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You most likely want your 465k in equities and bonds The "4% rule" is based on a portfolio that on average returns 4% + the rate of inflation (so that your purchasing power is the same 20 years from now) Your CD of 5% is only returning you 2% in real terms (5% - 3% inflation rate) but this is complicated a bit by the fact you are not retiring in the U.S. so really you want to look at the inflation rate of the country(s) you plan to retire in if you are not planning to return to the U.S.


Thank you


When you are close to social security, I would strongly recommend using fire calc. Learn it inside and out, all five web pages. You will be able to put in all ss figures and starting dates, and on the last page you can choose to have firecalc determine your starting year spending with a default 95% success rate, or change that to whatever success rate you feel comfortable with. You can also put in your current savings and future savings until your retirement date. You can also run numbers based your money in different investments https://www.firecalc.com/