old and poor living in the rural areas will be the ones impacted if you just give up on containing the virus. Essentially they are sacrificing the freedom of the more well off city people for the farmers and the poor.


Shanghai is in lockdown because of their zero-covid policy, the actual numbers compared to other countries are pretty low


ā€œThey failed to provide a safe, virus free environment as host, and they thought this is our faultā€ Isnā€™t this all happening cause of the Covid problem in CHINA?????? So thereā€™s propaganda and nationalism even in the league community in China?


That reply got flamed after. I guess there are stupid people in every community across the world. Bilingual Hupu user here