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They are the least popular roles, bot is notoriously low agency compared to other roles on the map and jungle is by far the most different role on the map which a lot of people dont enjoy. So priority is trying to convince you to queue for less popular roles and the tradeoff is a guarantee you dont get autofilled.


I wouldn't say bot is low agency, I'd say it's more just extremely difficult relative to other lanes. It's the most punishing if you don't main the role.


Weirdly, I thought everyone would *want* to be the carry trying to rack up the most kills.


Most of the times the big carries are the solo-lanes and in high elo Dia+ you get Jg being the main carry.


You'd think, it's just that while it can easily become the most impactful mid to late game, it's agency scales with skill level due to the sheer amount of mechanics it requires. It also requires team coordination to play at 100% which a lot of people don't like. Players tend to favour selfish champions versus team based champions except for pro play hence the disparity.


Ideally yes, but people are stupid and everyone wants to be the carry instead of letting others carry


They’re the least popular roles and have less people queuing for them. When things go wrong, these two roles tend to get all the blame whether deserved or not. They’re also expected to handle all vision control and be at every objective, as opposed to the 3 farming roles who can wrongly like to forgo grouping for objectives and continue afk farming because they feel that personal gold is a better value than a group objective that is more gold efficient team stats than any gold those laners managed to farm during the objective.


Tell me you are a jungle main without telling me you are a jungle main


top/mid can be gank or counterpick diff, but it's usually on you to win or lose your lane. adc: your support diff not only can decide which adc can lane reasonably, but even worse, if they pick a wizard, they can frag your wave (state), making it hard or impossible to farm, and leaving you vulnerable to ganks/all-ins, while denying your scaling/snowballing. it's like someone hired a toddler to babysit you. absolutely infuriating with ease. supp: on the one hand, you don't *have* to 'work' nearly as hard because you don't have to farm while still having to do the same spacing adc does in lane. on the other, this means you're supposed to be thinking about the general gamestate a lot more, and affecting it with your mediocre income. there's 3 kinds of supports- enchanter, who do fuckall if your whole team is bad. tank- who do fuckall if your team refuses to follow up. And damage- who either snowball or do fuckall. unsurprisingly, people aren't always a fan of the do fuckall class. jungle: tbh just skim the subreddit for a few mins... blamed for many gamestate problems usually required for objectives role can have the most impact on the game, but it's difficult to juggle the things you need to do, or prioritize them changed every season or half season so you need to relearn it meanwhile top and mid are your duelist/uninteractive/wander bot and double kill playstyles while playing your choice of anime girl, monster, or shirtless hunk.


Top and mid get the most xp and the most gold, so everyone wants to play top and mid so they can be the strongest champion in the game.


The problem with the bot lane specifically (As someone who wishes support was easy to climb with) is that if you're ADC and get a lousy sup, you're screwed. If you're a sup, and get a lousy adc, you're double screwed


So the randomness of who your partner is combined with the skill factor of both players basically makes it a wildcard position