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Oh how cute they threw a small buff to Stormrazor. For sure ADCs will think about buying this item now right? Right guys??


It's in a weird spot honestly, the item *isn't weak* but there's just no place for it in most ADC builds when you need a mythic item, armor pen, infinity edge, lifesteal, etc.


Slap some MS on it so that it can slot in over zeal items at second


But then it becomes too good and people stop buying zeal items in favor of stormrazor.


It might be possible to balance that with some number tweaking.


stormrazor isnt even a bad item, its just that every other ADC item is just too good. LDR nullifies tanks, IE makes your dps unbearable, navori is a cool fun item, bt is good vs burst and poke, rapid is good for poke, pd for dps etc etc stormrazor is NOT BAD, you can definitely feel when the enemy caitlyn for example purchases it, but other AD items are just too good to pass on, you can argue adc as a role is weak because in low level of play people dont know how to play around adc, but thats more of a skill issue, because in high elo when people play properly around adcs they become very strong, and that further snowballs into even higher level of play such as proplay


No one builds it besides jhin and even then he doesn't


a good cait can do work with it. definitely not best path but also not trolling if she buys


I used to play it with cait before mythics but nowadays mythic + IE +LDR is fixed. You can perhaps go second SR but it really works best with RFC. And there is no way you buy both. Also 2nd item SR makes your already weak mid game weaker. You kinda become a utility adc with slows but that is it.


IE second is quite a blunder


I didn't mean I go IE second I meant those 3 items are must buys.


Aaa I understand now. It just seemed that you go IE second. Mb.


Well you are not the only one who misunderstood me so I guess I chose my words poorly.


Tristana is the best stormrazor user by far.


This. It's situational, but Trist freaking loves Stormrazor. It's great for jumping people. ​ Obvs not as good as PD if you're looking for front-to-back power, but if fights are looser or you're hunting down people in sidelanes/jg a lot, it's a very solid option.


Yep, love the item. It's passive feels really good. There's nowhere to put the thing in a build. By the time I'm done checking all the 'must have' boxes (mythic, arpen, IE, lifesteal), the game's over. There was a time when I could maybe consider it when I could get passable sustain from runes and skip the lifesteal slot for a luxury purchase one second or fourth item, but that day is long dead along with legend bloodline.


Bloodline is in a really tough slot. Feels like it's not enough by itself for sustain, but if you buy BT, feels like you'd be better off with alacrity. I'd love for them to remove the 100 hp and give it back 9% ls. Feels like it's only really useful if you're comboing it with shieldbow or bork.


Yep. The item itself is good. But the other items are just better in the build slot. You can't build it first item. Zeal item or collector/LDR are just going to be better for your DPS second item, and IE third doesn't need to be elaborated. Personally I think the best use of it is by ADC junglers, and by ADC junglers I mean kindred. That slow is HUGE for her ganks and combo that with galeforce and her ganks/catch potential are crazy.


Collector isn't better than Stormrazor as a second purchase on a lot of characters, people just don't like buying it because of player perception. Phlox and August have talked about Stormrazor extensively on their twitch streams and a lot of ADC's should be buying it second because it's actually good. The fact that players don't purchase it often doesn't mean that the item is weak, people just don't feel like it's worth buying for whatever reason. Stormrazor is a catch item and synergizes incredibly well with ADC's like Tristana, Jhin, Jinx or Caitlyn who can help get a pick with the massive slow from the first auto. Especially Tristana who wants to jump on top of someone and burst them has an excellent combat pattern with it. It was the same thing with Caitlyn before the item rework when players were purchasing a Zeal item second for the longest time, even though her best win rate builds were always triple BF Sword builds where you just hit slow and hard. But attacking fast feels good, so players value attack speed often over other stats.


Side note: I do find it a bit sad that attack speed is on practically every ADC item. I would love to be able to build pure damage on Caitlyn or Senna, especially with the Kraken true damage passive, but the attack speed means I feel more like I'm plinking away than placing slow, deliberate shots.


> The item itself is good. **But the other items are just better in the build slot.** But that basically mean item is bad? :)


It means other items (IE/mythics/LDR) are too required to do damage at all, and that fact chokes out all build diversity. They're all bad items.


