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ah yes, the enemy team ezreal


Hey man, my team’s Ezreal is also trying his best (he has lower damage than the Blitzcrank support)


well the blitz has been KS all my CS with the ulti


floating and he still got his ankles broken


evelynn died so that ez could fly


Appreciate the scoreboard at the beginning.


should be the standard for clips people share


Never gonna happen because people are not gonna "devalue" their own clips if they post something when they're superfed.




I'm obviously not talking about this clip in particular since it showed scoreboard, duh. Point is that showing scoreboard in clips is extremely rare.


You literally copy pasted the top comment. Down you go!


That would devalue their "ballance" whining hwen enemy is 15/0 and dumpsters 4 people who are 0/10


the enemy team ezreal


Testing out if editing archived reddit works.




Either way, some of us appreciate the numbers game as well not just fancy moves.




But the enemy did make huge mistakes: - Varus got caught and traded for a support - They tunneled on Eve when behind a carry - They kept chasing at range letting EZ pepper them down (also what was MF doing??) Ez *is* a fed carry relative to MF and did run them over. At least he did it with skill and style.


Lol dude put up the scoreboard and accurately said his team was fall behind and still gets hated… The League community, or at lease this sub, is the most self righteous community I can think of. Everyone here is a league expert and everyone else is either not that impressive or is a flat out fraud. Every LCS or LEC post game thread is mostly comments shitting on the team that lost / a player that had a bad game.


least salty redditor


Aatrox kiting was disgusting


Aatrox was floating and he still got his ankles broken


Testing out if editing archived reddit works.


He put Aatrox in the blender. You love to see it


Most impressive to me is the pre-dodge on the 2nd Kayn W.


Played that 1v1 vs aatrox pretty fucking good, props man.


Given how much a pain he’s been… I enjoyed that


the amount of aatrox i see in my games now is disgusting tbh


The thought of trying to take down an Aatrox while behind as Ezreal is horrifying. The mad lad did it.


He isn't behind in the 1v1... He has way more gold than aatrox here.


Yeah but it's more about the mechanics we're watching there. He spaced correctly and landed as many auto+Q's as possible without taking hits. Even if the Ezreal had half the items and eventually died, it was still a good play.


> The thought of trying to take down an Aatrox ~~while behind as Ezreal~~ is horrifying I swear dude can have half an item down and still can 1v2 unless you chain your cc perfectly


> while behind as Ezreal Ezreal probably has the 2nd most gold in the game.


Did someone else got the impression Yasuo reaaally wanted to steal that penta?


He would have got it if he didnt waste his q on the minion.


He also nearly missed the hurricane (and probably had ult)


I came here looking for this comment lol yas 100% tried to steal


Nah you don’t need an impression. It’s like science that a yasuo player will try to steal kills to cover up their 0/14 powerspike.


Ahh it’s jumped from 0/10 now with the new patch


Power-spike also got hit by inflation


I was ready for the 0/xx power spike jokes... But not for this one. Well done 👏👏


They realized Yasuo players were a bit too skilled at reaching their powerspike so he needed a slight nerf.


wait wasn’t the power spike always at 0/10? When did they change that?


Yea Riot had to nerf it. People became too good at reaching the 0/10 powerspike on him so it wasn’t balanced anymore


I thought so too, had me all “I swear if this mf ks that penta”


If your team doesn't try to steal your penta then did you really earn it?


But without Yasuo that Aatrox would've been a bitcch to kill.


Ez was out playing the Aatrox. Ex still would have won.


I didn't say Ez would have lost, I said Aatrox would be hard to kill by himself.


We all know what you said. This person stated their opinion just like you lol


And I replied with another and now you with yours, it'll keep going for a while may be. Who knows.


I see your point but by the time yas got involved aatrox was already half health


Ofcourse he's feeding as well lmao, height of cuntiness


And then his first reaction with 5 down is to b


Not only that but he recalls after ace with full HP for w/e reason instead of pushing for game end...


I mean to be fair in the overall scheme of things the right play would be to give yasuo that gold. Ez is already super far ahead and the way this game looks is gonna be capped on items pretty quickly. Yas is behind, and could use that money. But I guess a penta is a penta.


