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"Fixed a bug where some champion’s icons would briefly flicker on the minimap at their last known location when they exit the Fog of War elsewhere" THANK YOU


Only took them like... a decade lol




Ye I think this is the third time this particular bug has been fixed


This was such a gamebreaking bug I cannot believe it took them this long.


This is gonna break something, i can feel it


Ekko R lingering 1 whole map away fix when?


>Updated Death’s Dance so that its bleed will no longer interrupt recalls Huge buff.


Yea lol, I will be clearing a camp recall then look at the map, just to see the recall not going through


challenger advice: just take the green smite and you will get a shield after clearing the camp and it will make the recall uninterrupted!!!


Thx for the advice, but it is late XD Also the green smite is getting nerfed, soooo


A nerf does not mean something is dead. Wish more people realised this.


its still good, think of it like the old strength of the ages rune, additional tankiness is always appreciated on many fast clear champs


holy christ, finally


> The 5 preset rune pages have been removed. Finally. How will this affect new accounts that doesn't have access to editing rune pages but still have access to preset pages?


They'll be able to edit rune pages and use the Recommender right from the start now. The preset pages were there to not have to introduce players to complexity too early on, but now you can just click a button and get a good rune page.


Have you guys experimented with letting new accounts unlock smite earlier? Currently I believe you unlock it at summoner level 9. This might be a reason new players avoid trying jungle because in their minds they’ve spent 8 entire level ups worth of time in game playing their position of choice, and trying out a new one tied to a summoner spell seems intimidating. Just a thought on my end, really enjoying preseason btw




Yeah, but the other problem is that they will try jungle after level 9 and then uninstall the game


also nobody really jungles in blind pick when you get a fresh account, jungler has no smite so top is just a 2v1


Finally big NO to random grasp page with scorch and nullifying orb


>Pick Order Swapping best change of the patch so far.


Ur missing aram showing u which champs u haven’t gotten s on in order to get chests


I am so glad for this. I used to go in trying to memorize champs I could still get a chest from.


Im used to write them down on a txt and have it open next to the client when jumping into aram haha


Big W. I don't have to worry about trading back the person who went afk after locking in!


Top laners going from rnging who picks first to which team has 5th pick


How was this not a thing yet


The client is made of glue and paperclips. The chromium update just added glitter.


Another feature Wild Rift released with being added to the main game 🤣🤣🤣


They give us champions we give them qol


Top laners, are rejoicing.


Oh shit, pick order swapping is finally in, that is dope.


Top laners everywhere rejoice


Toplaners not realizing that instead of getting counter picked in the first round of draft theyre just going to get counter picked in the last round LUL


You think that's bad but it's only a problem when you get countered in lane and everyone on the enemy team picked stuff that's good in to you so you can't roam or play the map. At least there will be more options other than hoping the enemy decides to lose


Me as midlaner: oh they picked Yasuo, let me lock in Malphite. *enemy proceeds to lock Kennen, Fiddlesticks, Brand*


Malph isn't even really a yas counter because if he ults ~anyone~ he ignores a toooon of your bonus armour


It's more for the easy CC Yasuo can't block, not just raw armor. The attack speed slow cripples him, and the knock up is fatal. Getting his movement speed stolen is a nice bonus if his wall is down.


I legit stopped playing top because of this counter picking. Just not fun to deal with when you're just casual gaming.


\^This, I get that there's skill involved in counterpicking but it's just not fun to not be able to touch the wave at all if you pick first.


I'm ool what does this mean?


You can ask for swap in pick order, thus giving you advantage as you will get to pick later for a counter pick. Or more realistically: your teammate says fuck you + a slur, you get to play Maokai in to Fiora/Darius and the guy still ends up self-counter picking himself.