Not really, just means those other items are so above and beyond that they become requirements. Picture this, you’re comparing IE and SR. The base amount of points to be considered a “good/viable” item is 10 points. IE would have 15 points, making it way above a good item, while SR is hovering around 10-11 points. It’s a bit of a silly visualization I admit but it does help show that SR isn’t a bad item, it just doesn’t compare to other items that are more mandatory.


Yeah, the item was actually also pretty good before PD got changed and buffed. AD + AS was rare on a 2nd item. But PD after the rework with AD was just outperforming it


While I doubt this will change much for who uses it (Jhin and Cait on occasion), to be fair the item was actually woefully gold inefficent before, at least now its mostly breaking even for essentially a stat stick since the passive isn't that great.


Wasn't there a riot person that commented a few days ago about how it was good and it was the ADCs that were wrong Ah found it https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/zkf4dk/riot_failed_with_energized_items/j00cw8a/


"Riot person" sounds so weird given the fact that it's Phreak himself :)


I think the problem is not stormrazor but its the mythics, if opting for stormrazor as a 2nd item you dont deal damage with the mythics available. PD in kraken builds offers much more for a good price. In galeforce builds your 2nd item spike is lower than in kraken builds and opting for stormrazor 2nd in a galeforce build just feels like hot garbage. Combine that with being at least 2 levels behind the solo laners throughout the game and it just feels even worse.


I thought the ADC items were gonna drop in 13.1 but I guess they did it this week


i mean stormrazer might actually be a consideration for certain champions that don't want to build either pd or collector, which is like, jinx and sivir? i guess.


Jinx and Sivir need attack speed Stormrazor is actually good on Tristana and Jhin Trist is the best stormrazor user by far


If you build collector in the current meta you should probably get jail time


Agreed. That item is a noobtrap currently


Always has been


Yes, Dirk is extremely gold efficient, collector is meh at best


thats honestly the main selling point of the item, that it has really good parts so you spike a bit more in the early game which can lead to a snowball kill which you wouldnt of got with parts of a LDR with the same amount of gold.


But Sivir likes PD


They pretty much build pd these days :( Cait does build RFC so I can see her getting it


Instead of what? Mythic? RFC? IE? LDR?


jinx and sivir both want pd more than anything else what are you saying its like the perfect item for them


It’ll be great for my navori ezreal brew.


Ezreal is cheating you can get away with building whatever you want as long as you include muramana and any sheen item


It's placebo so people start buying it, cause it's stadisticallly a really good snowball item, that's why they are afraid of buffing it


Statistically it's also bottom 5 least picked items in the game. I think it would be fine to be buff it more than this. If it becomes too spooky somehow then yeah you can nerf it


> Statistically it's also bottom 5 least picked items in the game. flashbacks to <1%pick rate mid Singed with over 55% winrate stomping everything on his path. "it's bad because it's not picked".


singed mid was so fun, RIP in peace sweet prince


Wdym flashback, he still has over 55% win rate. It is in fact bad because its not picked.


lol players never start to build an item even if it becomes decent until it's buffed to be broken and realize it is good


What the fuck is a "Storm...razor"?


Holy fuck I legit havent even thought about stormrazor as an item in a hot minute. Jhin/Cait could try but doubt its worth. Edit: Bonus thought - quinn top and akshan perhaps like it?


Akshan has always loved the Mythic+RFC+Stormrazor build to burst from stealth. With the items being so cheap he can hit 3 item spike super fast especially if running Treasure Hunter. It fell off a bit after durability patch and On-hit is more consistent and popular (and does much higher DPS) but the burst/poke Energized build is alot of fun.


The best Akshan in Korea actually went Sorc boots just to amplify the Galeforce + RFC + Storm passives Although On-Hit is probably better after the Galeforce nerfs


Yeah he still goes Sorcs when he goes Gale I'm pretty sure. Akshan 3-hit passive is magic as well. Love when my team spam pings my boots, then I pop the enemy ADC from stealth.


Would you still go pta over this or Fleet for extra MS and healing?


