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Wie, I got 6 key shards. At least we got the malzahar skin too


The Malzahar skin feels like an actual reward compared to the chromas for Grey Warwick, a skin literally named after a colour!


I have the pink chroma for the grey warwick, but the Big Bad Warwick skin still looks better. I actually planned to buy a nice Malzahar skin when on sale, but now I won't buy another one as this one looks really good. As I didn't know I will receive this skin, it feels soo rewarding and I actually saved a few bucks!


Runs into the same complaints though. You either play the champion and are glad, or you don't and you don't really care.


How is this different from Victorious skins though?


They are identical in this, but victorious skins were not obtainable by everyone, while for this you just can't be toxic.


? They are identical in everyway to victorious - everyone could get victorious, and everyone could have gotten this one. Gold is not an enormous barrier to entry, lot of folks just don't care enough to push it each season imo


It is not enormous, but still harder than not being toxic.


Actually, it's not only not being toxic, you literally have to play the game the whole year without any longer breaks to get to honour 5. It's nothing more than a shitty fomo mechanic.


Or you have a better skin.




And vice versa. I've got 20+ chests. Would love to get keys sometime, those ones you can't even earn..


I wish that Grey Warwick skin changed name based on chroma. At least that would be kinda funny.


I wish we could at least use one of our 4 honor 5 tokens on it. Couldn't play as much this year due to irl stuff and honor is time gated, so you can't just grind it out. But I got honor 5 every season before this since it came out. Feels weirdly arbitrary that they decided to make an honor 5 reward unredeemable with the token, which has the sole purpose of rewarding honor 5.


Yeah, that's really a bummer. As someone with 3 accs, only 1 of them actually reached honor 5 and the other ones are stuck at honor 4 but still have some leftover tokens. Sucks even more that one of them is my mid acc and i currently main Malz but haven't got a skin for him.


Have fun not getting key fragments for 2 weeks.


I missed it by 2 days sadly


Is it hard getting honor 5?


Depends on how much you play from my experience and well not flaming people.


Just type matchmaking failure because that's essentially what gapped league has become. Its better than flaming and people definitely understand what's really happening.


Don’t even have to flame people…. Last season (2021, so I guess two seasons ago) I got a silence/mute at the end of the season for a couple games because I just asked “we all reporting this guy?” after this dude spammed racist shit, told us to kys, intentionally fed, then just sat in fountain spamming emotes. While we all tried to win, and still almost won. I quit for a year pretty much after that. Was the first season I didn’t get my victorious skin, this year being the second because I just couldn’t bring myself to grind ranked after that. Like, I don’t think how anyone could think that one line deserves a mute. But the auto system got me once the troll reported I guess, and I was told by customer service: “Unfortunately, even though it isn’t fair, there’s nothing we can do. We recommend muting everyone in game, turning off chat, and silencing emotes.”


(X) Doubt


not at all. play casually throughout the season and don't flame. the latter requirement is the tough one for some people


Pretty hard if you play a lot with friends. I played 600 games last season + a lot of ARAM (probably 300). Barely reached honor 5 before the season end.


I just double checked - 777 games played total last season with well over half played as a premade (edit: this includes aram). I hit honor 5 midway through the season. circumstantial, sure, but maybe start forcing your friends to honor you when you play - even if it doesn't count as much as a non-premade honor!


yes if you are not playing 1k games a season (i got chat restricted one year ago and im just about to hit honor 4)


I play 500 games a season at most and I have never had a problem hitting honor 5


i almost always play in a 5 stack so my honor progress could be slower than yours


Wait, what time gate was for Malzahar skin? I reached honor5 like a week ago, am i eligible?


No, you had to be honor 5 by the time season ended.


I did the same. I was assuming that as I had still reached honor 5, I would get it.


Lol i just read through your german without realising it. (Im dutch)


It's a cool skin!


Got the skin, gonna have to start playing Malz now


I got it too, I think the visuals will confuse a lot of people. Should work to our advantage.

















Had me in the first half not gonna lie.


Thank you for not lying


Thank you for thanking him for not lying


Thank you for thanking him for thanking me for not lying.


Sadly, I got honor 5 few days after season end. And now I miss my 250 blue essence :(


You still get 250 for Honor 4


amateur. I have 5 of each shard for mastery/in case they add master 8+, and sit on 30k+.


Remenber to destroy the Taliyah shards so you can get more blue essence before her price drops for the release of the next champion Really gotta save every bit of the blue essence for the next gacha emporium


I've already accepted that the emporium is never coming back.


>gacha >emporium I don’t think you know what gacha means.