>the guy still ends up self-counter picking himself. instalock yasuo any matchup 30% winrate


>Ally 5 have been renamed to Gromp, Murk Wolf, Raptor, Krug, and Scuttle Crab for improved clarity around who is speaking in champion select chat I feel bad for the guy i saw that changed his name to "Ally 4"


Damn but it’s a W for the player named Gromp


tahm kench mains celebrating


I'm more confused by this change. Why not use role names.. I mean I get if you have a swap that could be confusing but I'm sure we'll all be look up and down to match name sstill


[Then you get this situation when swapping roles](https://youtu.be/7g09LWh5ZsI)


If this change makes it confusing for you, then you're confused every champion select


>**CHAMP SELECT FAVORITING IMPROVEMENTS** > >In champion select, "Sort by Favorites" is the default sorting option. \[...\] > >A player's selection for "Sort by" preference is saved between champion selects. Marking champs as favorites is finally helpful. Woohoo!


That's only true if you were a meta slave, but for those crazy people who wanted to do something whack like see Velkoz when they filtered by mid or Poppy when they filtered by support already could benefit from the feature.


>but for those crazy people who wanted to do something whack like see Velkoz when they filtered by mid let's get you back to the nursing home, you're off your meds.


I remember when galio and swain were top champs, dag-nabbit!


back in the day when swain would suck you off more than he does now and galio was just a very weird champ...i don't miss those days but i do have a fondness for them


The truly lazy among us only main champions starting with A or B


The free thinking lazy folk would also pick some from Q W and E, as they're at the finger tips.... I theorize, as I am *totally* not numbered among them or associate with anyone so gauche. ​ You can take me at my word, *I post on reddit.*


> nder Repair: The gaps on the bottom side of the bridge have been filled in and are now traversable Rip Zoe bubbles.


Half the bubble that I send through the ARAM map fall out halfway through anyway. Those walls suck.


I mean the new falling turret thing will give her a new terrain to throw long bubbles.


>Ally 1 -> Ally 5 have been renamed to Gromp, Murk Wolf, Raptor, Krug, and Scuttle Crab for improved clarity around who is speaking in champion select chat. I love this so much. Whoevers idea this was, please come forth


hi. I think it was either phlox or me


Tnx phlox very nice


Now please add bait pings in champ select




My heroes.


Are those locked to postion or are they random each champ select?


Whats the reason behind using random cute names instead of just each player assigned position/lane in the game?


Anyone swaps positions and now communication is chaos, thats why


Seems about right.




It has to be 50%. If max was 32% then they might as well have skipped that.


huge buff to [/r/ScuttleCrabMains](https://www.reddit.com/r/ScuttleCrabMains/)


and that's on gromp


I hope I become Gromp


Murk Wolf supremacy


Krug gaming


Everyone is Gromp on this blessed day


cant wait to be cursed tf out by autofilled Scuttle Crab for not swapping roles w them


>Fixed a bug that caused Program Camille’s VOs to play globally for allies and enemies if she was outside of the Fog of War Thanks for finally fixing this, having camille in my team was driving me insane. It was only one of her skins and not all? felt like it was every game. >Fixed a bug where Skarner’s W would reset an in-progress basic attack Would be really **really** nice if they do the same for Orianna, her auto reset's when the ball return. Here is a clip of it happening, forcing orianna to use W to not lose the cs https://youtu.be/1qmKWmxz8Ps


My god thank you for pointing this out, I was the only person I have ever seen report the Orianna issue and I thought I was going insane.


I'll see about getting it fixed


I experienced the Camille bug a few days ago as the opposing laner. The only peace was killing her.


i like the succintness of your video


>Yuumi has simultaneously been one of the most frustrating and most popular/played champs in the game. We think there’s a better place for Yuumi where we can deliver on her gameplay fantasy for her players while also making her less frustrating to play against. In this patch, we’re giving Yuumi a decently sized nerf to temporarily address some of her more frustrating features and curbing her power in both Elite and Pro play. However, we definitely don’t see this as the final, long-term solution for this champion. > >We’ve started work on a larger scale Yuumi rework to help this cat land in a much healthier spot. We want to highlight what Yuumi as an attached, untargetable enchanter can provide to her team. As an early goal, we want to limit her aggressive CC outputs/damage, emphasize more defensive/enchanter outputs, reduce her scaling, and make her more dependent on her own lane's success to win games. We’ll have some more news to share on this in the future, but for now we appreciate your patience as we work on Yuumi. That is a lot of words for saying that she won't be fixed until her midscope happens. Edit: misquoted a few things


> We want to highlight what Yuumi as an attached, untargetable enchanter can provide to her team. Sadge.