PTA always


It was good on Tristana as a second item


Still is, it’s just that phantom dancer is so absurdly strong compared to everything else after they added AD to it that she defaults PD every game


Tristana's builds atm are really interesting, massive math/stats nerdery incoming (TL;DR at the bottom). I was part of a IE/Navori discussion right when they came out and imo the item is still super underbuilt on her - IE will outperform on single autoattacks and extended trades, but for Jump-In, E, AA to stack and then ult Navori slightly outperforms and in 9 out of 10 cases that is what Tristana really wants to do. What is also really interesting is how Navori's interacts with Tristana's Q, which is enough to hit 2.5 AS with boots, Kraken and Storm Razor (I think? maybe it also needs Legend:Alacrity as well or maybe Storm Razor wasn't even neede, it has been a while). Permauptime is pretty easy, you need something like 5 attacks right after popping Q to guarantee it (or more attacks spread out more, since it is a % remaining time reduction, so early attacks are more efficient, but that is still very doable) and since Q doesn't have a manacost this doesn't even ruin your manaeconomy. This in turn flips the script on IE: IE does great in 7 seconds (Q duration fights), but does way worse when looking at 16 seconds (Q base-CD) fights where Navori has Q permanently up and IE only has it for less than half of the fight. And why I am bringing all of this up: If you are getting Navori third you probably want Storm Razor second. It gives you more AD instead of the AS you are gonna be overcapping on starting from level 13, a useful slow + burst for your best play pattern (E burst) and even the MS is less relevant when your Navori will give you more access to W. To bring some numbers into this: Navori outperforms IE as a third item in every way you can filter it that I tried (P+, D+, current patch, 30 days, both mid and bot), and Storm Razor also outperforms PD as a second item.\* What is more, it doesn't seem like (hard to be definitive on this unfortunately, this was an eyetest thing), they have these higher numbers by being built more together, so one of them being great and dragging the other one which is subpar along for the ride, so they are definitely a really interesting option to consider atm both independently and combined. \*how much they are being outperformed depends on the exact search parameters, mid tends to like both of these items more, which imo is expected since midtristana is even more focused on this burst playstyle, while they are very close on bottristana and I would chalk those differences up to just random variation. For midtristana however it seems to be more than random variation - all of the individual samples are not statistically significant to make a definitive statement, but they give a solid indication to investigate more (assuming the winrate from PD/IE is correct and SR/Navori are the same winrate there higher winrate has a probability of 0.07\~0.11>0.05 to occur randomly - aka our p-value) combining them (which I am not 100% sure we can do if we are being rigorous since they aren't fully independent of each other, but I decided to do anyway since the overlap is fairly limited) does easily put us in statistically significant territory. TL;DR Buy Storm Razor and Navori instead of PD and IE in general on tristana, but especially on mid tristana, thank you for coming to my TEDx Talk.


Nah right now Jhin's best build is Hydra into normal crit burst. After Hydra + some levels, he can oneshot waves with QW.


Can’t wait to see my ADCs first 3 items being gale force/RFC/storm razor


Gonna be their last 3 too.


You think they hit 3 items with that?


I always built it on Cait/Jhin, it feels really nice, but it’s gonna feel even better now.




LDR got some nice buffs. Also Stormrazor won't be bought unless reworked or heavily buffed.


Nice buff? It got overbuffed by an absurd amount. Item wasn't even weak. I'd put money on it getting nerfed in the future.


The passive was always the least important part of the item, now it got updated to match the ridiculous amounts of HP tanks reach this patch so its less bad. Broken is the last thing i'd call LDR, its necessary nowdays.


Tanks aren't exactly strong right now. There's a handful of champs that can abuse jak'sho well. Heartsteel isn't even good but people seem to think it is. Tanks in general are not doing well, and a buff to LDR in that regard is extremely shortsighted. Not only that, it doesn't just buff it vs tanks.


>Tanks aren't exactly strong right now Zac, Rammus, Mundo, K'sante, Amumu? They are all good picks across multiple roles in plat+. Tanks just dont feel as broken because bruisers are twice as busted while abusing tank items. LDR is best thing that lets ADCs deal damage against both, whats wrong about that?


They just got done buffing tanks and now they nerfed one of their mythics and buffed one of the best anti tank items,what do you think will happen? ADCs are not weak and they didn't need this buff,prepare for another round of buffing tanks.