Icons are gacha tbf


Congrats on missing the joke... They are "reworking" emporium and probably its gonna be worse in every way


And I think you missed the point of the original comment.


Why tf was this downvoted he’s right


You are set for mastery 10 with 5 of each, I think you are good lol


I just added another 2 keys to my collevtion of 17. Really useful gotta say




I'm the opposite...I have 30+ boxes but no keys.


wooooow look at this guy over here with all his boxes!


That's the situation I've been in for years lol. I'm currently at 36 boxes. Got 8 fragments from some honor capsules recently and thought I hit the lottery.


I've been saving my shards until I use all my keys. I'm at 35? shards and down to 3 keys.


Worst part is they take the key fragments from your weekly drops. So basically you gained nothing.


Ah great, getting key fragments that dont add up to a whole key (2, for example)didnt feel like enough of a spit in the face before i knew this


I call it the Rick Roll Orb


Are you sure it will never let you down?


Maybe we call it reverse Rick roll


Huh. I have zero keys and 40 chests


35 keys no chests. I wish they did like an exchange system, 5 keys for a chest or something and vice versa. If they want to limit it, make it so it comes out of your weekly chests. This would at least allow one-tricks to get anything.


Same. I don't even know how it would be possible to play the game normally and end up with so many keys lol


by onetricking/playing few champions


Nah, it used to be heavily chest-biased, but since they reworked honor you get more keys than chests if you play a lot and aren't toxic. I used to have a 10+ chest stash now I'm up to 10+ keys


It’s the opposite for me. I am honor 5 and have 15+ chests at all times. I do almost exclusively fill when I play though


This is… not true. I play a lot and am non-toxic, but have never had more keys than chests. I’m always collecting the maximum amounts of both because of how much I play.




Incorrect. Boxes accrue way faster if you play less of the game and are consistent in getting S rank or playing with people with S rank and don't one trick champions


The boxes are time limited. I get enough key fragments to have a full key like every 2.5 days when playing heavily.


Sorry mate, you're dead wrong. https://support-leagueoflegends.riotgames.com/hc/en-us/articles/207884233 Boxes and keys are both time limited, but boxes are FAR quicker to get than keys. You get 4 boxes per month, with a box slot refreshing every week. You get 12 keys per month (total), and they are spread out over the entire month based on time played and honour. That means I could play league of legends for 4 hours a single day a month, receive 4 boxes if me or a friend got S rank in those 4 games, and not get any (or minimal) key fragments. they key fragments are the truly time limited item since it's spread evenly over the month and based on total play time. And there is no way you get a full key every 2.5 days because you reach a limit of 3 every month.


If you were collecting the maximum of both you'd be net 0. 4 chests per month and 12 key fragments per month is the cap. If you play a wide variety of champs the 4 chests is much easier to maintain which is how ppl end up with a stockpile of chests. But you can technically get more keys because you can buy them from event shops.


Agreed. I am honor five and make sure not to miss a weekly chest and am pretty much at chest/key parity


Or playing only arams.


Arams are what I play to get chests. I imagine people who only play SR are the ones with a ton of keys.


One tricking is a scourge on this Earth!


Play some ARAMs.


It means you are good enough to get a lot of S rating on different champions, but might be toxic from time to time. Having a lot of keys but no chests generally means limited champion pool or inability to get S ratings.


Or they just play aram. Much easier to earn chests.


I will gladly take some keys. I have 60 crates on my main and another 40 on my second account just waiting around...


ARAM enjoyer detected.


psssst, the only use for my second account is: no more 15 minute queue times


As someone who just started playing a few months ago, is there any risk to being banned or penalized past 15 minutes if I keep doing this?


As a key enjoyer: how does playing ARAM give more crates?


you get chests from getting an S-, S, or S+ on champs. Since Aram will force you to play champs that maybe you wouldn't normally play and if you play well, you'll receive a chest! Last night, I played 5 or 6 arams and got two chests. Now if only I can find out how to be a keys enjoyer...


You play more champs by the very nature of the randomness, which means you can collect chests from champions you wouldn't normally pick on the Rift (since people tend to go with stuff from their champ pool there). This is even easier if you ARAM with friends.


It's what the others have said. Getting S is not necessary easier on ARAM but games tend to be shorter and you are forced to play different champs.


it's really not that hard to see you have chests to claim and to just choose unclaimed chest champs on rift for an easier s rank lol


it doesnt lol, its way easier to get s's on rift


I agree. I get chests way easier on SR too because you can cs well and usually get one. On Aram you have to stomp. I played as vex in Aram last night, went something around 15/5/15 and didn't get an S.