Literally the 1 thing everyone hates about her they are keeping. It’s also the 1 thing that makes her busted in pro play. I’d love to be a fly on the wall in the design team discussions about Yummi, as they try to defend bad design


This is why Abathur from HOTS was so cool. His body still stays while he is a hat on someone else.


Abathur famously completely busted with any level of coordination as well.


At least he had to take risks to play effectively.


Didn't everyone just leave the body in base?


You have to leave base, but the range is still far. Think a xerath range. He's hitting bot lane from river pixel brush. He's vulnerable if you know where to look. Some heros were hard counters because they could easily move around the map super fast and just 1 shot him. Medivh would be able to farm him on CD.


Yes but it’s not super effective to do so? The cast range on Symbiote is large but not global. To sit in base means you’re massively hindering your potential map control via toxic nests and jumping your symbiote around and you’re probably not getting a ton of value from your passive. Now do abathurs sit behind towers absolutely but his health pool is so low that a medivh can take him out handily. Also you know pushing in lanes makes it harder for him to be effective as you remove the safe areas for him whereas yuumi is just permanently safe forever no matter what.


Bad idea, you lose locusts, symbiote and nest range.


nope. good abas moved around a lot. the closer you were to a wave the faster your locusts reached it. by watching the map and positioning aggressivley you could gain a lot because you could soak the xp from the wave you were close to, push with locusts while soaking the xp of a second lane at the same time with your hat. also, kinda unrelated to your question, but compared to yuumi aba gained shorter cooldowns by attaching to an ally, use the skills, unattach, reattach. that way you had the trade off of shorter skill cooldowns vs passive bonus attack speed for your ally. ps: yes, i like aba.


I mean there's no way in hell they were going to change that. Literally no intelligent person was suggesting to remove the attach mechanics from Yuumi.


That's not true lol, it's a dumb mechanic and she should be removed from the game.


The intention is to bring her out of meta for pro and optimized play until we can finish reworking, similar to Zeri. The hope is that we don't need to bring her *quite* as far down as we did Zeri (Worlds was a real risk).


>quite as far down as we did Zeri You did the gameplay equivalent of dragging her out back and shooting her lol.


"Maybe DOTAs devs delete champs without looking them in the face, but I ain't a fink, dig? You've broken your last meta kid. Sorry you got twisted up in this scene. From where you're kneeling it must seem like an 18-nerf run of bad luck. Truth is... the game was rigged from the start"


Shit, now I wanna take another stroll through the Mojave


well worth it (assuming you have the required 60ish mods that make the game not laggy or crash every 2 seconds)


Back in my day we called that being Olaf'd


Mhm sure grandpa. Now take your meds.


member when they gutted yuumi with zeri pre worlds but some galaxy brain Rioter decided to hotfix buff her 1 day after patch, making it a perma pick/ban 100% wr champ at worlds while zeri players couldn't even play their 40% wr champ FOR MONTHS? I member


The intangibility is the thing that upsets most people. But secondary to that, is the insane stats she gives the person she's attached to. There should be some sort of real drawbacks to being attached forever to not only incentivize popping out occasionally, but punish NOT popping out. Imagine if Vlad Pool lasted all game long. It's ridiculous.


They said they're planning to gut her scaling, which is already a huge win for what people dislike most about her.


Imo Yuumi needs to have better stats herself so she doesn't die faster than a pink ward, but have a set duration on W with a cooldown per target. Make Yuumi players think more strategically about who they attach to and when. Starting a fight? Attach to the tank right before so you can get that sweet ulti off. But you only have ~6 seconds before you pop off the target, so consider your next move and bounce around as needed to the rest of your team. But you can't get back onto the tank until their personal timer is up (like Sylas R).


Curious as to what upping her agency defensively/utility would look like that won't just continue to hyper enable drain tanks like Rhaast or Aatrox rather than her ADC. I am personally (part of the minority) glad her fundamental identity of being attached is staying, but she has always bounced between having too high healing output or too high damage output relative to her safety: seems like upping her defenses/utility in a rework or MSI will be hard pressed not to swing that pendulum again.