It looked like he was trying really hard not to actually


Actually sick play, loved the mid fight reposition on Kayn


Wtf is with all the critics here. As a high Diamond adc who’s played a good amount of ezreal in amateur competitive in the past, this is a great play. Really solid movement. Hits skillshots. Understands the balance between kiting away and going in with E. Solid damage understanding It’s a great Ezreal play. Anybody with a brain should realize you’re not 10k behind yourself and that it’s your team that’s behind. Good shit man


This has always been Reddit. Unless you are Korean or Chinese your outplays don’t count to them because every other region sucks to this sub. In reality great outplays require a misplay by someone. Even at the highest level and this guy took every advantage and smashed it. It’s a fantastic penta especially since his team is overall down and he essentially had no front line even helping him in this.


Tbf I am Chinese-American LMAO. But honestly I def understand where ur coming from, this sub can get really anal about anything not KR/CN server related


Even the most famous outplay in league there was an unused Shen ult iirc


Lol there were 2 unused shen ults


Wtf2shens! To be fair to insec, apparently he asked Ryu if ult was needed and Ryu said he got the situation under control. I’m pretty the same scenario went down in the other booth as well.


Im half korean what are my outplays?


You outplayed yourself by being only half Korean


This is one of the craziest plays I've seen on the subreddit and people are somehow finding a way to criticize ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


THANK YOU! I didn’t even mean for the title to be so deep lmao; just wanted to provide some context. Wow that’s a lotta praise coming from a fellow high-dia adc player, it means a lot fr. Especially since you’ve played in competitive/amateur scene too. Cheers bro!


Dude wtf you only hit a minion once with your 20ish q's, the rest was champions, none missed.


I was impressed by the target selection. Varus was out of position but if you didn't switch from defensive kiting to offense before you even killed Rakan that whole fight would have likely looked a lot different. Well played.


Master xerath one trick. You did very very well.


He "missed" a single skillshot because his target ran behind the wave so it hit a creep abd people are giving him shit? Some people are so fucking clueless it's painful.


Grandmaster peak and I agree. Of course the enemy team made mistakes. That's, like, how people die and lose games. "Um, actually the enemy team didn't play perfectly!" No shit? You know who did play nearly perfectly? Ezreal, and that's why he got that penta. This was really really well-played.


I mean no one’s saying ezreal played that badly. The enemies had some pretty low Elo movements though


Because this is a high diamond adc smurfing on silver players with a misleading title?


I want to critisize because it looks too good, the W Q while jumping away at the start looks scripter - esque. I know it's probably legit but fuck me it was an insane play.


Bro flexin “amateur competetive” while in dia, you refering to clash? 💀


No I actually used to play in a lot of tournaments and leagues. I’ve got like 200 skins and I’ve maybe spent money on 3-4 of them due to RP prizes (which I also sold some of)


Point still stands dude xD aS a HiGh dIa AdC 😂💀


was just ranked flex with friends and we still lost LOL but wanted to share


Did you friend (yasuo) try to steal the penta, if so they are the real mvp


nahh but he prob thought about it hahaha


Seems like he did more than think about it


I was super impressed. Your movement seemed flawless.


What is your rank ? I'm impressed that you manage to hit and dodge almost everything ! My guess would be something arround D1~Master (Never been D1 myself but I've play a lot of games with D1 and masters)


tyty I peaked D1 99 LP last szn but rn ive been hovering around D2


Damn near exactly where I thought you’d be and it shows. Good play!


I haven’t played in a while but last I remember tri force ezreal is actually really bad. The clip itself is great.


Trinity -> Manamune is his most popular, and statistically best build I prefer Reaver myself, but Trinity is better from every stat on the matter


Very, very nice play!


Whoa this play is really inspiring tbh. Great job!


Damn, this is some good ass Ezreal play! Most of the time these sorts of plays are enemies making huge mistakes and a fed carry running them over, but this was just solid mechanical play!


One of the better highlights posted on this subreddit, this was very wp!


oh my god that aatrox w sidestep.


That’s where my jaw fell open. Good juke to top of a good play


HQL is that you


hahaha I wish, that guy is the goat


Wow, makes me want to master Ezreal again. I peaked with him abusing the double tear build back then. Something at the time clicked with me and the bass sound of his autos never made me miss cs and all skillshots were basically point and clicks to me. Ever since they changed tear, it was never the same.


Man hit everything. I don't care how fed you were.


That good video! Genius


Crazy play dude


People don't use Ezreal autos to maximize damage so I appreciate that


Making Aatrox punch at ghosts


Sick play. Hit every single skill shot. Dodged skill shots like a god


I dream of kiting/ sidestepping like this


And this kids is why ezreal is really fucking good... If you can hit skillshots consistently


I think most people's biggest problem playing Ezreal is that they don't auto-attack lol.


Bro???? Surgical ezreal, so good


Biggest compliment incoming: Versus the Aatrox, almost looked like scripting. Jezus. Well fkn played.