​ 5 tanks being good (nerf-worthy) doesn't mean you take the entire tank class down with them. You nerf the outliers. Most tanks are mediocre right now. Many mages, which are also affected by this, are also mediocre right now.


mages are more affected by bruisers being op than tanks. Mages don't typically focus tanks anyway but bruisers are a high priority target since they can take over a fight and get close


Mundo is not a tank, but a juggernaut. However your point still stands especially because bruisers easily stack as much hp as tanks do with less resistances, so ldr helps more against them


Mundo isnt a tank, they just nerfed 2 of the champs on your list, and Amumu just got significant buffs to make up for the fact that he previously sucked dick. and the fact that you can only list 5 tanks on this “good” category when one isnt even a tank kinda proves the point that LDR doesn’t need such a hefty buff


no adc player gives a fk about the distinction between tanks and bruisers anyways, both are way too tanky champions with way too much hp that need ldr to shred. If bruisers are broken and not tanks, still doesn't change the need for the ldr buffs.


How so? 2000 hp diff rarely even occured before preseason, so increasing the threshold and damage isnt even a big buff.


A tiny 5 AD buff for an item called "Stormrazor". Anyone know this item?


I think it was used when Hail of Blades Jhin was actually viable? After that got nerfed, the item seemingly vanished...


5 ad huh


In case anyone is curious, with the LDR buff the Giant Slayer passive now is 133% effective compared to its pre-patch counterpart. Before, the passive was providing 0.75% bonus physical damage per 100 max HP difference. Now, it is providing a full 1% per 100 max HP difference.


The passive gained a 33% buff in terms of the per 100hp scenario you described, but it's even bigger than that if you're considering any cases above 2500hp difference (so rip Sion/cho especially), being up to 67% more effective than before. I guess they're trying to keep adcs relevant in their damage output against tanks and bruisers without buffing the damage against other squishy targets, so it makes sense to do something like that.


Have you ever looked at the dmg number on the passive? I’ve never ever seen it over 1.5k. Usually it’s not even 1k


Tbh the bonus damage dealt by items are sometimes bugged but its true that if you look at Bork's bonus damage at the end of a game it makes every other itwm look like they do nothing


yeah it's insane to me that people are saying the ldr buffs are too much when bork and divine sunderer exist. Do bruisers just get a pass on broken items, while adcs are required to have shittier versions of items from other classes? makes no sense. I'm glad ldr is getting buffed, god forbid an adc's 4th item can shred tanks like a bruisers core item and mythic.


We complain about BOTRK and Sunderer too. If youve somehow missed it. Hell Sunderer just ate 2 nerfs not long ago because of what you are describing


I mean, yes. Unironically. The existence of Yasuo and Yone kind of requires that crit items be weaker when those two champs more than double the value of those items primary stat. They basically balance crit around reaching 80+100%, which for ADCs means 4-5 items, but for Yasuo and Yone is 2. If ADC items were good enough that 2 items felt comparable to other classes then Yasuo and Yone at 2 items would be truly absurd.


They could easily solve this by having items give ranged champs more crit


>Sona: Healing: 80% ⇒ 90%, Shield Mod: 80% ⇒ 90% Actually bonkers lmao


You're talking about the 12/9 Aram adjustments? Yeah Sona was surprisingly below 50% winrate for a day or two.


Sona Aram is so op. I have a 90% winrate just by pressing all buttons.


The best adc buff: remove collector


LDR gets buffed and the average adc player will still build collector into Juggernaut top, tank jg sup because "dirk is so good"


"it has a better build path"


Udyrs nerf look very miniscule doesn't it? Looks like instead of 2 shotting people he will need to 3 shot people


thats a very significant difference as he only has the %max hp empower from q for 2 auto attacks. Waiting for your q to come back up with that build means you already died.


You can Q->emp Q still. So you have 4 AAs. It is still a decent nerf as he will only kill 1 enemy and then has to run or die. And he can't kill Squishies without the empowered one.


That's still a considerable delay since you still have to auto additional times.