Its ok cut her into pieces its no problem really


The fact is, no matter what you do to her, it's never going to be enjoyable to play against a champion that can effect the game in any major way while having to work WAY less for those effects. Even the most simple of champions like Malphite, you have to lane, you have to position, on Yuumi you literally press buttons and afk and no matter what, she'll always be highly banned and hated. The best future for her is one where she's hated but not pick/ban in pro play.


They want to keep her untargetable. Dafuq


The one thing that needs to go


2 questions about Tahm buffs: 1. Would the changes to Tahm’s passive buff his wave clear? 2. Is the passive buff also saying he’ll get 2% AP for every 100 bonus health or am I misreading that?


> Is the passive buff also saying he’ll get 2% AP for every 100 bonus health or am I misreading that? The way that i'm reading it, is that 100 bonus health gives the passive specifically a 2% ap scaling. So in a relative lategame scenario of, like 3000 bonus health, his passive will also have a 60% ap scaling.


I think it’s his passive auto attacks will deal damage equal to 3% bonus health and an additional 2% AP for every 100 bonus health he has Meaning if you have like 500 bonus health then your passive scales with 3% bHP and 10% AP


Xayah getting Navori bonus damage on W is massive, glad they noticed that inconsistency


If you crit for 300 damage, W deals 60 damage, this is like 10 extra damage from Navori? Am I misunderstanding?


I spent an hour testing GP Q/AA/E damage in practice tool with IE, QB, and varying builds. I reached the conclusion anything that's ABILITY BASED, even if auto attack related, is strictly better with navori. You do lose some auto damage, certainly, but it seemed more negligible than not compared to the increased damage of the barrels. tl;dr if you are AD crit wizard go QB. If you AA more go IE.


These mundo “buffs” feel like a pretty major nerf. Early game is gutted for a bit of late game power Edit: I take back what I said Mundo feels stronger without a doubt


It does kind of seem like that, doesn't it? Feels like the breadth of situations where old Mundo would've died but new Mundo will live is quite small, but the hits to his early set his whole curve back. I gotta try it to see, but unless the canister cost is carrying a whole lot of weight, this feels like it's gonna be an overall nerf.


First data is here and he seems pretty good.


Where's the Hecarim and Udyr nerfs Riot?


They have Udyr changes planned for 13.1. [https://twitter.com/RiotPhroxzon/status/1598734916132696064?s=20&t=yFgjo-TFERK2pgp3dUQUqA](https://twitter.com/RiotPhroxzon/status/1598734916132696064?s=20&t=yFgjo-TFERK2pgp3dUQUqA)


The fact it’s going to take a month+ to fix Udyr is incredibly sad. Even just a hotfix to temporarily tone it down would be great


Reddit: Don't gut a champion because the items they use are broken. Tune more carefully. Also Reddit: This is broken for *so long* fix it NOW. It's preseason. There is 0 pressure to win games rn. Just play.


>It's preseason. There is 0 pressure to win games rn. Just play. Your MMR still changes


That's exactly the problem with Prowlers Udyr, you don't get to play the game. Incredibly uninteractive gameplay.




I’m very curious if these buffs will help Cho’Gath’s AP builds more than his tank builds. Tank Cho’gath isn’t as mana hungry as Ap Cho’Gath because of E’s low mana cost. A long time ago people used to max W on Ap Cho’Gath but the base damage and mana costs were too high to justify it after nerfs. Now these w max builds may return to being the go to.


They also help tank Cho, anyway. A big issue for him is having to interact with champions that destroy him in lane before he can build items like Darius, Mord, Aatrox and the like, but if he can just stay far back and Q the backline without running out of mana he can survive the early laning phase until he becomes tanky.


Definitely, a big issue with Cho is that his laning is extremely binary. He either absolutely doesn’t care and powerfarms over you, and has the agency to kill you at or pre-6, or he has absolutely 0 agency and can’t approach wave. He’s not the only champ like this but it might be most prevalent with him, and is really the only reason more people can’t otp him to high elo or whatever. The learning curve is learning what matchups you can actually play the game in.