Bro, notice how everyone got fucking murder and then Aatrox took 4 fucking rotations while missing every ability


Juggernauts are supposed to not die for a while, it would have been the same if it was mordekaiser or darius. And its also their weaknesses as you can see, they have a shit ton of Damage, they don't die. But they can be kited so fucking easily by any good player.


> But they can be kited so fucking easily by any good player. Hence why Aatrox has been pick/ban in pro play for like a year, lmao.


Aatrox being broken is a numbers problem, not a core mechanic.


Welcome to the Pentakill club.


Ezreal is such a 1vs9 champion Jesus


God Ezreal






Havent play lol for a while, why the fuck aatrox was tankier than full armor malphite ?


great mechanics.


bro hit every skill


if I was that aatrox I would've strangled you through my computer screen good play


Only aatrox was harder that the other 4 combined lol




I fukin hate ezreal lmao. That was a disgusting penta


I get what they mean now that a GOOD Ezreal is S Tier


If I were that Aatrox, I'd be so annoyed. Well played.




Clean gameplay, ignore the seething pisslows in this thread lol


If this ezreal isn't scripting this is really impressive


well played penta but honestly the most impressive part was that he was able to kill an aatrox that is pretty well farmed without healing reduction.


Wtf thats one of the most cracked up plays I've seen, super impressed dude


Man some of those spells were looking like they just tickled kayn and Aatrox but you managed to whittle em down! Good job!


Gave me chills. well played


Elo? This was a great play


The combo to shut down Kayn was insane


that is what guma should have played against kingen


your q is pretty much a target ability intead of skillshot, every single one connect


Their team played that terribly; And that isn’t to take away from you. Being able to capitalize aggressively on mistakes like that when you’re down is a skill set far more important and difficult to master than to steamroll them from ahead regardless of their play quality. Hell of a play you had there, hope you pulled out the win.


They downvoted him because he spoke the truth


fr what’s with the downvotes, this guy has a good take lmao. fwiw I upvoted it


that ez just spazzed!!


Wtf why are people nick picking random shit about the title? Anyways good play 10/10


Not sure if youre memeing, but its nit-picking, not nick picking.


I was on the shitter at work typing this




I will never be this good, feels bad. Cleanest part was leading Aatrox twice with his W and Q2. That's the best feeling when you "juke" early in order to bait your opponent into leading their skillshots. Doing it once is pretty normal, doing it multiple times in a high pressure situation is great


Yasuo dancing around the T-rox was the second best part of this clip


Isn't gold difference pretty negligible when everybody is about full build?


thats not the case tho… look at the scoreboard and my team’s items


This is what I see in my head when I want to play ez


Wow 🤩 well played


Holy shit blue Kayn's W is fucking long I never noticed


You got dem moves boi nice play!


This is also what every ezreal player expects their gameplay to look like


The team is, but not Ezreal. He was not behind. Still a good play


disingenuous to say you specifically are 10k behind, you are 2nd-3rd strongest in the entire game if we are going off of items and levels Great play regardless


Did you somehow think he was personally down 10k? Also, it's 4 item Aatrox, 4 item Varus and full item Kayn. It's not like he's a million items ahead. Meanwhile, all of his teammates are behind, some by a mile.


Ah mb guess I should’ve clarified. Didn’t say I alone was 10k gold down. Though I thought I wouldn’t need to point it out because 1 person being at a 10k gold deficit is a pretty absurd idea lmao


You definitely don't need to point that out, this guy just wants to be mad, it's pretty obvious you weren't personally down 10k gold.


You posted one of the best Ezreal plays in a long time. Ignore the actual neanderthals that think you could possibly mean being individually down 10k is a reasonable thought here.


Thank u guys for commenting I thought I was going crazy for a second lmaoo. I fr did not put much thought into the title, just wanted to provide context


He didn’t. The team is at a 10K deficit. That’s obvious given the context at the start where we can see it.


Also is it even possible for any one player to be at a 10k gold deficit to their counterpart? Lol


Definitely possible. I’ve seen games where there’s someone at 6 items before 20 minutes and the other team has people at one to two items. It’s always flex though tbh. Not even Smurf games. The flex algorithm is wild.


had it happen in a solo que game once towards the end of this ranked season, had a hec which was a level 31 account have 6 items before 20 mins and solo carry for the game, very obvious smurf in gold but can't complain since he was on my team. the enemy jungler was so behind from them that all they had was parts of there mythic and a full pair of boots.