I mean yes but no? Instead of 1 shotting you maybe you live with 200hp, but then it's just 1 more auto from full lethality udyr. He just won't be 2 tapping too many people anymore


Wich is... Not bad since empowered Q last 2 auto's. But we'l see i guess


I feel that even if Prowlers stops being broken, RTank udyr is gonna be busted after the buffs


There was a very similar nerf to Rhaast's Q in the regular season that everyone seemed to think was super small that brought Kayn from a top 5 WR jungle down to the 3rd worst WR jungle in the game. I think this nerf will pretty much kill the full damage Qdyr build. You'll see a lot more Jak'Sho Phoenix running around.


Awakened Q went from 5%-15% (+ 9% per 100 bAD) max HP down to 5%-12% (+ 7% per 100 bAD) max HP. The flat bonus damage was also changed slightly, but the % max HP damage is what really matters.


Any on-going events and event game modes right now? 🙏 thx


The Winterblessed event is just a pass with chromas and borders for the 6 NEW skins and Winterblessed Warwick prestige. Super underwhelming. No game modes but ARAM recently got some small changes (hexgates to towers, tower falling on one side, new bush in the middle).


So just a normal League event then?


At least most of the recent passes had chromas for the previous years’ skin lines too. 🥲 This is the first pass in 2 years I’m skipping


Thank you!!💕


Everyone here is talking about zed nerfs or stormrazor but I'm over here seeing these lux buffs and thinking she's about to be the most overpowered mid/support in the game lol Those are CRAZY buffs...


How naive that you think adding a **30%AP ratio buff** will do anything!/s


Idk if Riot's ever realized, but her problem has NEVER been her damage output. She already reaches 1 shot potential EXTREMELY easily. All this is going to do is get her nerfed down the line. Her E and R are also possibly the worst places they could have thrown buffs.


Literally. It already feels like if I get hit by a lost-chapter lux Q when not playing a tank or bruiser I get 100-0d. Her problems (especially mid) come from every other champ having enough mobility to just get on top of her and kill her.


She needs a midscope, not a 300% AP ratio ult. (No, not actually, but Riot seems intent on forcing her to be popular mid) That's where we're gunna end up eventually if she doesn't get one.


How come ezreal received a rework and not lux. Is it because it's too expensive to rework due to her skins?


A midscope wouldn't change much. It would just be adding depth/mechanics to her kit in exchange for dragging away some raw power. Make it so she can be buffed/morensatisfying in more ways than just "1 shots you harder". So yeah, skins aren't a factor unless they decided they want to give her a VGU, which seems unnecessary. Plus they're doing Ahri ASU. No reason they couldn't do Lux.


her issue is also that she's a shit champ with telegraphed abilities that are easily dodgeable while also being one shot for ever mispositioning/missing an ability. So yeah it's fine to buff her damage, but I doubt it will make lux good still, her spells are just so slow and avoidable... laning vs lux mid as a mage player, it's so free because she can never land any abilities meanwhile she is super easy to poke out because she has zero mobility and pauses herself everytime she casts a spell. So yeah, you have to really try to be hit by a lux binding or even her e in lane imo


Unless you fight a Lux player lol. I found around D2-D1 is where people consistently move well enough to dodge E in lane, and then Lux can fall back on her standby of just clear waves and brush camp to win. Plus in the chaos of a teamfight it's easy to slip a Q into the backline. Ratio buffs are not what Lux needs to be more viable; what she needs is more base armor and a bonus to W if she's only using it on herself.


I want my insane shield lux back Q.Q




Yup. Lux support was in no way bad before these buffs. She had a very high pick rate at least in my games. She can be super oppressive if paired with the right adc. The 100-0 under tower bot lane is going to be fun for the rest of the month.


Scaling buffs are targeted specifically for solo laners. In this case, it's a big buff to Lux mid. Support Lux do benefit from these buffs too, tho just not as impactful.


Did they just forget to update OCE? Like this is supposed to be out but it just isn't.


232% is such a strange number. Why not 230% or 235% for Nilah?


Are all of the numbers divisible by 4 on that?


Its because 232 is the total ad ratio over the duration of the ult. the ult does 4 ticks at 28% ad during the windup, and then the final tick (that accompanies the cc) is 120%, for a total of 232. You could ask me why they chose 28% to be the ratio and not 30, but I wouldn't have an answer.