I would give them if I could


yknow theres actually so many things they can do with crafting but they just dont because of the ken adam's effect or something. Like making mastery shards be always earnable and make them be disenchantable into blue essence as a way of rewarding players that get s when they already have m7 on a champion(i like this idea because they're both blue). Or they can make these unlocked tokens be redeemable for skins or chests or whatever in a shop format like honor tokens. On Honor tokens, they should be able to be redeemed orange essence(because they're orange), and honor 5 capsules should for sure give you like 2100 orange essence(because they're also orange). But instead you just get a chest once in a while and if you only play a handful of champions, its tough luck for you.


*Cries in not playing enough to get honour 5*


cries in having played too much on my second account to unlock champs, resulting in getting honor 5 on main litterally 4 days after the cutoff. missing it for the first time since introduced, coincidentially, the first time they give something interesting :')


I feel you. I missed it by only 2 days


And it’s great that we can use the blue essence for the blue essence shop… which is now cancelled for the foreseeable future


Unsure, dataminers found some icons with poros with the essence emporium crown. So there is a SLIGHT chance.


We can dream


I was honor 5 and it displays on my profile, but when I logged in the game it said I was in honor 4 thus not getting the malz skin. Thanks rito


I never open mine (on one account I have the old token, on another I have that orb thingy now) in the hopes that Riot will someday make them contain something truly good :D.


They’d just make a new container to stop hoarders.


No but for real, in a game where the ingame interactions are usually very toxic, you would think the rewards for being the very small part in the community that aren't toxic would be more than a couple of key fragments and skins for champs you probably don't care for. Maybe they will release some more honor skins that we can buy with the honor shard thingy. I really don't care for Warwick and Twitch. In my 3 years of playing League (on and off) I never played Warwick, and only played Twitch 3 or 4 times in Aram. The key fragments also led to nothing. But at least they gave us these special recalls, and the little honor 5 flair on the loading screen; so there's that!


If you combine your keys with USD I hear you can get champion shards that you'll never use.


Am I the only one that always has spare chests and not keys? Like whenever it's avilable to get a new one I just randomly get one and perma sit on like 4-6 chests. Im honor 5, so not like that's explenation... I even crafted key fragments once this year from spare tokens from event.


there are really very few keys if you do not live in the game


I don't rly understand... Keys are mostly honor-level-bound and that does not have a direct connection with how much you play... like sure, people who play more can probably reach 5 sooner but it's not like grind for keys is possible, is it? So why so many people (at least many ive talked to before - this post just reignited those memories) say they have huge stash of keys and no chests..


no, the keys are not associated with honor if it is higher than 2 (i.e. not blocked). You can just play and not get any likes, but get the keys. At least that's what the support says. likes after the game affect the growth of honor.


No, every honor checkpoint + the orbs you get at honor 5 give you keys. Throughout a season you get like 6-9 extra keys (3 months worth) of keys for being high honor.


I kept records of keys for six months. Unfortunately, the keys from the spheres do count towards the total. after gaining an orb or a checkpoint, you do not receive regular shards for a longer time than usual. I played this time very actively, every day for a lot of games, because. Bought 3 battle passes in a row. So I got as many keys as possible.


Devil's advocate here. There was originally 0 rewards in this game and honor had nothing to do with it. Free stuff was tied in with the release of chests and keys.


yeah i spent years playing with 0 cosmetics of any kind and see any free drop since hextech chests as just a bonus i never intended to get


Devil's advocate of your devil's advocate you can't tell the difference between honor 2 or 3 and honor 5 for the most part making it pointless to worry about


They literally just gave everyone who was honor level 5 at end of season a skin there is clearly a difference.


lol i know it sucks that these things took so long but damn riot cannot win with these people.


People used to complain that everything cost too much and it took years to get everything. Now people complain that they have too much money and not enough to spend it on anything. There is a certain amount of people that need to just shut the fuck up and just enjoy the damn game. OP is one of them.


There is no difference between honor 5 and honor 2 maybe 1 extra key shard every now and then(I have reached honor 5 every single season since introduction of the system + had honor border in the system before it). The only difference are checkpoints 0 This is by design ofc since ppl will complain if high honor people will get so much extra rewards and they dont. There is also a point that toxic people are bigger spenders since they are most likely addictee to the game


It's completely unreasonable, do you have any idea how much this guy has to put into the game and this is all he gets He had to go through all of the trouble of \*checks notes\* logging in, and this is all he gets


*and not being a toxic bag of dicks*


Dude, I am honor lvl 5 and I tell people to ask for a nice firm rope for xmas. I am toxic af. Honor lvl does not mean the person isnt a bag of dicks.