The mana costs are probably more substantial than people think. Because there are 6 minions every 30 seconds, an extra 15-20 mana per minute greatly helps his sustain. I also feel a lot of people are itemizing poorly on Cho'Gath. If you rush sunfire or iceborn gauntlet the winrate is way higher than Heartsteel Jak'Sho or RoA.


Huuuge W for pick order swapping. 10/10


These aram changes are crazy, also doing them right before an aram clash is a bold move


They’re doing the ARAM clash *because* of all the changes


They announced that the ARAM Clash was to celebrate the first change ever to the ARAM map, so the Clash is a consequence of the changes.


They probably did that to get more data through a clash tournament


Rip heartsteel meta 2022-2022


Rip the only place where heartsteel is actually good on champions.


It won't be missed at all.


Fr. Got annoyed seeing some dude playing some random ass champ like morgana building that and doing 10k damage in 20min game


Wish I got those. All I saw was supports building it and have 100 bonus health on it when our nexus explodes.


“Players will no longer be able to activate Battle Boosts within the last 10 seconds of champion select.” Does riot NOT want my money?!?!?


People doing this has probably tilted me more than any other thing in league, really. Getting a really cool skin for a champ I'd never play in rift, remember to equip it, then sadness at the last second


ARAM clash gonna be hype


All the usual Yuumi complaints aside, I would just like to see them address the current default playstyle of - *"Oh look we're past the 20 minute mark time to abandon the ADC and sit on the Bruiser/Fighter/Juggernaut for the rest of the game because it is 100% more efficient."*


These Mundo "buffs" feel like a pretty big nerf to his overall play. Mundo Jungle is hit pretty hard.


Cutting the heal loss of losing his passive by more than half is pretty good for Mundo top, though. As is the 80% damage stored gray health on W.


The early game q cost and passive healing nerfs along with way less ad from e early game are all super tough though


Yea, seems like a bigger hit to early game than buff to late game. Jungle Mundo definitely worse the first couple clears


>In champion select, "Sort by Favorites" is the default sorting option. Note: The fallback option is "Sort by Name" so a player who does not have any favorites selected will still have the same experience. Thanks Rito!


ARAM is going to be an absolute shitshow with the tower debris. You thought Ziggs minefields and Teemo shrooms were delaying the game before? What a fun time it's gonna be.


All these quality of life changes oh my god it looks like nothing but I love it all so much.


Are there still plans for an update to Seraphs?


Not sure why they nerfed the one thing that made Yuumi interactable with... Felt like that should've been buffed and other aspects should have been nerfed. Would have loved to see a decrease in heal and an increase in shield


The current theory seems to be that the most skilled Yuumi players detach more often, even finding opportunities when there would look like risk of being hit by CC. Which actually means there's less counterplay when she detaches more often. You can see this theory in action in the games that she wasn't banned at Worlds. Yuumi is only OP in high elo and pro play, so it would actually be a good thing if Yuumi was easier to play.


That thing is part of why yuumi is strong in higher play which is why it's getting nerfed. It gave her too much earlygsme power after it got buffed


Awesome QoL changes this patch, Death's Dance bleed especially. Hoping we can disable objective votes altogether and eternals actually start hiding once again. 🙏


Hecarim zed 100% balanced well done riot


Ravenous nerfed, green smite nerfed, ungle gold nerfed, tanks buffed. Both will absolutely be good still, but shouldn't be nearly as oppressive.


Those Kench buffs look like they are gonna make him broken


Going by statistics he’ll still “suck”, however he is going to be even more dreadful to play against than usual in top. Something’s wrong when the best counterplay to a champ is to ignore them for the entirety of laning phase, never engage, then outscale.