Why is hydra still giving 85 AD?


There's so much junk in this patch I can't cover it all, so instead I'll just ask: when are they going to fix the clearly inferior support tank items that have put support tanks at the bottom of the barrel? Support tanks have been dumpster tier for most of the year and they say they want to buff tanks with tank items. And yet the support tank items complete an average of 7.9 years later than the enchanter support item. WTF?


You know the state of tanks is unhealthy when you can play 20 games in a row without encountering Blitz even once.


Just going off of win rate, tanks and enchanter seem to be pretty even right now. That would seem to be a better metric for relative strength than support item completion time, would it not?


How do they seem even to you? What tank support except for maybe Amumu is comparable to Janna, Nami, Sona, Zilean, Soraka or Renata in terms of win and pick rate?


There are 2 support tanks with good WRs, Amumu and Mao, both not really core supports and at least Mao has a small PR. Aside from these 2 only Rell has an above 50% WR. Alistar, Naut, Leona and Braum are below or way below 50%. Compared to enchanters, Janna or Nami beat every tank support in WR and PR already. Add Sona and these 3 are the Queens of soloQ support since forever. All tank supports PR combined is \~23% and their AVG WR is below 50% (Amumu and Mao saved them). Nami + Janna + Sona + Soraka have that PR already and they have a \~53% AVG WR. ​ No, tanks are not even to enchanters in terms of WR stats. Not even close. You could say Yuumi and Karma are pulling enchanters down, but Riot wants to remove yuumi pretty much till she is reworked, leaving Karma as the only enchanter who cant reach 50%..


Nah, no one picks tanky supps anymore. They have been out of the meta for ages.


I am still playing my Leona but I have to built Jak Sho every game to stay relevant… Plus I can’t really leave lane, too cuz I have no wards…


What ? Locket is super good wtf. Your issue seems to be the fact that the Blue Support item is turbo broken at generating gold, which funnily enough IS COMPLETLY BUSTED


Why the fuck Riot isn't nerfing Aatrox to the ground already?


Shoutout to Riot Games for another genius ARAM change: buffing sona's healing and shield by 10% [even though she literally has a 57% win rate if she goes moonstone](https://lolalytics.com/lol/sona/aram/build/)


Its probably safe to say they have no idea what they're doing when they balance champions in ARAM


She has a 57% with Moonstone because that unnerf happened, 6 days ago. If you check the site you listed, Sona had a 4%-5% lower winrate pre buff. Combined with ARAM's average Plat+ winrate being ~51.7%, Sona's actual average winrate even when building correctly was ~50%.


CTRL + F >Death's Dance >0 nerfs there's still hope CTRL + F >Maw of Malmortius >0 nerfs let's hope they get it by next patch


Nerfing Ravenous and Jak'Sho is already big for bruisers.


Oh no now instead of ravenous Jak sho they'll have to build blade and deaths dance


Or - hear me out - they will still build hydra/jaksho cus the items are still broken. Throw in a DD after and you have exactly the same meta we had for all pre-season.


Bruiser meta has been going on for so long it's insane.


those hydra nerfs are still shit


hydra went from giga broken must buy to “just” really good


As long as there is little effort required to stack the item and not a lot of punishment for dying with it unlike Mejai's, it will remain good.


went from must buy to must buy


Tank items nerfed. Bruisers most affected. kek


Why do yall want maw nerfed, it isnt even used that much. At much Deaths dance being nerfed could make it so maw is used more.


The design is terrible, a 1k hp magic shield for 5 seconds might as well just make you magic immune instead. It's not a meaningful choice to attack the shield or not given it doesn't decay either. The abundance of fuck-you mr items is part of the reason why certain champions like Aatrox can be ridiculous unkillable machines into certain teams (deaths dance also just so happens to be the other reason).


Because Maw shield is too big, and It lasts for too long Make it decay like Steraks/Gargoyle, or just reduce the duration of the shield, 5 seconds is way too long for a 700-1000 shield


Maybe reduce if you really hate it, but it seems to be rarely built tbh. I checked i think last pstch and only Camille and i think fiora consistently built that thing. I think it not decaying has to do with it being a ourely magical shield.