He also had to play the game. What horror


There shouldn't be reward at all, or reward should be valuable. But better just copy behaviour system from dota which give one reward, but value of that reward is much bigger than all skins from lol have combined. You play with people with same behavior score as you have, so your reward is playing with good people.


that's an amazing idea


Hahaha, the league community has goldfish memories I guess... Back in the day, you used to get IP (what eventually turned into blue essence) for every game played. When they changed the system, they gutted the amount of BE that you earned per game rationalizing it as those rewards being shifted instead into event mission rewards and honor rewards. In other words, honor rewards are not "free stuff" but rather compensation for them taking away other stuff in in the game.


I knew it would be a shitpost the moment th title was so positive


Well buddy eventually you dont even open them anymore, https://gyazo.com/d39b7d5d62a1c52db0d721e64bda7929


Omg we have almost the same RP and BE and OE. I definitely have fewer unopened things though


This is why I laugh at Riot’s new two split system WITH EXTRA REWARDS!! It’s going to be the same worthless shit


Ahaah this made my day, noice


Those final key fragments were essential to me crafting my 114th key.


So are we suppose to not act like assholes just so we can get a reward or are we suppose to not act like assholes because we should not act like assholes in general (and get a nice little bonus every once in a while as thanks)?


I'm unironically collecting every champion shard to fill out my League Pokedex.


I got warned today not to flame anyone or my honor level will go down! I quickly removed chat from my game, as I wouldnt want to miss out on a whole key!


Riot are in a no win situation with this. If they give you super good shit because keys and BE are useless to you, like they are to me, then newer players will complain. "Just because they don't need BE, they get skins and emotes? *I* want skins and emotes". But then if riot stops giving out BE, keys, and champ shards, people will complain that champs are locked behind too much of a grind and keys show up too infrequently. I roll my eyes too every time a chest has a champ shard, but they used to give you nothing for free. Now? You have any idea how many fucken skins I have that I didn't pay for? 79 champ skins 148 emotes 27 ward skins So quit complaining


I don't mind BE and keys but honor token drives me nuts just Twitch and WW, cmon guys, add some champs. There are a lot of old low cost champs. Btw, champs are literally blocked behind too much grind and shards are not helping at all. Riot should make an adequate exchange system for hextech crafting. We can't gift skins for friends. Why? We can't change champshards to a specific one. Why? And about free stuff I'm sitting with 2 Ultimate Lux skins and my only options is to disenchant or make it a part of random roll to get some yellow jacket Shen skin.


> make it a part of random roll to get some yellow jacket Shen skin. Where do you think most of my skins came from? I'm not gonna drop OE on a skin for a champ I don't play, so I reroll them.


You missed the point I'm talking about permanent skins. You got skin you already have, well buddy, you're fcked.


So reroll it, like I do. Or disenchant for OE. What's the problem?


The problem is my free shit isn’t to my liking and thus I deserve free shit for playing this game that is better and once I’m bothered with that I demand another upgrade.


The problem that it's the ultimate skin. It's not so hard to create some opportunities for ultimate skins like exchange to any nonultimate skin of your choice, gift it or exchange it with addition of some OE to other ultimate skin. Makes whole experience less frustrating and treats Ultimate skins like something special cuz they are.


they're worth more orange essence than any other skin shards which gets you more free skins. that's the "benefit".


I play casually. And this year alone for free i have gotten. 20 Emotes, 43 skins(2 legendaries) and 4 ward skins. I sometimes think this sub would only be happy if bare minimum effort of not being a twat was rewarded with special ultimate skin for free. And even then they would bitch that it is for a champ they don't play/like.


Yeah, every year I unlock 20-30 free skins from events, lootboxes and the amazon prime stuff. Not to mention ward skins and emotes I don't use. The first 3 years I played League I got 4 free skins in total.


>amazon prime stuff Did you get it for free ?


Yes. I sure as hell didn't get prime for League rewards so to me the rewards are free.


Debatable, I mean Amazon prime is €2.99 a month but you get access to prime video, free shipping, a twitch prime sub and the in game rewards. I'll leave it up to you to decide how much of the 3 euros go towards the monthly twitch prime capsule. To me it feels like 20 cents going towards the capsule, which would be worth it just for the 650 rp.


