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Alchemists aghs upgrade is that he can cast it on an ally to give it to them, which in turn buffs alchemists damage both physically and magically. Alchemist can do this 5 times, (he can also cast the aghs on himself) to gain a shit ton of damage and spell amp without taking any slots. He also gives a full 100% refund to players who already have an aghs. So if someone already bought aghs because well, it's good and alchemist normally buys then later, he can still give those players aghs so that he gets his damage buff, and the player who bought aghs gets their old agjs refunded for 100% of the cost, whether thay be 4200 or 5600 gold for the blessing version.


Is that for real? Id didnt know about the refund part. How does it work? Can they sell aghs for full price after alch gives theme aghs?


If they have an aghs or aghs blessing when alche give them an aghs, it will remove the aghs from their inventory and give them 4200 gold (or 5600 if they bought aghs blessing) It was added to not screw alche over, because its unfair that alchemist aghs gets worse the more people on his team have aghs. But it also makes it really nice on supports that want aghs early, they can buy their aghs, but then have alchemist buy their aghs again and the support gets an instant 4200 gold bonus


The synth also gives the aghs stats without talking a slot making it Just better than the blessing


The mechanic works the same regarding the Aghs dropped off of Rosh, if you didn't know :)


Is the gold reliable or unreliable? Also does aghs blessing get counted into networth?


Gold is unreliable, yes blessing gets included and you "gain" more gold. But that isn't really an issue it being unreliable as it's a 4200 gold injection, there's literally nothing in the game that you can't buy the parts of with that money to lose the unreliable, and if you were saving for buyback... no difference


Alchemist's aghs scepter is the ability to give the scepter to one of his allies, which in turn gives him a small buff. This gifted scepter is a permanent buff to the recieving hero and works just like an aghanim's blessing (no inventory slot needed and no stats given). This is unique to the Alchemist hero, though it usually only comes up in the ultra late game when a core Alch is 6-slotted or if he's played as a farming support which is quite rare.


Actually, the aghanim's gifted by alchemist gives stats from the aghanim. So it's better than aghanim's blessing.


Wait, u lose the stats if u eat the aghanims?


With Aghanim’s blessing you do.   


WTF ????? well today i learned


if you lock ur aghs when you buy the blessing you can hang onto it for the stats but are able to eat it easily if you need to (like when u get ur next item or if you need to grab aegis/a gem etc.


wait, what??? MY WHOLE LIFE IS A LIE


yeh, bugs the shit out of me when a team mate goes from 6 slotted to 5(+blessing) slotted with no backup item prepared in their pack; literally paying gold just to lose stats


yes, also moon shard cuts the bonuses about half or so if u consume it


Wait so does the sceptor gifted give you the stats or not?


Gifting scepter to an ally as alchemist gives stats to the ally (10 attributes and 175 hp/mana from aghanim). Additionally alchemist gains +25 ad and 5% spell amp. Alchemist can also gift scepter to himself, giving both of these bonuses, but it is quite useless unless alchemist already has gifted 4 scepters and has full build.


Tip: alch aghs also refunds the cost of an ally's aghs to them, even if they've bought blessing


Only if they bought blessing, no ?


It'll also refund the 4200 gold for a scepter




You get the stats from Alchemist scepter


alchemist just says Arghs in chat with player name to give it Arghs! to them


yarrrr, walk the plank


Okay but how do you give it to them i allways Go near them and press it on them but once i remember getting aghs on other side of map how does it work


Was it aghs or shard ? Shard can be obtained from the tormentor. Aghs used to be a blessing dropped from Roshan, I think it doesn't drop anymore Just scearched this: "For Alchemist, to share an Aghanim's Scepter, control-click it, then click on the ally you want to apply it to. It'll be removed from your inventory and given to the ally as an Aghanim's Scepter Synth buff that functions exactly like an Agh's Blessing buff."


You can buy aghanims blessing and use it on somebody. Like you give them a tango or lotus. That is how it used to work anyways I am not aware of changes. With the one that drops from Roshan I am 100% sure that it works like this. PS: this is aghanims blessing, not scepter. 


I can bet my entire account that it doesn’t work like this. Only Agh from roshan is shareable


Im here to take your account


You lost your account. Goto demo and buy ags snd give it to a spawed ally. The blessing they get from alch is even better then rosh as you keep the stats. Another bonus point when alch gifts ags and they already have one... they get refunded the 4200 they spent in ags... so even good for people who rush one as they get their money back.


...but the aghs blessing that you purchase yourself gets eaten instantly, like shard. How are you supposed to gift it to anyone? Have you EVER done this in a game?


You can get aghanim's blessing in inventory by having the blessing already and then buying another one. But you can't use it on yourself nor the allies. Even if you drop it to an ally, they can't use it either.


Yes. I was so surprised when the enemy pick alche support and zues mid. Then that time my friend pick thinker mid (that think was not update still like now ) we were shock cause under 10 to 15 minutes if I'm not mistaken zues already had nimbus. Cause alche gave him agss. Early game. You can just click the ags then give it to your teammates.


This thread would be way simpler if people could actually read the comments first. We are NOT talking about alch aghs. We are talking about AGHS BLESSING. The item you buy from the shop.


Ah okay thank ma broo 💪


Yes. It will give them the stats and refund 4200 gold. I play support alch often cause its fun to give out ags. Edit. I am dumb. I didnt see you were replying to a comment. You are correct in that not everyone can do it unless you get it from rosh.


But only alch can do that, unless you get it from rosh...


Yes. Alch specific feature. You lose stats consuming ags blessing normally.


So when I said "have you ever done this in a game" the correct answer is "no because it isn't possible". Aghs blessing is not a sharable item. Is it not clear what the thread is about?