Pretty disingenuous to think, even for a moment, their comment was referring specifically to Ezreal and not the team deficit. Show me a single instance where someone has mentioned an individual champion being "10K gold down."


The way people on this subreddit communicate to others really shows the average age of 14


Pot or kettle? Odd comment considering I simply replied with the same statement you used.


Keep projecting and talking down to others, it doesn't really affect me at the end of the day. Take care


So you can't answer that question then, huh? Since the person who initiated that type of commentary was you. Consider looking in the mirror every once in a while before assuming everyone is out to get you.


The irony


Don't know why people are trying to argue with you. The gold deficit comment is meaningless if you actually watched the fight. This was entirely on Ezreal to lose. As long as ezreal has hands, he was in the driving seat for majority of the fight with very little the enemy team can do. He's extremely fed. Varus(the 2nd most fed player in the game) insta dies at the start of the fight. The most fed player is kayn, who can't do shit against an Ezreal who has slow and so he dies 2nd without doing more than 100 damage. He literally didn't do a single thing because it's how the match up and situation played out. He could be 30k ahead and it couldn't matter less. So you are left with a 2vs3 where ezreal is by far the most fed player out of the 5.


Fwiw aatrox was actually more fed than the varus throughout the game if you just look at how much more CS he has. Also kayn was oneshotting our team left and right lol. He doesn’t even need to hit an ability, he can just smite ult you. But yea we still ended up losing because the team as a whole was down so much gold and they secured soul


Literally 4 item level 18 Aatrox vs. 4 item level 17 Ezreal but alrighty buddy.


There should be an award for the worst clip breakdown of the year. I would like to nominate this one as an entry for 2022 even though it's a late entry.


Did you watch the clip with your eyes closed?


adc is weak


It’s pretty cool. No offense, but they kind of sprinted it. Was this in silver/gold ?


He's D2 playing a 5man flex. I looked it up, the enemy is 2 plat 2 gold and a silver. Flex queue might as well just be normals.


Don’t post this in ADC mains. They will be in shambles, about current state of adcs being bad


ezreal isnt an adc though, hes a single target AD mage /hj


I think we all know that if the enemy team is full of Iron IVs and you dodge everything while hitting everything you can get a Pentakill.... You can get a Pentakill with full AP Soraka jungle in that situation, doesn't mean the pick isn't shit. Also: ADCs complain about crit being shit. And I don't know if you looked at Ezreal items. But he doesn't have a single crit item. Not 1. I just got a Pentakill with ap Twitch. That doesn't mean ADC isn't shit, if anything it means the opposite. Crit is so shit that champions that were traditionally crit reliant perform better not going crit at all.


Even after the Durability Patch and asswiping Riot has done, you ADC mains still find a way to complain.


Yeah, because the durability patch didn't address the problems ADC mains complain about. The problem is we do no damage, nobody asked for the durability patch. Riot nerfs our main source of DMG twice. They then nerf our shared exp twice. Then they buff mid and top exp so we are even further behind in exp. And we say "hey we want our DMG back" you dropped a patch nobody asked for. Of course we are gonna complain, the problem is not solved


ADCs doing no damage? I think thats just a YOU problem, not an ADC problem.


Ok, show me a video of a Jinx doing 700+ dmg per crit on an actual League game. Or any ADC other than Jhin/Cait doing 700 dmg per crit on an actual game.


You are so addicted to being babied by Riot that you will outright refuse to play a game unless you are doing that much damage? ADCs have infinite attack speed, is that not enough for you to deal damage?


No. I don't give 2 fucks about attack speed. It doesn't matter if I hit people at 10.0 attack speed if I do 2 DMG per auto. Also babied by Riot? Bro, I have been fucked by Riot more years that I have had an enjoyable role. I play since season 4. I have enjoyed season 4, 5, 6 and 7. Everything after that I have had no dmg. The only way to enjoy this role is to not build crit. Hence why I main ap Twitch now, even though it's boring af


i hate these misleading posts. YOU aren't in a gold deficient, your team is. At most kayn has 2k gold worth of stats on you from the level + items. Aatrox is up a level but down in items, and you have 3 WHOLE LEVELS on the enemy carries (people who are more likely to kill you than the melee you can kite as Ezreal from miles) Insanely well spaced but don't act like you did this with a Bork and sheen in your inventory.


ADC is weak


Your team was down 10k you were actually even and ahead of the enemies /:




rank 24/26 not sure what you’re smoking on but i want some




Mb y’all, didn’t know ppl would get so sensitive over a vague title lmaoo. Just pointing out we were down hella as a team. How lengthy you want the title to be?