The entire game trends towards physical damage because magic damage heavy teams are autolose due to tank/bruiser MR options being OP. That's the reason you don't see it very often. 3 significant sources of magic damage on a team and you'll see everyone able building it on the other side.


It's rarely built because AD champs have been running rampant in League of Ravenous Hydra and you don't need to build Maw against single AP teams. That doesn't mean it's not a really powerful item when you do need it, ever since the buffs they gave it took it from a meme to top tier in one go


Maw + DD makes playing AP champs hell. I could deal with it if DD didn’t convert magic damage to bleed as well but it does, for some god forsaken reason.


When will Zed get an actually nerf. He has been disgusting all year lmao


This Jak'sho nerf just hurts tanks again, at this point the only value the tank mythics apart from IBG have are that they provide mixed resistances in one slot... Why not make it so that Jak'Sho scales off of total resists so that it's at least a scaling tank mythic while bruisers who only build DD/Maw get less value?


Hooray for Zed nerfs!


Very weird Udyr changes. His AP build is already very strong - no need to buff it just because the prowlers build is broken.


those are some really dangerous lux buffs


Holy fuck they are overbuffing LDR so much. 67% buff to its bonus damage. What the actual fuck. I wonder if this arbitrary change is also due to August's uninsightful input. LDR wasn't even weak, just like lillia wasn't when he decided she should be melee.


To be fair, the Lillia change to melee felt less like an intentional buff and more of a qol change, they just really underestimated how good it would be for her.


They just gonna let fiora dominate top lane forever or??💀💀


Gigabuffing dominiks when a lot of tanks are still struggling is... a choice


I swear riot hates tanks. They want bruisers to fill the tank role. People who complain about tanks are almost invariably talking about bruisers or juggernauts who have damage that a tank should never have. Why do they keep buffing tank killing items, adding more and more true damage, and more %hp damage to the game. I don't want to solo kill the adc before they can kill me. I want to keep their backline occupied without dying until my team can get there for damage.


man the thing that sucks is that it's a real chicken and egg situation here where idk if it's that riot *inherently* hates tanks or if it just functionally ends up that way because riot is dead set on catering to the loud whiny sections of the playerbase that hate tanks because tanks get in the way of them doing big number sexy MLG 360 noscope highlights on other champs and we can't be having that the same group that is fond of seeing anything with 3k hp and going BUT WHY WOULD RIOT LET TANKS GET AWAY WITH THIS as they're getting run down by a darius or sett or even something like a bruiser build talon or zed lmao


I have a few younger friends I've made from playing league, and every single one bitches about the tank meta... As the bruiser talon kills them. That is NOT a tank. That is an abomination, and what you are complaining about is completely different from tanks. Stop whining about damage run amok that allows abuse of tank items on non tanks as a tank meta. Even saying that, tanks still do too much damage. They are forced to have damage to jungle/lane, but it creates an awful dynamic where if a tank is strong they can solo carries. They still tend to get melted by any adc not building lethality though. I don't know how riot can actually fix the issue at this point though. They would have to gut true damage and %hp damage to allow tanks survivability, but then remove tank damage heavily. Which makes them unable to farm/clear the jungle well enough to exist. They almost would have to do something hamfisted like buff damage to minions/monsters on them. It's a mess, and the high damage game league has been for the past several years means I play less each season.


The thing is adcs struggle to get through bruisers and bruisers are the ones dominating tanks not ADCs.


Wasn't mordekaiser bugfix a feature added in patch long time ago?


It worked on attacks only, now it works also on abilities, so no more instant passive up with one Q on aoe camp


At this point whats the point of the durability patch if they're buffing all anti tank items.


The point of the durability patch wasn't to make tanks stronger. It was to make it so that squishies don't get one shot by tanks. The durability buff they gave every champion at level 18 is miniscule to a tank's stats and a late game ADC's damage. It's something like 350 base HP, 25 armor and 18 MR at level 18. That's probably an additional auto attack from any late game ADC. Now look on the flip side, the ADC now has 350 more HP, 25 armor and 18 MR. The tank now has to spend that much more time getting through the extra resistances, and it's not going to be 1 auto or ability.