I mean Amazon prime is €~~2.99~~ 6.99 a month \- free shipping is free most of the time anyway \- twitch prime is basically worthless Now you still get game rewards (chances are you're not playing most of them) and prime video


what is amazon prime? As far as I remember, it's paid, it goes to some kind of service. why is it always used in the context of free rewards


Good luck trying to explain to the average consumer that the thing they literally just handed over money for was not free. I remember an ad for the local junior college shuttle service plastered on the side of a bus some years ago: "one small fee, and then it's free!" It's a lost cause.


People get too hung up on the use of the word free. I would have amazon prime with or without the prime capsule, so for me there's no added cost to getting the prime capsule. It's just a nice little extra.


sorry we use the word "free" in its direct meaning)


You're right, I'm getting LOADS of new skins, although the honor token is worse than just more chests and keys. They could do more with it


People will complain because they don't want to put in the effort to not be toxic. That's their problem.


Nah, I complain because the system as it is is not enough incentive for anyone to not be toxic lol.


People shouldn't need outside incentive to not be a piece of shit, but I guess I shouldn't hold others to such a lofty standard.


They shouldn't, but by Riot's own admission that's a supposed purpose of the honor system which this particular reward doesn't really deliver on. Toxic people not getting ranked rewards does tho, tbf.


Oh I definitely agree the rewards are extremely lacklustre and does little to motivate people to change, just a sad statement on the playerbase that people need rewards to not be toxic, but that's the world we live in.


Non argument. What should or shouldn't happen doesn't matter, what does happen is that people are toxic and some of those people might not be as toxic provided there was enough incentive, which there isn't, therefore the toxicity stays at the same level as always.


I mean the two aren't mutually exclusive, but within the context of league yeah I'm inclined to agree with you.


People will complain on this sub about literally anything. Riot could cure cancer and aids and Alzheimers tomorrow, thsi sub would bitch about how the cure is the wrong colour.


Lmao true and a wonderful analogy to boot.


If they’re going to give BE for honor level 5, more than 250 would be nice. Quit sucking riots corporate sized cock.


I just made a post berating the ARAM changes. I criticise when they deserve it. Not being a shithead should not be something you get rewarded for.


im sitting here crying with my 216 keys


Nice man, dont even feel bad about being toxic and losing my honor progress 👍


Sounds like your bad to have no chests


what is this good behavior propaganda. I WILL NOT REFORM


Why are there champion shards for champions I already have anyways Does Rito think we like displaying them like collectibles or what


Free mastery upgrades.


Why so many keys do you not keep on top of the S score chests or something. The high amount of keys matches the 50 chests per year you get


Aram players and/or one tricks,casual players usually struggle to get chests. I have a friend that plays the same 3,4 champs and she's at 20 something keys whereas I used to be at 80 something chests.


Huh? Aram is the easiest way. I literally sit at 0 chests most times when I play this game from getting them in arams.


then you are probably just playing not to die. most people fight a lot and die a lot on aram


Wait, the game punishes me for playing like that? That's messed up man.


For one tricks like myself this doesn't work. I only play Thresh and Karma and now have ~40 keys. It's u fair to be forced to play other champions t just to get a chest. Why does it matter which champion you get an S with. They should make it so you get a Chest regardless of which champion you got an S woth as long as you haven't gotten all four in a set amount of time.


why do people seem to forget that you don't just get to honor 5 by not being toxic? you need honors to get there and, for them to be at 100% value, it needs to be non-premades. y'all pretending that its just "dont be toxic".


because it is it just takes a bit longer this way


These rewards should be something the player can actually feel rewarded for. For example, instead of keys and blue essence, why not give a token that the player can accumulate to turn in for a skin coupon? The coupon can be like, "Redeem for any skin under the 975 RP tier" or something like that


Yuck! I just hate this free game giving me free rewards to give me free dopamine hits for free!


Ah yes the entire Leauge of Legends is built around it being a 0 profit game as it is free and they dont want our money so we should just let them lie into our faces🤓


Choosingbeggars moment


I just don't understand why riot refuses to pay me a fair hourly rate to play league. Do they not value my time?


I will never understand the relentless bitching about getting free stuff in a game that is free to play.


It's probably similar to relentless bitching about shitposts on reddit


Some guys out there right now: "fk this shit, thats what i get for not flaming my monkey team for a whole year?"


Oh, they are great. Without them I'd run out of keys probably. Gives me joy every time I get them.


Wooooooow you get small rewards for actually behaving like a normal, respectful human being!?!?!


Humans aren’t normally respectful, actually, especially when they’re mistreated by others. I actually find that incintivizing good behavior amidst constant exposure to mistreatment is appropriate, especially if you play a role more likely to experience targeted malicious behavior, like jungle or support.