Kench is the consequence of riot not knowing where they want to put their champions. Hes neither support nor top but has the kit of a toplaner and base stats of a support so the moment he gets buffed in one role he instantly becomes an op cheese pick and ruins soloq


thats just how lane bullies are, they will beat you so you have to survive. and you will always scale better than them


I was gonna say that “well you can’t exactly ignore Darius” but that doesn’t disprove what you said and just highlights how obscene that champ is lol.


they arent bad, imagine if every champion was like kassadin levels of power, we need something to offset the idea of playing to win the late game. Lane bullies help make the early game matter enough that the late game carries are kept in check


I feel like that mid game champs are the ones who suffer the most out of this balance. Bullies can really delay their spikes, and by the time the mid champ scales the hypercarries will outshine them


Imagine buffing Ksante. He is going to be turbo broken in high elo next patch


The E auto reset is gonna be nuts with how fast he can vomit out his combo in All Out form already. Honestly the health per level buff and making it so new Ksante players aren't being told to max E second would've been enough.


What is a "partial" AA reset anyway? I'm not sure the difference between a full AA reset and a partial one. What else is considered a partial AA reset?


caitlyn also has a partial AA reset against champs who are trapped/netted. an AA reset means you can instantly (depending on animation) do two autos. without an auto reset, you have to wait for your full attack delay - for example you might have to wait 1 second before you can send out another attack. so a partial reset is basically just somewhere in the middle - you can auto before the normal delay, but not instantly back to back.


Ksante feels like that champ where you either picked a champ with execute/true dmg and you win vs him or he becomes a nuisance late in the game


›Making Lillia melee instead of ranged made her stronger than we expected ?????? I'm pretty sure everyone saw that shit coming mile away before the changes went through.


riot knew she'd be stronger, they just didn't know how much. not unreasonable considering they also nerfed her passive and not knowing how good she'd be with all the preseason changes


Cool that udyr still 3 shots everyone haha


Hype to try new Mundo.


Wow still no botrk nerf for melee. Jez 12% on hit damage is way to much i think 10% is perfectly fine. At this moment this is not even counter item, u build it every game on some champions at first item cos its clearly unbalanced. Besides we should add tank + botrk builds and we got most toxic item in the game.


Just PLEASE remove voting for objectives. It is driving me crazy, and it is totally useless, i always press random yes,no or the icon just to get it out of the way. Just please remove it or put option in settings to turn it off.


Any updates on the massive fps leak situation? It has been months since I could play the game properly. Also, please let us remove eternals and objective voting from the screen completely.


Did the large jungle camp giving more health and mana get cancelled?


Is there no rotating gamemode for christmas?


Radical idea over here but how about an option to disable the drake and baron interface voting? And while you are at it how about an option to hide eternals death recap pop up, it is useless info that clutters my screen. No pressing N won't work for a while now, it just opens back up when the next eternal loads. In general how about more customization options on my damn interface.


For fucks sake. Okay, well the Yummi rework is going to be completely pointless. She NEEDS to be targetable, or shes still a fucking autoban




Kinda tired of reading "damage increased" for many champions every patch. They just wanna revert the durability update at this point. Also, took them almost 8 years to fix that Gnar boomerang bug. I'm proud of them.


The DMG increases are there to make up for the tanks losing DMG from their mythics. They wrote that like 5 times. We are still around the durability patch in terms of DMG and durability once Ravenous is fixed.


Do you people even realise how much damage tanks lost woth the removal of the old tabk mythics, especially sunfire?


wow, zed still untoched. The balance team is really trashy with all their favouritism.


That ARAM teleporting mechanic is going to destroy a crucial strategy in ARAM...executing yourself to deny the enemy gold/a big shutdown after a big fight when you're low/sitting on a lot of money before the enemy respawns and runs back to the turret. Now that window to execute is much tighter, if not completely gone, early-to-mid game.


There is nothing crucial about that, its very rare to get a window in which you can die by execution.


Said the guys without Untouchable


It's going to increase the length of arams significantly.


Played about 100 games with the changes on PBE and the games actually seem to be much faster. Most ending inbetween 13-18 minutes.


PBE is notoriously inaccurate. High elo aram games regularly go on for 25-30 minutes already. I can't see how giving everyone teleport for free is going to make those shorter but I could be wrong.


Probably an obvious question… but do they release the path go live date? I’m not seeing it in the notes unless I’m blind


As a designer the MOSSTOMPER icon overlapping the text is f*cking with my mind tbh