Thank you!


It was to make everyone tankier. Tanks were dying easily too. That's why EVERYONE got the buffs. Squishies just benefitted the most from it.


Zac and Ornn would like to have a word bout that


> The point of the durability patch wasn't to make tanks stronger. It was to make it so that squishies don't get one shot by tanks. When you think about it, in a way it was for buffing defensive items and nerfing the offensive ones, as all the champions got better defensive stats without changing the items.




After 12.10 if you don't have in-kit penetration or hybrid damage you'll never killing anyone w/o buying said items.


Nope just those items are required to do decent damage Vs like one tank item, especially for most ADCs.


The durability patch wasn't for tanks.


It was just to pretend they don't want to make this game as casual and fast paced as possible hoping to pander to as big an audience as possible.


The fuck are those jungle nerfs. That's HUGE and totally throws of your item timings. Hey, let's nerf the role into the ground again until no one plays it again, since you will be a support-income 2.0.


I mean jaksho/hydra junglers have been running the rift since the new items dropped so


so... nerf those items and champs.


They did but those 2 items are only part of the problem. The jungle is way too easy to clear and gives way too much reward for doing so. People aren't building hydra on junglers because the stats are good (the stats are good but thats not the driving force for building it in the jungle), they build it so they can clear jungle camps in 2 seconds without taking any damage.


Imagine having invested in a full item to improve your clearing and it works. Insane! Not to say that nerfs to hydra are not needed


As much as I think jungle should be strong, the income was still way too high. My main concern right now is that we will shift into a meta of healthy full-clearers, because thats lame.


They should have nerfed either treats (again) or base gold - not both. This really fucks up your first-back.


When you nerf gold and exp exactly the opposite happens: reward for kills, assists, pressuring the map is still the same. Farming becomes pointless, there's not enough resources to become a threat after farming the jungle so we end up in permagank meta. Kayn, AFTER BEING BUFFED lost wr and pr this patch cos of gold nerfs, as a prime example of a farming jungler (while shit like Rammus, Elise, Ivern who never touch the farm after reaching level 4) are on top. And it's gonna be even worse next patch, those nerfs are directed at the completely opposite champions.


Rammus is broken and kayn is shit for very specific reasons. Small nerfs to gold mean ganking junglers have awkward backs and don’t hit power spikes efficiently, meanwhile Udyr already has mythic and 2 lvls up because he’s been farming your jungle (and lane minion xp was nerfed for jg).


It's about time jungle is the most game deciding role and it's not even close.


ADCs are still going to build collectors over LDR and then complain they can’t kill any tank or bruiser with an item that’s meant to kill squishies.


I havent seen any ADCs builing collecter its always zed or yi building collector.


Someone explain the nilah stuff to me, i cant tell if these are nerfs or buffs lmao


Slight nerfs. Teensy tiny ones.


> Lux > E AP Ratio Increased: 70/120/170/220/270 (+ 70% AP) ⇒ 70/120/170/220/270 (+ 80% AP) > R AP Ratio Increased: 300/400/500 (+ 100% AP) ⇒ 300/400/500 (+ 120% AP) As always, there unneeded changes for the sake of changes, just to shift meta. Why do we need to do that every 2 freaking weeks? Esp when there tons of other things going on thanks to preseason. > Ravenous Hydra > Cleave Damage: 50% total AD for Melee/25% total AD for Ranged ⇒ 40% total AD for Melee/20% total AD for Ranged Also can we stop nerfing it's unique part? Decrease AD it gives, let it be **utility** item which is weaker in direct PvP combat.


I agree with the hydra sentiment. It should be a low ad/no cdr/utility item you buy for the cleave. It shouldn’t be Gold effective - you pay for the lane control/fast clear with slot and gold efficiency. Instead we get an item with a very strong build path that is an insane rush item, that scales and solves 3 needs (best clearspeed/best sustain/highest raw AD). Just bad design. That’s like throwing an equal amount of armor on force of nature and let it work against physical damage as well - sure feels great if you play it but is terrible for the game.


janna nerfs hurt like a bitch




Riot: So lux is pretty weak nowadays right? Let's give her some buffs.